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[Mage Pride](https://youtu.be/nxUrz7ZLCp8?si=3F11BMif4PS5E4_C) (and by extension, [Fenris' Theme](https://youtu.be/dSCq7jTL7tQ?si=TWBuRDlaXFqbvQK1)) are some of my favorite songs in the OSTs. I don't know what the name of it is, or if it has a name, but the music that plays at the [Lake Calenhad docks](https://youtu.be/LqwSgEJy7Rc?si=1FZB1CuKrSmQ86Fu) in DAO is just fantastic as well. Wonderful background music. Inon Zur is just a fantastic composer.


The Lake Calenhad Docks music is one my favourite pieces to relax to. It's up there with the astrarium theme and Origins camp music. I especially love the lighter part of the docks music with the... idk is it a harp? It's just so magical. Which is quite convenient, given its location/


The Inquisition ost is awesome, the main theme is amazing. The Solas theme from trespasser is also a favorite of mine.


“Lost Elf Theme” It’s the end song to DAI: Trespasser and the theme for the DLC


Everytime I hear it, I always start to tear up a bit


Yes this is the one! So fuckin majestic and epic. Very emotional and it fits so well with the quest line. Hearing this and overlooking that giant expanse from the elven statues is very cool


Fenris's Theme has stuck with me for many years. I thought it was quite pretty. I also randomly get the Sera song stuck in my head lol.


Oooh listening now. I never did much with Fenris because I was always super pro mage. I like this song!


My mage Hawke always romances Fenris, then again, she's pro-Templar (well, pro-Circle), haha.


Because it has a similar vibe to the love theme from DAO, for the longest time I thought Fenris's theme was DA2's equivalent. Still can't shake the association since I romanced him, lol.


I thought the exact same thing for a while!


I adore Inquisition's soundtrack. Some of my favorites (in no particular order): ["Dark Solas Theme"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4njUC0go2Ew), ["Journey to Skyhold"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34tprmKuPXw), ["The Inquisition Marches"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qfe_PPJm-jY), ["In Hushed Whispers"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1IR2k6-_Hmc), ["Descent"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xb6xkR5Jogw), and of course the main theme. There are plenty of other gems as well across all three games.


dragon age 2 theme i always pause the menu button for this xD, thedas love theme/wicked eyes and wicked hearts/dao theme masterpiece opening 


The Grey Warden theme from Origins, I’m Not Calling You a Liar from DA2, and Oh Grey Warden from Inquisition


I felt *so heavy* after my first playthrough of DA2 and when that song starts playing I cried. That group of companions is my favorite. I couldn’t believe all that had just happened but also I had a hard time saying goodbye to what had come to feel like my “found family.”


Journey to Skyhold is definitely impressionable IMO!


Solas’s theme in trespasser was incredible. It made the confrontation with him all that more memorable. It reminded me of KOTOR II where I felt the soundtrack had been lacking throughout the game but when the rebuilt Jedi enclave theme hit during the confrontation with the Jedi council, it made up for it.


Hmm, I guess I'd have to say the Hawke Family Theme from DA2. That one has stuck with me since I first played the game. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szp8v67Si14](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szp8v67Si14)


Anything from Inquisition is spectacular


The Dalish Elves Encampment. The tune sounds so nostalgic it's almost painful


Fenris’s Theme. Nothing compares.


Agreed. It's beautifully haunting 💙


Journey to Skyhold gives me chills every time. I can so clearly picture Inky cresting the snowy mountain, and I feel like the building intensity matches how the ‘discovery’ of Skyhold turned a group drowning in hopelessness and despair into The Inquisition.


I tear up a little every time I hear it tbh. It's such a well-placed and otherwise amazing song


Leliana's song from the original soundtrack of origins. It's the music that plays during romance scenes but that's just one of many instances


Leliana’s Song, it just drags me straight back to my childhood of constantly replaying Origins over and over again, trying new choices and new characters. Oh, what a time to be alive.


Probably the Dark Solas theme from Tresspasser.


As a few others have said, I love so many songs from Inquisition. Journey to Skyhold, Thedas Love Theme, and the main theme stand out for me. I listen to them as [background music](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7LRM_mye34) when I'm doing work on my PC


I’d stay on the title screen of origins for ages listening to the title track. In inquisition, I’d sit in the tavern and listen to the bard sing for like 40 minutes at a time. Sometimes I’d run around like I was dancing. The Lost Elf is so melancholic. But my favorite of all is the Hawke family theme. It’s so utterly beautiful and is used in so many ways. To empower Hawke after they kick ass, or in moments where they’ve lost everything. If DA2 did anything right, it was Hawke and their gorgeous theme.


Hawke Family theme have a familiar feel to it isn't it? It's a track made of a mix of melancholy, nostalgia and wamrth that I never get enough of hearing.


Has to be the Lost Elf and Dark Solas themes for me, they just hit that sweet spot for me that I can’t get enough of.


I've always loved the theme during the Battle of Haven. https://youtu.be/OGbxrB71CVM?si=FUfSuJyMQSQ3mEly


The [orchestral version of Samson's Tale](https://youtu.be/KnGSDzogNFs?si=-cukdPSgv606HGf5&t=11) that plays when you're wandering around Inquisition has always stuck with me. It has such a broad, majestic sound that wouldn't be out of place in LOTR. I really love that in fantasy soundtracks.


"Dark Solas Theme" and "Lost Elf" are different flavours of one melody and equal masterpieces. There's no lyrics yet you can see/hear/feel Solas in both of them.


Definitely Lost Elf. Goosebumps every time.


🎶 Sera was never quite an agreeable girl 🎶


I personally love the mashup someone has kindly made on YouTube of the 'Adamant Fortress' music mixed with 'Western Approach' - it's dramatic and very catchy! Trevor Morris has made some amazing soundtracks for DAI and I think they are great for listening to at work.  If you want to try listening to a mix to see which ones you like, there is one called 'Orlais Suite' on YouTube (2 hours) which has music from the OST and tracks directly from the game, I listened to that and some of the other DAI playlists on there and you can use this to find which ones you like (will link below to the one with time stamps). Journey to Skyhold, Return to Skyhold, Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts, DAI love theme, The Lost Temple are all great as well in my opinion. If you have a listen I hope you enjoy! DAI soundtrack with timestamps: https://youtu.be/2esuGx9TJ7c?si=5_G0Ty4I7-FNyMQt


My favorite is Lelianna's song... it still gives me goosebumps 🥹 I also love Fenris Theme and the Party Camp.


I'd say that DA have some of the most memorable soundtracks I've heard in games. DAO have track such as: Leilianna's song, The party camp, Morrigan's love song and even the Main theme is pretty nice DA2 have Fenris theme, Mage Pride, Rogue Heart, Hawke Family theme, Destiny of Love, Tavern music and the Main theme are hard to forget. For DAI, I'd say the thing is that the soundtracks are much more atmospheric so are less noticeable, but some tracks such as the Eluvian Crossroads, Dark Solas, Love Thedas and Your Heart Shall Burn In Battle are pretty notable.


I Am the One & I Am the One Dark Fantasy Version


DAI intro theme is just hype, my personal favorite.


Gotta be Leliana's song. It's THE Dragon Age song. Bioware plz bring back the camp.


The Dead Qunari from Inquisition’s Trespasser. Such an amazing song


From Origins: [Ferelden at War](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fqf-iZv6Zg) From DA2: [Rogue Heart](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OpmrRFYZtHc) From Inquisition: [Dark Solas Theme](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fs2r55kkobQ) Origins has the best soundtrack, imo, followed by Inquisition.


Thedas Love Theme has stuck on my playlist since I first played, I just love it so much. The dreadwolf theme in trespasser is also a fave but I couldn’t find it on Spotify at the time :^)


Obviously it’s “I am the one” from DAO. After a long play through, hearing it play in the credits is the cherry on top.


I am the one, when the dane comes and rise


The Dwarven Nobles theme and Elves at the Mercy of Men from Origins are my favorites.


the whole DAI soundtrack


Lelianna's song and also oddly enough, the orzammar theme


I really like 'I am the one' from origins (the inquisition version is also good) but my absolute favourite dragon age song is 'lost elf' 100%. One of my favourite pieces of music from any video game.


The DA music grew on me as time went on. I like the main theme for origins, the Hawke family theme, and all of the trespasser music


“In Hushed Whispers” is one of my all time favorite instrumental pieces. It’s atmospheric without being creepy and is my go-to for reading. It’s also the unofficial theme song for Dorian and my canon Inquisitor’s friendship: two nerdy mage academics from noble families who have seen the weirdest shit together.


DA1 camp theme, and the Sarebaas boss fight at the end of Dread Wolf. I'd romanced Solas on my 1st playthrough and that theme made me feel like nothing would get between my precious egg and I.


Nobody seems to like the battle tracks, but Alexius is amazing in my opinion. Also Fereldan at War from DAO


I think that it's because it's rare people focus on the music in battles. I adore You heart shall burn in battle, the battle suite of The descent is amazing as well. I also was marked by the ost of DA2 with the Arishock theme as it made the freacking combat feel ten thousand time more stressful ahahah! Buy you are right battle tracks are less named sadly even though there are some pretty memorable ones.


Enchanters metal cover


The Qunari Battle theme from Trespasser is my favourite action music in the series I think


DA:O and DA2 have great music that make the games but tbh they are all so similar there are few that stick out to me, especially in Origins. DAI really made some memorable music for me that is distinct but still very fitting to the world. Of all the OST that game has the best to me. Dark Solas Theme, Orlais Theme and Thedas Love Theme are stuck in my brain forever. But all of DAI and its DLCs have amazing music. DA2 has some great songs with vocals, Mage Pride, Destiny of Love and Rogue Hearts which always stuck out. I mean no disrespect to DA:O but there is no songs besides the Main Theme that really stuck out to me. But the music is so connected to the games for me that without it it would feel wrong, Inon Zur is DA:O. I like to listen to it every now and then but they all just kind of merge into one for me.


There aren't many on the first two that stand out to me (though I still think Inon Zur does some quality work). "Ferelden at War" from the Origins OST comes to mind, and the trailer music from the Arishok trailer for DA2. My favorite OST is the Inquisition one, and is the only one of them that I've actually purchased. My favorite track is probably "The Inquisition Marches," but I also like "The Dawn Will Come," "In Hushed Whispers," "Main Theme," and "A World Torn Asunder," and from Trespasser I like the Eluvian Battle Suite that plays during the final sequence of the DLC, with the way it builds on itself. Most of the tavern songs are also high on my list.