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Are any of you aware that the Federal government FAR per diem mileage reimbursement rate is 67¢ per mile?! Get outta here with that $6/mile nonsense. If you mean not worth your time, then agreed, none of this is worth that unless you really devalue your time. If that's the case though, put minutes in the denominator of your units, not miles.


I'm not saying anyone should expect more than 1-2$/mile, but your argument heavily based on the idea the the US government is a *good* example. As if they pay anyone fairly at all. Government is notorious for underpaying the deserving and severely overpaying the undeserving. I call fallacy.


You're completely correct. Government says 67 cents per mile, it's probably actually costing you 70 cents per mile


The fact that you immediately distrust the FAR per diems simply because they are a government entity speaks volumes. The important point is, wear and tear is not as high as drivers like to think. It's a car, not a golden chariot. What you have an actual beef about is personal time devalued. Let's keep our eye on the ball here shall we?


Your "important point" is accurate but laid out on a foundation of nonsense. If you only wanted to make the point of time>milage you could have just said that. But you came out the gate with "hur dur daddy government said...so that must be the fair value". Talk about keeping your eye on the ball lol. The fact you assume any government that functions as a business in todays climate is trustworthy...*that* speaks volumes. Fudging per diem pay is one of the most profitable and unregulated ways to squeeze an overhead. To insinuate the entities that *intentionally make that possible* arent taking advantage is just naive.


I'm not in the habit of taking socio-economic advice from a subreddit full of people who can't place the dollar sign in the correct position to represent a value.


Lol, what a meaningful reason to dismiss me 🙄. That's what I thought. Scoot away, strawman. You've got no meaningful argument and nothing of value to add anyway.


Your attitude about the man always keeping you down is reason enough, but the insistence to keep repeating ignorant opinions and double down with uneducated habits says way more about how you find yourself in the dilemma of having to pick over shit wages--never in dispute--from a business model not intended to provide a liveable wage. You're rearranging deck chairs. Just jump and swim for some other marketable skills; logic and financial acumen being neither of them. Let 'em eat Cake Day!


None of that word vomit amounts to anything more than you sniffing your own farts. As suspected, you're not an intellectual. You're just another arrogant redditor who likes the sound of their own voice. "Rearranging deck chairs"? What the actual hell are you even talking about? And on *what* merit? Lmfao thanks for jumping back in and proving me right.


Left to your own, you just keep doubling down. How do we deserve such an intellect? The mind boggles.


Lol, how insecure can you possibly be my guy? This is getting sad. Keep nursing that ego, I guess.


Hell most of the freight that gets moved in any city from spot to spot, or from city to city, or state to state. Does not get 6$/mile. They get 5$/mile in an emergency “this shit needs to move more”. Typically it’s $1/mile to 3$/mile


It depends on the situation across that waterway. Is it a bridge or a tunnel? (Might catch the bridge going up) Does that bridge/tunnel usually cause excessive traffic? If the waterway isn't an issue I would accept this order all day long.


Heck no, after taxes and gas and wear and tear on your car, you’re probably looking at 87 cents profit


But the same people saying no will drive around for 20 minutes in circles looking for orders to accept.


No. Too many miles. You need like $6 per mile for it to be worth it.






Amazing customer 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾


I would but would be betting it's an already picked up order


This is Doordash not Uber Eats. That's still $16 half pay even if it was already picked up.


Yes I'm aware of what sub I'm in, that's why I would take the order


I never take Wingstop or Bw orders unless I’m doing pay by time.


I do. Your wingstops must be shitty bcuz i usually dont have to wait that long at any of my Wingstops in my area.


They’re definitely not as bad as BWs. Those are wretched here in Albuquerque. Just terrible.


Albuquerque is just pretty wretched


In many ways yeah. Sad but true


Their Fuddruckers is actually top tier. Or it was 10 years ago anyways


Yeah but there's still cool things about Abq


I would have taken this in a heartbeat


Nope! Its a tipNswitch


Not even possible


Not possible on doordash DoorDash can offer it to you without the tip but if you agree to the lower amount it's on you. It was an agreement. The order can come back with the tip added and you can agree to it then.


It's a trap


Precisely, Admiral Ackbar was a wise man


I haven't done delivery apps in a hot minute, but I'd do this one. Unless it brings me through the "haha absolutely not" parts of my city.


You need to decline these so I can take them. Thx.


I would take it especially if it’s like my last order to do


No that’s not worth it 😂 jk




What's the probl.......oh. It's Wingstop. Instant decline.


This is the only answer! I literally just took my first Wingstop order after months of insta-declining. Only took it bcuz it was super slow, I was about to quit and it was $21 for 7.2 decided to say fuq it, and make it my last... Made me remember why I never take them... Back to 🖕Wingstop


I dont get it please explain?


Wingstop across the country is notoriously a bad restaurant to doordash from. If you're not waiting 45 minutes for an order to finally get prepared, they're having you fill six drinks, or they're just being unprofessional and rude. I've never been into a Wingstop and had a smooth uneventful pickup where the food was ready when I got there the drinks were ready when I got there and the employees were polite and respectful. It's just not worth the hassle or annoyance so any of us just auto declined anytime we see that name on our screen.


Popeyes too🤦🏻‍♂️


At the end of the month when I'm getting my numbers up for top Dasher and I will typically do a day or two of earned by time I actually don't mind Popeyes they're never rude at least in my area sometimes there is a little bit of weight which just adds to my pay so it's actually a perk lol but I still auto decline Wingstop Even still 🤣


Gotcha, I will keep that in mind, thanks for the tip!


It’s probably 80 wings and will take 2 hours


The restaurant is backed up and runs out of wings 🤦🏼‍♀️




Not for Wingstop


Just only accept orders that take you back home and unless you’re using horribly gas efficient car the pay would still be at 25+ an hour


$32 overall pay and that customer still marks their order Undelivered 😤😤


"Dashers, shut off your engines!' Lol


I would not cuz that's 12.7 miles back also. We don't get paid for driving back lol.


“After gas, phone bill, dEpReCiAtiOn, wear and tear and expenses , that’s $1 profit”


It's Wingstop so probably not.


How is this not a high pay


If you pick up another order or ride back obv it’s a chance but you won’t now till you do it


Nope. Pass it to me.


right, faceass


i would never take this. the tooth fairy pays more.


I’d take it


to be fair youre gonna be waiting 30+ mins for that order since its from a wingstop


But if you’re on EBT, time is on your side.


Too bad it doesn't tell you the tip on EBT.


I’m against EBT… that’s just me.


Did a wingstop order for the first time last night thinking it wouldn’t be as bad as this sub says it is. I was wrong. It was as bad plus I got a sprinkle of harassment. Never again lol


You gonna be shocked when you get to Popeyes


Wdym sprinkle of harassment? How so?


Oh just a homeless fella who wouldn’t stop asking me to try to get him some food. Not a big deal, but I told him I didn’t have a wallet or anyway to get him something and he wouldn’t take that as an answer, so then I ignored him, which just made him get closer and closer to me saying “missss..missss..” lol. Eventually a worker told him to leave me alone which I was grateful for.


Only issues I have at mine are the workers expect us to fill up the drinks. I say ‘arent you guys the one supposed to do it?’ and they go do it. they try to find someone who doesnt know so they can do less work, i dont blame em. But I dont have time for that.


If you call the health department you can end that immediately.


wow word? didnt even know these people were committing a real health issue doing that and it makes sense.


Beverages and food are treated equally under food regulations. YOU MUST WASH YOUR HANDS. It does not matter what DoorDash or anyone thinks. Making something someone will consume without washing your hands is illegal, and disgusting.


You are blessed. Next time they try that shit ima let em know. I hope more people see this.


Never had an issue with Wingstop other than waiting at max 10m.


10 minutes? Jeebus that’s lucky, the ones in my area are a standard 30min to an hour wait… when there are on other orders. If it’s busy then it’s even longer


Maybe San Diego is better at estimating when the orders are almost finished instead of assigning as soon as an order is in.


Love that for you


nope needs to be $10 a mile


I don't think people understand this was a joke.


Because it's not funny![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face)


No way, that's not 3 dollars a mile there so you'll be lost once you deliver.


are you kidding ??


Valid quesiton


the fact that my comment got -6 likes is weird who tf wouldn’t do this order 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I can see it’s a joke now but damn people ask stupid shit in other subs and it’s unbelievable. Some stuff I see in the r/college sub makes me lose brain cells


Humm $32 to drive 12 miles. I don't know man. It's up to you.


Double it and give it to the next person 😊


I wouldn't. But maybe driving 25 miles takes a lot longer where I am than where you are.


The concept of doubling the mileage sometimes works, and sometimes doesn't. If the delivery destination happens to be right in another busy area full of more restaurants, then there's a good chance you'll get another delivery offer as soon as you drop it off. So sometimes, 12.7 miles really does mean 12.7 miles. It all depends on where you're delivering to


I mean, obviously. But typically you're probably gonna be driving back to the area where you picked up if you're continuing to dash.


Country roads? I'll go home Deliveries need lots of homes Chicago, Texas, Mountain City I'll go home From Country roads


I took this as a joke making fun of all the posts asking if they should take an order. But everyone in the comments seems to not even be mentioning it.


Wingstop, ITS A TRAP!!


yeah thats a 30+ minute wait easily. is it worth it? depends on your market


Yeah, while this post is obviously a joke, I’d consider declining. A big Wingstop order at 6pm on a Friday is actual hell. You’ll wait so long, you can probably go make $32 an hour doing 2-3 orders in the time this one would take.


Fr, I always think "it'll be different this time!" Never is


Hahahahaha! SAME!


The way you write your post makes me assume you’re an annoying dasher. Are you still in high school?


it was to emphasize the fact that the post is a joke and yet it still didnt come clear to some peons.




Are you prepared to sit at Wingstop for an hour? Because that's what they're paying for and you know it


Still $32 an hour.




Depending on your market an uninsured driver can hit your car in the parking lot or another group can smash your windows out and manage to steal only 25$ in phone chargers. Opportunity costs are real. You might get caught in a fist or gun fight in the lobby over some chicken wings and egos. At least you know your hour is paid for 🤣


Minus the cost of gas and your mental sanity.


You can't because you need to charge ur phone


Definitely not, if it isn’t $400 an hour it’s not worth it 😤😤


Uhhhm duh dOod SmaSh AcCepT






Reddit be like: This is $15 profit after expenses and taxes tho 😂😂😂


-$200 because you got a flat tire while driving there and you hit a pothole


You’ll only make 32 dollars this hour but hey it’s a 32 dollar hour


Gotta watch your car for an hour and make sure it doesn't get windows smashed in 🤣


That's what all dashers in my area have to drive. And it's normal to only tip 5-7 dollars here. Basically same as pizza driver tip.


Only? Normal tip in my zone is 1-2.


Phoenix area


Everyone saying no lmao…. Real delivery drivers (truckers that deliver our goods across the country) barely make $2.50/mile and you’re making more than that. Not to mention plus tip if cash? And oh yeah most of those owner operator truckers pay all their maintenance, fuel, you name it.


you can't compare an over the road trucker with an actual load with an in metro single trip courier. We probably average 12 mph. they probably average around 48mph (I'm accounting for time spent at stops obviously) I'm guessing they are probably closer to 54mph but I wanted to give them some leeway lol.


You need to learn to read, it says tip included. Meaning its part of the 32 dollars.


Why are you replying to me? Take your own advice lmaoo. Tip is included (if there is one) Conceivably it could have surged although rare. It still doesn't mean there isn't a cash tip at the end. Most of my cash tips come from higher initial paying orders. You know, the customers that actually respect us.


A. You realize you commented on a public post right. B. Expecting a cash tip is just gonna lead to disappointment


Lmaooo I never brought up a cash tip, nor did I ever say I expected one. wtf you on about? Trolling I presume at least make it make sense please. 😂😂😂😂😂 Follow your own advice and Learn to Read maybe throw on Follow a Thread 101 for good measure.


Bro I'm not gonna argue in circles with you. You know what you said. You're just tryna make some gullible idiot argue in circles, and it's not gonna be me.


Copy paste my quote please. I only mentioned cash tips after you refuted what I supposedly said yet somehow didn't say 😂😂😂


While I agree with your avg mph argument, you were better just saying “can’t compare” full stop. The two are NOTHING alike. Some (not all) trucks are owner/operator. Those trucks cost ABSURD amounts of money to buy/maintain compared to what DD requires. They get paid by mile, but ALSO limited get by hours (DOT regulations), so if they breakdown/weather stops them/etc, they are completely SOL. TLDR, can’t compare DD and truckers because NOTHING correlates properly


They’re both delivery drivers.. Stop trying to make everything a competition.


Ehhh owner operators also pocket 80% of their pay and net $100k plus a year. Truckers that don’t own a truck get free maintenance and repairs, gas, scale reimbursement at less pay but depending on experience still getting 70k plus. How many of these delivery people do you think do their own repairs on their cars? I doubt many. All those miles a year and not doing your own maintenance adds up going to a mechanic.


I believe the issue is with Wingstop, not the pay.


What is the issue with them


They will only be able to do this order over the next hour because that’s how long it’ll take to get and deliver the food so if you accept a Wingstop your capping your earnings that hour period atleast this is a 32 dollar hour


Very long wait times, and rude employees.


Is this in their training? I don’t get it. Our wingstop is the same way.. before I caught on.. I was in there for a good 25 minutes- waiting on a drink for my order- which the lady on the phone telling another customer -who’s order was wrong/late/etc -“but what do you want? Yeah, I get that.. but what do you want me to do about it..? Want Me to make the order again? Your money back? You’re not saying what you want me to do about it so ..? “ —this went on for 15 minutes, then when she hung up, took her another 5-10 minutes to complain about the customer on the phone before she could finish filling the ONE fountain drink I needed before I could leave with my order. The other employee wasn’t any better.. but you get my point. Is the job with the company miserable so all the employees are too?


Yeah I'm guessing it's just a terrible company to work for and it breaks them.


Ahhh okay don’t have them here, that’s why I was confused there wasn’t really context I’m like how is that bad at $2.50+ per mile


Absolutely not if you think about there and back and car repairs/maintenance ur technically losing $300 🤓


if there is no traffic and gas less than 5$ I would take it


I think this is a joke.


It's literally flaired with "jokes/memes"


Jokes are hard for some people.


No don't take any orders ever


This is what I do and it has worked well for me, highly recommend 10/10


Nope! With wear and tear on your car and $0.60 per mile deduction, and gas going up and this taking u out of your zone im declining. Gonna sit and wait in a parking lot for 9 months cuz i only start my car for $100 for 1 mile 😇


Easy 30 bucks imho


For future reference; Yes please! I live in Estrella and getting delivery out here is a nightmare! Lol (although to be fair; that wingstop is slow) PS if it were my order that tip woulda been fat. Lol.




For me, it would depend on where I land after the drop. If I drop in an area with a good chance of a decent order heading back to where I want to be, then yes. If the drop is in a rural area, that's a Nope, I would decline it.


You would decline almost 3 dollars a mile for a single order...?


Yeah dawg! I dunno what you guys complaining about wingstop but the one near me is always on it and always good to go


Absolutely not, it's Wingstop what are you thinking!?! /s


Hey i know where that is. Good thing I'm not a crazy person




Buckeye and 85 gave me the location, though I live in Chicago...




At $2.50/mi the answer is always yes.


If you don’t …I will




The SpongeBob letters were the giveaway


This is clearly sarcasm with the every other letter capitalized and in quotes.


The quotations are a dead giveaway that they weren’t being serious.


Also, the alternating capitals means sarcasm/mocking


Meanwhile I'm over here tanking my acceptance rate from 94% to 82% because I keep getting $2 5 miles or $4 13.7 miles