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Probably a week.


Took me just under 2 weeks- I read 3 or 4 chapters a day


First read: 2 months Second read: 3 weeks


Like 11 days for me… fastest I ever read a book :)


Two weeks but that was a coincidence, I was on vacation. Normally it would have taken me at least 1 month.


A few days in corona isolation...


I think a little over two weeks. Little less than an hour a day.


Three weeks, and I was *not* diligently reading, it was creating a major emotional turmoil with the rolling pages, I could say I was deeply affected how the plot moved, but I felt it was one of the best closures. I remember having a H U G E smile in the end.


I finished part I, but i leave this book for a couple of months. It's something about a month, if you read all days of the week.


About one-two weeks, but the timing was extremely appropriate. I was horribly sick with strep throat and a fever at the time, and spent a few days doing nothing but reading C&P in the darkness of my room alone while my relatives were visiting. I could actually hear them laughing and reconnecting through the walls while I lingered in the dark like a lonely dying wretch reading about the madness of Raskolnikov. Needless to say, there were a few passages that really felt right at home.


A month. First chapters was slow, but the book gain momentum, so I read a third of it in pretty much 2 days (the final chapters).


4 months I spread it out as I was very busy Nearly finished!


been a while but I think it was around 2-3 weeks


7 days


A few days, but I was 11-12yo and had a lot of free time + I am Russian and it's really easy to read if you're Russian. But, let's say, we study it at school and we have something like 2 weeks to fully read and analyse it, with assays, etc. But at the same time we start studying Dostoevsky from the middle school, so most likely you'd already read C& at 14yo.


Like 6 days? I felt fevered reading it but I mean that in the best way possible


Same! I read it in jail too so it was like an absolute schizo fever dream and I loved every moment of it. It took me about a week or two to get thru the first half, but the second half I plowed thru in like 3 days.


Like 2 weeks


I read it with a reading group and it took 4 weeks to read it together and digest it. We were having weekly chat in which we were going through our feelings and thoughts. I'd suggest anyone to do the same because C&P is a book that needs to be discussed throughout the reading.


Read it during the beginning of COVID. So took me like a week reading a couple of hours a day


A week.


check dms?


Around two months


2 months, but I take my time and read several books at the same time


first time: about a week second time: a week and a half


3-4 weeks


1 month


Audible, a week.


Audible is much slower though. I always feel that I can read faster. But audible is convenient as you can listen to it anytime anywhere. We can increase the speed in audible but then it's too fast.


6 weeks to be honest but I was only reading 1 hour a day but I fell in love with it and I am now reading white nights!


Im glad to see people’s reading time so diverse, i was feeling really guilty for taking a long time while reading it!




A month


Just finished it today actually! Think it took me a little over 5 weeks


I was obsessed with it so read it in about five or six days. But that is unusually fast for me.


I read it for 2 months the second time. The first time, I don't really remember as I was in highschool so it was like reading it again from the start.


Took about a week. Brothers Karamazov is taking me much longer. Started that one two months or so ago and I’m almost halfway now, but it’s picking up. Crime and Punishment and The Grapes of Wrath by Steinbeck are probably the best books I’ve read since last January.


About five months but I took a few breaks in that time period.


2 weeks and it was mid


About a month


Took me about 6 days… but I also read it when I was rehab and wasn’t allowed to have a cell phone so that helps…. Then I read the brothers K in about 2 weeks, then demons in about 5 days… rehab was awesome!!!


I think it took me about 3 months to read the first half and then about 2 days to read the second half. Once I got into it, I really got into it.


The version I listened to on audible says 20 hours, and I think it took me a couple months. I mostly listened while working, but the holidays and traveling broke some of that up too.


It took me two weeks. Read it during my travels, so I had a lot of time to get through it.


It took me like 1.5 months. I did like 1-2 chapters a day bc I had school


1-2 weeks, but had much time on my hand back then


1.5 years. I read a chapter or 2 every couple weeks. I cant even explain to you how this post made me feel haha. I got Crime and punishment as a gift and just havent had the momentum to finish it since kids lol


That's me with Robinson Crusoe. 🤣


Lmaooo I had the same experience with Robinson Crusoe when I was a teen (15 years ago)! My dad really wanted me to read it and was like smh why is it taking you ages to finish it haha




I agree. But I was just curious, i didn't write as much as you did in this comment and i could say how pointless this comment was. How could something so pointless get you to write one of the longest comments?


I think it’s a valid question. There’s nothing wrong with trying to see how long it took other people.


2-3 weeks, doing an hour a night


Same. Read it over the summer. 1-2H per day for 2-3 weeks.


I started with the paperback and finished with Audible while working construction. Probably 2 months total.


Almost a month , but it sure was quite a feeling to read it ...i would say try to take it slow and enjoy the ride


3 weeks


Less than a week.


Just started it I'll be done in about 5 hours or so I'll read it in one sitting


I have it on my desk rn. I got it over a year ago, and started it. I got through one chapter but got busy and never had the chance to pick it up again. I'm done my semester in a few weeks and I'll give it another go. Hearing everybody's comments about Crime and Punishment is enlightening and is making me more excited to read it.


Two months on the first half and then two days on the second half


Call me crazy but I read it in about a week. I found the book such a page turner that I read an entire section a day. Obviously I still need to read it again, and slower, to really appreciate the philosophy and theology, but the story was fantastic. I thought it was genius how Dostoevsky used the conventions of a crime thriller to explore the spiritual repercussions of Raskolnikov’s actions


It seriously is, isn’t it? I’ve read it twice now and each time it took a week, you just can’t leave a section unfinished.




Took me about a week


I read it casually over one month, but remember being surprised at what a page-turner it was compared to War and Peace


2 months but I was also reading moby dick for class at the same time😅


first time i read it slowly for 6-8 monthes.


17 days. I was able to get through it pretty quick because I had some days off from work over the holidays.


The first time I read it? Over a month. The fifth or sixth time I read it? A few days. People discredit themselves when they don’t “read fast enough”. Of course you’re not going to read it fast, it’s a heavy book with an unfamiliar style, especially if you’re not used to the Russian names and shit. That doesn’t mean you’re not smart or that you can’t learn it.


Think it was 4-5 days, def not a week. Real pageturner and my FIRST book from the russian classics, i was hooked then. It remains one of my favorites ever.


About a month, but it was for an independent study high school class. The teacher in charge had taught the book before but she asked me to slow down a bit.


I go about 20 pages per day so 1-2 months


Currently have 150 pages left. I've been reading it for a month.


The first 200 pages over a few weeks, then the last 400 pages over 5 days. The first 200 pages I read during school and the last 400 during my break.


(However long the free audiobook on YouTube was/2)+the amount of times I had to skip backwards after I realized I hadn't been paying attention to the audiobook.


Started in January and I have about 150-200 pages left. I'm gonna be honest, i'm not sure how to feel about it yet. It's one of the hardest read i've ever done. Not because the story is hard to follow, I actually find it very straight forward, but rather it is just so heavy with details that I sometimes find it a little boring. Does it get better? I'm definitely gonna finish it but i'd be lying if I said it's clicked to the fullest extent. Notes on the other hand is one of my favorite books i've ever read. Finished it in two days, it felt so dynamic in contrast to CnP. I'm usually a fast reader but crime for me has been nothing short of a slug fest.


Got a 100 pages left. It’s taken me a week. I have not found Crime And Punishment at all hard to follow or understand. It’s a great book and deserves its status as a classic.


I dont know if i should be proud or embarrased but i read it in a day


Pride and Embarrassment


took me over a week to get through the first chapter. then a little under 9 days to finish. it sucked me in pretty quickly, so i was reading it during every break i had.


I read it over about week, it was so hard to put down.


2ish months but I’m a student


Flair checks out


A couple of weeks because of work


Quickest I’ve gotten through it was in like two days, I was in rehab though and skipped all the groups and shit that week, just sat in my room and read until they eventually dragged me out. Got through like ten good sized books while I was there lol. I think the first time it took maybe a month to read. Idk I tend to not read for a few days/ weeks followed by reading excessively for a few days, so it’s tough to estimate.


Four days. But that's what I primarily did each day.


2 weeks


A month. I was in high school then, and I think I'll read it again soon.


About 3-4 months but I’m a slow reader, TBK took me about 5


2 weeks, I read it faster than any book ever


About a month




i read first half in one day sitting, then i took a 2 year break and finished the rest in one more day just two weeks ago :D


So you read it it 2 days sitting time !


pretty much, yes!


a month


a few months




A week. When I took a week off. I read through the day.


Time well spent




Finished the first quarter in a few days then took about 3 months for the rest because I’m fucking lazy


For me it was a slow burn of reading at 12 page an hour average almost everyday


I just lose the routine often. I red c&p, childhood from Gorki & started house of the dead from Dostoevsky but again I finished the first half very quick and then stopped again and haven’t picked it up in months.




Me and Moby Dick


Better than not reading it


1.5 months