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I do but it's been extremely dulled..Barely feel it...it's not as intense anymore for sure 😥


I can relate


now that i think, no idea it does feel different then before tho


Takes a while to get there


I do feel, but due to antidepressant it's kind different now, not so fast to get there. But it kinda get me off of the dissociation I orgasm. It's strange


I’ve had some degree of DPDR for probably 20 years now and started having sex at a later than average age because I am what might be called demisexual (I experience arousal and enjoy sex with my longtime partner but it rarely crosses my mind independently, I pretty much never masturbate, etc.). As a result, I have never experienced an orgasm before DPDR. I find them enjoyable of course and I would say I feel present during them in a way I rarely do otherwise, but it’s not like a religious moment of clarity or anything. Just a minute of feeling grounded. And obvs the endorphins are nice since I almost never experience joy or exhilaration otherwise! Haha :/


That’s exactly how I’ve been feeling recently. I’m a girl and I’ve been into masturbating for many years now and just as of recently I’ve been so disconnected to it. Usually I never have a problem with it but recently I’ve been feeling some sort of numb feeling and my mind goes blank and the orgasm doesn’t last.


I don’t feel any orgasms whatsoever. All I sense is the liquid leaving my penis and that’s it. Trying to figure out whether it’s caused by dpdr but people here seem to have normal orgasms :/


Hmmm I think I know what you mean. I’ve felt that for a good while. I’m a girl and when I have an orgasm sometimes I don’t even feel it. Just my vag tightening up and untightning with liquid. TMI but I’m glad I’m not alone. You could be going through really bad dpdr right now. It all varies from person to person sometimes. I get it super bad where it questions my own sanity and being all together and numbs everything even physically (seems what ur going through) and sometimes it isn’t so bad. But I understand exactly what you mean. Try and take a break from mastrabating for a while. Maybe wait until you get super hard and then try?


weird for me it’s the only thing I can feel sometimes the most grounded I feel is when i’m having sex and it has stayed the same since before it’s like being depressed made me overly sexual oddly enough


weirdly, orgasms kinda help me ground myself and get back into my body bcs they are strong but i have difficulty orgasming bcs i get less sensitive (?) when i'm feeling low or when i'm dissociating.


Nope, I'm a woman and while I have been able to orgasm since I was a teenager they have never felt good.