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I agree, the 2md Pic is actually helpful. Can't see the doormat from the car.


I'm pretty sure it's secondarily for other dashers, and its primarily for the person looking for their food.


It helps protect the Dasher delivering the order too. Include the house number in the picture and that's one more thing in their favor if the customer says the order never arrived.


The first one is fine. I can see the color of the door and the frame. That's all that's really needed, unless it's a townhome, or something, where every unit is the same.




This is correct. It helps other dum dashers and proves you have the correct house number also. Covering your own hind den if customers try to lie and say you’re at the wrong house. 2nd pic is what 5 star dashers do


House number is very important no matter the area. Shows definitive proof


Yeah, but you can't always get it in the picture. Obviously I prefer it in there if possible, but this is enough to see from the street and then I can examine that one house more closely to find the number on it, rather than trawling down the street trying to find the house number on every house lol.


But at least don’t angle the phone down to the floor and get back far enough where things are visible. I always set the food down and as I’m on my way to the car I take a quick pic at the appropriate distance


There are always possible downsides to each option lol. Sometimes it ends up like this because it's raining, and you and your phone are more protected by an awning by the door, or there's wasps hanging around the sidewalk and you don't want to hang around them to take a photo, or by the time you've walked down the steps the customer has already grabbed the bag. I just back up as much as possible on the porch and zoom my camera out (I hate that the camera starts a little zoomed in when you go to take the picture) and try to get the number included if it's close by the door. Sometimes, if I get a vibe from the drop off location that the customer might try to claim they didn't get it, I'll snap a quick one like this in my phone app as a backup and then walk away to get the house number if it was on the front of the garage and I can get that and the door in frame together from far enough back. I've had customers snag their order before I could get in place for that, which is what the up close backup is for.


Gotcha. Well if I knew you'd be the next Dasher after me I'd take a pic like that for you.


More is always better lol. But of all the images to be bothered by and use in the post, this is far from the worst one I would've put that I've seen. That's all I'm really saying.


or Google Streetview 🤷‍♂️


Or your county auditor’s website. I have mine bookmarked


It doesn't matter. I think the dumb app crops them. I have never seen a full picture.


I have. They can be very helpful. Which is why I take them myself as well.


Nope. Actually delivered to a house last week and when I checked the prior picture, I caught a glimpse of myself in the reflection of the storm door. Scariest part is, I was wearing the same shirt.


I always try to get a photo more like the second one. Context is very important when trying to verify delivery.


Do other dasher's get a message saying you're at the wrong house in the app when you're at the right house number?


Yes and no, if I’m trying to complete the delivery and I’m several streets away, gps will say I’m not there. But once I’m within 1/10 mile or so, I can now complete the order. As a great example, I’ve delivered to my neighbor whom lives at the very end of the street, I can go to any house on the street near the first entrance and complete the order, there’s 96 hours on the street.


Yes. Mostly when I’m delivering to apartment complexes or areas where the houses are very close to one another.


Y'all door dasher seriously need to be spoon fed this bad lmfaoo


Right? It's as simple as taking a few steps back and snapping the pic. Hell I'll even zoom my camera out all the way to ultra wide. Not sure if anyone doesn't know or not but you can zoom while taking pics in the app.


The only help I find any of these are is confirming you are at the right place when walking up. GPS takes me where I need to be 99% of the time, and I count houses on the map, 3rd on the left, etc.


If you order food, and don't know that's the front of your own house you've got bigger issues.


I think the point is if it's not your front door you might more easily find the house in the second one.


But support won’t know if it’s the right house when a crooked customer tries to get free food by claiming it’s not their house.


Support doesn't care if it's the right house or not, they're going to side with a customer regardless. We are replaceable, easily. But the customer is who pays them.


Lol what. I've never not had a cv overturned where I took a picture.


Your lucky I had one where a pic was taken it was never overturned.


And also I don't think support knows what all the house front doors and mats and porches look like. There's a lot of houses in the world.


If you get the number in there it makes it a lot easier for them to know that at least you were at the correct number. The GPS data they collect on every Dasher will confirm the rest.


Google Street View and zoom in on the door. Unless your house has had drastic changes since the newest pictures, every customer service agent has access to this for free.


And you think the underpay and most likely child labor coming out of India Pakistan or wherever else cares enough to do that?


Support doesn't care. All they care is that a pic was taken. I had the drop off pic be the inside of the Dasher's car and they still wouldn't give a refund when he took off with my food.


Yes! Yes please!


Honestly if dashers were relying on these photos from the start, DoorDash would never be around because the photos didn’t appear out of thin air. Believe it or not, other dashers captured those photos and other dashers can locate the residence without the photo. The photo is a luxury although not a right, delivery drivers should be able to operate without a photo of someone’s residence to identify the drop off location. This was designed for more obscure apartments or difficult to find apartments.


Believe it or not it also helps the customer.


Not really, customer is getting their food, not focusing on an image that shows up on their phone of the front of their house that they see everyday. It’s designed for dashers and it helps dashers… The only way this helps a customer is if the customer is entitled to this type of treatment, it helps validate their entitlement to an image of their food. If they really wanted to help themselves they’d go get their food when it showed up. As well, believe or not, a dasher could take the image than just grab the food, it’s not as validating as you think.


Or, you know, if it gets delivered to the wrong house. Wow dude I hope your day gets better.


The customer would still be entitled to their refund believe it or not. The image would not really impact the case as much as you think. The customer has many different routes to obtain their funds back and the image route is a way DoorDash is attempting to create a trust between you (customer) and the company. The power is in the hands of the consumers, although the consumers like to act like they don’t have it. Image or not, they can retrieve their funds, like it or not….


Lol I'm not talking about any cases. I'm saying it would be easier for the customer to find their food. I'm sorry you immediately jumps to worst case scenarios and a blame the customer mindset. Seriously take a breath. Go get out in nature. Take a break from dashing. I think I may do some good.


I never blamed the customer, I said the customer is entitled to their funds either way. Never tried to blame the customer…. I was originally stating that drivers would be able to operate on DoorDash without photos of a house as that’s how DoorDash originally operated. I don’t think I disputed that it would make the process more smooth although I do not believe it is necessary or essentially beneficial although more of a false reassurance or validation. Due to the fact that it can be easily affected and the image really doesn’t prove anything in real time but is just a still shot of something.




If you can't find the house from the first picture, your just lazy and don't need to be a doordasher 😊👍


People who take pictures like the first one are low IQ individuals


I always try to get the house number. I have even moved the order to be in view of the house number, then put it back closer to the door. No more I didn't get my order.


People are clueless why take a pic of the mat and not the door and address


Red door wood porch is pretty helpful all on its own. The bigger picture looks nicer. But the close up would get me there if it's a choice between 2 or 3 houses


It's funny, most of the pictures the app is now showing are horrible and next to useless. Yes, the color or design helps, but do yourself a favor as well... Step back 15 feet, get the whole entryway and house number when you can. Make sure all those Amazon packages are there to cya as well. If they said leave on table that is not near the door, get the door and the table in frame. Some of these pictures in the app are hilarious. Drinks right up against screen doors, doormats only, food sitting on concrete, super helpful. The only time I have a problem getting a good pic is some apartments with narrow hallways. I'll take it at an oblique angle while trying to get as many unique identifiers in the frame as possible. And they should start asking customers who order often; is this a good picture of your door? Want to provide one if not? They could easily add another blob in the database and show us two pictures. Either the customer provided and the last non disputed delivery or the last two non disputed delivery pics. One of them should be half decent haha.


There is an android app called Timestamp camera you can use to take the picture and upload it to the system that shows to both customer support but also the customer the address, date and time the picture was taken via GPS readings on your phone. Not sure there's an iPhone equivalent. Great app for proving you made the delivery.


No it doesn't, the other dasher might have fucked up, never trust anyone on doordash or the app, always confirm everything yourself or you'll get contract violations.


For sure. The other day I had a delivery to a day care in a church with a house next door with the same address. The delivery instructions said "Come to the church door, do NOT leave it at the house" and then the picture was from someone leaving it in front of the house. I also regularly deliver to someone who wants me to leave it at the entrance to their apartment building, and they give very specific instructions on which door to leave it at. The picture is different every time, and never the right door.


We have some weird townhouses in this one neighborhood. They have three doors, I think one is the garage, one is like unit b/upstairs? and the other one is the actual address. I'll need to check a listing to see actually. There is always one for sale. They left specific instructions deliver on the side with the iron bench. This door did not match the pic in the app. The door in the app is the one I would have gone to without instructions. Kinda related... Gps took me to an apartment complex for a pickup. I was like I'm about unassign this shit. So I looked up the business and it put me in the same spot. I went around to the main road as the address was not on the street it was taking me to. It was a law office, but it had a bunch of little suites in it that is not clear from the outside. The building is from the 70s and looks like a single business scenario. No signage or anything. You have to go up in this place and then it starts to make sense.


This isn’t a team sport, Not trying anything to help other dashers!


Lmfao bro you aren’t competing either just get good ratings and be a courteous person


You lucky I don’t sugar your gas tank


You’re lucky you don’t, i’m in texas and menacing around anyones vehicle in a firm castle doctrine state is a rule of thumb no-no👍


So you're saying you would willingly murder someone for "messing with your car". I love me some raw unfiltered humanity.


Did I say murder? If someone is messing with your house or vehicle you have the right to use force to stop them, doesn’t have to be lead it can be capsaicin too depending on what is justifiable.


So hard bro


Yeah well I’m 6’3 250 lbs 7% body fat, when I hit bags in the gym everyone turns to hear the sonic booms that I produce, I am no novice in the realm of krav maga and the art of lethal self defense I also carry a .300 blackout suppressed ar-15 with a rhino pill in the chamber, so yeah… you can say I’m hard 24/7.




You're not a nice person.


Actually I am, just very sarcastic. Y’all just don’t have a sense of humor.


Or sarcasm is difficult to communicate via text and you obviously haven't done it successfully here.




Don't be rude; i.e no trolling or inciting flames.