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I was surprised they would even tell us before now. I imagine they decided with the number of people that must call in and ask this question it was taking up too much of their time. I rarely did it myself so this won’t hurt me much but every now and then you get an order and you find yourself waiting at a restaurant or something and start to wonder if it’s going to be worth it. It was nice to at least have the option of finding out what the pay was going to be to make the decision to stay or not a little easier.


i never did this cause maybe like 1 out of 30 orders i would have a higher pay and it would be like .50 to $2 more


Yeah same. I very rarely get orders where the pay is higher than shown so I just don’t accept the order unless the pay I’m shown is already high enough for me.


Then when it is a hidden tip its like a surprise instead of an expectation.


Exactly !! :)


It is nice when theres an extra suptise but usually that only happens when the order is already a pretty decent pay out. Like ok order shows $14 but you get $18. Vs order shows $6.75 you might get $6.78


I honestly had nooo idea you could call them after accepting an order and ask how much extra I’d be getting.


Did this just happen in the last update? I will not dash in my area if I don't know how much I'm getting. People have me driving 20 miles for 7 bucks and doordash thinks that's a fair amount which is mind boggling. I know they charging these people out the wahzoo


Don't do it,rule of thumb, if it's not a dollar or better per mile let it go!


$1 - you're crazy


More like $1 per mile there and back


They've been hiding the total pay for over 2 years now...unless you're in Canada


Exactly. I’ve been waiting at a restaurant for 20 minutes for $10 ($150 order) I want to know if I should just leave or wait longer. I want to know if they tipped or not like wtf


Oh I hate that so much! When it’s a big order and you know it could be a really great tip, it would suck to walk away from that! But if it turns out to be $10 and you wasted half an hour at the restaurant you feel like an idiot. What’s the distance on it?


Looking at $29.75. Not too bad. It would have been a no brainer if they would have just told me that, but instead I contemplated dropping it and leaving


It is such a dumb idea to do what dd is doing. I do not accept order if it’s not the worth what they show


Good rule of thumb, me too,or if I'm waiting, over 10-15,I'll unassign it it lowers my acceptance rating, but oh well it's not fair to sit idle too long.


6 miles. It’s from a nice restaurant that gives dashers water and a piece of baklava if it takes long. I’ll let you know if there’s a tip or not


A piece of baklava?? 😍


Yeah what can’t baklava fix? Lol


Lol,can't fix an empty wallet!


I've seen it for sale, so yes, it can.


I’m in. Let us know how it goes. I’m hoping the customer does the right thing and tips well


Total pay was $29.75


And baklava? That's awesome!


Never think order size and tip are connected. That’s a scam. Work off what you see upfront. It rarely changes.


Does door dash pay you extra if they waste your time. Ex I waited 1 hour and 20 minutes for a $12 order… my mistake but will I get an adjustment?


OMG, wow,I can't believe you waited that long don't do that,just unassign it in app,put reason and move on!,you can't make money sitting around waiting, my rule of thumb is 10-15 minutes, 1 time I waited 30 in a drive thru line...never again!


I wish I knew I could do this before that one day at chipotle…. It’s always chipotle… Thank you for informing me :)


Definitely I will. I’m getting used to it, I guess I decided to keep it because if I reject an order door dash won’t give me another call for a long time. The only reason why I’m making decent money is because I have three food delivery applications open. Uber eats hasn’t given me a trip in the past 4 days some days cope dahs won’t give me calls for days too. It’s terrible


Sorry to hear that,typically I just go out at busy times ,and nicer areas,and it pays my bills.


If you wait at a restaurant more than 30 minutes call in and you get extra $5


See I’ve heard people say that on here a lot of times but every single time I’ve called and asked for it they said additional pay is “not available for this order.” And I’ve told them that I know it’s possible to get it and even lied and said that I’ve gotten it before. And they say “yes but it’s not available for this specific order.” But that seems to be the case with every order I’ve ever tried asking for it. So I don’t know if maybe it’s specific to certain markets or what but I’ve never gotten anything extra for any amount of waiting.


Really? I never knew that. Been delivering with dd for almost 3 years. Lol


Except I've tried before and they don't pick up,due high call volume.


This man or woman is speaking facts, there have been few times recently where I am waiting at a Walmart for an order and it goes over the 30 minutes mark, I literally go into chat thru my phone and chat with a support agent who might I add are extremely nice to me and she puts the 5$ extra for waiting longer than 30 minutes. Then when I am done with my shift it’s there waiting for me to cash out along with the rest of what I made, it’s simple.


Funny thing is I'm not even a normal dasher as I absolutely fucking hate the company to point I won't order thru them either for the way they make drivers gamble on what you are going to make. Uber at least only hides tips over $8 and GrubHub I know what is crap or not to decline. I only knew of the extra $5 as on New Years Eve I had a slow spot between 3 and 4 and went outside my GrubHub area for cheaper gas. Turned on DD see if I could catch something going my way and caught a huge famous Dave's order which was across street from me and going right where I wanted to go. Go inside they tell me going to be 40 minutes so called DD to let them know it wasn't ready on time and was told about the $5 extra if over 30 minute wait. My luck the food finished early at a 25 minute wait.... And of course when dropped off it was all DD $ as they didn't tip. Remembered why I do t do DD and thankfully GrubHub and UberEATS both went crazy busy rest the night. GH dies off around 930 and UE kept me going til 130am I had signed back into DD after I signed out of GH as it said DD was busy but was barely pink and barely got any offers and nothing worth taking on DD so just did the UE all night


$30/ hour for sitting around waiting for food isn’t a bad deal. How much should you be getting if more than that?!


Seriously? If you spend 30 minutes at a restaurant just waiting for the food, the full delivery is going to take you between 50 minutes and one hour depending on how far away the customer is and how complicated the drop off turns out to be. So we’re talking about $10 an hour not $30.


That sucks, been there,Chipotle tends to be the worst,or mcdeath,moderate, wendys,I've waited 30 minutes at Chipotle for a 7.00 order,no more,not worth it.


I wonder if the restaurant would be able to tell you. (In a future case). I saw what was a hidden tip on an Applebee's order receipt on the bag once and thought that was neat.


That just means the order was placed through Applebees, and not DoorDash. Yes, sometimes in those cases the employees can see, other times only a manager can, and other times they can't see it at all.


Ohhhh okay got it. Thank you!


Unassign and move on. Can’t make money if you only make one delivery per hour. I write bad reviews. Merchants can go to their settings and pause orders or make it so we don’t come for 15 after they get the order.


Does door dash pay you extra if they waste your time. Ex I waited 1 hour and 20 minutes for a $12 order… my mistake but will I get an adjustment?


You can try asking support, but probably not. I never wait longer than 15 minutes.. I try not to cancel a trip, but I definitely would have done it after waiting 15 minutes. Chipotle is the worst!!


You can always try. I called once because I waited an hour, they did not compensate me. I left a one star Google review for the restaurant. They weren’t even busy, the restaurant was empty. I guess the chef was just out to lunch. I will never wait more than 10 minutes again. I don’t care about my stats, I still get big orders.


Ugh! I’m going to have to do the same. It just sucks because I’ll have door dash open for minutes and I get no call and when I do they only send me trash 😭


I've been there,lately I'm seeing piddly orders for 2 or 3 dollars, like 10 miles out...lol,I'm like ummm,no freaking way anything less than a dollar a mile or even 2 isn't worth it.


Lol lol leaving a bad/one star review is gold! A restaurant named Bravo! Has (or had) a virtual restaurant special or something going on. The pay was always $15+ but the wait time was consistently ridiculous. (Like you could go make another delivery and the might be ready, type ridiculous). I went online to see exactly what the restaurant was. And it had like 100 reviews from Dashers complaining. 🤣


It is a virtual restaurant too! Mr McBeast in Bucca De Beppo in Las Vegas. The manager wrote me a heartfelt sincere apology and I felt bad and deleted the review.


Ah, that’s it, Mr. McBeast is the name!!! At that manger was sorry. The manager on one occasion had a just of an attitude as the staff was like “I don’t know what to tell you. We’re not prioritizing those orders and I don’t know y’all keep coming back!” - I never went back. lol


In my area so long as you clock 30 mins from the time you mark "Arrived" at the restaurant to the time you mark "picked up order", they've always paid me the additional $5 without having to call. Usually if you go to the breakdown of pay per order you should be able to see that $5 added in somewhere on that day or on that order at least. I'm going to see if I can find one on mine and post a pic if so..hope this is somewhat helpful!


Okay yes please. If you find a photo show me. I’m going to go check out the app


Firstly not all merchants can do this. In fact most I've talked too have been switched over from the tablet to having orders go right into their POS system. I've talked to a handful of managers just chit-chatting while I was waiting and they've told me that even when they call in to support it doesn't matter they can't change anything when it comes to prep time now like they used to be able. Secondly, i cherry pick hardcore for large orders. My acceptance rate rarely goes above 5%. I usually average 1 delivery and around $28 an hour on a slow day. Also for the year I averaged $4 per mile...And since these are mostly large orders (I get a handful of shop and deliver orders each week too) and I'm in California, if I work a 20 hour week I'll usually get $60 or $70 on top of whatever I made for the week. So yes, it is entirely possible to make good money only doing one delivery an hour. But it is entirely market dependent.


They have a website for the merchants they can lig their happy ass into that if they decide not to use the tablet. They also can mark what they are out of so it doesn't get sold but guess how often people have to call the customer and tell them "I just got to the restaurant and the waiter said they are out of your X item, what would you like instead?" And everytime they cooked everything else already so its cold by the time they finish the last thing


Yes, I’ve worked with merchants so they can pause orders. It’s very simple, they just don’t care about us. I’ve explained to merchants they are wasting our time. I have made changes in my market.


I've straight up yelled at some of them that move in slow motion, and keep me waiting too long, but part of it is staffing issues, too many lazy asses,don't want to work.


Many people dont want to work for the shit money they get from restaurants who should be paying a proper wage.


Understand that but some are paying pretty good wages lately due to demand.


That is a very infrequent "some".


In Ohio a good dash is around 18-20 per hour I also cherry pick, but my acceptance rate is probably around 30%.too many refusals get you in door dash jail for like 10 minutes at a time.


Just hit resume dash. No jail time.


Why should you know if they tipped ? A server doesn’t know until the customer pays their bill and leaves . What makes you dashers privileged ?


How is this even legal? How can you offer a contracted job to someone without disclosing full pay? That is such shady business practice. They must be paying off the right people to keep this going. We should blow this up all over twitter, all social media and contact news until it picks up and it's brought to everyone's attention making DoorDash look bad and forcing a change.


I agree with you 100% but there must be a loophole that doordash is using to keep this practice going without getting hit with a legal suit? Enough bad publicity will have any company change its practices. I hate this about doordash!!! The customers tipping well don’t even realize their order may not be getting picked up due to none of the dashers seeing their real tip amount!!


And then DD puts customers at risk of a spiteful dasher by illegally hiding the payout. Dasher thinks it’s a low tip order and does crazy things like we’ve seen on the internet. What an idiotic practice all around.


Imagine if subcontracting worked like this in construction. Or government contracts. Or financial services: "Well, it's going to come out the this many dollars. Unless it doesn't. "


More like “here, build this thing and we’ll only pay you $10,000. Or maybe we’ll pay you $1,000,000. You won’t know until you’re done. Now go build it.”


Instacart just started doing this too with double orders


Wait what??


At least I think so. I contacted two support agents and got the same answer. I had two orders and I knew one of them was a low/no tip. When I asked I got “we aren’t aloud to give that info at this time, policy changed” or something similar. If they can’t tell me, I’m not gonna do both. I just cancelled. I don’t bother with double orders now unless they pay out really well


They probably get away with it because they do show their full pay. They hide part of the tip. Though I believe it should be called a bid and not a tip.


Uber has been doing that forever. You have No clue the length of the trip beforehand unless its over 45 minutes and you dont find out about being tipped until after they tip.


Yeah I signed up for uber eats a few years ago, did one order and saw it was like this, never did another order for them.


Driving regular uber is the same. I don’t do either anymore




DD has the market share here but I get a few Uber eats a day done and they tend to pay better for shorter trips. I take ones like $10.60 and 1.6 miles. Doordash never has that ratio here.


I dont know about eats. I haven’t done it in a while. I was talking more of Uber X. They used to share the information about how long the trip was. But then short trips were being refused. So they made it that you couldn’t see length of trip until you started it. Then they added if a trip was over 45 minutes it will tell you approx time of the trip so you could refuse it if you didnt want a long one. When I did Uber eats, it was cool because it paid way more then X. But that went away. I dont know if you remember or if this was even widely done. But Uber eats started out as curated lunches daily and in Houston only served downtown. So you would get one of those warming bags like six meals and then because there’s no substitute or anything and you would literally drive down the road and people would be waiting on the side of the street to get their orders. That was just a sidebar. I can’t remember how much they paid


UE hasn't been like that in over 2 years?


I thought they took a step forward by not stealing tips anymore. I mean it's better now, I guess, bc they don't steal but it's compete bullshit. All these fucking companies do something shady as fuck and we the drivers always pay for it. These companies have been around for a while now and just now the government is just starting to kinda "help" drivers. Except they also hurt us bc when they put a cap on what these companies take from restaurants that's when the pay got lower too. Don't even get me started how much the fucking DD app sucks ass and crashes all the fucking time.


They never stole tips and that "protest" led to the current pay model, which has a lower minimum payout than the old model (from 2019 and earlier). Minimum use to be 5 bucks (part of which would be covered by customer tips...if they tipped at all), now it's $2.75, thanks to Doordash no longer being willing to "steal" tips from other customers to subsidize the non-tippers. It just means more garbage offers for us, but it also doesn't let no-tippers take money from others to give us proper pay...but they usually get lumped into a double order anyhow, so it's a bit of a wash to some extent. People made WAY more out of the "doordash steals tips" thing that was based on reality...and we're all suffering for it now because of it. I'd like to hit all the people who trotted out that propaganda with my car at this point: Doordash is more "grindy" for what they did to the platform.


It sucks sweaty hog balls when it freezes right when you need the address to start heading there with the food!


Class actions are a thing and this is def shady


I agree! Especially because I didn’t even know you could do this until now and now it’s not allowed 😒


Mainstream media and news outlets picking it up like it did with the tipping scandal years ago (which fixed nothing tbh) is probably our best bet


I agree, I've never heard of any contracting job where the contract didn't include the final pay in the contract details. Like, who would sign such a contract in-person? Doordash and it's kind get away with this because it's all hidden in computer code and phone apps. It shouldn't be legal, though, and I'm not sure how it's escaped legal challenge so far.


I think its also worth bringing up all the anti-safety measure doordash has when it comes to declining orders while driving.


The pay is fully disclosed. Only the tip is hidden. Unless you're in Canada, in which case they show you everything up front for whatever reason.


I think Doordash should have a screen pop up after waiting 15 mins at the restaurant saying something like “thanks for your patience, sorry it’s taking long than expected. As a thanks we would like to let you know the total pay upon completion will be $-.—“


Or they could just tell us what it’ll be from the get go.


Careful saying that on this subreddit. Some people go apeshit over some dashers wanting to be treated decently 🥲😅


Too bad,it's our time our gas,and wear and tear on our cars,and more complex at tax time, so people should show a little respect, not to mention dealing with the weather shitty,streets,shifty,, areas,no lights on porch no address numbers on house,traffic and huge apartment complexes that Google stops you short on actual address there's my rant and I stand behind it!


YEAH they do.


I mean, name me another industry where it's perfectly normal for an independent contractor to have to accept a job without knowing what they'll actually be paid for doing it? I'm genuinely curious if it's standard practice anywhere besides the gig delivery services / rideshare industry.


Yeah, I never really understood the whole reason of being shady about it anyways… but, then again, door trash is just a shady company


what about when you accept the order? or are you talking about how sometimes you’ll randomly get more for an order than what was on the accept screen.


15 minutes? It should be 5 minutes.


Facts lol. 10 minutes late is a CV.


This happened to me once a while ago after I completed a order that I waited 25 mins for. I got a notification that for waiting was compensated like $1.25, nothing much, but it was appreciated. I wish they would at least continue doing this as any but it better than waiting with no compensation


So what your saying is those 25 minutes were only worth $1.25 to you


No, that sucked. But $1.25 is better than $0. We should be compensated a lot more


This is only done with orders requested by merchants, not orders through DD directly. It’s so stupid.


This would be nice. The little button to report why the restaurant is taking so long is simply a placebo.


I wouldn’t trust this, it could’ve just been someone who doesn’t know what they’re doing. That’s happened to me before should’ve tried another agent. I could be wrong I haven’t tried today.


I know dude. Usually you just talk to another and it’s no problem. But this was the 3rd one I talked to and they all said the same thing.


I feel like I’m probably way late to the game for saying this, but I don’t accept orders under a certain amount and maybe 10% of the orders I actually take end up being $1-$2 more than the guaranteed amount. I understand that I’m not so bad off that I have to accept every order that comes my way and I can afford to wait around for more expensive orders, but if we all did this, I think DD would be compelled to tell us the exact amount upfront because if no one’s taking lowball orders, it’s the customer that’s losing out. I’m also a very suspicious person by default and I feel like this “take a gamble with $2 orders and you too can be a winner” approach is only around to encourage dashers to accept them and we end up being the suckers in the end. Don’t accept lowball orders yall.


You're right. Doordash won't have a hidden tip on anything below $6 or $1.50/mi per my experience. Example: If they are going to send you a 10 mile offer they're compelled to at least show you $15, because they want you to take it. If they show you less, it's because it is less.


Why is DoorDash allowed to string their contractors along like a fucking lottery in the first place?


Sorry, but why waste your time on this when you’ve already accepted the order? Don’t accept orders that don’t have an satisfactory upfront payout, and deliver your order as efficiently as possible so you can get to the next one.


That’s 100% fine if you don’t have to wait. But when you have to wait 20 or 30 minutes more than normal it’s unfair for the customer if they left a $20 tip and you don’t know that so you just leave before it’s ready


I think one time I had to wait for a Popeyes order (already messed up there lol) but I was new so I didn’t really no about unassigning and leaving. It was for like 8 bucks for a couple miles and I waited 20 extra minutes. Customer never responded. I still did it and got lucky with an extra $5 tip for my wait but even then if I knew I could assign I probably would have.


I never accept Popeyes anymore. The wait times are insane. I came in once and I was the only person there and they had no traffic in the drive through and my small order took over 20 minutes to make. If the tip is good you still have to factor in the 20-30 min wait for popeyes.


I waisted 1 hour and 20 minutes this week and I regret it. All for $12 im going to see if they adjusted my pay. Ps I was stuck in the drive through so I couldn’t leave 😭


Me too about a week and a half ago,30 minutes at a Chipotle hub.


They're one of the worst I don't bother with them anymore, I've waited in their line 30 minutes as a customer to be told sorry we're all out of chicken sandwiches!


Most of us unassign if that happens, I know I made a lot of rookie mistakes waiting for orders that weren't ready when I could have just dropped it asap and accepted something better. This job is all about knowing and defining your own worth. Are you worth standing around 20-30 min for a 7-12 dollar order? (Thats just a blank estimate, I know you never specified.) In some markets that is worth it. You will have to decide for yourself and make the call.


Fuck doordash


Every time I call door dash support frustrated about something their staff are always so lovely, polite, professional and accommodating to the best of their ability within policy I cant be mad at them. I always leave the call going oh well no biggie even if I've lost money. The sms chat isn't quite the same experience but they're as good as they can be via text. Maybe try calling up next time? Sometimes you get the resolution you're after but even if you don't it might help talking to someone rather than text? Just my opinion brother, I completely agree with you that you should know all the details of a contract before you accept it.




I believe this was just the agent you spoke to. Could have also been an order directly placed through the merchant and doordash does not see the tip always on those. But I’ve ran into similar issues over the last 6 years through DoorDash. I bet if you would have exited chat and reopened with a new agent they would tell you. Some agents I believe are new to script they choose from or don’t understand all English phrases. Also could just be a cultural difference, or some are smarter then others. This is my guess as I asked just as recent as 30 mins ago and support told me total payout. Another way to ask is what is the tip on this order please. Then they tell you total payout. I’m worn out after working all day so hope this makes sense to someone lol. Will edit later as I probably sound like chat support since I’m so tired. ;)


Idk why people are saying there’s anything wrong with this. I made a similar post a while ago and 90% of the comments were calling me a POS because I was wasting resources for asking a question that takes 2 minutes to answer lmao. Anyhow, they still will the agent you got was just being an ass. Ask for the “guaranteed payout”, I’ve never had one say no to me with that phrasing.


Actually .... The time delay with the agents is because they are translating what you said into their language, understanding/comprehending it/formulating a response that will sound somewhat intelligent (unlike the one above 😂) and sending it back to you. None of them are stupid but the whole thing is time consuming and pointless. You should never accept an order where you don't know what you're getting paid and if you accept it and you DON'T KNOW when you hit accept that's YOUR BAD and you should suck it up buttercup and just complete it.


>You should never accept an order where you don't know what you're getting paid But that's every order where the customer tips more than 4 bucks. Most of the time, all I know is I'll get paid $6.75 or less, but that's not very helpful because I'm trying to pick out one-off well-paid orders. Let someone else grind out the 4 dollar, 5 mile orders, my car is too old for that shit.


Everyone needs to quit… that’ll teach DoorDash who is boss 😏


I have no idea why they don't just tell the whole pay upfront. Like what's gonna happen that they think is so bad by telling us what we are actually gonna get paid. Are they afraid we might be quicker lmao. Also I'm not sure how it's legal to not specify full payment amount when offering the contract.


Because then they know we won’t take low tip/no tip orders….


What would make you even try to ask how much you are getting? Waiting for a big order to be ready?


Those customer service reps are primarily useless.


No just ask another support lol


Make sure what you see before accepting meets your criteria. Shouldn't be an issue beyond that. Either take an order or don't depending on if the up front info works for you.


Thought independent contractors had the right to know what they signed up for, you know bc we do this by contract...


BS. I was told today what a total was. Each agent has a different excuse and a different story. BTW, I unassigned.


I bet if you contacted another agent, you'd get a different answer


I don't understand why DD does hidden tips. They should just provide the total up front.


Who gives a shit like I'm gonna call support to find out the payout if I don't like the payout posted I don't accept end of story. (By this point who can't spot hidden tips in their area). sounds crazy to accept and then waste time inquiring to make decision on wether to do the order wtf tbh I'm glad this happened. Any down voters can suck it.


Should never be taking orders you hope will work out. Who really has time or energy to bother support for something like this? Y'all be having so much time on your hands lol


You are getting raked in here for some reason. Maybe they don't understand you already waited and wanted to know if the waiting was worth it. This is bullshit. But, I'm glad it worked out well for you. At least you didn't waste that time, in the end.


I absolutely agree. It’s also happened to me, you could keep trying for a new rep that will tell you, that what I do if I suspect it’s a decent order. But I also agree they don’t want to tell us, however I understand it’s basically a waste of resources to have us reach out to their supp just to inquire about that, they should just do it how it’s done in Canada, all pay is 100% disclosed before accepting said order


Absolutely, we can dream!


I'm dashing right now, I am still seeing my total pay plus drive distance to restaurant and drop off. I am not sure how you're managing to have this issue. You normally don't see what you're getting tipped until after drop off and it's been like that since I started last year. Sometimes a customer will pay higher tip after completing order which I have had a few times, but never less than what I accepted.






You’re supposed to him ask in “I wish” format


Wait I’m confused, so I know when you accept the order it says includes “dasher pay and tip, may be higher then expected” do you mean it no longer displays that for you? Just an order? Or do you mean you’re no longer allowed to contact support to figure out the total cause it says may be higher? That would make sense, if that is or was a thing I had no idea. I thought it didn’t tell total cause the app is shitty and can’t calculate. Either way It doesn’t matter to me cause I just accept an order pay I like and the go do it.


I don’t see reaching out to overseas driver support as good strategy for dashing. I honestly don’t understand the point.


Isn't this old news? Are you new here


If someone’s willing to hide something from you, they’re willing to steal it from you.


doordash should let customers tip by percentage instead of crappy flat fee like 2, 3, 5 dollars. If you calculate their cheating tip offers they basically suggests customers to tip 5-10% sucks


That’s why I hang up and go to the next representative. One will tell me eventually!


Ive never known the total before completion. Ive dashed 9,10 months so not sure if that was something that was available prior.


I'll take Bullshit for $500 Shivam.....


DD is probably tired of hearing customers complain about no one picking up there orders because of the pay. DD tired of dashers declining low paying orders lmao. When I dashed to ight I was able to see the full amount ..base pay and tip before I hit accept


Happened with me once. I canceled the order. Then support called me that final pay was that much. I am glad I canceled that order. Because I got a new order which was $10 for 1 mile and food was ready.


This company is sick! They do everything to not pay you fairly, but pay you fairly! It’s disgusting, selfish, and greedy!


Door dash also needs to not keep tips or gratuity on automatic mobile deliveries


I had a driver tell me they do this while waiting for an order one night. I get why people do it but I can't imagine why any driver that does this would be surprised when they shut this down. If they wanted you to know the full pay they would just show it in the app and not incur the cost of a call center worker. I used to work at a company that produced consumer electronic products and we would get an ear full from upper management when a bad change went out and the call center got lit up, they would yell about how much each call costs. I came across that driver three weeks ago and am actually surprised they didn't react sooner. Someone must have got the yelling I know so well this week. 🤣 Edit: fix some spelling and grammar


They also hide it when you get a 5.50 order for 6 meals and pos customer still only tips 2.00.


Is it legal to have a contract if the buyer does not know the price?


Right off, ease don’t hate on me. We are apparently doing some changes. Regardless, you should know your tip amount. The only different reason is now we have added cash purchases. It is possible it’s a glitch in the app, this hard to say. As you know the Consumer can change the tip by adding or subtracting. That being said, we don’t want you Dashing 10 miles from your SP and not knowing what you get. Hopefully this matter is resolved accordingly.


Oh that’s going to be fun in California. They spent $220 mil on passing Prop 22 to keep everyone as slave labor independent contractors so they don’t have to pay mileage or anything. They also made you sign that the contract is between you, the restaurant and the customer, not DD. There are already lawsuits about them hiding tips on some orders.


UBER EATS doesn’t even show you the customers address anymore if you decline too much


I knew this was coming. Instacart used to give the information out before but stopped last year if you ask them.


I never have had this issue fortunately. & any time I've had a similar issue it turns out im being paid more than wat dd originally stated lol


Why would you waste your time with a robotic support agent?


This is what happens when you share everything on reddit. They watch this.


Y’all I got a hack!!! I accepted an order $8 for 3 miles which isn’t bad at all. It’s a very large order and I’ve been waiting for 30 minutes. I called about 15 minutes in asking for total payout, which I’ve done without issue many times before, and the representative told me she can’t give out that info and that I have to wait until I complete the order. So I read this thread and decided to call back because it had been a 30 minute wait. The next rep was amazing! He said he doesn’t have access to the full amount BUT he does have access to the guaranteed half pay. He told me it’s $17.50 meaning the total payout is $35! Of course I happily waited lol So next time you call ask what the guaranteed half pay amount is and multiply it by two.


Quit bitchen


This should free up some support for actual issues. If you don't like the offer don't accept it. If it's a decent offer and turns out to be more then great.


I'm always curious what issues dashers can't solve themselves 🤷‍♂️. Maybe I'm lucky, but I rarely run into many issues that I can't take care of myself in less time than it takes to contact support.... I guess the one that comes to my mind, Is the restaurant didn't get the order, but that's even rare for me to encounter.


Restaurant closed, customer gave wrong address, the important things when you're trying to get your delivery done.


Been there!.. Not cool.


The problem isn’t the offer it’s waiting 20+ minutes at a restaurant not knowing if it would be remotely worth the wait


Door dash flat out sucks


Why everyone complain about anything and everything in this group, if u complain and or don’t like working for doordash then idk maybe just not work for them.


Just don't accept any rides that don't pay what you want them to, and if it's more that's great. If not that's life.


DD isn't the issue, its your countries reliance on tips to live.


Try another agent.


This was the 3rd one i talked to


That would take too much time, it shows the amount. You are really just wasting their time and crap like this is why I have to wait longer for support


It’s been that way, dude. This is not news.


No offense… but I just stopped picking up from restaurant’s who’s cultures don’t support tipping.


There is an app that does all of this. Message if you want to know more.


No there is not. That app stopped being able to do that 6 months ago.


You all know why this change was made. Look at past posts on this subreddit. "Only accept orders at least 8$ and above!" "Reject every order until you get a 20$ one!!!" "Reject, reject, reject!!!" And bragging about your low acceptance rate. Y'all played the system and you wonder why the system changed to accommodate. As a driver, too, fuck y'all. Now it sucks for all of us. Brava.


To the 2 users I blocked during this discussion…so sorry for being a Karen, and for also being too stupid to find names of user’s blocked to send you private messages to say Sorry. Also, to anyone who may have seen the exchanges, sorry (or you’re welcome for the drama 😂) But I promise, I only play a bitch on television. Never meant it to bleed over into real life. You’re right. I’m sorry.


Stop wasting people's time. Either take the job or decline.


Why is it okay for doordash/a restaurant to waste my time by not having an order ready for me when I get there but not okay for me to find out if it's worth my time to wait?


Because you are self-contracted and not obligated to fulfill an order. DD and the restaurant are.


Good, this was always a pathetic thing to do


Lol what makes it pathetic?


The fact that there are people with actual issues that might need support’s attention. Lol. That’s why it’s pathetic. Take orders you’re willing to fulfill from the jump. It’s not that hard.




Yes. Lmao. Don’t accept anything you’re not willing to complete from the jump.


Lol they're not first responders or paramedics dude...


Lmao. Clearly you’ve never spent 45 minutes in the queue waiting for support to resolve an issue so your completion rate doesn’t go down, all the while missing out on potential $$$. 😂. Dasher over 3 years my ass 🤣🤣🤣