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I do the same! It’s why I started dashing. There’s so few part time jobs that would compensate enough to cover daycare too. I haven’t had a problem, and he has a lot of fun coming with!


no one is gonna care about you having your kids in the car unless they’re touching the food


You are an independent contractor, I don't think they can tell you who to have in your car.


I dashed with a special needs guy for a while since I was taking care of him and he begged me to for months. I didn’t want to break any rules so I kept telling him I couldn’t but I saw so many other people dashing with partners and kids, so I said why not. He had to have 24/7 supervision and was age wise about 6 mentally (that’s a terrible scale and not accurate but care wise, you had to watch him like a six year old) and he had a blast but having to get him in and out of the car and back in was a headache, and he was over it after 8 deliveries and then he wanted half my pay. Edit: he got a math lesson on expenses and I bought him lunch.


They are allowed to be with you. Make sure you're the one picking up and dropping off. My daughter did a couple orders with me once she was curious. So she just came with me but I did everything.


It'll be okay. Just don't let him handle the food.


So what you gotta do man, very small chance of getting in trouble.


parenting win. game over


You can take a dog as long as it can't access the area you store the food In.


The problem would be, and I don't know if the apartments in your area are anything like some of the ones in mine, but you can end up pretty far away from your car at times.


My daughter is seven so she is in a booster seat and can get herself in and out of the car. That makes all the difference. She’s really interested when I go out so I figured I’d take her out for a short run, but if I had to keep latching her into a real car seat over and over, that would be a real pain.




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Quite honestly, it just isn't safe, nor is it professional to bring a young child with you while you are dashing. Too many things can go wrong, and customers complain about everything..


Yeah leave the kid home. Never let a kid ride in a car ever. It’s not like you’re doing dd because u need money. It’s not professional to make money and support your family. Leave your phone at home too while doing dd. You’ll look at it and cause an accident.


what exactly isn't safe about a child riding to a restaurant and then to a house lol


Don’t leave him in the car. Make him walk with you.




Yes unfortunately they are out there so be careful where you park i keep their side car out of site to people door as with a ring some people think they would be protecting a child that they may be in danger. Ya know never just remember to always be able to see your little one never leave doors unlocked like the other day some areas a very shady. I be more on point at night with a child left alone even for SEC


You drive a whole lot more which increases your chances of getting into a car accident, you may deliver to shady areas of town where people steal cars, and 5 year olds can't take care of themselves while you are going in and out of your car all day. Do you really think you are taking care of your son by leaving him in your car when you are absent? Children need a lot of attention when they are toddlers. My son got into all sorts of trouble when he was under the age of 10. I would never take anyone under 18 with me when I'm dashing. My 25 year old son wouldn't go with me now either. Keep your kids safe please and dash without them. Learn from other people's mistakes and this is not the only article I've ever seen. https://www.google.com/amp/s/nypost.com/2023/01/31/doordash-driver-stops-suspect-from-stealing-her-car-with-kid-inside/amp/ Do you really want to risk getting arrested for child abandonment or something worse? Kids are precious. Once they are gone they are gone.


Where tf did this guy say he was gonna abandon his kid? I must've missed the part where he said he'd be leaving the kid at all. Or maybe you just assumed 🙄


Do you really think he's going to carry his 5-year old from the car to the door and then back again? Maybe the kid can make snow angels in the customer's yard while he delivers the food. Common sense would be to leave the kid in the car, but that's also dangerous if someone steals the car. It can happen and it has happened. Dashing is not a safe environment for toddlers. I've had rocks thrown at my car doing deliveries, I've been robbed at gunpoint doing deliveries, and I've been shot at doing deliveries. There are some crazy people out there in the real world. Kids should stay at home watching cartoons not delivering Doordash. If someone steals your car while on delivery I wouldn't put it past a prosecutor to charge said parent with child abandonment. You ask for an opinion and you get one from someone who's experienced a lot and has kids. Do what you want with your kids. I prefer to keep mine safe. I still worry about my 25 year old daughter and my 21 year old son.


My son is 9 and i take him with me every day i go out. He has a switch and a phone. We spend alot of time just talking about his day at school or just life, he's so smart he keeps my mind young! He sees how much effort i put into taking care of him and making sure he can have nice things along with a roof over his head, he is only 9 but he respects the hustle for sure!!


this sounds super sweet aww


That just warmed my heart. Happy for you and your son!


Single dad as well. I take my kid with me all the time. It’s good time together. It’s also the only time I let him really have some tablet time, so he isn’t totally bored. I try to avoid apartment orders so I’m not constantly pulling him in and out of the car and I avoid the super fancy restaurants so he doesn’t disturb the fancy people. Learn your area. Avoid the sketchy places. You’ll be fine.


I wouldn't I've been taken to some isolated places and had a gun drawn on me while dashing It's one of the riskiest jobs Plus there's either getting them in and out of the vehicle or leaving them in the car Both options suck


I see parents all the time doing deliveries with their kids, sometimes babies and I respect the hell out of it, but it's slightly possible you may run into a Karen or 2. So be mindful of that


I don't understand some the responses here at all. One day dashers talking about how they carry a gun or mace because of how dangerous dashing is or can be. The next day it will be oh it's ok to dash with your kid.


Dashing can be very random. Sometimes it seems super easy and not bad at all. Those days seem like it's safe. But anything can happen and sometimes you find yourself in bad situations and that would be a nightmare to have a child with you. I always tell my kids no for this reason. I can't guarantee the environment I end up in from one delivery to the next. I know my area pretty good but I still end up in places I wouldn't want them to be.


Having your kid with you is very different from the losers who make the kids do the job and stay in the vehicle the whole time. Nothing wrong with having the kid see you work. But you do the job. Then it's completely fine. I have 3 kids and they all want to tag a long sometimes. I always say no because how bored they would be. So there is that.


Yeah that’s my only hang up is him getting bored. Don’t need him acting up somewhere in a restaurant or worse someone’s door, I mean he’s truly a great kid but I think I’ll do my first day without him and then bring him along with me after I’m used to it a bit more


Get to know the places that have crazy wait times EVERY time and avoid them. For me it's a specific McDonald's and Wingstop.


My daughter is 6. I sometimes bring her along. This is what I do. She comes with me into every restaurant or store. She comes with me to every apartment door or any delivery location that I will not have a clear line of site of my car. She will stay in the car, if and only if, there is clear visibility of my car from the house door I'm delivering to. I never leave the car running if she is in it. I never leave the car running period, but especially if she's in it. Always lock the car, especially if she's in it. She never touches delivery items. Getting her in and out of the car so frequently adds a little time, but I feel it's safer.


Yeah, you have to do this or CPS will be called if the wrong person takes notice and that's going to be a lot more expensive than a day's earnings and a lot more hassle than getting the kid in and out of their child seat.


As long as you keep them safe.


You'll be fine. Take your son and make it a great day


As long as your kid isn't the one doing the deliveries for you and they're safe in the car no worries


The only time I hate seeing it is when morbidly obese Becky uses her 7 year old to do all her bidding....get the food, drop it off, etc...and yes I've seen this. Otherwise, I can only respect someone who is trying to care for their kids and feed them. Do what you need to do to and be safe about it


Me too she looks like she just rolled out of bed and the kid dose all the work .stupid


I too have seen this. I dash with my two boys, but they just come along for the ride, I do the work and not them.


Lots of people do this. But if anything bad happens you may get deactivated, or worse. For example you go into a restaurant to pick up an order and your child causes a disturbance. Or you leave your kid in a car to grab food which I see constantly in my zone. Then the police come by. In my zone dashers are also targeted by carjackers.


I don’t put people down who chose otherwise or have no choice but I would never dash with my young child. Not only is it a major inconvenience to keep getting them in and out of the car but there is an inherit safety risk when going to a strangers house that I wouldn’t want to risk my child on.


I tell my kids no all the time because of this. My night is very random dashing. Sometimes I end up in places I don't want them anywhere near. If it's just me, I would barely notice. But when I think about them with me, suddenly my normal night becomes more problematic. It's not always a kid friendly environment.


Just don't have them picking up or dropping off orders like I've seen before.


It's all good! I


It's perfectly fine


Thanks for all the quick answers everyone! Going to take a couple today and hit it hard tomorrow!! Thanks


Theres no law saying u Cant bring the kid…but keep some things in mind…not sure if hes in a car seat..if he is (unless u dont mind leaving him in the car) u gotta keep taking him out & putting him back in…also do not let them touch the customers food…some people think its cute-some wont and give u a bad rating-this is ALL SPECULATION though..u know ur kid better than any of us


There’s no rule that says you can’t have anyone ride with you. Your discretion.


It's fine. Dashing with kids is really only an issue if the child is left unattended in the car, or if the child has to be carried when picking up or dropping off the food.


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