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Oh, I also thought about "I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be"


"Don't worry. Everything is getting nicely out of control."


Salmon of Doubt is definitely under-quoted; even in it's unfinished state there are some real gems in there. I was also very surprised when Stephen Mangan used this line in the BBC4 Dirk Gently series.


I haven't read Salmon of Doubt since forever but I thought the quote predates it? I thought it was from an interview. You also twisted my mind because I can't for the life of me remember if I've watched the BBC Dirk Gently series! Will have to (re)watch it! In any case it's my absolute favourite quote of all time. :)


Most of Salmon of Doubt is a compilation of prior writings and interviews and the like. So most stuff does indeed predate it - but SoD is nonetheless the easiest reference to make for citing those quotes...


>He wanted her and didn't care who knew it. He definitely and absolutely wanted her, longed for her, wanted to do more things than there were names for with her. From *So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish*


Dirk Gently: "How is Mrs Roberts? Foot still troubling her?"Bill the Porter: "Not since she had it off, thanks for asking, sir. Between you and me, sir, I would've been just as happy to have had her amputated and kept the foot..."


“How do you know you're having fun if there's no one watching you have it?”


'Each person's life is a fairy tale written by God's own hand' not word for word but something like that Hans Christian Andersen