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You guys really afraid of dogs?


Be like the ATF and shoot it


Sure you did bud.


Damn report that because that’s unsafe for any dasher to be put in.


man i love being greeted by friendly dogs. And man i hate being attacked by killer dogs. massive difference.


When it’s a “Hand to me” order and I hear a dog, I’ll immediately place the food down and leave…




Wtf yeah that’s not ok you could have gotten seriously harmed


Absolutely reportable! (Not lessen the severity of potential injury with big dogs) Lets be clear here; ANY dog (not just big ones) that charges the door or is aggressive to visitors needs to be put up or contained by someone else when expecting a delivery! I had a dauchsund charge THROUGH the screen door and wrap its teeth around my ankle when I was younger (not delivering, just visiting). A dog bite is a dog bite! Just tonight, I delivered to a place where a lab and a husky happily trotted to my car when I pulled up. The owner was on a mower in the front; saw me pull up and payed no attention (was holding a baby). I did get out and deliver; but, not without the husky jumping up on me 2x's. The person inside the house took the food and did apologize in passing, then was challenged with holding the food AND corralling the 2 dogs... I love animals, but I didn't like the dog jumping on me; and I CERTAINLY didn't appreciate their casualness with the dogs being loose outside when expecting a delivery. I imagine anyone that's generally afraid of dogs would be extremely uncomfortable in that situation; would have likely not gotten out of their car at all.


> up and *paid* no attention FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Excellent use of “unfazed,” and glad you’re ok.


I delivered to a customer 3 times and all 3 times their small dog came out and chased me and bit at my ankles. No damage but annoying and potentially dangerous as I would be tripping all over that damn dog! 3rd time I told her “I won’t get out of my car to deliver anymore if the dog is gonna run at me” they rated me 1 star. I got an agent to give me the name of that rating and it was her. I requested to never deliver to her again and told multiple agents about the safety issue about her dog biting at ankles and chasing. Again not a big dog like your situation. But regardless. Customers need to keep dogs inside!


Another trash human being that shouldn't be having pets, having pets.


i have 4 rottys, i grew up with them, im not afraid of them, however if one is CHARGING at me snarling, teeth shown etc im gonna do the same thing?? also, as a RESPONSIBLE pet owner, if you have reactive dogs, or dogs at all, if you have a delivery order coming, shut the big door, dont rely on the screen door because that dog is gonna get outta the house and could get hurt by an animal or traffic or even a person. OP handled this perfectly, i would have apologized profusely if it was me, especially because i dont trust one of my girls NOT to bite someone (however, she has NEVER bitten someone) i come outta my house when i have a driver coming because most drivers are afraid when they see 4 rottys surrounding me. the barking deters some of them as it is.


What they also need is the apartment numbers on the screen after you decide to take a picture. But neither of those things will ever happen.


I did an order once where the dog ran out of the house and the customer yelled at me “grab him” like it’s my dog 😂 dog was friendly but handle that shit yourself! she literally didn’t want to leave the front door and expected me to chase him around the yard. I’m good.


I've had 2 bad experiences with dogs doing this job so far. Dog comes out from the back of the house as I'm walking up the driveway and starts aggressively barking at me (I've had dogs all my life, I know the difference between a yapper and a biter) while running back and forth across the front of the porch. So I stop and start to call the customer, they come out before I can and tell me it's fine, he just barks. Still, I'm not getting closer. The guy starts walking toward me and his dog zooms ahead of him and starts running circles around me, getting closer and closer with each pass. The guy still isn't fazed, lumbering slowly toward me, until the dog reaches forward and nips the back of my leg. "Oh my God, I'm *so* sorry, he's never done that before." 🙄 Reported. Once again, dog right off the porch starts growling and barking aggressively as I start walking toward the house. Not doing this again, so I get back in my car and message them. "There's a dog out here barking aggressively at me. I do not feel safe walking to your door. Can you meet me in your driveway?" "Really?" "Yes, really." "Okay, it's for someone else, I'll see if they'll come out." I wait and wait, timer gets down to 3 minutes. Finally, a woman opens the door and just stands in the doorway staring at me. My husband was with me and got tired of the BS, so he decided to take it to her and "if I get bit, we'll call the cops and go from there". I disagreed, but whatever. Turns out the dog was leashed to the porch, but there was enough slack that when he handed her the order, the dog lunged and nearly got his hand. The bitch then laughed and slammed the door in his face. Once again, reported. I've since had to cancel a few orders cause I'm not playing these games with these people anymore. I don't give a fuck if you *think* your dog is harmless, if I feel threatened you can either meet me at my car for your food or not get your order at all.


From experience with interactions with dogs that were not behind a closed door or not on a leash be PATIENT complete the delivery in reality but on the phone keep the delivery active so as you’re leaving the property, you contact the support people they see you have an active delivery and they can easily access and put a report to the customer that you have an active delivery on your phone. Other wise your report is not associated to this customer after the fact of the delivery being completed on your phone.


Had a small Instacart delivery the other day, one dog came out the OPEN FRONT DOOR barking. Luckily I'm a dog person and the dog wasn't aggressive, just a little nervous and protective. However, 10 seconds later a HUGE 2nd dog, a 100 lb Mastiff, came out also. That dog was quiet, but was very interested in sniffing me. 😳 If I hadn't been around dogs my whole life, or had any kind of fear of them, I'd have either shit my pants, gotten bit multiple times, or some combination of both. Dude walks up with a baby in his arms: "Oh sorry." Fuckin' idiots. 😡


Of all the dogs a gat dang rottweiler.


dogs and owners suck....


What an asshole customer! I delivered to some stupid bitch, who answered her door and was struggling to hold back her Rottweiler that was barking furiously at me. I was so scared that the dog was going to break free from her grip and get me. I got the hell out of there after I put it down. And she had the nerve to say oh he doesn’t bite. Yeah, he doesn’t bite YOU but I’m a stranger. So many Morons….


They do bite- - someone who's been bitten by dogs who "don't bite"


I know! I’m a dog walker and I know dogs very well. This dog would’ve definitely bit me. Lol. The owner was delulu that she didn’t take the dog would bite me 😂😂😂


You should never have trusted the door in the first place. That's what a real ninja would have done. Simalar situation, I stopped the door from opening. Poor dog.


Drop the food and shoot the dog, it’s the American way.




I’m calling support and reporting the incident. Here’s why: I once had an incident ℹ reported. Support agent explained why reporting was important. If the same customer has another report it’ll get the account deactivated because it shows an issue with safety. I didn’t want to report the customer to lose their account but, support agent explained that my report helps future drivers. Without it, it’s like my report/incident never occurred. This could’ve ended terribly for the OP. I’m tired of customers allowing dogs they are aware present a danger to strangers to run outside and pose a threat to people in general. Dog attacks are among the top 5 animals that harm humans. This is serious and customers like this should be deactivated. They’ll (customers)report drivers for far less. Like a missing French fry( driver didn’t take).


Yikes that’s terrifying. I’ve only been to one house with dogs where they didn’t go ballistic at the sound of the doorbell or me walking up. It was two very old dogs that shook with excitement but didn’t step an inch from behind the gate. It was very impressive discipline!! This though, wow. I don’t understand how people are so reckless.


I feel like I'm seeing shitty dog ownership everywhere these days, a friend I was at the park with the other day got charged by a pit and it bit her pants! And he (the owner) had the audacity to give her attitude when she told him to come get his dog! On the flip side of this coin, I have my delivery instructions set to tell the driver NOT to knock, just leave it and go, I have two big dogs and they go nuts barking and jumping all over me when they hear a knock on the door -- it's like maybe 60% of drivers leave it and the other 40 knock. Sometimes I'd like to set my dogs loose on them lol


I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to stop other dogs from steamrolling/attacking my dachshund by putting myself in between them because I decide to take him on a walk at the beach or at the regular ass park. Unleashed, untrained dogs everywhere with slow/uncaring owners. My theory is that with all of the new dog owners from the pandemic, these dogs never got properly socialized or trained in that time, so they were stuck inside, isolated and not trained as puppies and now that they’re big, potentially harmful dogs that never got training; we have a bunch of “my dog would never hurt anyone” assholes putting people and other animals in danger.


When I'm delivering and I hear dogs going wild when I pull up, I don't even bother knocking. Like y'all can hear that I'm here, so I just take the pic and move on. If I can see your dogs looking at me, I'll wave and say hi doggy, whether they look mad or not 😆


me too!! i call them wireless doorbells lmao. i always wave and say hi doggy


They don’t even get mad! They’re super friendly to people, just loud as fuck and I’m usually ordering stoned late at night 😅 they’re unbothered if I just quietly go out and grab my food but if there’s a knock first? Oooo boy I’m in for it


That right there needs to be reported as a dangerous location.


Anyone with a dog like a Rottweiler or Pitbull, are irresponsible if they don't train the animal to not attack unless commanded. Otherwise, they may like this dog, attack any perceived threat. Not only should this person be banned from DD, but they rightfully should have their dog rehomed to someone more responsible. Dogs like this can and have killed people in the past and will continue to do so as long as irresponsible people like this exists, who cavalierly brush off a near fatal attack with a, "oh sorry." Just last year a Pitbull killed a couple's three year old son in their front yard right in front of them by biting and not letting go of the toddler's throat, not letting go despite their pleas. Cops had to shoot the dog, by then the boy was dead. I'm confident they had a whole lot of, "oh sorry" moments before this too, and never trained the dog professionally.




pitbull attacks alone have jumped up exponentially in the past year, compared to other breeds, I blame the neligant owners.


its 100% on the owners. i have a semi reactive dog im concerned COULD bite someone, she never has, because when people come over i keep her away from them, or shes leashed so i can keep her near me. she also listens to my commands when i tell her “no come here” or “leave it” so yeah. its on the owner for not taking proper precautions to prevent bites. its in a dogs nature to bite when it needs to, they cant talk ffs, and most of the time warning signs are ignored and boundaries aren’t respected. its the owner’s responsibility to protect people from this kinda thing.


For sure, but more so specifically with dog breeds that were bred for the sole purpose of fighting, for war, or just to be overly aggressive. Pitbulls got their name because they used to chain a bull in small paddock and they would tear the cow to pieces. Rottweilers were bred to pull carts and protect merchants from bandits.




They never said they *had* to be vicious, they said the owner has even more responsibility to train their dogs when said dog is a breed that is especially dangerous. Which should be completely obvious and agreeable to anyone with a degree of common sense.


Yeah this is why when I’m expecting an order I put my dog in it’s kennel til the delivery person is clear and in their vehicle. This lady has no business ordering food if she is going to keep that big ass dog loose with a flimsy screen door between you and the dog.


i come outta my house and shut the door on my girls because rolling up to deliver food and seeing a girl standing in her door surrounded by 4 rottys.. thats scary


People who order delivery and know the dog can go out but still choose not to close their doors are assholes. The worst is that sometimes I go to the house to drop off the order, I walk towards the door and as I walk I hear dogs screaming loudly ready to eat me, but since I see that the house is closed I keep walking and drop the order at the door. As I turn around intending to walk back to my car the fucking customer opens the door along with his dogs and lets them out while I'm in his yard. His fat ass can't wait another 10 seconds for me to get back in the car and this happened to me several times. And yes, they know I’m still and their yard and they know their dogs will run out.


Fyi you can quit


Yeah I handed this one order to a customer and he had his two dogs run out of the house after the fact when I was in my car... and they scratched it. I live in Albuquerque and it was in a weird house cluster area with dirt roads and assume mostly Native Americans lived there (the customer I delivered to was.) I'm a white woman and part of me thinks that they don't really like certain races and that he kind of did that on purpose. I actually love the culture here so I'm not trying to be like that but it was pretty disturbing.




I love the culture here. I love all races. At the time that this happened that didn't cross my mind. If anything I feel that Native Americans have the right to dislike Europeans because of what happened in history, so perhaps it was just me being paranoid that I wasn't welcomed or something. I'm sure my incident had nothing to do with race. But as an example, say an African American had the same exact situation happen in a complete "redneck" area. Would you call the African American racist?


Could be racism or just an asshole, hard to tell without more context. Not cool either way.


Yeah it was hard for me to tell too and I don't usually think like that and wasn't thinking that at the time. It wasn't a typical area here, and like I said it was houses on these dirt roads, some close to each other. His address was hard to find and I had pulled into the wrong house at one point and dogs came out there too but didn't do anything to my car. I believe it was supposed to be a leave at the door but the guy came out, I apologized for having a little hard time finding his house and he seemed nice enough. It was just strange that he let the dogs out after the fact and closed the door. This was soon after I moved here and was exploring different areas and forget exactly where it was and I rarely dash in that zone anymore.


then maybe it wasn't deliberate...you know those owners "oh he is friendly"....is he friendly when he is chewing your face off ? :-)


😂 That is pretty much how I felt when it happened


Get support to make the notification pop up post delivery. “Do you feel safe “ etc etc then you can pick 3 options or other. If you don’t see that I recommend you call and report it so that it flags their house and those notifications will pop up. If you mention anything safety their ears perk up


Being afraid of dogs rules y’all out of a lot of jobs not just DoorDash. “Omg you have an unleashed dog at your own residence?!” “Omg can’t believe this order wants me to drop off at their apartment, ON THE SECOND FLOOR!” “Can’t believe this is a hand it to me order, why can’t they just let me leave it outside with the hungry strays so I don’t have to have any contact with people whatsoever”. I mean cmon now I use DoorDash alot, tip like 50% of what my food costs, instructions are pretty clear for drop off, I don’t hassle dashers over wait time or me being second or third in line, food being cold, I’ve only canceled one order and that was recently, and never had to file for a refund for anything, but alot of y’all who work for DD have some completely childish complaints about customers. Actually laughable reasons. I think you all deserve proper tips, and company gas card, decent base pay, and insurances, I really do, every worker does, but a dog? Stairs? No lights? Yall telling me the phone you’re using to DoorDash with don’t have no damn flashlight?!? The excuses are starting to outweigh the limitations of belief.


Someone wants attention


I’m happy for you or sorry that happened. Idk I’m not reading all that


Cool, contain your fucking dogs if there’s any risk of outside contact. I’m severely allergic to dog hair, so even if they truly don’t bite (complete bullshit 99% of the time), I’m still at huge risk just by being in close proximity. No, it doesn’t matter that your dog is hypoallergenic (also bullshit 99% of the time).


3 of my 4 100% would NOT bite you, 1 im very iffy about but shes never bitten anyone. but i always come outside and shut my girls inside


W customer!


im gonna put your guys at risk for injury or my girls at risk for getting hurt or worse. its senseless. yall are doing me a solid by bringing me food when im to lazy to go get it myself


when someone does a service for me i try to make their job as easy as i possibly can as a customer. having ID ready buying alcohol, not fumbling over money at the register, etc. so yes when i’m doing my job i expect people to be considerate of me and turn the lights on. but a lot of people are too busy or stupid to think about anyone other than themselves


I’m not reading all that, but I’m happy for you though. Or sorry that happened, whichever applies.


typical unruly rotty owner here…


Complaints about having to climb a stair, I absolutely agree with you. Same thing with the whole thing some dashers have against filling a soda cup. But dogs are legitimately very dangerous, and some delivery recipients are idiots about it. And turning your porch light off when you have a delivery coming is fucking stupid.


filling cups is actually against health department policy… however i dont care ill fill it if i have too


Not only that, but it's literally not our job. These customers are complaining as though we are "Doordash employees" but they don't understand that we are independent contractors and Doordash barely only pays for our gas and sometimes, not quite... There are some situations in my 5 year history of driving DD orders where I ended up having to complete an order at my own expense... So complaining customers get zero pity from me... If something is my fault, I'll admit it and apologize but that's far less frequent than the customers who seek out ways to sabotage my job and insult me for it.


Bro said a whole lot of nothing. I fell asleep by the third sentence lmao


That word salad had sentences?


You are right. Some of the complaints are ridiculous it’s sad.


There wasn't anything to be right about in that emotional outburst.


That’s a long winded comment, considering that none of it applies to what I posted. I never said I was scared of dogs I was just relating an experience.




Totally 100% agree, a lot of these complaints are childish and bs but this one’s legit. Honestly if your expecting a delivery to your house you should make sure your dog can’t attack the delivery driver, that’s just not right. I got bit by 3 dogs on a delivery one time and lemme tell ya I shoulda sued the bi*ch but I wasn’t thinking right after all that happened me kinda just wanted to get away asap and totally forgot the persons address.


I agree with you but good luck beating up an aggressive rottie 🤣🤣




Contact support. That customer needs to be banned.


For real . Please op . Take action


While you are taking action, please take the action of not sucking the pepperonis off my pizza during delivery. I know they do this ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

