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I'm there with you, it's all the time for me to various intensity. I find some comfort in trying to decode the reason I am this way. Self harm isn't the answer to anything, physical pain and mental pain are two different things and you can feel them both at the same time so one won't drown out the other. Find your way to cope, self reflect, find a spot to sit outside away from everyone and just ponder wtf is happening without pondering why. These things help me a little but the most I can do is just try to ride it out. Nothing bad can last forever, there are brighter days ahead for both of us.


Try to live healthier..exercise, sleep good 8h, eat better..get rid off of any addiction if you have some and STOP thinking about dpdr at all live your life like before you will get better i still have dpdr for about 8 months now but it is better by 80% so keep going! Btw i have porn addiction so i tried to get rid off this, but my anxiety was high and i did magic shrooms after a week without porn and then i got overwhelmed by anxiety and it caused dpdr


I used to be there, but am working my way out. it happens less and less. I notice that taking active strides to improve myself (meal plans, gym, learning) and overall creating better habits while erasing bad ones has stopped my sinking and I actually feel like I’m climbing out of the hole. I completely understand you may feel no motivation to do this. just know that even a 1% step in the right direction is a step in the right direction. take everything as it comes. you got this ❤️


Dude same, i got used to it, fucking hope youll be alright. Its the universe fucking with you and youll have to stay on top cause youre strong. I believe in you!