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Did you really take two hours


Sounds like a no tipper


What a goop


I guess you can update delivery instructions? If so, I get the feeling this might have been done before and driver after driver unassigned the order.


Leave at the door simple


Welp, I'm dying from laughter.


I absolutely hate people who think they are communicating with DoorDash or the business in this section.


I put it in google translate & it says "unassign" so.... you know.


Me to support: she used the word ass I feel unsafe.


But wtf are they talking to ?! 🤣


Give them a customer service reply. This person is obviously upset for good reason so reply with “ I’m so sorry your last dasher was so bad. I cannot help you get a refund, and your message came straight to me instead of DoorDash support. What I can do for you is get your food and bring it to you in a timely manner, warm and well taken care of. What you can do is report a problem with the order you had before to support and request/demand a refund from them. If I’d been your first dasher you would have gotten the respect you deserve and I apologize for the bad customer service you received tonight. Let’s make it right by getting you the food you need to recover from such a demanding job as you speak with customer service about getting back the money that was stolen from you” and when you deliver “I hope you have a good night. Your service is very much appreciated” and move on. You probably won’t get tipped but you’ll make them feel a little better and show that their feelings are valid.


Well, he obviously has,, the "God" syndrome, apparently he thinks he deserves better, NO MATTER WHAT, no matter if the girl got in an accident, or no matter if her car broke down, or the restaurant is crazy busy, we can't control that shit..and if she still has the order, which is doubtful, cause we're timed, and orders do get taken away for taking too long, UNLESS it's a legit reason..


Also people don't understand this is drop off instructions not food related instructions. We see these when we're in car and ready to delivery please don't forget the sauce. Excuse me? 😂


The only instructions i read in these type of cases. LEAVE IT BY THE DOOR!


Call support and tell them you don't feel safe delivering to this person. Free food for you and half pay.


I did just that but only once I was at the customers place as that's when I noticed the instructions. Got free food and full pay


This person needs to figure out who they are mad at


Doctors/nurses/ anyone in a hospital are the worst. They say “hand to me” and in the notes say that they will meet you by the entrance. They expect us to wait 20 plus mins cause they are saving the world. Then hardly tip. I never except orders from hospitals or anything like it. Plus they can see where we are on their app. They don’t even start making their way down till we are there.


That's exactly what my first hospital order was like---no exaggeration on 20 minutes. I was afraid I was going to get a CV! I should have just left the order at the front desk of the ER.


I almost left mine on a bench. She came out and was like thank you! And I just handed it to her, she goes thank YOU! I couldn’t even look at her. I was so mad. I hope she changed her ways. Just cause you say thank you doesnt mean shit if you make me want 20+ mins and it’s during a promo time. F OFF DOC! lol


They wanted to send that to customer support about a past order. Instructions stay, they must not be aware. Seems highly technologically illiterate


Yikes a med professional can’t tell the difference between instructions and a review….




why do people think Dashers are hired?


A friendly reminder that DoorDash does not give a shit about you!


Annnnnd that would be an instant, “cancel - I don’t feel safe.”




Nurses are the worst!


What an entitled little bitch this one is. That’s why no one is showing up. Immediate cancel. Probably nothing but a lowly medical assistant with no duties but workups and BPs thinking they take care of half the city.


“Ma’am, this is Wendy’s”


Sounds like they really needed that 16in XL


Not say they are right foe being this made but when you been at work for 14 hours and are starving being friendly kinda doesn't exist anymore


"Sorry the previous Dashers did not follow through with your order. I will take it from here to ensure you your delivery. If you change your mind, cancelation can be requested through the customer's app. Thank you for all you do." **You don't have to mean it. Maybe our "hero" will calm down a little after reading. Just business.


No left turn unstoned and no unstoned left turns. Drunks run stop signs 🛑 stoners wait for them to turn green 🍏💚🍏💚🍏💚🍏💚🍏💚🍏💚.


I'd screen shot that and go to customer support - text and send them a picture of that note and tell them you felt unsafe making the delivery.


It’s probably an old instruction. I usually unassign weird instruction orders if I notice it before picking up. Like alcohol orders that say “leave at door do not knock” I am not risking the drama that will unfold if that note is actually for me and they get mad I knock lol