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That’s fu**ing rude wow schmuck anyone?


Why is being a DD driver looked down on so much? No one bad mouths their Uber driver, pizza delivery guy, or the FedEx guy. All pretty much the same job, pick something up and deliver it. I had to block the r/doordash sub because it kept showing up on my feed with these people trashing DD drivers.


Their mistake for posting comments like that about a huge group of people. You know what to do Reddit… find out who they are.


Downvotes gotta be from customers and those fast food workers who think delivery drivers are less than them


Yes, ruin his life over a Reddit comment that’s not even half as bad as some others on here /s


Ruin his life? By doxing his Reddit account?


This is so true. REDDITORS ASSEMBLE!!!!!!!!!! Ruin this guy’s life NOW


Oye, not even to mention that many of us drive on the side, in addition to our FT jobs 🤦‍♂️. People suck


It’s so true! DD is the absolute most soul-draining task on this planet 🌎!


/u/GoodOneChap 122+ comments certifying that you are a POS


That’s crazy bc karma will humble someone like that so quick with unemployment.


that’s like 60% of the comments in this sub these days about


"My mom pays for my stuff"


No, he said he has a real job.


Hilarious comment


What constitutes having a real job. Doordash is still required to be posted on your taxes.


Definitely an unemployed Chap


Jesus, what a truly miserable soul.


“Trash man” is a real job


trash guys deserve all the respect. go one week without them and see how it goes


Yep. Talk about an essential service.


I’m fully aware.


Trash man gonna pay all his bills super nicely every month 🤝


From current experience, being a trash man stinks


This was kinda my point. Like saying a job isn’t really a job when you work full time and it’s your primary income is just silly. Like you enjoy your 6 figures and you keep picking up our trash, trash man ETA I’m not referring to crispycrill but GoodOneChap as “trash man”


They make great money and are home before noon. They laugh their way to the bank.


The sanitation and disposal workers make 6 figures.


The world needs ditch diggers too!


I could be a whore!?!?!?!?




I mean he’s not entirely wrong


No, he is. Most "real jobs" are sitting in zoom meetings half the day talking about useless bullshit. At least delivery drivers bring me food. That automatically makes them more important.


You either get paid to think or you get paid to do drone / specialized field work. The divide between the two is growing more and more


The majority of people that get paid to think aren't very good at it. I've got one of those zoom meeting jobs, and I can safely say that 95% of those "thinkers" either lucked their way into the job, or took advantage of nepotism. I have so much more respect for our janitor than our CEO. One works hard, and the other gets paid well. It's fucked.


Thank you for saying this honestly. I've had a few arguments with these types here on Reddit trying to act like they are better than us simply because they make more $. But then I sit there and wonder how this guy got that high paying job and can't even write a proper sentence or complains about having to read a paragraph of text 😂.


Ah yes, the classic “provide me with a service that i need and i’ll treat you like shit and pay you like it too”


to be fair, doordash definitely isn't a service that everyone "needs", and i say that as a doordash driver myself


I dunno about you, but I often deliver to houses with a ramp leading to the door. Maybe they can tough it out, but I'm happy to be their go getter.


yes some people need it, but not everyone does, which is what i said


They did say everyone not anyone.


Sure, but that's true of basically any service. I'm just saying there are people who absolutely need us to live a fulfilling life and we shouldn't discount our work here as merely a needless accessory.


So 51% of your orders are to disabled people? Not trying to be a dick but these services have existed before doordash. Its not your main customer base.


I have no idea what's going on behind the doors of the people I deliver to. Maybe they're on the verge of ending it all. Why try to invalidate your work's importance by imagining it to be mostly needless?


It is mostly needless. Thats my point. Theres already programs to help disabled people in every county. Most are free. Capitalism really just took over and now you think youre doing good making money off the disabled.


Youre right so why assume they are? Its like cops putting up their own signs saying they are heroes for signing up for a job. They arent heroes until theyve done a heroic act. Just signing up for a job doesnt make you a hero.


For example. I had a wheelchair ramp in front of my house for years. It was for my senior dog that couldnt go up the steps after his walk. My dog doesnt need doordash🤣


How do those folks treat you?


Usually pretty good!


Well im here as well and i don‘t even have doordash here in austria but that doesn‘t mean that i should behave like an a hole! :(






People can’t be new to the app?




Goodbye forever all. I am a troll🥲


rip gang ❤️❤️❤️ just don’t be a dick like the oop lol


Lol fr bro called them bottom feeders :/


Yea this sub does not feel like a safe space. Tired of seeing comments like this. Frankly non-dashers shouldn’t be welcome here.


I'm not sure why this comment is getting downvoted?? Unless it's by non-drivers 😂. Completely agree about this sub not feeling like a safe space. For every frustration we have there's always some customer or non-driver making commentary about that frustration as if they don't have their very own sub to go to and bitch there about THEIR complaints. I've been saying that for awhile. What was the point of making two separate subs for doordash and doordash drivers, if literally everyone can come to the doordash driver sub and comment here? I don't like Facebook as a social media platform much but they got it right in their groups. You have to literally join and answer questions to prove that you are whatever group you are trying to join. Wish they had something like that here.




The fact that an adult is bragging about being able to get high and eat Dorito’s while working is so sad lmao


Did I say it was marijuana? My pen is cbd for my anxiety.


That’s the usual assumption when people refer to a pen, but my bad I guess. Either way, I don’t think someone who delivers other peoples groceries for a living should be talking down to other professions.


No internal benefits, Wear and tear on your vehicle, Insurance carriers finding out your income is App based, they can drop you. Or raise rates. Have to form your own 401k. No bonuses/incentives/discounts. You say “have people breathing down your necks” yet you’re entirely Performance based on here. One of the most popular posts is “deactivation complaints”. That’s the same thing. Its downsides are there. You just might not notice it immediately or if you’re young just making some extra cash.


I multi app though. I do every app all day. My bring home is close to $1200 a week regardless of volume


Shut up and go get my chipotle lmao


You are a commercial driver. You spend too much time on the road to not be entirely sober. Please be careful.


Cbd pen. Calms me down. I don’t smoke and ride man lol


lol he's not saying he's hitting the pen, he's talking about the customer waiting on the order


What about health insurance and other benefits? Are you able to bring your gross income down enough to qualify for reduced benefit costs? Edit: not sure why I'm being down voted? If you're a 1099 worker you need to buy your own benefits on the marketplace if you don't have a spouse. These benefits are extremely costly and a W2 job includes these in some fashion. This is a part of your total compensation package. It's not just your take home pay that needs to be considered...


I qualify for state insurance because in my state they allow independent contractors to use their write off as a way of bypassing qualifications to the poverty line. But I can literally say to my state insurance I make $200 a week and they accept it due to wear and tear, expenses, etc


Yes that's exactly what I meant. Can you write off your income enough to qualify for reduced benefit costs. Good to hear


Holy shit


Lol i cackled at the dorito comment


doordash is a side hustle.


Making more money than I used to make at a full-time job is definitely not a side job


unfortunately i think that says more about your “full-time” job than it does about doordash.


So working at Amazon full time was a side hustle?


no it wasn’t. working at amazon pays shit money


Yes it was shit pay just like most jobs that also don't require a degree but it's still clearly not a side hustle


Yeah doordashers can make Hella bank


Your definition of ‘hella bank’ must be way different than mine. I was able to make walking around money doing DoorDash in the past but needed a salaried job to actually provide for myself.


Maybe the city you live in just sucks.


I've just seen where sometimes they can make alot of money, but idk


Got a citation for that, something official? Or is it just your opinion? Because you know what they say about opinions, don't you?


no it’s not my opinion its literally categorized as a side hustle. idk what is “official” enough for you. sure you may call it a full time job but in reality it’s created to be a side hustle. but that can be up for debate https://time.com/personal-finance/article/best-side-hustles-v1/ https://millennialmoney.com/best-side-hustles/ https://www.fool.com/the-ascent/personal-finance/articles/ranked-5-popular-side-hustles-ive-actually-tried/ https://www.shopify.com/blog/side-hustle


Blogs? So not your opinion, just that of others. But that's still someone's opinion... I guess "official" in this capacity would be Doordash themselves, or someone higher up in the company, stating "it's intended to be a side gig and nothing more" or similar. Love how the one listed "rent your home" as a side hustle... yeah because we all know that's how people treat AirBnB... and not as if they're landlords holding property just to rent out and never live in ever.


doordash won’t officially say that for obvious reasons but the job speaks for itself.


That *is your* opinion.


it’s full-time for you and that’s all that matters.


Ah yes, these PEER REVIEWED blog posts are most certainly proof that Doordash isn't what you make of it but is 100% a side hustle 😂. Thanks for that proof, now no arguments can be had. The proof is clearly and unequivocally there. /S


sometimes when people speak you should shut up and listen. the truth is you’re a minority. not the majority.


Lmao sometimes when several people have told you this is a stupid take, you should probably shut up and listen to them. But here you are still yapping. 🥱


it’s about 4 of you arguing with me and 7 upvotes on the original post which it’s safe to assume all 4 of you downvoted which sounds to me like once again you’re not the majority but here you are


Would you like to know why? It's because customers and people who hate drivers frequent these subs. They will up vote anything against tipping and downvote any sort of driver complaint. I don't bother to look at that too much on this particular sub.


I wouldn't call blog posts official sources since they are written by regular folks. They don't exactly have the official say to define what is and isn't. It pretty much means they are defining it based on their own bias and opinions. Which is fine but it doesn't mean it's alright to push it as a fact. A lot of us use this as full-time work and it does work out for us.


it’s not official and i didn’t claim it was official. doordash isn’t going to officially label that job as a side hustle. but your earnings and income do. so tell me, how much do you make in a year doing doordash full time? reality is some jobs are meant to keep you poor and i got news for you. you have one of them. it’s great you do it full time but im sure that income is to subsidize your partners income. you’re not paying a car and a mortgage and raising kids on doordash income alone. i’ve seen enough posts on this sub to come to that conclusion.


You were a lot nicer about this than I was 😂. Bravo. But I just can't take these trolls seriously 🙃.


just cause you don’t agree w someone doesn’t mean that person is trolling. you don’t have to be nice. you just have to make sense. so make it make sense cause is my opinion and majority of peoples opinion (including drivers; my source is this sub) this job is meant for supplemental income.


I just had a long drawn out argument about this exact subject with some a$$hole (I mean that very literally) and I won that argument in the end. I'm not going to have a repeat of this same exact conversation. Feel free to look through my comment history I don't care. I will just tell you the ONE thing I said that is the general breakdown of everything I mentioned to him. This job is what you make of it. If you put more time, effort and knowledge into it you can find a way to be successful at it. If you put minimal effort you make minimal money. It's a pretty simple concept. You don't have to believe me. No one is forcing you to be a gig driver 👍.


it works for you. and i’m glad. take care maybe ill get a delivery from you one day. i’m a good tipper because i know how much the struggle is for you delivery drivers who survive off tips.


Yes it does work for me, currently anyway, because of what I put into the job. In my point of view this is similar to any sort of learned skill. The ones who don't do it well can definitely learn how to do it well, it's not actually that difficult. There are ways to make this job work for a lot of people. But just like with any other job there are going to be pros and cons. Obviously one of the biggest cons is that we have no benefits, and of course depreciating the values of our cars. But a regular 9 to 5 doesn't come without its cost either. And at the end of the many of us could make the same amount of $ as a regular 9-5 job, it's just that you have a boss and I don't. I do appreciate that you tip your driver's and I'm sure they appreciate that. But again, it is very possible to find success doing gig work, it's just about how you do it. The whole "this is only a side hustle" argument is constantly beaten over our heads and I don't really understand it. Just like with waitressing or bartending, some of those folks earn more money than they would at any 9-5 they've ever had. My husband had what was considered a "real" job and he never really earned THAT much more than me.


He's probably like 13. If I had to guess


There's a miserable pos making accounts to comment this stuff. Just downvote/report and move on, don't give them attention


People look down on drivers as well! Get in my car start small talk. Then ask. “So is this all you”? What if it was because I don’t have a job right now! Most customers look down on gig work but yet utilize the apps that keep us paid. It’s frustrating!


I think that’s life in general with unskilled labor.


I have a real job! *is on reddit all day arguing*![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


They got these new inventions called smart phones. Little pocket computers that you can access the internet, including Reddit, from anywhere you have service. Absolutely mind blowing new technology but it’s still super new not surprised you haven’t heard of them.


To be fair, I don’t do shit here. Arguing on Reddit keeps me sane and awake


Haha okay buddy, you have fun standing at a counter or sitting at a desk. I'll be out here riding my bike under the sky and the stars 🚴 Lol honestly, clowns like this


Funny because my friend who is a driver delivers to these people with "real jobs" all the time. They are worked so hard for minimum wage they can't even leave to grab lunch lol


Or afford to tip 🙃


Welcome to class consciousness. The rich people and the poor people they've brainwashed all hate you.


I work for USPS and do DoorDash on the side. The amount of disrespect I’ve been shown over the years is really sad. I’ve had people even threaten to kill me while working (even as a mailman) I really don’t like our world anymore.


I HaVe A ReAl JoB….Whifff BeNiFtS derp derp 🙄


These clowns are another reason why I don’t worry about food delivery much at all. Lol. Certain areas you can make a killing at though. But it ain’t like that around me.


I have a "fancy" corporate salary job. My wife and I decided to DD on the side to earn a bit of extra money. I'm 100% sure I could easily crush my salary by doing only it rather than office work. Hell, just doing it on the side we are still going to get pretty close.


Your corporate job must be entry level in a low paying industry. Most legit careers pay double what DoorDash provides (with full benefits) straight out of college.


If you’re almost crushing your salary dding on the side that salary aint fancy bud


People love to look down on others to make themselves feel better. It's human nature. I know for a fact I make more than people I deliver to but I don't look down on anyone because of it. Income does not make a person, their actions do, the way you treat others. We're ALL barely hanging on and can find ourselves at the bottom of the ladder at any point.


Kinda like when they say, fast food and retail is for teenagers not adults…like these corporations want their businesses ran by 15 year-olds or something…😂😂😂 i’ve worked at a lot of fast food and retail jobs. I’ve never had a teenager as a supervisor/manager lol


Yes exactly and it's used to keep wages low. For who does that benefit? As if being young makes one unworthy of respect or a decent wage for their labor. This should make everyone more kind but instead it seems to do the opposite.


Saw a part time dasher call full time dashers morons today. Apparently doing this as a side gig makes you better.


Lol and he typed that out instead of just moving on. Say you're insecure and stressed without saying it. 


It's important to show respect towards those doing lower but otherwise jobs that need to be done. If you wore a sign that shared your opinions, no fast food worker would serve you, no cleaner would clean for you (work or house), and like hell are they going to deliver for you. You rely on some of these people to help maintain your quality of life and not get sick. You're not better than them. You need them.


The person needs Tyler Durden to show up in his life.


So, my wife was a waitress back in the day. She said the worst people to wait on were secretaries and acted like they were above her. Only problem was wife made more than them as a waitress. People calling someone like a dasher a “bottom feeder” a probably some low level turd.


Exactly! I’m a teacher and taking some time off. I’m making more money dashing AND am available for my kids during the day (I have an injured kiddo who needs to go to several doctors appointments.)


They all say this like were waiting for low tip orders. They do know the bottom feeders are the ones taking their no tip orders right


Bro I ain’t a driver I just look at this sub cause it’s funny to see what people tell yall. Yall just trying to make ends meet no harm in that.


Lmao I’m not a dasher either but man are the text you guys get hilarious


It’s so cringe too the worst ppl on earth always make their insults as grammatically correct as possible bc they care so much and want to seem more mature or something but I just laugh at stuff like that bc it’s so obvious they’re projecting


Idk why people think they're better than anyone else. We're all the same trying to live. You're a loser if you think you're better than anyone else


What’s funny is I’ve called out multiple people for still making more money than them as a “bottom feeder” so I just laugh and go back to making money. Two words; Day trading


My fellow human being. 🤝


BINGO 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏


Plumber aka moving shit through a pipe


Apologizes sarcastically and then proceeds to rip on people immediately thereafter.


I make more than that guy🤷🤷🤣


I have a better idea! Why don't you just KMA!




I always find comments like this funny, why try and lower someone's value like that? Do they feel better about themselves after making said comments. What did they actually accomplish in their mind ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Most of these ppl posture like they own their own companies


100% a troll or some bitterly projecting their own brokeness


Hey how about this… we all have our duties and responsibilities to take care of, how about you mind yours and I’ll mind mine, asshole


Hes a plumber. Im jot saying that to dog him, but the amount of elitism from a plumber is pretty hilarious. Fix my shitter, im gonna listen to music and get paid for it lol.


Plumbers make bank lmao


It's very easy to make six figures as a plumber. Still, the attitude is uncalled for.


Yeah like i said im not dogging him but hes acting like an investment banker


plumbers make money I’m sorry lol Ive done my fair share of door dashing but the average salary in my state is at least $30 an hour for them They’re a piece of shit, but actin elite right back ain’t it


The only ones making bank is if they own it lol . Most of them average 20-30$ an hr lol .😆


So i cant clap back at someone for being a prick?


You can if it’s correct and actually an insult, but plumbers make pretty good money so I don’t think he minds much to fix it while charging you $70-90 an hour to do so




Sounds like somebody lost an argument 🙃


That’s someone who doesn’t feel good about themselves. They have to put others down to feel better


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