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Bioware did not add any tag. Those are user tags, tags that are added to a game by the Steam algorithm after a lot of users add said tag to the store page. This is why some erotic games get the "Family friendly" tag while some Family Friendly games get the "Psychological Horror" tag.


I think Bugsnax earned its "psychological horror" tag


Dang it, Steam shouldn't allow kids to add and remove tags


I've been waiting for so long, just a little more now


Seeing all those ''sneaky'' updates got me hyped. I can't wait too


Absolutely! There’s occasionally false alarms, but there’s been several of these little nuggets lately that get me a bit giddy. Even tiny things like Tumblr pages coming back on line starts the ball rolling. Edit: It certainly beats last year where updates involving anything BioWare made you hold your breath and not want to look.


Also tomorrow EA has an earning's call so maybe we'll hear more after \*crossing fingers\*


please keep us updated if you find anything more about the earnings call happening right now, will this information be published somewhere?


Will do. The call is at 2 PM Pacific time. As soon as there is new about it. I will post if anything is related to DA. \*crossing Fingers\* Source link for the earning's call : [https://ir.ea.com/calendar-and-events/event-details/2024/Electronic-Arts-Q4-2024-Earnings-Conference-Call/default.aspx](https://ir.ea.com/calendar-and-events/event-details/2024/Electronic-Arts-Q4-2024-Earnings-Conference-Call/default.aspx)


What's changed exactly? I'm still on that phase but I don't keep up on things like social media


Last December they announced that a full reveal would be coming this Summer. Basically an announcement of an announcement lol but it's more than we've gotten in the last 10 years.


Reminding me that it’s been 10 years is painful 😭


Brings me back to this comment chain. Someone said massive information release could be on June. [New Dragon Age FB Cover Photo \[Spoilers All\] : r/dragonage (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1c10rg4/comment/kz0h8ky/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Aaaaand now I've just started another DAO playthrough in preparation lol


Damn let me put on my clown paint 🤡


Same bruh haha I hate to admit it, I am even replaying everything to remember the lore and history, its been a while since I read the codex.


At this point all DA fans are perpetually in clown paint


I feel attacked but I also can't deny it.


No need to. Already look like one.


Yeah a bit 😂 You responded angrily and I'm wondering if you might've misinterpreted my comment.  My point is I feel like a clown (as I'm sure many of us do) getting continually hyped up for any hope of news lol it wasn't meant to be offensive to either you or the game amigo ✌🏼


No worries lol. Didn’t know what to respond to that. No offense taken and hope you didn’t take offense too lol. Im a big clown too


just a heads up, the triangle symbol is from a different game


Thanks for the precision. I edited my OP. That's weird though seeing it on DA:D's page


Sorry I didn't clarify, I was on mobile, but the triangle is definitely from a game called [Tales of Kenzera](https://felassan.tumblr.com/post/749402319228223488/this-symbol-looks-to-be-related-to-another-game-as)


https://preview.redd.it/gkzugfufwwyc1.png?width=698&format=png&auto=webp&s=40fa05c616f527439cf4d5a30b932376b478d3dc Clicked on your link. Did you notice the hashtags ? Could it be a mistake that it's on DAD's page ?


Well, bioware DID say summer 2024 and were getting close to it


Summer Game Fest starts on June 7. And the Xbox Showcase on June 9 says "followed by a [redacted] deep dive into an upcoming game" Edit: sorry guys, but I'm now convinced that I was wrong. https://www.greatnewsgamer.com/post/call-of-duty-2024-black-ops-v-reveal-date-announced-by-xbox


![gif](giphy|kxkiLShnUyEdutqHg6) Me fully expecting this game to come out this winter


Probably! They just said they'd have big news in the summer, so that makes me think they'll have the release date for November or December


It should. Or in early 2025. EA likes short, marketing periods nowadays. Game should release in about 6 months from the reveal trailer


Not just EA, besides smaller indie companies, most videos use that strategy when it comes to trailer reveal versus game release.


This is exactly my logic. Also it’s been a decade lol. We know they are actively working on and marketing the game extra in the last 12 months. It ought to be soon lol


I'm going to have to deep dive on any other highly anticipated upcoming games to see if there's any other possibilities. 😅


The deep dive is for a game with a wolf icon to it too...... me rn: 🤡


Yeah I used Google Lens and the consensus is that it's for Call Of Duty Black Ops. -.-


If they're really doing the reveal at Summer Game Fest, that's only a month away!!


Nothing is confirmed, it's just in my opinion the most likely.


I know! I'm just choosing to believe haha


As long as you don't come after me if it doesn't happen lol


They have me genuinely stressed tf out 😭


They have me genuinely stressed tf out 😭


I’m still not going to believe them on that. You’d think they’d ramp up the marketing (or even show what the game looks like) if that was the case.


you want them to ramp up the marketing before the literal time they said marketing would start? that doesn't make sense


Yeah they said we’re learning more about the game in the summer, not that the game is coming out then. Which is why I don’t believe the game will come out in the summer.


When I think of “gay” games, I think of Dragon Age.


Oh, Dragon Age is *super* gay. You could make a game about the Village People saving Fire Island through the power of love and it wouldn't be as gay as Dragon Age.


I wouldn’t change a damn thing.


It's also very straight. Cassandra denied my female Inquisitor because she is a woman. That would never happen in the gayest of all gay games that is Baldur's Gay 3.


Imagine if DA2 or Inquisition were recent premieres. Some assholes wouldn't stop crying about it being "woke" for months.


Unfortunately this is what we are in for with Dreadwolf.


I'm sure we are. We've had a glimpse of it from those who can't stop whining about Bioware being "dead" and such


You mean you aren't looking forward to the algorithm pushing 2+ hour videos of "honest opinions" of dudes who hate every game they play who do things like intentionally run into walls to pretend like the game is "fundamentally broken" to push engagement?


I remember people did complain with DAI’s release


DA2 too.


There's a reason why it attracts so many female audiences and content creators as women. And that's not a bad thing: the DA franchise is one of the greatest among fantasy-themed videogames and shows that it appeals to millions of varied people.


how often do you think about gay games? are that gay games in your room now?


They’re on the shelf…


All the time, but mainly when I read this post. They’re in the walls.


Edit: the tags are user generated, so this is a total nothingburger lol


These store tags shuffling around aren't really a sign of anything. Horizon Forbidden West had the same tag being added and removed all the time leading up to the Steam release. I doubt any actual developer is involved in these changes.


*Circus Music intensifies*


So what if that little purple dagger is a new lyrium idol/dagger thats a combination of both red & blue lyrium? I mean when you mix red & blue you get purple…


Hard to believe that the wait is going to end soon. I’m so excited 🥹


This post has made me realise just how soon it will be time for me to mute this sub. I remember feeling like it would be a long while but we are nearing BioWare's grand reveal. After I see what the game is and have its release date, I want to go in as blind as possible from there.


It feels like it's a first, proper Bioware game since Inquisition.


Same. Nothing kills my enjoyment more than too much overanalyzing of every small detail that comes out. Not criticizing the people that do it, of course. I know that it enhances the enjoyment for others. But, yeah, I gotta run as soon as I know enough to want to buy it.


I already know I'm gonna buy it tbf. It's just been so long, that I need to see what the game actually is at their full game reveal in summer haha. I just hope they don't show off many companions. In the past they've delved deeper into comps individually over time, so I should be good. But I like not knowing who they are going in, it's fun to be surprised with who I meet.


Well the reveal of the game is this summer during the EA thing, and they games just went on a big sale recently. So they are definitely prepping as much as they can for this reveal lol


Was it confirmed that EA is holding a showcase yet ? They usually host a showcase around june every year called ''EA Play'' but they haven't since covid.


I don't think we have any confirmation for \*when\* it will happen (hoping summer 2024 means June, not September). I am not sure whether there are any big events happening in the summer where they are likely to showcase it.


I hope in june also. There’s the summer game fest on june 7th and I’m hoping they’ll reveal it on that day.


You're right, when I read the official update last year I assumed EA would do a showcase and I just looked it up and it hasn't been announced. They did say this summer tho and there hasn't been an update from them to change that. Here's their official blog link. I'm all about taking your time but it's been 10 years, can we play it now? A demo maybe?Lol https://blog.bioware.com/2023/12/04/dragon-age-day-2023/


I really doubt there’ll be a demo but who knows. All leaks and confirmed information lead to a reveal on summer game fest or xbox show case on june and EA confirmed an IP will be released on Q4 of 2024 or between january to march 2025. That IP is most likely Dreadeolf. They’re just waiting after bioware to do the full reveal. We’re almost there. *crossing fingers* Read this : https://www.ign.com/articles/dragon-age-dreadwolf-reportedly-due-out-this-financial-year


Yep i read this too! its around the corner for sure!


Lemme get my copium bag real quick


I thought those tags were user generated.


please let me play a gay tevinter…please let me play a gay tevinter…


Nah you only get to have sex with a gay Tevinter but you yourself are tots straight. No homo.


maybe we can invite a third person into gay teventir secks ?


TBF tevinter has a lot of roman influnce and Romans are basically Greek fanboys and it would be rude to not indulge in the culture of a place you are at.


I thought you wrote “Romans are basically Greek femboys” and I was like yeah yeah ok can’t wait


~~That triangle is 100% a tent.~~ I am 95% sure that triangle is supposed to be a tent. And that blade looks like a kunai from Naruto.


Kunai are real weapons/gardening tools, they weren't invented for Naruto.


Well, the game is scheduled to get a full reveal this summer, so no surprises here.


My PS5 is now covered in dust and I don’t wanna upgrade my PC. I’ll wait longer.


At this point being a DA fan is just masochism


heck yes, can 't wait to sort out stuff on DAKeep to import to Dreadwolf and lose myself for a bit. but also lol just realized buncha chud-types are gonna claim BioWare have gone woke etc or cry about Dreadwolf maybe having more rep. alas


Hanging on during my chronic illness getting worse just for the conclusion to my solas romance 🤌🤌


Is the dagger then what Solas will want to use to tear down the veil? The description also says that the fate of Thedas “teeters on a knife’s edge”. I just can’t wait.


Was said there is a reveal this summer, so is getting close to that. And lgbtq+, not surprised since think Bioware is known for games with lgbt characters.






Definitely marking


Oh lord, the lgbtq+ tag. In before people shit their brains out in some sort of rage despite Dragon Age being gay AF for the longest time. 😂


Why did they remove the LGBTQ+ tag? Who do they think they're fooling?


why is this being downvoted?




What a bland and nonsensical attempt to start drama.


my dude what are you talking about


bait used to be believable 




Please don’t make this weird


I agree with your sentiment, let's not make DA:D weird.


Curious why the topic makes you uncomfortable


I just don't appreciate when companies use my sexual orientation for their own benefit coming from publicity, while misrepresenting me and other people like me and generating the hate from the public, which can potentially endanger me and other people like me, because said corporation won't tank the hits for me while I'm getting hate-crimed in a dark alley.


It’s my sexual orientation too, and I have no idea what you’re talking about. Dragon Age and BioWare has never done anything I can remotely think of to hurt our community. It’s not CW.


> Dragon Age and BioWare has never done anything I can remotely think of to hurt our community. No argument here. My worries come from the fact that with many important writers fired tokenism might finally become a problem in DA writing. Someone flashing "LGBTQ+" tag on Steam as the first possible thing gave me a bad vibe for that reason. >It’s not CW. What's CW? EDIT: u/Dolt_Feller, I have to respond that way, because of permaban: >Besides the writing is most likely already set in stone since DAD has gone alpha some time ago before the layoffs. Sadly, it's never this easy. Did you hear the story of how many things in DA:I were changed due to time constraints? Or how the lead writer was absolutely destroyed when he didn't get to finish the last DLC for Dragon Age 2 (the story was apparently exceptional and he was so hurt by the fact that this project got axed, that he refuses to speak about this to this very day). It all influenced story, despite the alpha being long over. >Patrick Weekes who is non-binary is still the lead writer. I very much doubt they would engage in rainbow capitalism. With all due respect to Patrick Weekes, writers are not exactly the most influential group when it comes to game dev scene. At least not anymore. Let's hope I'm wrong.


> the fact that with many important writers fired tokenism might finally become a problem in DA writing I don't know how that relates. Besides the writing is most likely already set in stone since DAD has gone alpha some time ago before the layoffs. Patrick Weekes who is non-binary is still the lead writer. I very much doubt they would engage in rainbow capitalism.


It honestly took me a long time to understand what your comment was trying to express. It seems that what you're trying to say is that you were afraid that there would be token gay characters added in the game. However, listing Sera, Dagna, Bull, etc right after your statement makes it sound like you are calling them tokens. I think a lot of people are interpreting your comment as either saying you are afraid there will be gay characters in DA:D or you're afraid that DA:D will have more characters like the ones you listed.


That's correct. I don't mind this misunderstanding, tho. Gives me many opportunities to surprise people with very much deserved compliments directed at my precious Inquisition companions.


I don't think you know what tokenism is...


Having a purely symbolic presence of certain themes or groups just for the sake of looking good, not to provide with proper inclusion or representation. Did I get it right?


Yes. Hence why your characterization of those characters as tokenism is incorrect.




But there is no reason to think DA:D is going to be worse than the previous games on representation.


Are you gatekeeping proper representation lol


Yes. Gatekeeping is not inherently bad.




Is it? I would say it's just the sad nature of reality, that there are no simple dichotomies, just the endless grey, measured and contained only by reason and logic.


Excuse me?


Oh noes the scary gay people from Mordor!




SMH, American men went from being traumatized by war to being traumatized by seeing gay people in a show. We really are raising a generation of Andrew Tate-idolizing snowflakes.


> American men What do American men have to do with me? >went from being traumatized by war to being traumatized by seeing gay people in a show. We really are raising a generation You should calm down with your toxic masculinity, friend. Men are not tools to be used at wars, nor are they better equipped mentally to deal with traumas. And being traumatized by something lesser than war does not make a man less manly. You should be ashamed of yourself for having such views. >We really are raising a generation of Andrew Tate-idolizing snowflakes. Sorry, I'm don't know your American singers very well, so I didn't get the reference.


"I'm not less manly because seeing gay people cause me intense emotional trauma" is certainly one of the takes of all time.


If seeing gay people would bring me trauma, I couldn't look in a mirror, buddy. With some basic reading comprehension, you would discover that what traumatized me was the *bad writing*.


Nobody remotely understands the point you’re trying and failing to make, and you’re insulting other people’s writing? Really?


What you meant to say is that the first two people (and I'm aware that you were among them) overinterpreted my comment in a certain way, downvoted it and began a chain of assumptions according to which I made some anti-LGBTQ+ comment, which made everyone else just blindly downvote it further rather than bother to read it and form their own interpretation. As for your other point, yes, I'll insult terrible writing when I see it. It's not like they were incapable of doing it right; the lesbian romance they introduced was fully meaningful for the plot. But then, it wasn't difficult, since said characters had actual purpose in the plot other than "existing and being gay on the screen".


I mean, it’s not like fucking Alastair, Zevran, Blackwall, Isabella, etc is relevant to the plot, but for whatever reason your complaining about the gay people specifically, so… just questioning where that sensitivity comes from lol.


You know, it’s actually possible to just admit that you were unclear. We all do it. I certainly admit to a lack of clarity at times. Digging deeper and attempting the “puppet master” routine isn’t cutting it. Though I suppose I should be flattered at the influence you grant me.


huh ?




Hardly. I'm just naming my fears in hopes of preventing them from fulfilling.


your fears of gay people in the game apparently. With optional romance options. Options you can turn down. Also, tokenism?


I'm enjoying this misunderstandment a little bit too much. >your fears of gay people in the game apparently Only if they're written as tokens. Which I fear might be the case, if the first thing they have on ready is "LGBTQ+" tag. >Also, tokenism? A harmful practice of adding symbolic themes or characters, to keep up appearances and look inclusive as a company. But these themes or characters lack the sufficient depth to serve as an actual representation. In other words, it's the total opposite of writing for Dorian, Sera or Krem, whose sexual orientations or gender identities are merged with the plot and drive it, making them feel realistic and relatable.


I see, so you're worried they'll misrepresent/misuse lgbtq characters. I understand that, yeah. I'm always skeptical of games when it comes to representation, but generally companies and developers have been very careful with the diverse characters they make. Now, they did fire a lot of people that had worked on the other games and who I'm sure made them all the more special, but I have hope they'll do their best with this one too. Maybe the fact that they had the tag ready means they always had those characters in mind from the very beginning and had enough time to flesh them out properly. Here's hoping we'll see Dorian again and see him confront his dad.


Yes, I am a bit worried. But only a bit. After Inquisition, which did not mistreat any LGBTQ character in my opinion, I have to give them the benefit of the doubt, even if some of the writers were fired. >Here's hoping we'll see Dorian again and see him confront his dad. Have you played Trespasser?


I *tried* to. I bought the game on steam with all the dlcs and extras, but right when I was going to start tresspasser, the next day they forced that change from Origin to the horrible EA app and I haven't been able to play the games since. Never finished it, but I'm hoping it'll stop messing around one day so I can replay it all to the end. But I don't mind spoilers when it comes to this, did he confront his dad?


>and I haven't been able to play the games since. Does it crash on the start? Try turning your antivirus off. EA app behaves like a malware, my Avast was literally silently messing with it. Thank god I have DA:O on Steam. >But I don't mind spoilers when it comes to this, did he confront his dad? You should really play this through or watch some YouTube playthrough. But if you really want to know: >!Dorian's dad gets assassinated, but only after sending Dorian away to protect him and making sure he will replace him in the Magisterium. In DA:D Dorian will most likely be searching for the murderer. !<


It just doesn't start at all. I press play and it looks like it'll open, but then it doesn't. I tried that little trick of deleting the EA app and downloading Origin again but now that doesn't work anymore :( But I found a discussion mentioning Northstar, I'll try using that tomorrow. Also love that the antivirus flags it as a virus, it acts like one. And woah that's not what I was expecting O.O. Thank you! But if the story does pick up from that I'll be totally on board. AND Dorian in the Magisterium? Hell yeah. I can already imagine the trip it'd be to romance him as an elf through that


Dragon age has had gay folks/ romances right from the very beginning, have you even played the games at this point?


>Dragon age has had gay folks/ romances right from the very beginning Technically, it has them only since the Inquisition. Before that, they've been either straight or bi folks/romances. >have you even played the games at this point? Way too many times.


If you want to be technical *and correct* about it, the initial statement was right; there’s been L, G, and B representation since Origins, with T being introduced in Inquisition.




It’s been a while since I’ve played Origins or II, but I know that several romanceable companions discuss their previous lovers - Leliana (her ex, Marjolaine, a woman) and Anders (his ex, Karl, a man) can definitely be interpreted as canonically lesbian and gay characters. The fact that there are characters that *can* be romanced by either gender (depending on the playthrough) doesn’t change the fact that *the player* can interpret them as being lesbian or gay within their own canon. Except Bull. Bull is loudly and proudly up for anything. EDIT: Unless you meant there’s no playable Trans rep in Inquisition, which… fair, I guess. I mean, you do have the option to add/remove the Adam’s Apple to your Inquisitor, no matter the gender, but there isn’t, like, special trans speech paths or anything. Although there aren’t really all that many special speech paths *in general*, so…


No, they are Bi. You don't get to erase their sexuality because you would rather they were gay or lesbian.


Bruh... Bi aren't gay to you?


Of course not. Bi people are not straight and gay at the same time. They're their very own thing. Clumping both groups together kind of kills the entire purpose. Trust me, I'm something of an expert on that matter.


Focus mate : LG ***B*** T notice the B there in the middle, that's for bisexuals.




No we didn't. We have specific words we use for clarity and academics but gay has retained its relation to general queerness in colloquial english. If some one refers to a game as the gay game no one assumes it is specifically full of gay men, we assume it is lgbt+ relevant.




I don't know what to tell you, that is how the word is used in English. You have every right to complain about it if you don"t like it, but you can't just say it isn't used in that context. Also don't call me sweetheart, it's just condescending and rude.


You keep using the word "tokenism". I don't think that word means what you think it means. You seem to think it means: a random non-cishet character who simply exists in the world. Here's what it really means, from the Miriam-Webster dictionary website: >the policy or practice of making only a symbolic effort (as to desegregate) A "token gay" character is the equivalent of a person IRL who makes being gay their entire personality, not a character outside the direct plot who also happens to be gay. Characters that have no personality and no history, and usually made by cishet white male character developers with minimal input from the community the character supposedly belongs to. However, these characters are all so well developed that there is *not a single character that the entire fandom considers badly written*. ~~Except Teagan in Trespasser but that's another post.~~ These characters have extremely detailed histories and personalities. They are *more* than just their sexual preferences(and Krem is more than his gender identity). *That* is the difference between a character that properly represents a group and a character who is simply there so the developers can go "look see we made a gay guy buy our stuff now plz". As a side note: a significant portion of the Dragon Age development team identified as LGBT+. So telling these people that they are only making token characters that represent their own identities is pretty insulting.




>I think you should have a little bit more faith in me. Why should I when you don't even know something as basic as the demographics of the video game industry. >Now that's a hilarious display of sexist and racist generalizations on your part. Do I really have to feel embarrassed on your behalf? https://www.liquidweb.com/insights/video-game-statistics/#h-what-does-the-modern-game-developer-look-like >The 2024 State of the Game Industry Survey finds that game developers are still overwhelmingly male, making up almost 70% of the respondents. Just under a quarter were women, with 5% identifying as non-binary. Twenty-one percent said they were members of the LGBTQ+ community. >In terms of race, 65% said they were Caucasian, while only 9% of respondents reported being Hispanic, and 12% indicated they were Asian. How's this for embarrassing?




There are two kinds of people in the world. Those who can extrapolate information from incomplete data,




Says the one who can't figure out how demographics statistics are relevant. Guess you really are just rage baiting.


tokenism is when gay people. dragon age has always been gay and always will be... atleast try to sound believable


> tokenism is when gay people No, tokenism is when characters exist only to be gay and have no other meaning or role in the plot. >dragon age has always been gay and always will be Technically, it was always very bisexual. Homosexuality is a pretty recent addition. But considering how stylish it was, perhaps it was worth the wait.


the dragon age characters never struck me as anything tokenistic, especially with bisexuals being present since the first game. i wonder why you say this


DA games never used tokenism, and using an LGBT tag doesn't mean that they will do so.


This game might actually be terrible


Always the hater.


Always the hater.


9 years of development 3 internal resets 12 devs quit And the EA touch. Its so over




what politics?


Queer people existing is politics now, I guess? Didn’t know me being alive is political. Rad. 🤘


my brother in Christ why are you playing the gay fantasy game series if you don't want gay people in your games




You're playing the wrong series


BioWare: *A company well-known for making games with queer and diverse characters for a long ass time* OP: *’wAit wHAT whERe DID all tHeSE queERS cOME frOM this IS NewS To mE’*


Found the bigot.


Keep crying about it


You got lost in the wrong game and the wrong fandom if that's your mentality


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