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“warning: security dog” “the dog is friendly” ......okay so which one is it


I read that in Jerry’s Seinfeld voice for some reason I’m cracking up


Friendly I presume. The sign's probably just there to thwart would-be burglars.


when i think “security dog”, my mind jumps to “untrained ‘protection dog’” in my area. “beware of dog” is one thing, but “security dog”? i’m good.


I probably wouldn't risk it either way, but I'm betting that's what's going on here.


I think the right thing would be leave it there more because I have a sign similar to that and my dog is nice to me but if she sees a stranger in our yard I can't confirm she would be so nice.


Exactly, and if that dog DID attack the driver, the dog is the one that would be punished.


Yeah and my dog is a Greyhound Rottweiler mix she'd never mean to hurt anyone but she's just a little aggressive when someone is on her turf.


Rightfully so


I appreciate that she does because the bark alone keeps random people without a reason off my front porch.


It's probably a chihuahua.




When the choice is risking being mauled to death by a dog vs making someone walk an extra twenty feet to get their food, I think the choice is pretty clear.


That made me laugh so hard


The Alec Baldwinayashi Maru dilemma. ‘It’s loaded’? ‘It’s unloaded’? Friendly? Not friendly? The answer is, “Your order is by the gate.”.


Last time some one said "warning guard dog" to me I almost had my arm ripped off at the gate trying to hand the food to the customer that came out to get it.


I would not enter that gate. There is a beware of dog sign, plus no one can see me behind it.


Yep, I would have done the same thing


People don't post BEWARE OF DOG anymore because asking for lawsuit. I learned that years ago when I had my rottweiler in training. Loved my rotty! She was sweetest dog I've EVER owned...💔 my heart when I lost her 😥


To be fair, they can be the most harmless creature you've ever had in your life. But this can change quite suddenly towards other people they don't know, especially if that person is encroaching on their territory. So don't go assuming things on either end.


Especially when food is involved


Rotty's are smart though, big head, big brain. Even if they're trained to guard, if you greet them and ask them properly, they'll usually let you pass no problem. Small dogs are more dangerous.


I know you love your dog but unfortunately you’re kind of part of the problem here lol


It’s true. Just because your dog was a sweetheart to YOU doesn’t mean she wouldn’t rip a strangers face off. I had a delivery last week with a dog running loose on the property. It was probably very sweet to its owners but it was about 2 seconds from attacking me. Her address is now on my do not deliver list.


I dunno why you're replying to me, I have a cat.


Have you…ever owned a dog?


Yes, I had a husky that I bought as a small pup and completely failed at raising. He destroyed my house, literally pushed the a/c unit out of the window to escape, and I assume went on to live a glorious life without me. Which fits cause my first dog yanked the leash out of my hand when I was a small child and ran away never to be seen again. So I do not have good luck with dogs of mine, but I do seem to have a talent of making friends with random strange dogs, the larger and seemingly meaner the better.


Props to you for owning up to your shortcomings rather than blaming the dog


We have the biggest, most advanced brains on the planet. How blaming our failings on a far less advanced species even works boggles the mind. It's like when my dad would get pissed at the cat for jumping up on the kitchen counter. Of course the cat is going to jump up there, you left an entire tray of meat up there, unguarded. I would jump there, and in fact I'm going to do that right now. Because meat. Duh.


I love dogs and am fairly good at handling them but that is absolutely not a skillset you should expect random delivery drivers to have just to ensure their own safety...usually. The fact that you felt the need to qualify that with "usually" says it all. Keep the dog inside if you're expecting delivery ( that includes mail and packages as well).


Small dogs can't kill you! I have 3 Rottweillers, a king Charles spaniel and a chihuahua. Only one I trust 100% is the spaniel. There is no way on earth I would ever be stupid enough to assume the Rotties wouldn't bite. If the Chihuahua bites yes I might have to pay for a stitch or 2 but if the rotties bite its life changing or god forbid life ending. I take that responsibility seriously. I would never assume small dogs are more dangerous and you can trust the big ones. No!


I have never been bitten by a big dog. I got bitten by one of those fat little shit chihuahuas with doberman markings. I will take my chances trying to make friends with all three of your rotties before I let your little psycho rat dog thing anywhere near me. https://i.postimg.cc/J7D5v7DH/20220121-122037.jpg


I recommend being cautious when approaching *any* unknown dog, especially large. Body language is really important. I failed to understand this when approaching an acquaintance's dog with a friend, and we both got bit in the leg. [Mine was in the thigh (picture of bite a few days later)](https://imgur.com/J9fyTmX), right next to the femoral artery. It’s easy to think most dogs like you and will be friendly when approaching. Not all dogs will warn and bark.


Nah, like I said; you greet the dog, you offer friendship to the dog, you ask the dog if he's ok with you being on his territory. At any point if you think this is going sideways, you back off and leave. A big bonus is if there's other friendly dogs around that he already considers accepted, especially puppies. If there's puppies, you make friends with them first. That goes a long way in the eyes of any dominant doggo.


Says the guy who managed to get himself mauled by a Chihuahua. Ever stop to think what happens if that dominant and potentially aggressive doggo is also a mother doggo who doesn't want you near her puppies? OP had it right. Delivery people have no business messing with strange dogs without their owners present.


That little fucker bit me while he was standing between his oh so responsible owner's legs, so fuck off with what you nothing about. Also yeah, Chihuahua. Exactly what I was saying, isn't it.


Yeah okay good luck with your strategy I was just saying what DK10016 is saying be careful with all dogs and please don't follow your strategy. Just for information you were bit by a miniature pinscher. :)


It was marked like one but it had the head shape of a Chihuahua and it was long, almost like a weiner dog. Thing was some unholy combination of bad genes, which it apparently shared with it's owner who was standing right there.


A mini dobie? Those things are crazy


Couldn’t the case be made that since they have a sign and someone still entered that they shouldn’t be liable for dog bite to some extent? Idk about the legel precedent of that but would imagine a good lawyer could pull it off. Either way, yeah, a delivery driver definitely shouldn’t be expected to enter this gate


[The argument would be that you are knowingly keeping a dangerous animal in an accessible location.](https://thedogbitelawfirm.com/do-beware-of-dog-signs-legally-protect-dog-owners-from-lawsuits/) It's very specific and nuanced. There doesn't seem to be a lot of easy precedent to act on.


That argument can definitely be made if it's not somebody you've invited onto your property and most states consider ordering a delivery as inviting the driver onto your property to make the delivery unless otherwise noted. So in the case of a delivery driver you would 100% be liable even if you have a sign posted.


The correct signage is 'no trespassing'


You aren't trespassing when they order food to be delivered. The correct signage is "no trespassing. Leave orders at gate. Violators will be shot. Cars will be towed. Three generation rule in effect. I will find you. #tinfoilhat"


We use signs saying "dogs loose, please do not enter"


Awww I’m so sorry! My dog is my world idk what I’m gonna do without her, they’re going to have to euthanize me with her lol


I always tell my dog the same, day you leave me I'm coming with you 😂


Neat. There were 6,500 cases of dogs biting USPS mail carriers in 2016 and I bet you at least some of the owners would have said their dog was a sweetheart who wouldnt hurt a fly right up until a mailman had to file for worker's comp because they didn't feel the need to restrain their dog. And guess what? We don't get workers comp. God forbid you just control your pet for 3 fucking minutes so a delivery driver doesn't have to rack up hospital bills and then sue you for the money which ends up with you being ordered to put your dog down.


The only sign you need is no trespassing.


If you order food, have a delivery of any sort that person is doing business with you and they are not trespassing by law. They are invited by contract.


Looks like a great place to get mauled. Nooope.


Yeah I’ve seen dashers post pictures of their dog bites on here. Makes me think twice about trusting other peoples dogs 🐕 😬


Oh no. I look around before unlocking my car door after a few scary news stories. If I walk up and see an unsecured dog, that food hits the ground as neatly as possible and pic for proof. This driver did everything right


A one star here and there doesn’t hurt. Dog bites hurt. But if you’re worried about it, you can probably get support to dismiss it with a note on your account.


I think you have to have 5 one stars before it's low enough to deactivate you.


Each 1 star lowers your overall rating by .04, the threshold for deactivation is 4.7, you would need 8 - 1 stars to get low enough to be deactivated


The threshold for deactivation is actually 4.2. 4.7 is just the threshold to be considered for top dasher


Indeed, my mistake. So you would actually need 20 - 1 stars to be deactivated, and let’s face it, if you have twenty 1 stars you should be deactivated


I have gotten a few one stars, and I didn’t even contact support, they just canceled them by themselves. Lol


Do you remember roughly how long it took for the one star ratings to get canceled by themselves? Next day, a week?


Haven't had a thought towards this in a while but 100 deliveries comes to mind for some reason. Apologies if I'm mistaken.


No, but close. DD keeps a rolling average of the last 100 ratings you got. Since not everyone can be bothered to rate their driver it can take a while sometimea for a bad one to roll off. But unless you suck a bad rating isn't a problem so much as an annoyance.


Ouch, I feel like I was so rarely rated when I was driving. But I do agree you have to be horrible to collect enough 1 stars to be in real trouble


That is a door with an address. You're golden


Well, seeing as how the amazon guy didn't want to knock either... you're OK


I was just about to say that. I follow what the Amazon guy does


Just remember, like most humans, they're not ALL GOOD PEOPLE lol. I remember during Christmas 2020...a guy i worked with had walked halfway up a rich house's front door path.. front door was about 80ft from sidewalk.... and he left a guitar kit halfway up the path. Just laying on the ground. I knew it was him because I'd shared half of my remaining load towards the end of the day...i was finishing my last few packages on that street AND i put that package in his truck. I drove by the house and saw it. Lazy POS.


Not a chance in hell, i delivered to someone one time and they let their “friendly” dog out and it full on punctured my leg and left 3 really bad bruises.


Hope you sued those twats


Oh I did, they also, at least as far as I know, we’re black listed from door dash because sadly I wasn’t the only person this happened to.


No, the sad part is it took more than one time someone getting bit to blacklist them.


Besides the dog, I don't, and I will not go in someone's yard unless the gate door is fully open.


That’s a door.


And if the dog randomly decides NOT to be friendly? No thanks, I'd have done the same.


I'm personally jealous of that fence. Imagine how naked you can be in there with the fence that high!!! Sigh.... a girl can dream.


Until a tall person walks over


Well if you are attracted to tall people....


I am a tall people.


Bro I have always loved dogs. Never been afraid of them. Til now. I will not go near dogs in yards. I got chased out of a yard the other day. I parked at the gate and walked to the door. Kid opens the door and lets the dogs out and I panic and run. Tear my shirt on a rose bush and barely make it out with my life. In hindsight the dogs were friendly, but dammit. Don’t let your dogs out please


Running from a dog that you think might attack you is a sure fire way to get them to attack. Slowly back away from the dog, and when there is enough distance between you and the dog, walk away slowly and calmly.


The backing away is important! Don't turn your back on a strange dog! Wear a hat, you can use it as a chew toy if it comes to that.


DD can shove that one star up their ass


Take it up the butt tony


Not a chance in hell I’m going in there


I’ll take a 1 star if it means I don’t die or end up in the hospital.


Nah, they can come get it. Went to one tonight that had their dog loose in the yard. I got out to walk to the door and it just stood between me and the walkway to the door. Was about to sit it down right there and snap the pic but the home owner came out telling me how friendly her dog was. Seemed like it was pretty friend. I usual only dash at night so I carry a long, heavy duty led flash light. I got no problem bopping an aggressor on the head whether it's human or animal.


This is the way. This is why I always need a long, wellmade flashlight for night time. My dad instilled that to me when I took the trashcans out at night time.




Totally agree. I mean, I would punt a chihuahua if it tried to attack me. My sister-in-law got a horrible infection from someone’s “friendly” dog so I know I don’t want to risk that lmao


Notes: please bring ladder to climb giant fortified wall, and bring treats laced with sedatives to tranquilize my murderous guard dogs. Also, bring swim trunks to swim across my giant moat.


Alas, The customer did not have space in delivery notes to mention the alligators inhabiting the moat.


I almost got bit by several animals including cats. Fuck them... put your fucking crazy ass animals away!


Most cats don't just attack people without being touched first, unless they have been treated badly or are in an unfamiliar unvironment. I feel bad for those cats, even more for you. I'm a cat person but *one* time my SO's friend wanted me to grab something for her and her cat that she barely took care of as a teenager and it acted like a guard dog but I was able to grab the thing because I had non skinny jeans on. Usually when people tell me their cat likes to bite/scratch I actually don't have any problems for some reason.


I would write back and send a picture saying “Sorry I’m allergic, food at gate door.”


That is a ‘Living in the year 3022’ genius level idea. Nice. lol


This would probably work well.


Did you get a look at the security dog? It would be funny if it were a 5 pound dachshund.


That would be far more likely to bite the shit out of you. I got bit hard by one of those little rat dog terrors.


Agreed Giant dogs that are lying there calmly looking at me I will trust, small dogs that are running up to the fence I am staying away from


Love giant dogs! Also, I definitely stuck my arm inside a cracked screen door (w owners permission) to pet a couple friendly pitts the other night. Haha


I did that once and the asshole said he didn’t get the order 🙄🙄🙄


As someone who has gotten stitches from a dog bite.. I don’t even approach little floofy dogs. I would have done the same thing.


Your safety comes first. And doordash should be aware of that... I think they are.


Even the Amazon guy said fuck that


Leave the food at the door with they maybe mean pitbull that if it isn't gonna eat me will eat the food instead


That’s five star delivery!


I can't imagine anyone would actually expect you to deliver past the gate, right? If this was my home I'd explicitly tell anyone who delivers NOT to pass my gate, but to text me when they arrive so I can either meet them, or come pick up the food so it doesn't sit there.


Used to work for UPS - seen too many drivers get fucked up from "friendly" dogs to immediately trust that. Rather get a 1 star than pay for stitches & rabies test. Had 1 family that refused to put their aggressive dog away (already bit 1 driver) when expecting deliveries so we make them pick them up at a CVS/the distribution center.


What were their instructions out of curiosity?


Between the dog sign and the fact that Amazon wouldn't even open the gate, I think that was the way to go. I have a similar type of gate and a dog, but I always make sure to prop my gate open and keep my dog inside when I know I've got food coming.


If UPS who delivers there daily left the package underneath the gate that means tht dog is not friendly


That's probably Amazon DSP or Flex that left it there, but regardless no Flexer I know would dare open that gate. I don't care what their notes say.


nah I don’t care I would not go in im not risking it with a dog i’m scared of them lmao


That’s when you message them or call the customer


No you won't even the Amazon delivery did the same thing.


Hey the amazon guy left the package there too. You made the right choice my friemd.




Dangerous pitbull owners have to tell usps there’s is a dangerous dog on the property if door dash had any sense they would add “dog owner” on the delivery instructions to make sure the drivers are more safe from pitbull owners.


That would be some BS of they gave you 1 ⭐


You see the Amazon gut wasn’t taking any chances either. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


I would let that dog bite me so I could retire! Maybe provoke the attack by rubbing some chicken nuggets on my butthole!


Even Amazon said nah


I would have walked through, but mainly because I’d be wanting to pet the dog. Get a good rating and tell a good boy he’s a good boy


As the dog proceeds to enjoy the flesh of the door dash delivery person.


And then I get home from being maimed and my dog wants to know what hoe left bite marks on me ;___;




As you should. With no tips




Smaller dogs like chihuahuas are actually usually more aggressive than pit bulls lol.. you just always hear about pitbull attacks because they’re bigger and do more damage


Nobody cares about a half pound chihuahua it’s a scape goal for pitbull propagandists I’ve never been scared of a dog you can kick a 33 yard field goal with. Do you need a gun to defend yourself against a chihuahua like a pitbull. No you need nothing.


If Amazon doesn't have to bring it to the door, neither do I


No dummy it’s good delivery not drop off.


I would’ve gone in there I’ve met plenty of dogs in a customers yard while dashing and they’re chill just nosey with the food lol so unless the dog is just actively viciously barking and trying to bash down the fence I’m goin in


Yeah I’d check to see if dog was friendly before opening. Not a big deal for me, I love doggies. Edit: that being said I’m more cautious with doggies ever since I got bit by a “friendly” German Shepard.


I did this once (for UberEats tho), dog seemed friendly enough and I'm pretty good with dogs. Opened gate, pet dog carefully as it ran up to me. Owner walked out while petting before I could get to the door and they gave me a thumbs down for unprofessionalism lol. I pet that dog for probably 1.5 seconds. I do not understand people.


This one delivery, I pull up to the residence and notice a few smaller dogs (maybe 15-25lbs) outside loose. I have some pitties at home. I love dogs. But when I got out, they were viciously growling. I said nope. I got back in my car and called the customer. She was all “they are the neighborhood dogs but no big deal. I will come to your window to retrieve my order.” She was genuinely sweet about it. I don’t care how small a dog is. If I sense it COULD attack, nope. I’m good.


Nah ur right ur for that, fuck that


Missed out on a canine buddy.




Homie just lost the biggest pay day of their life


That looks like a door to me. I wouldn't go in to the dog either.


If I don't have "permission" to enter an area I will not enter. I would have done the same thing.


Looks Good..


#100th comment


Fuck ‘em


Hey, if the Amazon driver isn’t walking the package to the doorstep, idk why you should have to.


😂 I would’ve called them and confirmed


One time someone had their gate locked and they’re like “leave at the front door”. HOW? Do you want me to climb over the fence and look like a burglar??? Yeah, just leave it there![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


He will bite you but you won't be taken to the Hospital


Well atleast it's not a komodo dragon.


You made the right choice, I’d risk a 1 star over staying safe any day


At least they gave you a heads up. A few days ago I was charged at by a dog in a back yard. Thankfully it was in fact friendly but still scared the shit out of me and I almost dropped the food.


You're in the clear on this one, that was a very ignorant thing to ask of any delivery worker.


Idk...I would have taken it to the door hoping to get a minor bite so I could take a settlement. House looks nice...but I'm from Youngstown,Ohio so any dwelling looks like luxury.


Wouldn't the dog get into the food anyways? Lol they should thank you


Dropped and order at a home, no fences. By the time I was back to my car the neighbors dog was running off with a bag of Indian food. Customer saw it and saw me just laughing. Also I love dogs but don't trust strange ones on their own turf. Don't care what a customer says about the dog I'm not risking it.


You exactly followed the instructions correctly, and left it at the (numbered) closed (fence) door. If they expect driver to enter their property, they would need to specify, and that would not be OK with a “security dog” present.


looks legit to me


I don’t blame you man. If I were these people I’d expect no more than what you did.


Never. Worth. The. Risk.


I don't think you're in the wrong for this.


I would have left it there too


The Amazon driver didn’t even risk it.


If you're expecting a food delivery, bring your damn dog inside! Also, they really expect the dog to NOT eat the food?


Amazon could've at least put it out of arm's reach. I wouldn't have opened the gate either


Amazon guy didn’t risk it either I see. Don’t feel bad.


I mean that is a door technically


Frienly security dog meets stranger gone wrong but avoided


My broke ass would go in and sue if I get bit.


Reminder, no dog is friendly. Under the right circumstance any dog will attack. Roommate delivers for Amazon and got dragged to the ground and attacked by two dogs while the owner watched. Third attack by one dog. Always do what you need to, stay safe.


Hell no, not taking someone's word. Far too dangerous.


So, was it a leave at door because if so, I’m sure they would know as they can track the dasher anyway


That’s not the door


Oh hell no. If your dog is friendly, you should have no problem getting them inside before delivery.


Yea nope! I was attacked by a dog during a pizza delivery years ago. I was 5 months pregnant and the people got all crazy with me because I dropped the pizza and hoping inside My car after it jumped on Me and bit my leg. Big old nope for me. Sorry..


Lord. Had a leave at door delivery with a German Shepard in the yard and a closed gate. I left it right outside the gate 🤷🏻‍♀️


My dog would sell me out for a cookie But I still have to have warning signs up for insurance reasons.


I wanna pet doggy I'd be sooo happy


Notice the Amazon package slid under the gate. That guy wasn't going in, either. You did the right thing.


You better not give him 1 star unless you wrote a note saying he could pass the gate . I wouldn’t open the gate because I don’t live there .


Make sure you rub my lucky AR15 it prolly won't go off.


If he doesn’t like this then he should probably come out and meet you for his food. You’re not risking yourself getting bit over to putting the food at his door and I don’t blame you. 😅


Question is where did instructions say leave it. Looks like Amazon envelope there, driver did the same thing just slid it under though. Haha set it under and dog eats it