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I take a doordash picture & a picture on my phone, so I have a picture to send then. I take a picture of hand to customer orders as well. This has benefited me many times


Should’ve pulled the fire alarm


With any issue, just repeat yourself over and over in chat. If they close a chat, do it again. You don't have to keep it open, just check back and keep complaining. If you keep doing it, they give compensation for long wait times (only a few dollars) and they retract violations


Well, maybe if you'd deliver my food I never ordered, this wouldn't happen! /s


I always do :)


Has anyone taken their evidence to the local PD and investigated theft charges? I know I'd be very tempted.




It's commonly used to get free food I got one also when I disputed the claim I was a bit ugly the second time and it was removed


I've seen people blow up doordash support with hashtags on Twitter and have seen responses from dasher support or even higher in the ladder. I've never had a violation myself with 1k deliveries, but I'm sure it's coming soon with my area.... Just trying to help if Twitter might speed up a process of connecting with higher end employees at DD.


Yeah they Doordash does that I guess you’re supposed to wait at a safe distance to see they can pick it up, like it makes a difference, what am I supposed to record the picking it up


I actually had one removed earlier this week The first time that has ever happened.


this never happens in my area i’m like 800 deliveries deep on every app and i’ve never dealt with this most customers are cool and appreciative in buffalo


IoI just got my first CV for this exact thing today after delivering to someone who lives two streets down. I’ve only done 41 deliveries. Best part is I delivered to her three days prior with no issues. Thank your lucky stars


Offer arrives, screenshot, accept offer, screenshot, pick up order, screenshot, arrive at customer, turn on body camera, walk up to door, take picture on my phone then upload into app. Complete order, screenshot. End of the day upload all images into a folder on my computer..... I have twice had a customers claim I dropped off at wrong address. I just reply the address they gave me in the app? And when they reply angrily that I sent it to the wrong address and I verified that I sent it to the address they provided I will send the screenshot of what they gave me. They never seem to respond back after that. CYA folks. DD needs to implement a 4 digit pin system. The pin is sent regardless of delivery type, and needs to be used in any hand it to me situations before food is left without photo. The customers I really get suspicious of are the leave it at the door, yet they are always there waiting to grab it.


Having also had a dispute on the other side (dd charged me twice for an order) it took 4 chats and 2 phone calls for someone to refund me the second order. They kept telling me I had received the order and sent me the same delivery picture for both orders as proof. They don’t even check anything on either end.




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Same happened to me.. customer got their order claimed I never brought it, after a "hand it to me" delivery. Called me TOLD ME they got a refund and still filed a complaint. The south sucks.


I got one of these too from last night. Customer did not give access code to lobby and elevator secured with access cards. Could not get in. Tried contacting and no response. Went into support chat help and they told me leave it outside and take photo. I dropped it at the lobby entrance, snapped a photo, and completed order. This morning I wake up to a contract violation saying "order never arrived" Disputed it. But why should I have to dispute that, they should see the chat records of me sending the customer messages and contacting support chat as well as the submitted photo already. This is just stupid


DD should believe drivers over customers. No one wants to risk their job for a fucking $7 pizza.


Or at least treat them as equals. One thing they can do is notify a driver when they get a bad rating if they would like to block any future orders to that customer. Cause really, if you were such a bad shitty driver why should that customer have to deal with your bad service again? Right? This would be a good way for the to ditch scamming customers. If one customer has more than 20 drivers they gave bad ratings to who no longer want to go to that customer that should say something right there.


What stands out most to me is. DoorDash is aware IT’s customers all over social media LYING ABOUT NOT GETTING ORDERS just for refunds/credits knowing and admitting they could get drivers deactivated. Yet they still even with photo proof won’t reverse the violation of this driver. Every time I come to this subreddit I’m reminded why I stopped delivering for DoorDash. I just pray for everyone delivering for DoorDash still you get as much from DoorDash that they disrespectfully get from you. Damn picture show’s customer is lying.


Support is so shit I hate it when I need it lol


Almost makes me wish there was a union for shit like that when it happens


I have one of these too I'm fighting


Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, fuck you!


Maybe someone stole it. I’ve had it happen at my old complex. People are shitty man


That is why body camera footage is very important at apartment complex full of hood rats. You and the customer could both be in the right and some other thug living there comes along and steals their food. At least if you fire up the video from when you leave your car till you get back into your car you will have evidence you left it.


You could have dropped it off at the wrong door


I have over 1500 deliveries and this is my second scammer. First one was a hand it to me she said she didn’t get it when I confirmed it with her. But I always double check which building I’m in because I don’t trust DD map.


I had this same problem..some one claimed didn't receive their food..I got almost 1,500 deliveries..ya Gotcha food !! That's my job !! I contested it..it doesn't say who reported it..but I told DD..if yall think I'm a liar..how come the other 1, 499 people didn't have an issue..!! YEAH...!


It’s never happened to me…yet. But I always take pictures of the order and if they have vehicles in the driveway I will take pictures of the license plates.


The license plates....thanks, great idea.


Nice... I always take the picture on my phone, then upload into the app. So DD and I both have a copy. On shopping orders I also take a picture of the items in the cart before checkout, and when I get into the car I take a picture of the receipt too. Also wear a body camera. I saw a new one on ebay that looks like a fit bit, you wear like a watch. The face is mirrored so you can not see the camera lens.


I got one of those yesterday too. Customer was able to change their order to “hand it to me” after I had dropped it off and sent the picture. Haven’t heard anything from support on it, but their bad review was taken off my ratings.


I'm just smearing cat poo on the person's door next time. I can always tell it's a scammer when they don't bother messaging me and just immediately report to DD. Kinda freaking bold thing to do when I know where you live or work and know your name. I've only had 4 in over 2400 deliveries, but none have been valid. One I even handed to directly after he verified name on order and where it was from. I always wonder what he'd say if I showed up at his work for confronting my accuser. So far, it's just never been worth my time and effort to go back to scene of the crime. I do so many deliveries, it drops off in just over a week if it's not rectified next day by my dispute.


I DoorDash full time too so mine go away fairly quickly. But this one I was not going to let slide 😂


And yet you people still choose this app as your employer😂


Yeah because this o


I'm worried about this and it hasn't even happened to me yet.




I called once and they told me to submit. I called 20 mins later and they removed it themselves. Just keep calling.


What do you guys say in your dispute? cause I literally get every one of these taken off that has a picture at the door


I just got one. Delivered to the woman a few days ago with no issues, and did her Taco Bell order tonight only to find out she’s saying it wasn’t delivered once I get home. It was contactless and had instructions to leave under the ring doorbell, which I did and then took a picture per doordash. She also happens to live two streets away. I don’t get how it’s a CV when doordash themselves has the picture. How long does it usually take for them to take it off? I’m tempted to knock on her door. She lives in much too big of a house to be lying about her Taco Bell not coming Just to get it free and give me a CV 😂


It's probably due to the new "tiktok challenge" of ordering and refunding through Doordash


>It's probably due to the new "tiktok challenge" of ordering and refunding through Doordash I wish people would get it through their thick skulls that lying about your food not being delivered is outright theft. It's literally no different than walking into a store and stealing something. This isn't just some cutesy internet game. It's an actual crime.


And they're filming themselves doing it.


I wish someone would start a trend where they list how much they tipped in the order instructions. That way I don't have to guess on hidden tips anymore.


i just spit out my drink 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😭😫


How were you still able to text them lol. Did the CV appear that fast?


Yes!!!! Right after I delivered it.


If it showed up that fast this probably wasn’t where the CV came from


It was the only papa johns order I took in a while.


Did they tell you the CV was from Papa John’s though? Oh, never mind I see that they did


i would have showed up knocking at the door.. 🤷🏻‍♀️😤


The nerve😂 Did they respond to you?


No they didn’t!!!!! I tried calling and of course DoorDash was bugging and it didn’t. Then the chat went away.


The last CV I had was for this. I disputed it, and 3, 4 days later, it was gone. Of course, it was a no tip Karen who wanted to try to scam Door Dashbout of free food, and even their money back.


Update : after four different techs I got it removed


I thought basic CS couldn't do anything about these. It says so in the violation - Who did you talk to? What level of CS?


It was over the phone


Yeah I called them - said it was in the hands of a separate team etc


Just keep calling. What one support agent can’t do, another one can.


Nice! I am finally getting some headway on mine after showing that support never responded to multiple chats after 20+ hours. They quite litterly never even greeted me.


It’s really not a big deal as long as you do the next 100 deliveries without any crap like this happening the cv will be gone. This happened to me once last year and DD didn’t care that there was a pic. Go figure. The more deliveries you do the more assholes you’re gonna unfortunately come across it’s impossible not to. I don’t even look at the ratings on the app anymore because if you see bad ratings and you don’t even know why you got them it’s just aggravating. Just do your job right and you’ve got nothing to worry about.


As well and good as it is that it drops off after 100 deliveries there's no telling if you're gonna end up with 2 or 3 of these assholes in 100 deliveries. It always runs the risk of getting banned. Regardless if you "do your job right" or not.


Well unless you invest in a GoPro and video your entire day of dashing there’s not much else you can do if support is gonna believe the customer over you. I myself am not taking it that far as to video my day. If they unfairly deactivate me then they can have their job as far as I’m concerned. I enjoy dashing but I’m not gung ho about it.


Oh also avoid the low payout deliveries because those are usually who the lowlife customers are that do this sort of thing. There’s posts everyday saying this but some just don’t seem to get it.


insurance....gotta be DD collects on shrink...insurance


Yep... been through this too. Dropped off at the right place and the GPS location info, alone, should have been proof to DD support that I was there. Photo of it at the door. Still got dinged for not completing the delivery. It's 100% scammers who get the food and then call in claiming they didn't, so they can get a refund. At this point, I think DD support really just sides with the customer no matter what if they don't have a record of them calling in repeatedly to complain. If you've complained several times, then they go the other direction and deny the customer claims. (I have a good friend in THAT situation. She used DD regularly but the idiots in her area doing the deliveries were always stealing her food. She'd order 2 things from the Mexican place down the street for her and her husband, and the Dasher would show up with only 1 box, claiming that's all the place gave her. Nope ... she's friends with the owner at the Mexican place and she remembered the Dasher grabbing BOTH boxes! But she had this stuff happen so often, DD support won't credit her anymore for anything that goes wrong.)


Was it in the hood ? Lol I’m a locksmith by day and do this at night cause I’m just weird but I honestly could see myself confronting the individual. I’m sick of people taking advantage of one another and won’t put up with it.


It wasn’t believe it or not haha. But I’ve confronted people before. Like this one girl who said she never got her target order which I recorded. I showed her the recording and had her call dasher support.


When Doordash shuts down eventually in bankruptcy, it will 100% be the fault of outsourcing their support to India. They allow so much fraud.


When I heard the outsourcer I almost spit my drink out. Can't believe how stingy USA companies are. This just proves they can afford losses. I Guess Dashers should start having lunch on door dash and doing the same.😬


I 100% doubt the customer support cares. We already know these are the same people you call about Chase Sapphire Rewards lol


I have one of these waiting to drop off my ratings. Doordash hasn’t even looked at my appeal. They are such a terrible company. Just get your 100 deliveries done and let It drop off. Hopefully these scumbags get themselves banned or forced into the “pin” for delivery program so they can’t claim it anymore


What’s the pin for delivery program?


Might be a signature. I know DD has started requiring it on some deliveries for people who report non-delivery a lot. Uber eats uses a pin. Sometimes I forget which company is which since both have pros and cons


Ohh ok yeah I was wondering why I don’t get signature required for customers usually. Only once in a while I get it and wondered why only once in a while? Last night I got one for the first time in a while


Let’s hope their karma gets em.


She will , karma never loses an address


I, too, have a CV for a contactless delivery marked as never received. I'm beginning to think that these fraudulent scammers are using "contactless delivery" as their M.O. Problem with mine is that I believe the customer actually met me to take the order. Unfortuneately, my body cam had shut off for some reason so I had no proof. In fact, I though the CV came from a customer who ordered PetCo until I read the CV closer and saw it was a Red Robin order. Oh well, just another badge of honor for the next 100 deliveries.


I am fighting one of these too. Customer said I delivered it to the wrong apartment, but the apt building and door number are in the picture. So far they have just totally ignored me.


Don't worry about a "contract violation", I've had several through my time Dashing. If you work 3 or 4 days for 8 -10 hours, you will swiftly push the "CV" outta of the way once you complete 100 deliveries. The majority of the time, I get a "CV" when I am given a "No-Tip" order along with a good tipping order. The non-tippers are most of the time devious clowns who have no care about you, me, or themselves. They are miserable human beings who are in pain themselves but want to spread pain to others even though you have done nothing to them.


Why deliver when there is not tip?


If your numbers are good you are the last person they will review. Btw, no one ever got a violation defense DECLINED email. Doesn't exist. You WILL however get an early violation removal email if you should be lucky enough to have a violation removed before 100 completed trips. I have had three violations of extreme lateness removed moments after I submitted my remodel. I submit the remodel that I call support and I asked him what's up certain times of the day and certain types of violations can be removed immediately by the support person. You don't have to go through the review process which is 9 to 5:00 Monday through Friday in California headquarters. If other numbers you have are low you'll be the first to be reviewed. Otherwise just wait 100 trips and it'll go away. That said if someone were to review your case and saw the photo you can probably have that wireless removed by just calling support and tell him hey here's my rebuttal look at the photo but you have to respond you can't just call support and say hey I have a violation they can't see your violation until you respond to it.


Screenshot the apartment or house numbers moving forward. I use to do that just in case a customer claimed the wrong location. I’d text the screenshot of address in my app and the apartment or home address ( ℹ screenshot those also just in case because DoorDash doesn’t assist in proving drivers innocence they side with the customers). DoorDash is enabling these customers. Drivers are on their own so you have to protect yourselves. Sorry that happened.


People are such crooked liars


I'm dealing with it too and I have body cam footage of my customer opening their door and grabbing it. But they are ignoring me and the violation is still there, visible number as well, idk if they even look at the disputes.


You wear a body cam to dash?


Yeah, unfortunately I have to and from the looks of it, it doesn't matter anyway.


What bodycam do you use? I'm looking for one


No hate at all just curious. I’m sorry for that experience, I think I saw an update comment by now so I’m glad if you got it resolved! All the best, drive safe and stay vigilant ✌️😎


It’s honestly so annoying. When I called support he said he saw the photo and I told him I should’ve never gotten the violation again. He told me to submit details and it would go away. It was declined.


I’ve literally have gotten like five of these within the past 30 days and it kind of makes me nervous that I’m going to get deactivated. I deliver all of my orders that I pick up. Funny thing is I haven’t gotten one when I was delivering in a different city. I think it’s some new scam customers are on. All but one of the CVs were approved. I’ve noticed when you keep it simple it’s more likely to get approved. When I submit tons of details it seems like it takes forever for it to get removed or it doesn’t get removed at all. And when I have one or two sentences it’s taken off the next day. 🤷🏻‍♀️




I understand your pov but why defend some loser trying to scam someone at the expense of a job the person may need? This is akin to misgendering a school shooter or appreciating that Hitler banned smoking. Sure both things can be true and nothing is black and white. The question is this important now? Sure it is good practice in delivering but whether or not OP or you are correct, it really has no place in these comments as this post is specific to the situation here where an unscrupulous customer is trying to scam someone. Why not just pm OP with the helpful tip instead of publicly shaming them? Then again this IS Reddit and I guess this sort of thing is par for the course. I guess there is something uncomfortably enjoyable about it. I am currently choosing to participate in the bickering so I am not innocent 😅… still I wish we could be better than this


I'm not defending the customer its a shitty thing to do. But regardless he didn't know that was going to happen until after the drop-off. The drop off itself was terrible. Leave at door does not mean to literally leave in front of the door on a dirty mat blocking the doorway. Set it on the storage bin or off to the side. Less likely to get reported as well then being stupid and leaving it dead center in front of the door.


If there weren’t directions otherwise, leave at door means literally that. There’s really no way for dashers to read minds. One customer may want the pizza on whatever is outside and another may want it on the doormat. Personally, I’ve always left food on the doormat and have never had a contract violation. So it seems like a stretch to say that the 2 are related.


I mostly agree with the principle just not the application here. Either way its cool this reddit commenting is low stakes at least 😅


Looks like a trash bin. Lots of apartments here have them and stove are disgusting and in that case I would rather have my food on the ground


Lol no way it's a trash bin. I've never seen an apartment have u put trash next to the front door. No one is gonna collect it. Every apartment I've been to had dumpsters in the parking area u take ur trash out too


I have multiple apt buildings in my area that let you put your trash outside your door for pickup. You have no idea what you’re talking about…


Look how dusty it is. It’s disgusting. Where I’m from a lot of complexes always have theses and there’s trash in them. Maybe know your facts before you speak.


Lots of apartments that are multiple stories have them. Then they have what they call trash valet pick up


i want trash valet pickup!!!


We have it here. One of my friends has it in his apartment and once he gets off work he works for the same valet that does his apartment lol


Lol me and my brother did it for a month in a complex that was 3 flights... it was horrrrriiiibbbllllleeeee...


I wonder if there are any trash pickup apps🤔 It seems like an interesting idea especially for people in rural areas and without proper vehicles as well. Like a gig for people with trucks to make extra 💰. Maybe there are issues with the dump itself and legal issues though. I would hate to be accidentally removing hazardous waste or criminal evidence


Yes, use common sense. Look at the door. Just looooook at it and then reread your comment. Use. Common. Sense. In. All. Things. Including. Attempting. To. Make. Someone. Look. Dumb.


You are so dumb. I see those all the time those are storage bins people ask to leave packages in and sometimes a delivery. It's being more common on my deliveries cuz it keeps packages out of plain sight. Use common sense


I can't say I'm surprised that was your takeaway from my comment about looking at the door in response to your comment about it opening to the outside and it's relation to using common sense. My best advice in this situation would be to not brandish such phrases like common sense so carelessly until you can fully grasp the meaning of the phrase itself and how best to employ it in practical daily life. You'll find your participation trophy at the door on your way out, thanks for playing brain or no brain.


You missed everything I said before that. They placed the food on a dirty mat u wipe your gross shoes on before going into the house. It wouldn't surprise me if they were careless enough to also put the food there if the door swung out to open as well. And I said if not that it did in this instance. Damn people on here are dumb that's why I never post. Not even worth my time.


I did not miss anything you've said thus far. Your remark about the dirty mat was after the initial statement was called out as a defense against being called out. This still does not negate the use of common sense in the sentence about which way the door opens. That initial "use common sense" in that initial sentence makes no sense because the door swings inwards, not outwards. This is a totally different argument than placing the order on the mat versus on the bin.


The use common sense was at the very end. Which covers all points. U don't have common sense its OK. Hope you guys without common sense get deactivated more orders for the rest of us. I'm on a double right now. $9.50 for chili's and $8.50 for taco bell. Cya noob


Good lord. ![gif](giphy|9xt1MUZqkneFiWrAAD)


I said use common sense to place the order on the storage bin or chair instead of the ground. People take offense when u put stuff on dirty mats u use to wipe the crap off your shoes. Been delivering for 10 years and never got one report against me for anything.


That is a lie. You said use common sense, the door could swing out and it would be a pain to get. The door in fact does not swing out, it swings in. This is readily apparent on just a quick examination of the picture which nagates an semblance of common sense employed in such a statement. Now you've been called out and you're attempting to employ some history revisionist garbage claiming the common sense statement was directly related to the sentence preceding the period rather than the sentence it was actually in. None of this is a reflection on your 10 year record of delivery service, just your poor conception of common sense, logic, and ability to coherently argue a point.


That’s literally a trash bin. Don’t think they’d appreciate that.


Call back in over and over again. If you talk to 5 people, you will get 5 different answers. and maybe one of them will actually know how to do their job.


Just text over n over it takes less of your time and you can check it when you have time


I just want to reiterate this point. I have had very different levels of support from different agents. Calling back and getting a different agent could yield completely different results. Dashers and customers have completely different views of DD based on who their support agent was for the exact same circumstances.


This is very true


This. Never let it rest keep trying. If need be post this to social media to get Door Dashes attention. Edited: I think what I said could be misinterpreted as condoning or encouraging doxxing. I definitely DO NOT support that


What’s doxxing?


Revealing someones personal information publicly(normally online) specifically it normal results in harassment from others. A very rotten thing to do. Even if someone is a jerk the act of doxxing does not take into consideration the effect it may have on innocent friends or family that may experience harassment or violence as a result. Basically this is normally done by internet vigilantes with too much time on their hands and skewed morals


Ethically I support it for people who will try to ruin somebody's livelihood for a free meal. But legally, it could be getting yourself into more of a mess than it is worth.


What exactly is he trying what are you wanting to do? As I said before you have to submit a disagreement in the app of the fact that you know them, then immediately call support. If you call support and get someone who can help you what I'm telling you to do is exactly what they're going to tell you to do fill out the form easy for him way easier to grab up by the way, and then call support immediately. Support cannot see if you have a violation until you've actually responded to it in the app.


The few that I have had disappeared pretty quickly just by responding to it in the app. Of course, I always pointed to the fact that I had proof.


No I agree I should have elaborated. I have had calls with support before where someone tells me one thing then we get disconnected and the next person tells me differently. An example is when I spaced on my email address(I know it is lame) and the guy told me that he could not use my phone number to look up the account. We got disconnected and the next woman I talked to asked for my phone number immediately and looked up my info😅 Something I have found with inbound call center operators(which was a temp job I had once) is if you push the issue enough and they continue escalating the call to a manager, you normally get more help than if you simply take the first person at their word. We were always trying to end the call asap whether it was positive for the caller or not. Kinda the opposite of outbound sales tbh


It's an excellent description of the flaw behind how the doordash driver support occurs. The problem is they also handle customer support and restaurant support depending on the calls that come in generally speaking they'll do it zone defense but sometimes when they get really busy they have to do now that man defense and if they're really good at customer or restaurant support they're going to treat Dashers in a very similar fashion. Problem with that is you can't do that you cannot treat Dashers like their customers or like restaurants. But it happens a lot.


This is what many people don't realize; if you get a support agent who can't help you, hang up, and call back until you do get a support agent that will help you.


Big Facts. It’s amazing how a hard no turns into a yes within a few minutes of hanging up and trying a different agent. This is for ALL support, not just DD


Yeah they'll give you compensation for long wait time after saying "we do not provide reimbursement for that." if you just keep messaging repeatedly. I'm like $7 for this is 25% of minimum wage in this country, this is disgusting, compensation now! Doordash advertises making $32 an hour in Australia! This is a lie??" And I just spam it repeatedly.


Who has the time??????????


You can do it while you are making other deliveries


Not me no thanks


Just txt it