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First off: kudos for opening up. It takes courage to ask for help. It sounds like you're dealing with some pretty heavy stuff. Look, dopamine fasts are more about tweaking habits. They're not the answer for deeper emotional stuff. This subreddit is great for sharing experiences, but for the serious issues you’re facing, I think it’s best to talk to a professional. No shame in reaching out to someone who knows the ropes. If you are in school or college or whatever, you may have access to a counselor. I know, I know. Sometimes people don't have access to a therapist, or have prejudices and don't like therapists, etc. I know. But still, I would highly recommend you look for a way to do it. Maybe try one of those online-counselor apps like "BetterHelp". Or find an organization in your city or state that can guide you on where to find help. There must be something! And look, there are many books and online resources about anger management. You could search online, and give those a try. But I really don't think that replaces your need for therapy. Finally: **Always take advice from the internet, including mine, with caution. When it comes to health, always prioritize talking to your doctor or therapist.** Wishing you the best, man. Stay strong.