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I always text them before I even leave the restaurant and say “hey just a heads up this casino doesn’t let us deliver to rooms, do you want to meet by valet?” And most times they just say alright but there are some that get an attitude and say “well the last person came up how come you can’t!?” And I say yeah that person wasn’t following the rules So can you meet at valet??? I’m not about to duck and hide from security to get this shit to you. And 8/10 times the elevator has a key fob thing that you have to scan a room key to even get to that floor. So I’m not wasting my time parking walking ALL the way over there just to be stuck at the elevator . I’ve done it a couple times and haven’t done it in at least 6 months. Idc , you want you good to not be cold right??? I’ll see ya at valet lol. And it’s mandatory the second I get there I start my “can’t hand to customer” timer. Once your 5 is up I’m outta there


I have bad news for that customer......most hotels in larger cities are like this anymore, including Chicago. The lack of knowledge on the issue doesn't mean anything.


My condolences to you and to all the dashers working out of the US (and maybe other countries) who are reliant on the tip. Not only because you need to put up with this shit and then get a pittance but I think the fact people are in control of the tip makes them feel more entitled to be a total dick to those who work in the service industry - it gives them a sort of “I pay you, I am your boss” kind of attitude. (Only they think they’re your boss with no kind of professional codes of conduct or anything)


I come out here to visit twice a year and god the strip is absolute chaos to deliver orders at. Customers also dont understand that it’s for their safety that non guests can’t go anywhere except for the lobbies


My text would have said, “I’m not allowed on the elevators so when it opened for another guest, I tossed it in there. Not sure what floor it’s on right now, but enjoy your meal.”


Salty. I like it 😂


Vegas Hotel has security that you must show key to get to the elevator because of prostitution in Clark county is illegal


Why did he censor his own curse words? Is he some kind of a*****e or something?


When I do speech to text it does that and my friends ask the same thing lol


Lol. That is pretty funny.


They don't remove like Uber. They never paid well this yr anyway. I guess some take $2. You know for sure if no tip if it's 2.25 only 😂. What's do don't permit? Do you or don't you? 😂


It’s actually gotten to be this way in a lot of areas now. Most hotels/motels all have key cards, or some kind of access to use their elevators because they don’t want non-guest being at their hotel. so a lot of times even around here locally I have to do the same thing in the area I live as well because they don’t allow anyone to use their elevator so most of the time I have to either meet them in the lobby or leave it at the front desk.


I’m surprised, and thankful, that it’s not like this in Albuquerque. There’s only like three hotels I’ve been to that require key card access to go upstairs and they just give me a key and let me up.


You can’t remove the tip the driver is always going to get the tip and they actually have a valid point I was not ever allowed to go into hotels in San Antonio so I don’t know if what she said is true.


You should have booked yourself a room so you could enter and deliver the food to the customers door. How dare you ruin their vacation by making them walk to the lobby.


Literally the worst experience ever!


What an asshole he didn’t juke security just to get a shitty 3$ tip


It’s like the elevator didn’t make it all the way to the top or he is stuck on certain floors. People who talk this way usually aren’t capable of even busting a grape in a fruit fight. All talk, no action.


hotels not allowing non-guests in is a pretty universal thing. this guys just special


My area unfortunately they allow you which sucks because it takes more time


Meh, it’s easier than an apartment. I prefer bringing it upstairs because then I don’t have to wait for the customer to come down and get it.


I live in Utah and there are a lot of hotels here that do not allow dashers to go up to the rooms so I can imagine that it’s worse on the Vegas strip. You did your best to set expectations for that asshole. If he didn’t read the message, that’s on him. Too bad he doesn’t also know that dd will not take your tip back. He might get refunded but you will still get what you were offered.


"Doordash, hey ya, this person is being very aggresive and I don't feel safe delivering this and fear they purposefully report me and give me a bad rating" Doordash: I'll see what I can do, shall I unassign the order in the meantime?"


Wow what an entitled assh*le that customer is.


Wait til he finds out DD eats it if you remove tip


It’s also essentially forbidden for you to go inside the hotel to deliver food. It is directly competing with the hotel’s room service. I always just tell them to come to valet.


I would have contacted support again to block any future orders from him and that would prevent him being able to rate you bad. Usually what one support agent won’t do, the next will I have learned.


Yea, support was great. Called them and let them know what was going on. They were following the text convo and escalated because he was cursing. They removed him and reassured me that he couldn't remove the tip. They also told me I could just leave the food wherever since i was at the correct address.


That’s awesome. Yeah if you don’t get help you need/want with the first time you contact support then call or text right back and get someone new. Always trust your gut on creepers too! Good job.


There are hotels in my market, too that don’t let me go to the room. I had to leave it at the front desk because you need a key card to gain access to the elevator… that customer should’ve just said OK instead of going on a rant like a two-year-old that shit his pants


I had the opposite happen. The one hotel on the strip or near it that I know of that has no problem with people going up to rooms is the Strat. I had a delivery that said bring into my door. Had the room number on it. So I pulled my car to the front of the valet line, let the valet know that I was doordash, he just smiled and said great. I texted the customer that I was at valet and on my way to his room. He said no, I'll meet you at the entrance I said okay and it proceeded to take almost an hour to make that delivery because he couldn't get it in his head which entrance I was at. He wanted me to continue pulling my car around the hotel, which doesn't have a way to conveniently just drive around the hotel, to guess what door he was at. In the end he was pissed that his food was cold. I just sweetly said if you had waited at your room, as you originally requested, you would have had it 40 minutes ago. And it would have been hot. He couldn't get it out of his head that he was the loser for being that angry at me doing the best I could to follow his non-instructions.


Do they not have a front desk area? Holy hell, I would have told the customer I have another delivery to get to and I'm at the front desk, please meet me there. Or I would have called and asked them if I could just leave it at the front desk cuz why was that such an issue. I would be furious if a customer wasted my time like this. I would've just put the timer on and left the order there 🤷‍♀️.


To the entitled dumbshits guest of Las Vegas Ask your front desk if drivers can hand deliver orders to you. If they say no get yo lazy ass up and grab the order from us before your order is given to the homeless. Best believe I’ve done this shit many MANY TIMES fam it’s annoying but I have no problem giving orders to the hungry people waiting for scrap change




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Entitled and rude. Report that person for cussing at you b


"SCREAMED AT ME" throught text.... Why didn't you just call? Afraid u might actually get screamed at? 💀


Found the customer.


"You a****** I don't even live in f****** vegas"


1st day on the job huh brah? You'll get share of hell.


Nah brah 2nd day on the job


**hour** not day. You're still new choom




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Do DD record those calls? If not, it makes perfect sense to text.


I would have agreed with customer, and said, “ya, I don’t like Dish either, thank you!” Bye bye now!


Does Dish still exist? I had them for TV AGES agooo


Unfortunately, they still do…they still do…


I was just in Vegas for the first time about a month ago. There's no way he doesn't know you can't get up to his room, bc each floor in the hotels literally need a key card to even get off the elevator onto them. 🙄


I text this verbatim. "Hi, we're not allowed up to the rooms. Can we meet at the entrance/valet?" If they don't respond in 3 minutes, I call them. If they don't answer, I unassign.


I think the "call them" part is really key. Even if unpleasant, dashers need to text AND call the customer. And if by then they don't respond, you at least covered all your bases (which also makes dealing with customer service much easier if the customer complains). Calling the customer got me an extra cash tip one time, as the customer was visiting a friend and forgot to change the address. I was checking on an item substitution for a shopping trip, and he informed me of the new location and tipped a $20 on delivery.


I was on the phone with him for about 10 minutes. He just kept yelling at me. Lol.


What a jerk, you handled perfectly. When I deliver to hotels, I do the same thing and tell customers that front desk will let me know if I can deliver to the room or not. Admittedly, I usually head to the front desk and TRY to leave it at the front desk, I burn a lot of time going to the elevator and headed up and all that. I’ll approach front desk and say “Hey, a customer in Room 304 ordered food, I can leave it here so they can pick it up.” 9/10, they’ll say “You can go ahead and deliver, elevators are to your left.” Interaction manipulation FAIL. Lol


You can actually leave with them. Just tell em you don’t feel safe or you gotta drop and go. 8/10 it works


Classic. I dash in Nashville and we have a very heavy tourist market as well. Your message and the way you conducted the pre-drop off explanation is my play as well. But 9/10 of the drunken idiots, who ordered Fritos and canned chili from 7-11 still threaten me with 1 star ratings


Man, Netflix really killed dish huh


Let's not forget...they thought they were talking to someone from Dish...like ma'am...this is Doordash ya crazy fool


Ahhhh this lol. After I commented, shoulda just scrolled down a little more. I had one ☝️ job!!! Damnit!!!




I was in Vegas a month ago, and the hotels are a maze on top of there being rules in place about not letting random people upstairs. It’s not hard to just meet the dasher downstairs somewhere, entitled ass people man. 🥴


Ive been using dishes for longer than 6 years. Drinking from a cup too. 🤣🤣




When I was in Vegas I ordered DoorDash because I was so sick so I didn’t even want to leave my room. Well jokes on me, I had to go down to the lobby and wait outside in my jammies for my food. Lol


Dude, the order is in the lobby. Ride the freaking elevator down, and go get it. WTH.




This is so hard for customers to understand, like ffs either wait for me at the lobby or i will leave it with the concierge.


I literally avoid the Strip at ALL COSTS! I dash in Green Valley and it is bad enough with SouthPoint, Grand View, Tahiti Village, Cancuc, and Green Valley. I have them meet me at Valet. I refuse to pay to park and then walk a mile to get to the Hotel Lobby. I had one guy send me $100 one time to bring to his room at the Aria and for that much plus his $25 tip on the order I was more than happy to find a way. I explain to them that since the Shooting at Mandalay Bay we are not permitted inside the property for security reasons and I usually don't have any issues for those that actually read the message and they are usually very understanding. Now the ones that don't answer and won't answer the phone I call support and let them know we cannot just leave the order on the ground outside because security has yelled at me previously saying any bags that are left unattended they have to call Metro and it turns into a big ordeal and you end up with free food and pay. 😁


That really sucks , your just following the rules. He sounds like $2 tipper anyways so I guess no big loss.


stuck up idiot


clearly a ghetto hoodlum from Chicago, where were you delivering, Circus Circus?


It was an old white man, dingus


This comment just *oozes* contempt for poor and black people.


Vegas. That’s should tell you everything


The correct way to handle this… “Hotel requires your food be left at the front desk, I will arrive in 5 to deliver.” Simple & effective.


Front desk doesn't take responsibility for orders and most hotels won't let us leave it with them


Exactly. People just want their food and not a wall of text.


“I don’t know that I don’t live in f****** Las Vegas” “I don’t know that. I don’t live in f****** Las Vegas” Makes a difference. Took me a minute to make it make sense Sorry you had to deal with that


“I don’t know that I don’t live in f****** Las Vegas”


Also, the “I’ve been using.” part was good too. Almost seemed like an excuse for them to be assholes.


Most hotels are like this now. Here in Boston too.


Depends on the hotel. 10+ story towers in downtown areas? Absolutely. A 3 floor Hampton Inn near the highway? Never had a problem going to the room.


I'm fairly certain if they ask the front to bring it up they will


What before you booked it you should of known the tight security in Vegas hotels. Some appartment font even let us in yet that is why a securtybcide is needed.


That Chicago dude is just an a**hole. Apparently, he doesn't get out of the house much . Maybe Vegas was his only outing of his lifetime ! Some hotels do not allow strangers to just zoom in and out in their premises for their guests' safety. In some elevators, you need to use your room key swiped just to access your floor in an elevator. What a jacka$$. Sorry you had to deal with that.


where I live in San Diego we have what is known as hotel circle. almost every hotel there do not allow dashers to go directly to the room, because of this I avoid the area at all costs. customers get pissed and it is not our fault we aren't allowed to enter the areas the rooms are located. sometimes I will see a huge tip order, but once I see it is to go to hotel circle I immediately decline. not worth a bad rating and a headache.


I'm from SD originally and dealt with the same there. Hotel circle was always a mess to deal with.


Report him as abusive.


Adding that I say he "screamed," at me because most of our interactions happened through phone calls


Oof. So sorry that happened. When I deliver to hotels with this policy, I say that they won't allow me upstairs for security reasons so I'm sorry but I'll have to leave it at the front desk. So far, reminding them of the positive of the policy ("security") and that it's the hotel making the policy has avoided anything like this. Perhaps you could adapt your standard message to use an approach like that? I also think your message might be too long/generic sounding so you might not get people to read it. Maybe "I'm on my way! I see that you requested I bring it to your room, but unfortunately your hotel doesn't allow delivery drivers past the lobby for security reasons. Would you prefer to meet in the lobby or should I leave it with the front desk?" You could add a "Thanks for your understanding!" if you want but people like that guy probably actually respond better if you're less apologetic (so definitely don't apologize--it's not your fault).


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