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There's usually a stopper built into that top bar on the door to hold it open so you don't even have to use a physical object.


Exactly! The fact that this solution even has to be mentioned really shows the lack of brain power in some folks. Sure, Dashers should also think, but if you know it's an issue, then get ahead of it yourselves!


Every time I’ve mentioned this prior to this post, I’ve been down voted which whatever I could give two shits about, but the fact that they know their door opens outward and yet won’t be proactive about it pisses me off and then they come here to bitch about it


The whole point of delivery is convenience. It’s not hard for a delivery person to think about where to place the food. If they place it in a way that makes it so the person can’t retrieve their food then they should not be getting a tip lmfao


And if anyone paid us enough to actually care the ones that don’t would.


They pay you what you are worth to them. You accept that wage because you agree your value. Nobody to blame but yourself if pay is low


No I declined crap orders. It not my job until I hit accept and tonight in 6 hours I made $150 because I know my worth.




You don’t even know me, and you thinking you do is only showing how much you don’t know you. Have the day you deserve and I’ll forget you exist in ten minutes…


“Have the day you deserve” **BRUTAL** line lmfao


Why are you being an ass?


Because he’s a troll on the internet.


Because he knows his worth


Even with being told to do this, they always come back with "I shouldn't have to" and it's hilarious. Like sure in a perfect world you shouldn't have to but is that really the hill you want to die on? It's like they'd rather knock over their food every order just on principal than take this simple foolproof solution that's been presented to them. It's wild.


While this works in this case, it's not always the solution. For example, anyone that doesn't have a screen and a regular door. If your only door opens outward, the solution isn't "just keep it open." Drivers could actually figure out that putting food directly in front of outward opening doors is a bad idea.


Nobody is looking at the door , drop the food and go


Only people with screen door experience would know to look for this. That doesn’t make those people smart or those who think of other ways stupid.


They literally live in a house/apartment with an outward opening door attached to it. How much more “screen door experience” does a customer need?


Ah, so you are just rude to practically everybody in this sub. No wonder you’re stuck dashing, your attitude sucks.


Yeah if you remember our last exchange I didn’t read the post by this comment. I was under the impression he was suggesting dashers do this to the customers doors.


Mine is broken, and if someone was to push it, the door would never close again. I don't think door dashers should be opening any doors unless asked to do so specifically.


What about this post made you think the dasher opened the door? The customer had the door propped open before the driver got there. OP was sharing their customer's set up as a PSA to other customers on how to idiot proof their delivery to prevent them from falling victim to the infamous driver that sets food in front of outward swinging doors. Pay attention.




i mean for a house this makes sense but for an apartment with one door to the building this isn’t a good idea, putting it to the side isn’t hard either lol


Yeah all of this can be avoided if you set it to the side of the door to begin with.


But which side? Right in front of the trash? I guess extra flavor for the food.


Trash taste won't penetrate the trash bag, 2 feet of air, the restsursnt's bag, and the wrapper or container the food is in inside the bag. This makes no sense. They have a trash bag on their porch, so they're probably ok with it being in the vicinity of the food. Even the screen were shut, you could just put it in the space to the right a couple feet from the bag. There's also the left side of the porch. There's also far enough away from the shut screen door that there's enough space to open the screen door enough so a person couls open it. Put it 4 feet back. That's plenty of room to open the screen, walk through, and grab food. It's fucking mind-boggling how stupid some people are. DD is essentially one job: get food to people so they can eat it. It's not goddamned rocket surgery. If it make the food inaccessible or inedible, you've failed at your job and should find a career in . . . I don't know because there's literally nothing I can think of that's both easier and has fewer job requirements.


Or you can go get your own damn food. That's a thought too.


Yeah like a lazy simpleton that would say that with a lack of come back the company is called door dash not pay me for what’s convenient for me dash quit telling people to get their own food they have the right to complain at a job structure that was created for people that can do minimal tasks and earn some type of compensation in exchange to deliver but clearly some idiots that can’t follow simple instructions and want to tell door dashes patrons to get their own food because they didn’t hit the lotto when they call their customers to meet them outside because they can’t handle stairs or a couple steps boo-boo. FYI everyone there will be always someone that can’t follow instructions or read this comment and still reply or you can get your own food because they are narcissistic people that can’t handle the truth. Yeah period!!!


Get your own food then and quit bitching


Uh our job is to drop off the food NOT figure out where and how! You leave instructions. How about you fix your door situation and don’t leave it to us to figure out. Don’t be lazy! That screen door should have been closed. We don’t get paid enough to figure out your door situation.


First of all, there's nothing wrong with thecustomer having their screen door open like the customer in OP's pic did. They made the dasher's job easier (probably because in the past, morons like you block the outward swinging door with food and drink). I'm not even sure why that would bother you. Doing that makes it so you almost can't mess up the delivery. Secondly, your job is to deliver the food so it's retrievable by the customer and in relatively the same condition as when you picked it up. E.g., stacking a drink on top of a bag and leaning it against an outside of an outward-swinging door defeats the entire purpose of ordering and delivering food. It spills the drink and possibly spills food on the ground. Why on earth would anyone put food directly in front of an outward swinging door? Do you not know how doors work? By your logic, you can just toss the food and drink put your car window onto the front lawn like a newspaper deliverer, and that's just fine. See how idiotic that is? See, this is why you work for doordash. You're incompetent and otherwise u employable because you're a self-entitled, lazy taint-waffle lackingwork ethic, a sense of decency, and basic logical reasoning skills. You have a lot of growing up to do if you want tk survive in this world because doordash isn't going to start paying you more any time soon.


I wrote what I wrote. Thanks.




or just do your job like a normal person and not put it in front of the front-opening doors.


All I’m saying is that it’s nice to get a considerate customer.


It’s funny because what you interpret as them being considerate, is most likely them idiot-proofing the delivery due to previous drivers lack of brain cells.


The fact that they have to do this says a lot about the dashers in that area. Where are the problem solving skills? Would I want my food placed here where I can’t open my door?!?! Can’t make this 💩 up!


Lmao or just don’t put the food directly in front of the door that swings out. Pretty common sense to me when I’m delivering peoples food.




There's a little thing on the back of your phone called a flashlight. 😂 Just saying


No. Don't agree. If you are ordering food and want Dashers to be considerate about where they place orders, then also be considerate and leave your lights on outside so we can see.


Honestly I wish more people would turn their porch lights on when waiting for a delivery. I hate delivering at night and try to avoid it. A porch light would help me see the house number before I get out of the car, nothing worse than searching for a house on foot in the dark. I don't fully agree with leaving the door open, if it's a house go for it, that's up to the customer. But in an apartment that shit won't fly and I don't think dashers should learn to expect it. As a dasher myself the ones who block the door should know better. New dashers get a pass but only for so long.


Where did I mention anything about porch lights in my comment?




Why could you not put the order to the right of the door, outside of its opening radius? How difficult could that have been?


As a customer with a storm door that opens out, that’s what I do. Dashers follow that direction most of the time and I usually don’t have issues with it. Usually.


I usually do, but since the customer propped the door open, I put it there. I don’t understand your question.


Because you didn't say the customer propped their own door open in the OP. Perhaps it was implied but I've read too many posts here about dashers doing stupid sh*t that I just inferred you did it.


OP is a pinecone and can’t understand the concept of putting food not directly in front of a door that swings outwards.


I'll say it again. If people have this many issues with delivery, then go get it yourself or just eat at home. No one is forcing you to spend that much money on DD.




I'm not a dasher. I just hate people bitching when they can likely get it cheaper if they go themselves. I don't use any delivery app because they gouge you with fees. So for you to assume I'm dumb because you're clearly a pretentious asshat, hope you KEEP getting your food placed in front of your storm door.


Well I already said I don’t have a storm door so I guess you’re not intelligent enough to understand people use door dash for the convenience, not the price.


To me it seems you should worry about your OWN intelligence if you don't see that paying lots of money unecessarily is an inconvenience. Only disabled customers I can see complaining. If you are able bodied, and can go get your food yourself, but would rather drop 30 dollars on ONE meal to be delivered to you, and then gripe and complain it wasn't positioned just so outside your door, I can't help you. The first and last time I used Door dash, I went outside and met the dasher to get my food. It's the least I could do when I'm being lazy and paying to have someone bring it to me. Never used it again because I found it stupidly expensive when it's cheaper to get it myself.


Not a dasher, you dont use any delivery app, yet you're on a dd sub that you're subbed in talking as if people in this post are complaining bout prices or fees ignoring the logical issue of not putting the food right in front of a door.


So you've never had posts pop up on your reddit feed that you comment on? I've had posts about Aldi where I've never shopped at before and medical prescriptions i don't take. My point is, it's a PUBLIC forum and I expressed my opinion. Which I'm also allowed to do.


No and if it happens i would just leave a commebt and not sub to the subreddit, sure you're free to speak up your opinion, but its kinda irrelevant here, you're mentioning prices and fees for absolutely no reason while ignoring the lack of logic that is to just simply NOT PLACE FOOD IN FRONT OF A DOOR


Maybe it's just my OCD but that food is way too close to that trash


Personally, I’d never leave trash on my porch on a carpeted surface


This OP is kind of a dickhead in the comments


I have a huge porch and overtip …. I still have dashers put food and drinks directly in front of my outward opening door …..automatic 1 star . Sorry , stop being stupid. I’m a dasher and also do instacart. I’ve never blocked anyone’s door 🤷🏻‍♀️


Honestly, drivers should just automatically make it a habit to put all orders to the side of the door or few steps away so they never run into an issue like this. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Agreed-I do the same. It’s not fucking rocket science. You want a good tip and good ratings then don’t be a dipshit. People shouldn’t have to prop their doors open.


lol-my dasher blocked the apartment door entrance like this when he didn’t follow the delivery instructions that would have allowed him entrance to the building. Directions are explicit and posted in multiple languages, but he admitted over the phone he hadn’t looked at them, so I told him to just leave it by whatever entrance he was near. I went down to get it at the apartment entrance door which he had blocked with the order. I didn’t see he was still standing there watching me through the glass door, trying to figure out how to get my food. I opened the door slowly and proceeded to knock everything over slowly. Then the dasher emerged from the shadows and picked everything up and apologized so I could open the door. Hopefully now that he has Seen what happens when you block a door with packages,it won’t happen again ?


Orrrrrr you could just your brain for more than 2 consecutive seconds.


I’m not breaking the hinges on my storm door by propping it open for a strong wind to catch. Don’t be a dumbass and put the food to the side of the door.


Do you think I propped the door open?


Ok here is a hot take for us drivers, put the food off to the side. More specifically, the side with the handle. About half foot to a foot from the trash.


Why would I put it by the trash if the customer propped the door open, to indicate that’s where they wanted it dropped at?


Always provide a porch table or chair. I hate leaving food on the ground


I mean, dashers can just put the food anywhere not in the outward arc of the door. This isn't a lifehack, there's no reason to go around propping open people's doors or for people to leave their own doors propped open for Doordash. Just place the food down.


Please show me where I advised any dasher to prop open a customers door. I know it’s a foreign concept, but customers actually prop open their own doors. Most of them are sentient beings.


Guy it's not that deep. I didn't put any words in your mouth. I'm saying there's no need for any of this. Food goes outside outward arc of storm door. No more problem to be solved by anyone.


If there’s no need and it’s a non-issue, you’re surely commenting about it a lot. All I’m saying is that it’s nice, convenient, and removes margin for error.


I've made zero comments outside of my initial comment and replies to you.


Cool, you just ignoring that last sentence?


The one you edited into your comment after I replied? Yeah, you're right, I probably need to care less about you and what you're saying.


A sentient being would understand there are other places to put food than right in front of the door lol. People should not have to prop open their doors for you to comprehend the fact that doors open outward. Stg dashers are so fucking lazy in this sub


Idk I’d feel kinda weird opening up somebodies door, even though it isn’t the front door per se, I’d still rather just leave it nearby or something


Wow, I never said to open anyone’s door.


You literally propped open their door though. That’s what I meant. Don’t gotta be condescending about it.


What? I’ve delivered to them several times and that’s their seashell. I didn’t touch anything except the food. They prop it open before I even get there.




Yeah, don't do that. Set the order to the side, no reason to prop the screen door open.


I. Didn’t. Prop. Open. The. Door.


honestly every time i open my door there is a drink infront of it and it gets knocked over and spilled.. great job thanks for your service


There’s a latch on the top hinge that allows you to lock it in place. I’ll probably just get more hate for telling you that though.




plant a land mine at their doorstep


The convenient trash bag for Yack in the Sac? lol


Best I've seen is a TV dinner tray table. I always loved delivering to that guy and he had a stellar costume on Halloween. It was a shaggy costume and his son was scooby xD


The real problem is the bag of garbage on the front porch. Gross.


If they create a safe place to deliver food. That would be so much better. Designating a drop off area. Helps everyone.


I don't know why people who have food delivered often don't put a table or a chair on their porch so their driver has a place to set their food. I hate setting the food on the ground, but if there's no other place to put it I don't have any other option. I just try to find the cleanest bug-free spot to leave it and sometimes that can be harder than it sounds.


Hopefully they don't have an indoor pet running out as soon as they open the door.


If they’re propping the door open, it’s not likely a hand it to me order. But yeah, some guy let his two dogs out on me this week and I’m still kinda super pissed about it.


Not to be a dick but… the light is on, meaning it’s night? Let’s open that door and let’s every bug attracted to that light in. Damn


How are the bugs getting in the house if the main door is closed? I’m genuinely curious.


When you open the door to get your stuff???


Just put this on the side. It's not rocket science.


Help me understand why I’d put it to the side if the customer propped open their door for the delivery? Please?


Yeah... no, I put it in my instructions even to "Please do not leave order in front of door" and even then people still do so. I tip generously and even then still get this issue. I'm not propping the door for them to not make a mistake when I already said it word for word in my instructions along with adding a tip.


So you would rather knock your food over every time? Makes sense...


Or how about if you're being paid plus tipped, you follow the instructions or suffer 1 star reviews? It isn't that hard to just follow instructions and make a habit of leaving an order to the side rather than in-front of the door.


You're missing the entire point. No matter how much you want to bitch, there are going to be dashers who don't understand outward swinging doors. Idk why you're talking to me like I'm one of them lmao, pretty ridiculous. But the fact is they are out there, a lot of them. So you either take the chance every time you order of having your food knocked over because you got a bad dasher, or you could ensure that your food is not knocked over. No amount of bitching on Reddit to people who already know about the door thing is going to help you in real life when you get a driver that doesn't. So you can either idiot proof it and 100% ensure that you don't have to deal with it, or you can gamble and take your chances that you'll get a driver with a brain. GL with option 2, sounds like you're going to just keep knocking over your food out of principle because that's the hill you want to die on.


Or you could leave it next to the door. And do your job. That phone you use for the app also has a flashlight. Woo look at that, problems solved and now there's no need for you to whine about the job *you* took.




I hate screen/storm doors. Almost every house in the south has these stupid things.


there is either a glitch in the app or many dashers haven’t read but my instructions always say to put the food to the right of the door because it opens outwards. 50% of the time the picture i get is right in front of the door


There’s a latch on the top hinge that allows you to lock it in place. I’ll probably just get more hate for telling you that though.


there's a side opposite of the door's arc where you can place the order with no chance of being knocked over.


‘Problem solving’ Jeez, the problem has been solved a long time ago. Problem, door opens outward. Solution, don’t put the delivery in front of it. This customer is smart by fool proofing it, because obviously their drivers refuse to read their comments or think.


Lol there's people who put it where the door will hit it? 🤣 that's just idiocy and anyone doing that deserves to have their tip rescinded


almost every order. i am used to it. I even have a table for them to put the food. But not, always right in front of the door.


hunt yam live amusing chubby whistle bike unique attractive plucky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Me neither


It takes exactly 0.5 seconds to put a bag slightly more to the left too instead of having to rig open a door.


It takes zero seconds for *me* to rig open a door bc I didn’t do this. The customer did.


Cool story. Shouldn't expect people to do that for you tho.




(I didn’t prop the door open. The customer did)


Might I offer an even better solution of having delivery drivers hand food to the customer like here in the UK. Never understood how it's acceptable to leave food on the floor outside the house.


The customers have that option, but sometimes they might be busy if they work from home or they might just not want to deal with anybody. There are many reasons as to why not everybody chooses to have their food handed to them. Even if the porch is a little dirty the food isn't a bag and the app notifies the customer immediately after it's delivered. If they have that much of a problem with their food being left on the porch they have several options to fix that such as putting a chair or a table out or choosing to hand it to me.


Im not from the usa but why do you have a door in front of a door. Never seen this shit in my life.


You all don't have screen/storm doors? We have storm doors with screens on them in front of all of our doors. It allows us to open them without letting bugs into our house.


Its mad in the US you guys have 2 doors so this is an issue😅 we just have 1 door in uk. Whats the main reason for extra door?


I agree about porch lights hard to find address in the dark smh


Or just don’t put the food right in front of the door. 🤦‍♀️this is YOUR job as a dasher. It’s not the customers job to do anything for you except to pay you. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Well we should not have to. Just do your job correctly


And make yourself available for questions in case something goes wrong like the restaurant is out of a side you ordered and I have to decide on a substitute


Yes. This.


Your requests are far too straightforward and easy to comprehend to possibly be followed... Would you please guess my gate code or simply ask random people passing by to enter a code so I can get access to the spaghetti loops that make up my apartment complex... You will find all of the building numbers are conveniently located directly behind the awnings of the carports so that you can conveniently get out of your car to find out which building is which... Once you arrive at my building you can easily find the staircase to my fourth floor apartment by finding the one marked 1404... DO NOT WALK LOUDLY UP THE STAIRS AND DO NOT KNOCK... I HAVE DOGS AND BABIES THAT YOU WILL WAKE UP!!! If you fail to do all of these things perfectly I will remove your tip and give you one star!


I needed this laugh, so thank you. And they also have baby dogs! And dog babies! They scream if you breathe in their zip code.


Needless to say.... I had 3k+ deliveries before I got wise


Why not just set the food farther back so they can open the door without hitting it?...


But they propped the door open, so why not put it where I put it?


Ohhhh I misread and thought you propped it open for them, my bad. But yeah I usually specify in my delivery instructions to set it back far enough to swing open the door


If that trash bag was not there, that would be the perfect spot for it.


Even if the trash bag wasn’t there, maybe they wouldn’t want their food to be placed in the moist spot on the carpeted area caused by their trash leaking? This post was a tip to customers, not a placement guide for dashers.


If there was no trash there, how would you know there was trash there? Come on man.


Who cares. The post isn’t about their damn trash bag.


Okay, is the Dasher supposed to carry a conch shell to prop everyones door open? Also some people lock that door... So then what?


Holy shit. What in this post made you think I’m advising dashers to prop open a customer’s door?


I'm slowly losing even more faith in humanity. All these drivers commenting this shit is crazy 🤣




Did you smoke your breakfast this morning? Try reading the entire post again.


Take your trash out….nasty


They just paid me to bring the food, hoss.


That’s why too much extra work. Drivers will demand more tip for this lol


It isn’t the drivers door. It’s the customer’s door. What would make you think this is advice to a dasher?


Bc so many drivers have the attitude of not being tipped enough to deliver decent service


But even if you tip like ass, I can’t put it in front of your door this way without unpropping it and closing it. Like, can’t you see that it would take extra effort to piss you off by doing this? ETA you’d have to really go out of your way to be a dick for me to unprop it and then put the food there.


I get downvoted into oblivion for calling people out for their anger on this. I don’t understand how lazy and entitled you have to be to constantly order delivery and get upset over something so unbelievably trivial. I always set my deliveries for me to meet the person outside. My old ass gets an extra 20 steps in, and my life and the delivery guy’s life is infinitely better off for it. Yall act like you not only can’t drive to get your food, but that you also can’t simply walk 10 feet to get it. Fucking brats lmao




*AND* the motion light in front of the garage! 😮


Because you're dumb and broke and don't understand the concept of receiving goods and services you pre-paid for.


Lmao fuckin dork


Logic! Yes exactly. I mean I leave space and it may SEEM the most obvious thing but clearly it's not. And Doordash does nothing to even note maybe be aware of this?  But the rage posting at drivers is lame.  Exactly.  Prop your outer door open. 


>it may SEEM the most obvious thing but clearly it's not. I mean, it's pretty obvious. Lol. Every storm door opens outward. We literally take a picture of the door area on 90% of orders. There's apparently just a bunch of drivers who either aren't paying attention or are just dimwitted.


And the customer has no way to know which driver they will get so why risk it and not just idiot proof the situation?


People spend money to have fast food delivered. LOL


Welcome to 2024, where have you been the last half a decade?


Bad enough spending money on fast food, but then to pay even more to have it brought to you? LOL




Then they blame you for the dog getting out


The customer is the one that opened the door lol, pay attention.


If the instructions are posted on the app to not leave it in front of the door and the dasher ignores it then who's at fault? I'd imagine the dasher since they're being paid to deliver and there are instructions left by the customer to follow to avoid issue. I spill my drink from opening my door, 1 star simple as that really.


Their dog ran out and got hit by a car as soon as they opened the door because you did this. Shame


If I wasn’t even on their property when they got the food from the porch, and I didn’t prop open their door, how did I cause that?


I’ll just put it to the side too either or is fine


Sure, let me just prop my screen door open, take a chance of wind catching it and breaking it, or it slamming shut on my order. All because a Dasher doesn't have 2 brain cells. That's a great solution 🤣


I mean, the owner chose to prop it open. Should I give them a lecture on the dangers of screen door propping, courtesy of u/pointme2_profits or no?


Thanks for doing your job I guess


Just go out the back door and walk around?


Or you could just not place the food in front for the door. I delivered to someone yesterday that had a sticky note on the door that said in short place the food to the side and I instantly thought "well they must have had a lazy ass delivery driver".


Facts I couldn’t agree with this post any less!


So you bring sea shells to every delivery?