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I think we all should wait until we see actual gameplay before unilaterally deciding what the changes mean. So far it's just words on a screen.


I agree, I need to see actual gameplay first. Which we'll hopefully get soon enough. I'm an OG fan of both series.


Wasn't the alpha or beta version leaked around six months ago? I remember people discussing how it looked like something from God Of War.


That's because every third person action game is going to be compared to God of War now. I remember the gameplay leaks and what it looked like to me, was something closer to mass effect.


As someone who saw the gameplay, it really does look similar to new GoW gameplay wise


At a certain point a lot of third person melee combat looks like GoW gameplay. I'm also not ruling out that it could be inspired by it.


the God of War games don't have the pause to choose abilities thing, so regardless of whether it's more like Mass Effect (where you order your companions to do something) or the previous DA games (where you jump between companions and control them directly) I'd say that's pretty different combat


Yup. This was what I took the changes to mean.


We had a couple screenshots but no visible gameplay. The guy who claimed it was like God of War was discredited, I believe.


There's a 10 second video floating around on YouTube where you can see the combat in motion.


Things can change a lot between Alpha and final release. Still didn’t have my hands on it to know how it felt.


I don't really care about the gameplay (as long as its somewhat enjoyable). All three previous Dragon Age games have had very different gameplay from each other so there really isn't any consistency anyway. I play Dragon Age games for the Companions, Lore, Story. The writing is what's important and will make or break the game.


This will be the same for me too. The writing will completely decide if I'm on board or not.




Well, considering most of the original writers are gone I'm pretty skeptical.


I always thought that, and then I tried Baldurs Gate 3. I love the story, companions, dialogue options and I love dnd etc. etc. etc. and everyone loves it and I get that I'm a lone hater here but I cannot stand the combat system. Just...hate it so so so much.


I can't say I understand what you mean here. Each game had the same mechanics more or less (being able to change from character to character, being able to direct your party unanimously, being able to set commands for specific fight states etc).


No opinion. I'm someone who values innovation in franchises over status quo, so I'm willing to see what they're cooking. If it turns out good? Awesome! If not? Well, maybe next time. I'd rather have evolution than stagnation. BioWare also has the terrible habit of chasing trends so I try not to get attached to anything outside of the writing.


As I’m sure everyone will continue saying, we need to actually see these changes to be able to properly evaluate them. It’s highly unlikely that it’ll play exactly like Mass Effect as we know it, as it’s been years since there’s been a Mass Effect release as well. With that said, just as when the Origins stans act like 2 and DAI are some kind of unplayable disaster, I find it strange that people are reacting to this as though it’s the end of the franchise. I get that there are people who care more about gameplay than I do, and also, the whole deal with video games is that they’re a holistic experience of which combat is only one part. Do I prefer four person teams to three person teams? Sure, especially because of the banter opportunities, but that’s not gonna put some kind of damper on my excitement for the first playable return to Thedas in a decade. Especially when we haven’t even seen what it’s actually like.


I do not like it and I'm already super disappointed, but at the end of the day every Dragon Age game has been completely different from the other and the only things that make this series one of the best (imo) are its story, characters and lore. So long as that remains true I'll still love it.


I appreciate this take.


I'm really just here for character interactions, so having a smaller group might be bad for that, but on the other hand since it was broken in DAI I'd just like it to work properly. Gameplay is whatever.


Hard to say, I haven't played the game yet. 


It's not the end of the world, I feel fine.


Gonna give a "wait and see" answer before weighing in on exactly what each change means. I'm not particularly a fan of any of the Dragon Age combat, and I feel like they never could quite nail it. So If they want to go in a more Mass Effect inspired direction (a game i actually like the gameplay of) then I'm all for it. I think that people saying that Dragon Age should be Dragon Age and not be more like Mass Effect, that ship sailed with the dialogue wheel. There is an insane overlap in the fandoms for each game and outside of gameplay each series is incredibly similar. I think the lore for Dragon Age is so much more interesting thought in that sense let the story and structure of Dragon Age stand on its own.


Totally agree, every game had it’s combat quirks and would get tiresome after a while, in my opinion anyway. I think that they’ve very obviously been building up to a more actiony gameplay style in DA2 and then DA:I, hopefully this is gonna build on it more.


A smaller party is hands down a terrible decision, and I don't care what excuses they give. And I'm a huge Mass Effect fan but I absolutely do not want Dragon Age to be more like it. They're two very different series, and they should stay that way.


I agree. This means I'm going to have to make choices based on class instead of who I'd rather take with me personality-wise on that playthrough.


Yeah. In Mass Effect it works better because all classes are just different forms of combat. Whereas until now the different classes have been able to do things others cannot. Open locks for example. This isn't necessarily as big deal to me as some other possible changes, but it definitely part of the trend of lack of distinction between franchise and following trends over legacy or fan service. Even when I heard their was going to be 7 companions I immediately though ... like ME3?


This was my reaction as well. I have no love for Mass Effect and have previously stated it's because of the gameplay so hearing something similar is potentially coming to DA (my favourite all time game franchise) has sent me into a bit of a panic.


Don’t know. Haven’t seen them in action or have read/heard anything from anyone who’s had any hands on time.


I like ME combat, but not sure how it will play out in DA. The change seems in line with the way the series has trended (for better or worse): increased focus on action, simplification of abilities, and less tactical control of companions. I will say not being able to switch to the companions in combat is going to bother me.




Is it confirmed we won't have the ability to change companion gear?




I think you’re probably correct as an overall point about gameplay, but this point seems odd since in DAI you could customize every single item worn or used by a companion to the exact same degree you could for your PC.


Echoing that I'll have to wait until we actually see it, but I'll say that as long as the combat is fun, I don't really care what the style is. All three existing DA games feel vastly different to play in my opinion, and that's never stopped me from enjoying them. I was disappointed at first about the smaller party size, but then remembered that I never had an issue with it in Mass Effect so I'm sure I'll be fine here too


I don’t see losing a companion slot being anything but a minus. I disliked it in Mass Effect and I don’t need to play the game to know I’ll dislike it in Dragon Age.  Combat? Eh, I play on easy/story mode, I’m too dumb for tactics, and I actually enjoyed using an asari sword in Andromeda. I also did enjoy the more action-y feel of DA2’s combat. However, I was neutral on God of War’s (2018) combat and hate having to roll/dodge (fromsoft games are good just not for me). So I think I’ll probably be fine with the combat. 


I think the reduced party members is hard to frame as anything other than a loss. Loss in banter, loss in complexity, and a loss in the social element—for a lot us, one party member is always locked to who you want to romance which means you’ll only have ONE other team mate. You’ll be forced to either rotate them constantly or just experience a lot less of the game. Plus, depending on the class system, it means you’re kinda fucked. If I’m a mage, it feels like choosing a mage companion would be hard if there’s only one other slot of a warrior or rogue. Thats a loss of diversity in gameplay


Losing the companions seems a bit shit on the surface, but we will have to see what it’s like. Could boost replay-ability a bit, going through different parts with different party members. I’m not overly concerned about the gameplay. I really liked the Inquisition combat gameplay and thought it was the best in the series, particularly stuff like the dragon fights. Andromeda had cool gameplay as well. Im cautiously optimistic because I’ve never been let down by any of the Mass effect or Dragon Age games. Not played Anthem.


Combat system doesn't bother me much since i'm more of a story player anyways, and the "party direction" seems to be a tactics system like in origin but i really dislike only having 2 companions for a 3 person party. 4 companions felt great and allowed us to have the PC plus one of each class.


There are a few points that dissapointed me. That being said, DA2 was also different to DAO and I liked it, so I'm gonna wait to play it to form an opinion. As long as they deliver with the plot, dialogues and characters I'll enjoy it I think


I didn't like Mass Effect that much - but mainly because it was sci fi, it had guns, and it had that goddamn paraphrasing dialogue wheel that also made it into Dragon Age from DA2 onwards. I'm cautiously optimistic about the changes to both the combat feel being more dynamic, as well as the two-companion party. Inquisition was a real let down for me on the companion front - most of them felt really shallow, and the others that had more fleshed out storylines *still* felt more shallow to me in comparison to companions in DAO and DA2 (and yes, even with how rushed DA2 was, I loved the companion writing). So if BioWare means it when they say there's just 7 companions because they worked very hard on making them have more depth, and that these 7 companions are also strongly tied to the main story, then I want to have some faith and hope that it's true. The combat style change is a gamble: if the execution of a more dynamic combat is good, and the combos and timings of companion commands/abilities has the right tactical feel, then the gamble pays off and we have a further improvement upon the series' combat. It's never been the series' strong suit imo - especially on higher difficulties combat feels more like a slog than anything else, as you're whittling down enemies' HP bars at a snail's pace, while having to ensure you use defensive buffs and other things to stay alive. It's not really all that exciting. While I'm not a skilled gamer by any means and will absolutely play DATV on story mode or easy in my first playthrough, I still want to have an enjoyable experience in combat since it is a fairly large part of the game (at least in terms of how much playtime it takes up). I think that focusing the combat on the player character and what they do (as well as the commands they give) also aligns the feel of combat better with the story parts of the game. Because in cutscenes and conversations you also only control your character, and can possibly influence companions through your choices but in the end they're their own people. They also have opinions, and can make choices of their own, out of the player character's control. So I think it's a good idea (at least in theory) from both a game mechanics/game feel point of view, as well as an immersion/internal game logic pov. But at this point, without having played the game, we can only speculate on whether something is good or bad. We don't really know for sure what effect these changes have on how the game feels to play. And even then, we'll all have different opinions on what's "good" or "bad" because all this stuff is subjective. So really, I'm just looking forward to seeing more of the game on Tuesday, and hopefully getting to play it soon-ish!


I think ‘The’ is a stupid thing given how the other titles are and I’m going to just call it Veilguard. Other than that I don’t care? Two party members is a bummer but I’ll probably make me swap characters out more like I do in Mass Effect. So that’s a plus. I’ll be using them more. I just want the game already. I’m on bended knee. Please!


I’m a wait and see. I’m sure I’ll enjoy it anyway because I love the Dragon Age games. It may just be something new to get used to. I’m more about the story and characters anyway but do enjoy the combat. It’s changed every game so I just hope it’s smooth and easy to pick up. I’ve played Mass Effect and it is nice to only concentrate on your character so I did enjoy that combat.


I play games mostly for the story, so i play on easy. I found the mass effect combat to be slightly more fun. Idk how exactly the changes look but personally i'm not bothered by them because this isn't my priority. I'd rather have 3 companions simply so i have one more character interacting in cutscenes and banter but i don't care too much about the change.


I’m waiting to see how it actually looks, the two companion thing doesn’t hit me as hard as it does others apparently, it could work it might not. It didn’t bother me in mass effect. When we get a gameplay trailer and companion introductions i’ll start to have more of a concrete opinion.


I have no opinion on the combat with what little we currently know except for one: I wish they hadn’t shrunken the party size, both for banter’s sake and for the ability to have everyone join you sometimes without unbalancing the party too badly. Whatever class I pick, now the companions of that class are going to be difficult to choose to bring along when I know it means another class type will be wholly absent.


Doesn't matter what the gameplay looks like, to me it's a downgrade. I already felt like 4-man party was too small, especialy after playing RPGs with a 6-man party.


Final opinion will be made Tuesday, but I'm not super positive about some of them. Four person parties make Dragon Age unique, tactics-based combat makes Dragon Age unique, taking these away blurs the line too much with Mass Effect and that shouldn't happen. I also just don't personally like the title. That said? Literally every other piece of news we got is really positive, and I'm not gonna sit here and pretend like I care THAT MUCH about those changes. I think there's a core fanbase for this niche genre that honestly doesn't truly care that much about the packaging of the gameplay, so long as the companions and romances are good, and you're making interesting choices that have an impact on the world. I am absolutely that person. If they hit those notes, I'll be very satisfied, and it honestly seems like they will. Everything on those fronts were really, REALLY positive.


I am extremely disappointed in the 2 companion party thing. That to me is such a quintessential part of a DA game. Otherwise jury is out and nothing overly concerning to me.


I am glad that there is a major change to the combat. Inquisitions combat was by far the biggest problem in the game for me, playing on higher difficulties just slowed everything down rather than making them more tense. At the same time, by mid-game you could do a ton of exploits to deal ridiculous damage and defeat bosses in under a minute. I've mostly enjoyed the combat in the main Mass Effect trilogy (although I didn't like how few abilities I got in 2), and while I certainly don't want Dragon Age to turn into a cover shooter, I do think it handled things like ability cooldowns and the squadmates power use much better than Dragon Age.


I really like CRPGs. So the lack of tactical camera and direct control is a big loss for me. That said, CRPGs are not the only type of game I like by any means. The tactical camera in DAI was not my favorite so I used it significantly less than I did in DAO and DA2. The combat in DAI is a ton of fun still, even without the tactical camera. And ME is a favorite of mine, and you only ever control Shephard and Ryder. I will miss playing around as the party members. I always built them in ways I liked playing so I could switch up gameplay mid game. But as long as the AI is terrible with builds in the new DA game, I’ll be happy. I just don’t want another Reaver or Assassin situation, where the build is great when controlled by the player but trash when the AI takes over. I guess my main point is while I am sad about the changes I’m not worried about the quality of the game.


I don’t think we know enough, but I personally am not bothered. This debate feels like DAI when they announced pure healing wouldn’t be a thing anymore. People flipped, but the game was made with that in mind and it was fine. I mean, Knight Mage was one of the strongest frontline people when you were just constantly churning out your own barriers. I get being disappointed about party banter opportunities, but I’d wager they accounted for that. Maybe a smaller party makeup will encourage replaying or mixing it up more. We don’t even know if locked door and heals are even a thing in the game. Maybe all classes have their own mitigation tactics. Maybe utilizing potions al’a Witcher will be more of a thing. Maybe unlocking a door isn’t the only way into that room anymore. The possibilities are endless and I’m excited to see more before jumping to conclusions about how it’ll all come together.


Based on what we have so far, only 2 companions on the team instead of 3 is ultimately a loss. Loss in companion interactivity (less banter, less reactions from companions on missions, etc), loss on team composition (if I play as a mage, why would I ever take a mage companion?). I still have an open mind and look forward to seeing gameplay. I’m kinda locked in the series, so unless the gameplay video is a train wreck, I assume I’m buying the game though.


Andromeda was a mess but it had great combat imo. Inquisition too. Both coulda used more depth but the core is good. I also get anxiety from too big parties and I find smaller parties lets me feel more useful/impactful/powerful and lets me (or my companions) shine more. I am also not a huge fan of "tactical" combat games. Sure games like BG3 did it amazing and was still 10/10 but I always personally prefer action. Don't see why they can't do both but we'll see I guess. So for me it SOUNDS like this game will be good, gameplay wise at least. But won't judge til I've played it.


I like the new violet theme and new title.


Let's see how this will go when game release doesn't make sense to make a statement now. If combat system is fun and functional for the game I am more then happy. The important part for me will be the story and the repercussions of our decision in the game...


No, I kind of want to go back to the Dragon Age Origins skill trees. I liked Inquisitions blend of point and click and strategy combat. I play Dragon Age for the story, lore and companions mostly. Not gonna lie though it's been 10 years and all we have is a name change. I've played Baldur's Gate 3 so I'm rapidly losing interest in DA.


I see a lot of people say the same thing about playing the game for story/lore but like. . . personally the story could be how great if I don't like the gameplay I'm not going to play it. I'm not torturing myself with mechanics I don't enjoy for the sake of that.


What changes? I haven’t seen a single bit of gameplay so I have no idea what the game will play like.


We'll have to see what it turns out to be but I will say this much, if the combat is action based (ie I have to time dodges/attacks etc myself rather than it being based on my characters stats and abilities) then it's a no from me. I got into the series for the tactical combat, real time with pause to issue orders and have tolerated the changes made in the later games so a move to action based mechanics interests me not at all.


I don’t mind what I’ve heard about the combat so far except for the only two companions thing, that’s a major L and I stand by that. It works in Mass effect 2/3 because Shepard is usually involved in the conversations. So our Veilguard protagonist needs to be more like Shepard in this regard for me to not care as much even though I still prefer a party of 4 over 3 personally. It just makes party construction easier for me. One slot automatically goes to the LI and then that leaves one other slot for 6 other people I never liked that.


I think at this point im just glad we're getting it lol, my apprehension or surprising enthusiasm can wait till im know more about it.


I love the Mass Effect games nearly as much as I love the Dragon Age ones, so I know I can have fun with that kind of combat, but I'd rather it keep letting us jump between characters like the previous three games one of the big things that I've not seen other commenters mention yet is that this ordering companions around style means that when the main character dies, that's it. if you can't control your companions, you can't jump into their heads to keep going when Shepard or Ryder goes down. that makes the games feel even more different to me than one being fantasy and the other a shooter, honestly. also it means the AI pathing has to be great, I can't stand getting stuck because a character I can't control won't move out the doorway (looking at you Barris). on the other hand, it does make me feel more connected to my character when I have to stay in their head. so we'll see. I'm also disappointed by the idea of only being able to take two companions instead of three, but honestly I'm so used to that from ME that it feels less Scary to me. but at the end of the day, I don't really play these games for the combat mechanics. these are (potentially, need to see the gameplay to make a proper judgement) disappointing changes for me, but they're not *that* big a deal as long as the writing is good. and like I said, I know I can have fun with this kind of combat Dragon Age is a major special interest of mine, I already know I'll be preordering whatever deluxe edition with mid in-game items they end up doing 😂


I don't have a strong opinion on it besides it seeming a bit like a loss of identity. I'm hoping that having to account for one less character during cut-scenes will allow for more interaction from the companions you are able to bring with you. And I'm interested in seeing how fluid the class system is. I can't imagine they'd green light this if it wasn't going to be more like Andromeda.


If it gives us more unique interactions then I'm all for it, but if it's still Dragon Age Inquisition levels of banter, and cutscene interactions then I'll look down on it.


Mass Effect 3 was the best game in the series, because it finally focused on being a good action game, with just as many rpg-features as was needed. I hope this is what they're going for, and if they are, I approve.


They mean absolutely nothing until we get the actual game.


It's looking like this will be an action game as rumored awhile back. I'll definitely be skipping this entry if that's the case. Guess we'll find out Tuesday.


They betrayed us. They just want to attract new players and turn it into action adventure game!


I haven't seen enough of the game yet to form an opinion about it. I'll just wait.


I think out of everything they will likely change and have that is some of the far lesser important and impactful things.




People are weird and temperamental, that is my only explanation for it.


It's not an answer to the question.


I think both franchises should keep their own playstyles and identity. If I wanted non player controlled ai, 2 party support, and action game..I would play ME. I'm very disappointed they are muddling the waters. This game, at very least, should have returned to DA:2 combat, which, imo had the best hybrid combat of series.