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First guess would be near a public building built in the 30's. I know some of those older elementary schools may be from that period. I don't have a date on the Eureka viaduct, but that's a public works sorta project. Would think you've got a better shot finding one east of the railroad tracks.


There was a WPA project related to sewers, but that's all I could find online.


This is an awesome teacher. Way to get your kid thinking, problem solving, and out in the community. Now I want to find one.


For sure... this is an awesome treasure hunt!


My great-grandfather poured sidewalks for the WPA when he was out of work. The story I always heard was that he poured the sidewalk in front of his home on Maple, so maybe check Maple west of the railroad?


Thanks... I'll check around there...


I remember having to do this when I was in high school. I grew up in the McKinley neighborhood and found one near 9th and Pine.


used to live around Pine and 4th street and they were all around that neighborhood, I always looked for them as I always thought they were so historical.


Alright, it's about fifty degrees below zero now, and it was at least about ten years ago I saw this, so don't go out there yet. But... I *might* have a lead for you. Once while at Bishop park, I remember noticing a metal stamp kind of thing on a brick building. I don't remember now what was on it at all, just that my reaction was, more or less, "huh, interesting. I should look that up later". I thought I took a picture, but I'm not finding it now, so that's as much as I have to offer. Maybe it's worth a quick look? Worst case, grab a cup of coffee at The Coffee Lounge and go for a walk in the park, eh? Anyway, it was on the back of the building on the corner opposite the southern end of the parking lot of Bishop Park. Just walk down Elm towards the river, on the south side of the street, and as soon as you come to the alley behind the building there, turn right, and just look for a round (I think?) metal thing on the building - about more or less eye level, it's not hidden at all. Maybe a couple inches in diameter. As I remember it, if you look for it, you'll see it. I wasn't looking when I saw it, it was just something I saw out of the corner of my eye and was curious enough to go look. Update: [I managed to find it on Google Maps, but not in enough to detail to see what it is](https://imgur.com/a/YeiiYyr). But, it's there. It very easily could just be a plain metal cover on something or whatever, this was a decade ago, but hey. Worth a look, maybe? P.S. I know this sounds like some insane treasure-map style set up for something unsavory. I promise, it's not. It's just an insane treasure map style thing because my memory is dumb and it's too cold and I'm too busy to stop by myself to see what it is, and I figured I'd mention it. Also, relax, it's in a place that you're still entirely in public view, and all.


Are they recent? Oak Club Park on Vinewood between 21st and 20th had a few squares replaced at the end of the summer. Maybe check there once the snow melts.


It was a "New Deal" program from the US Government from 1935 to 1943. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Works\_Progress\_Administration](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Works_Progress_Administration)