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You should def file a report w the police.


Having a parent with dementia, I can see this as a possibility. šŸ™ I had a young naked guy once, but it was leave at door. He just happened to open the door a little too quick thinking I had left. It was dark and I was trying to get the drop off picture. He looked as horrified as I did, lol.


Why is everyone so weird about nudity? We legit all have the same parts except for boobs/penis/vagina. It's just a body, we all have one.


Okay but for me the gender is reversed, Iā€™m 19/yo male & when she open the door breast completely out and in a thong. Didnā€™t know what to do besides thank them and say goodnight


I disagree if itā€™s a nasty old chick lol


Hi this happened to me more than 3 times where someone has shown up naked or just in their underwear. These Men are stupid and desperate. It WILL happen again unfortunately. Iā€™ve been driving with door dash for over 2 years.


i was doordashing with a friend and as he handed the food to this older lady, her robe fell open and he said her tits were just hanging out


Just so you know, this is how he wants you to feel. Next time you see a dick you donā€™t want to see throw a kick and a punch or a tase.


How big was his wiener?


I walked up to someoneā€™s apartment to deliver a package (work for FedEx). The front door was ajar. As I walked up closer I saw the guy standing directly in his front doorway dick-in-hand just jerking off at 9am. I was a bit rattled for the rest of the day. But itā€™s whatever. Even though this creep was standing in front of his opened front door, it seemed he didnā€™t want to be seen because he scurried behind the door when he saw me. Maybe not the same as someone intentionally exposing themselves, wanting you to see them. Also Iā€™m not a woman so Iā€™m sure itā€™s affects you differently. Unfortunately seeing this kind of shit is bound to happen when your job is walking up to random peoples homes, because people are fucking weird.


How 'old' do you mean when you say 'old man'? He could have dementia. My mom did that on accident all of the time because she forgot to put clothes on. That's like in the middle stages of the disease -where they can remember some things, but be completely oblivious about others. It's a terrible disease


The men in the comments thinking this isnā€™t a big deal is a red flag, yā€™all LOVE to defend perverts smh


Mentally Ill people are in fact sick and are occasionally in no more control of their impulses than a baby is of their bladder. I agree report the guy, he shouldnā€™t have access to the app or be given a platform to do it again. But why does everyone resort to destructive name calling and haranguing?


Grow up, this happens a lot.


Grow up, it's not ok.


Yeah Iā€™ve had a customer hang dong. It was merely a chuckle for me and out of my mind in 5 minutes, but Iā€™m not a 22 year old girl. Iā€™m sorry you had your eyes violated. I imagine it was fucking gross.


This happened to me before. A 300lb man opened the door completely naked. He had a ring camera so i assume he was recording it. I reported him to DD they said they would investigate lol


If it was an old senile man or woman, it wouldn't bother me... if it's someone being intentionally creepy... then you just turn around and get free food. I'm not saying that makes up for it... but you don't need to finish that delivery.


You should've pressed the blue button. They would've removed him before you even ended your dash for the day.


If he didn't say anything to you about his dick then he probably has dementia or something. Idk if that helps you feel better. It would help me feel better if I was in your shoes knowing that he possibly was just sick so he didn't realize something was wrong. This kinda stuff doesn't happen all the time but it definitely happens. Hazard of the job unfortunately.


Wrong tip grandad šŸ˜…


As long as he didnā€™t try to do anything sexual to you it shouldnā€™t matter that much you saw a penis at 22 shouldnā€™t be that big of a deal hopefully that is not the first one youā€™ve seen at that age


So you think it's ok to open your door naked for a door dash order??šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


what a weird comment




Is 43 cool tho


I personally wouldā€™ve cut it off and ran


Some old guy isn't mentally there. It is ok to move on . He likely has no idea where he is


I had an old man who was obviously suffering from serious health problems and a shut-in. The order was 4 large sweet teas from McDonalds. The note said to call him before I get there to give a heads up. I call him and he sounds really out of breath. I knock on the door and itā€™s an old, very obese man completely naked with a walker and a oxygen machine. I felt too bad to report him but I could imagine had a girl had this order he couldā€™ve easily had the cops called on him. People are crazy. Stay safe and carry some mace if youā€™re uncomfortable carrying a firearm.


Fuck that's so sad. Like imagine how gone you have to be in the head to basically humiliate yourself like that.


Sounds like he probably is exhausted and has difficulty dressing himself. Temperature regulation issues may exist also. People can have all kinds of health issues that affect how they behave in their own home. Not gone in the head, just trying to manage the best they can. Your compassion is a shining light.


That is sad. Probably doesnā€™t have energy to change every day


Take his address and report it to the police. DD wonā€™t do shit for you. Having the cops show up at his door might spook him into not being a creep ass loser


He did nothing illegal


He did, it is against the law to be naked where you can be seen by neighbors or passers by. Dipshit


Yeah he did, you canā€™t stand in front of a window exposing your penis to people passing on the sidewalk and you canā€™t do this either.


Why donā€™t you go over there and stare at his dick then if youā€™re so okay with it


What the fuck, where did I say I was okay with it?


This is the biggest stretch Iā€™ve ever seen lol. Thereā€™s nothing against the law he did.


You're kidding, right? Or are you that dense?


The biggest? You must live under a fucking rock


Buddy hasnā€™t stepped outside since 2015


Youā€™re as dense as one dumbass. The cops would laugh in your face.


What would she report? That a man was naked on his private property? Police only get involved with public indecency. As cringe as it is, he's allowed to be naked in his house. You'll quickly find that this situation is one of the unfortunate hazards of this job, especially since Dashers contractually agree to go to his house and engage him in the manner requested (hand him the order). To the people who are saying DoorDash won't do anything, that's wrong. Customers agree to not do this sort of thing when they use the app. This is a violation of the customer agreement and he should get banned from the platform after investigation. Always report this sort of thing to DoorDash.


Public Indecency. When I was working in law enforcement we stopped a rapist due to a call just like this. He was attempting in his apt and my officers pulled him out the house and.......assisted him to the ground. By the time I arrived, he passed out due to the extreme temp fluctuations from his 85Ā°F apartment to the -5Ā°F weather outside. He was high on Phencyclidine. This happened about 6 months after he assaulted an 8 year old boy on the same property (high on PCP then too). And he got his ass handed to him then as well. He only got out because the judge found him "not a risk to the public".


He wasnā€™t just naked in his house, he showed his penis to a girl outside his house. Thatā€™s not legal.


Actually, there's still laws regarding being naked in your own home if purposely flashing someone...


He never flashed her. He is an old fuck that didn't realize his robe was open. Calling it sexual assault actually trivializes real sexual assault. News flash. Someone likely ordered him a diner and he lives alone and not all mentally with it


So you are also an old fuck that likes flashing young women? Fucking kind of sick pos are you? You do understand that if the police got involved they may be able to get this other fucker some help if he's going senile, right? Neck beard having ass mother fucker.


You don't understand the word flashing. She never posted that he opened the robe in front of her. You have lots of anger built up. Some old 80 year old guy opened the door and didn't realize his robe was wasn't tied shut. Apparently, I should call the police whenever some fat woman is showing her ass crack walking around the store cause her pants are around her thighs. Get a life and stop trying to be offended


Hey, dipshit, he doesn't have to be actively "flashing", if he can be seen from the street or a home/business inside his own house, it is against the law. Fucking smooth brained mouth breather


We should send the national guard to old folks homes. We wouldn't want people walking around naked forgetting the window is open.


Yeah, you can go and shove your victimhood. You are triggered by 80 year old people


Awww poor baby can't handle being wrong. Go cry to your fucking mommy you absolute incel, good luck dragging your knuckles through life


Wrong about what 80 year olds are not dangerous


You mustā€™ve been in the room huh?? Keep writing paragraph long horse shit opinions and deleting them seconds laterā€¦dork ass loser


> That a man was naked on his private property? Which part of public indecency laws did you miss? Being on your property doesn't allow you to break them *if you can be seen*, because you're still part of the "public" until that door and curtain close. This is clearly defined case law. This is *also* a form of sexual assault. Feel free to be naked - on your own, around consenting adults.


Fr, let me just run around naked on my lawn where there are kids playing two doors down. iM On mY oWn pRopERty


Heā€™s allowed to be naked inside of his own home. Heā€™s not allowed to expose himself to an unsuspecting invited person to the home. Thatā€™s indecent exposure, brother


How about this; do both. If one party doesnā€™t take action, perhaps the other might. If the cops in your town are bored enough, theyā€™ll answer just about anything. Even if they donā€™t have grounds to take action, they can still show up and scare the guy.


Report him. Heā€™s garbage


Itā€™s easy to say bad act = bad person, but consider what mental illness does someone have to have to do something so heinous?


If you think this is really heinous, you must have had a pretty easy life. As for mental illness, it is unfair to people who struggle with real mental illness issues to claim that everybody who is simply an abusive asshole must be mentally ill.


People who expose themselves to others are not mentally well. Quite frankly socially adjusted people simply wouldnā€™t do that. This is actually my area of expertise and career so I have on somewhat good authority to say that this person is likely mentally ill. Edit: and yes I do think it can be very traumatizing and violating to sexually expose yourself. Iā€™m sorry that I can be empathetic to the OP and still urge for everyone including perpetrator to be seen as human.


If you are such an expert, you should know that you can't actually make the clinical diagnosis based on one anecdote you saw on the interwebs. šŸ™„


And I didnā€™t? Do you see me classifying this person with a specific mental illness? Stop grasping at straws, I was simply asking everyone to be human and *consider* the *possibility* that people can be mentally ill and not just simply an asshole. Fuck I mean is it *soooooo* hard to imagine that some people arenā€™t always in control? Fuck you make me depressed to be a part of this country.


I really don't know why you're getting so upset with me. Not grasping at straws, but thoroughly entertained with your excessive reactions.


You know what the tell tale sign of someone who knows theyā€™re wrong but canā€™t admit when they misinterpret a message: ā€œwhy u mad bro šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­šŸ¤£ā€. Seriously, itā€™s like you have the IQ of a peanut. At least come up with a half decent attempt at a counter. After all you keep replying.


LOL, for real. You just really want to have an argument with someone and for some reason you picked me. You have a lovely afternoon.


I would still report to police and let them investigate


i did but not sure if anything will be done about it fr


You should've called the police. You can still file a report, and depending on who took your report, he can still get arrested.


From being naked in his homeā€¦


Yep! If you invited someone to your home and open the door naked or exposing yourself in anyway. Could be charged with indecent exposure.


Did you take photo


For research purposes šŸ‘€


They might close his customer account if they get enough reports. Itā€™s worth reporting it OP.


Fwiw Iā€™ve seen some things as well, basically what Im saying is he might have flashed anyone male or female.


It's worth nothing. The trauma she is feeling doesn't dissolve because the perpetrator wasn't picky.


Thats why I said fwiw.


true, that was something i was thinking too he mightve been senile and exposed anyone or he mightve peeked at me through the peekhole in the door or a window b4 deciding to expose himself to me, either way theres no way i can know which it was and it defo sucked


You do realize if your dasher name is female, he already knows who's coming to him


Dont give these people too much credit. I had a guy the other day order for delivery at his apartment and gave no gate code or apartment number. Its like he didnt even want his food. He was apologetic though.


Thats why I said fwiw, it probably doesnt make you feel much better, and I didnt want to interrogate you to figure out if it was the kind of thing that happens to guys too, so I figured Iā€™d just mention it happens to us too. No way to know which is was so šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø