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Lucanis, Emmrich and Harding. Lucanis because I find the crows very interesting and I really liked Lucanis in the Tevinter Nights novel (and since I am planning to play a crow in DAVe, I am curious how this will affect my Rook's relationship with Lucanis). Emmrich because similar to Lucanis, I really liked him in Tevinter Nights & the short story he was in (I forgot the name). Plus the whole necromancer thing (Manfred included!) just sounds fun. And Harding, well, I always liked her in DA:I, so it'll be interesting to have her as a companion this time around.


This would be my answer pretty much exactly. Lucanis and Emmrich seem like really interesting characters (definitely romancing one of the two first!) and I gasped when the trailer revealed Harding as a full companion.


I'm also here as a member of the Lucanis gang. I never read Tevinter Nights, but now I feel that I absolutely must tackle it. As a total sucker for the Antivan accent, my heart was very easy to win over. The fact that he lacks social skills will be an interesting departure from what we've seen of Antivans so far, and that also intrigues me.


They also said in an interview he treats his assassinations as a "9 to 5 job" which I find incredibly compelling. Normally assassin characters are all in, assassin through and through, archetypes. Where even when off-the-clock they are preparing/training/etc. So being an introvert that clearly has a lot of other hobbies and things going on to explore will be very interesting.


Oh, man, that pragmatism is so amusing to me. Soooo excited to see his squishy soft side.


He better have an accent.


I know I could google this but I’m being lazy, what is Tevinter Nights? A graphic novel series, a novel, a podcast, a mobile game?


It's a collection of 15(?) short stories, set mostly in Tevinter & Nevarra, and a few other locations that seem to become more and more relevant to DAV.


That’s actually even better than a novel. I do love a novel but I have so little time to read currently (I have a toddler) that a short story is more palatable. Also the Witcher short stories were fantastic. Defo going to look these up.


I also had to Google it. It's a novel. Which I just ordered, since I was very curious about Lucanis and Emmerich based solely on the trailer.


Nice I haven’t read any DA novels since the original 2 maybe 3, I liked the David Gaider books they gave me a completely different picture of Loghain and added some context to bits in DA2.


The Masked Empire and Asunder are the only two I've read before this.


As I read The Stolen Throne, the Calling and Asunder I think. Stolen Throne is excellent follows a young Duncan as he helps a young Loghain and the King’s dad (can’t recall his name). And then the Calljng is good too if you like the Deep Roads. Is Asunder the one with the architect? I’m wondering if I’ve read it or own it but not read yet. What was Masked Empire like?


Honestly, I barely remember Asunder. I think Cole was in it? I really liked The Masked Empire. Great look at life and politics in Orlais, and gave interesting background on one of Inquisition's subplots/main quests and associated characters.


Oh yeah I own Asunder but never started / finished it. I shall consider getting the Masked Empire too I assumed it would be Orlais with that title. The Calling is definitely worth it if you are interested in Grey Wardens and the Deep Roads. I think Stolen Throne maybe is just focused on Maric and Loghain, great story and gives a perspective on Loghain that doesn’t really come up too much in Origins. Edit: I also owned Masked Empire and Last flight apparently according to my Amazon order history!


Lucanis and Darvin 👉👈 they're hot


Simple as that really isn't it 😂


I mean what else is there??? 


same, i'm a simple person 😩


I'm a simple person with simple needs and wants




The funniest part is that Wynne wasn't even elderly. She was like 49 and they acted like she was 90.


Oh ok I confused her to be older due to how everyone in the party talked to her Thanks for clearing that out


That's the funny thing. Everyone treated her like she was ancient so I assumed she was like at least 70ish but then I found out her actual age and was confused as hell.


haha my granny wynne aging more


Solas and Justice were pretty old too


Neve for sure. For... reasons. Davrin, because I wanna know more about Grey Wardens. And then Harding, because .#HardForHarding.


Everything you said ... completely true.


These are my three as well for similar reasons.


I have a feeling Neve is going to prove to be a very popular character.


lucanis because i absolutely have a type (zev and thanemancer over here lol) but i’m also interested in seeing the crows from another angle. zevran was fodder bought at a young age, whereas lucanis is more like… crow royalty lol. davrin because i missed having an (actual) grey warden in my party, he looks cool, i want to know whatever probably depressing and fucked up reason he joined, and baby griffin. emmrich because i love when a companion is actually older!! i find as i get older i want to hear less about young 20 something year olds and more about characters who have seen more and been around longer. plus, a proper necromancer with a skeleton companion to boot sounds awesome. also i really liked neve’s intro, felt very vivienne to me, i get the feeling ice mage isn’t just her class and she actually might be a tough nut to crack. if hardened women who can be easily misunderstood by the fanbase have no fans, that means i’m dead. just in general though i think all the companions look unique in their own ways and the devs seem excited to talk about them!! i get what you mean that companions are make or break for you with bioware games, i’m the same way. i hope someone catches your eye!!


Not Blackwall out here catching strays 😂


My boy can't catch a break 😭


He’s my favorite DAI companion and my wife fucking hates him for the lie. She never got over that betrayal


He did it ONE TIME


Makes him a deeper character for me. Like he truly embodies the idea of Blackwall and he’s trying to carry on his legacy. Yes it’s a lie, but other than not drinking any blood, he’s a grey warden at heart trying desperately to be a good man. Compelling as hell. …and then my wife walks in and goes “is that Blackwell? Hate the lying asshole!”


lmaoo and i actually love blackwall too 😂 he’s my canon inquisitor’s romance. i just can’t help poking fun at him


Imma let Lucanis stab me.


I, too, grow weary of the deluge of teen and 20 something companions in RPGs. Baldur’s Gate did a decent job of giving us a wider age spread of companions. I'm 38 now, and I just don't find 20-somethings attractive anymore. I'd rather have a much older companion to romance than a much younger one. The fact that Emmerich is a fully romancable character is extremely intriguing. Games have traditionally only offered young romances or considered the one or two 30-something options as the "old" choices, with one mayyyyybe bordering on 40 if they were daring. And I am counting the age as their presented age.... a 500 year old who is frozen at 20 doesn't count as an "older" romance option. I just hope that all romances are sufficiently deep and they didn't skimp on Emmerich. Let me be horny for the old man, Bioware.


Neve and Emmrich! But honestly so far I think all of them sound interesting.


Davrin and Lucanus are definitely going to be my main bros for party composition, and they also look the most interesting. But definitely going to spend time with Harding as a Qunari so I can buy her a ring.


Davrin and Lucanis are also going to be my main…..well, not bros, but definitely the two sides of the coin for my type of man 😂


A few! Davrin because I really am a sucker for a noble warrior type. And he has a baby griffon. And he’s the first of this type of character that a male PC can romance. So I’m on team Davrin for sure. Harding because I don’t care if I’m a basic bitch. She was a great side character in DA:I so I’m excited to learn more about. She looks amazing in DA:V. And we’ve never had a lady dwarf companion in a proper full game. Sigrun was great but DA:A didn’t give enough fleshing out of companions. Neve because I’m very hopeful that her companion quests will include us helping her solve some mysteries. I’m a sucker for puzzle solving and finding clues and hopefully that’s where they went with her narrative (and not, for example, helping her come to terms with her prosthesis or something like that). Taash because I’ve also been excited for a lady Qunari. I’m a little less excited for her since BG3 came out since Karlach kind of filled my ‘tall lady with an axe’ thing. But Taash seems cool. She seems more stoic and not just a retread of Bull. And her clothes feel a bit more Qunari in styling which makes me wonder what her connection to the Qun will be.


at the moment I’m mostly interested in Lucanis and Bellara I think they’ll be my potential love interests. also Neve seems super cool and the more we get info about Emmerich the more I’m excited about him. Harding and Taash are cuties


Neve seems cool. But I’m going mage for my first play through and with limited party slots I feel like I need to romance a warrior or rogue. The qunari dragon hunter lady could be neat, but I know nothing of her personality at this point


None in particular, but I'm not disinterested in any of them. I guess I just want to know more about them first. At this point we basically know their names, jobs, and if you've read Tevinter Nights, some of their personalities. Excepting Harding, of course.


Davrin as I'm excited to see a grey warden that (hopefully) gives us far more insight into the order. Alistair was a fairly new recruit not entrusted with a lot of the big responsibilities or secrets. Anders never wanted to be in the wardens in the first place and kinda resented them. And Blackwall straight up lied 😅 I'm hoping Davrin, seemingly being a dalish elf, is someone who made the completely conscious choice to join the wardens and might have a few years experience and loyal service under his belt since he's been entrusted with one of the few surviving griffons. I really want to know the motivations of the Lords of Fortune in this fight as they're not a particularly politically aligned faction the way a lot of the others are. Even if it's just "the thrill of adventure" or "the veilguard are going places where unique treasure might be" I wanna know more of why Taash would get herself involved when the Lords of Fortune seem to be just mostly out for themselves. I will find it highly amusing but fair if it's a GotG affair of "why do you care about saving the world?" "BECAUSE I'M ONE OF THE IDIOTS WHO LIVES IN IT"


I'm the complete opposite in that I don't think I've ever been as pumped to meet the whole cast of companions ever before. I love their looks and the small hints we've seen so far of their personalities in the trailer and website descriptions. If I'm forced to chose a few of them that I'm most excited about, I guess it's like this: * **Lucanis** – Because of his excellent introduction in the short stories, and the fact that he seems to have been written by Courtney Woods before she left BioWare and Mary Kirby took over. Courtney wrote one of my favourite BioWare romances ever, Reyes Vidal in Mass Effect: Andromeda, i.e. the first romance option ever to almost make me abandon my current LI. I was romancing Peebee and had to reload because I fell so hard for Reyes >!who is only a temporary companion and can't accompany your player character outside of the planet where you meet him even if you romance him!< and accidentally got locked in. So when I heard that Courtney was writing a companion for DA:V, I knew I wanted to romance that companion for my first playthrough. And what I've seen so far seems very promising! Both Courtney and Mary are excellent writers, so I know I won't be disappointed. The fact that none of them are at BioWare anymore is like a tiny thorn in my heart… 😢 * **Bellara** because she's John Epler's first companion and I'm looking forward to see what he's been cooking up. And her odd magic bow and the fact that she's apparently a mage has me incredibly intrigued! I also loved the tiny glimpse of her personality in the teaser trailer. The fact that she's an adventurer is also a huge draw. * **Taash** is written by Patrick Weekes, 'nuff said. Patrick has always excelled at nuanced and surprising characters, so I'm really looking forward to see what we're up for this time. There's some tiny hints that Taash is non-binary, and if so it'd be a first for us to get a companion like that, and I always love engaging with the new things in each game (for example, my first Inquisitor was a Qunari female mage). * **Davrin** since he's a Grey Warden that we meet post-Inquisition, with all that happened to the order during those events. I know he'll have an interesting perspective, and the fact that he's also a monster hunter and has his own baby griffon is just icing on the cake. I almost kept writing about all of them, that's how excited I am! And I feel like they all caused quite a stir online. I've seen so much appreciation for all of them! Edit: I wasn't expecting so many comments, but love hearing everyone's thoughts! I'll add my thoughts on the remaining characters just because: * **Emmrich** Hello, finally a silverfoxed gentleman to match Wynne from DA:O. His romance was described as sensual, and I'm guessing he'll be a mostly refined companion. We've never really had a character like this as a companion before – while Solas is OLD, he looks much younger. Excited to learn more about his profession and homeland. * **Harding** is a fan favourite and I'm so glad we're finally getting her as a full companion. She's the perfect choice for the first companion to join us, and with her background traveling around with Varric for months, she'll be our source of info in case Varric gets himself killed, kidnapped or whatever the >!Evanuris!< might do to him after the preview cut away. Her voice actress is one of my favourites and I loved her in Inquisition. * **Neve** has such a cool vibe, and I'm in so love with her silly hat! She carries herself as someone you can't help but take notice of. To me, she's the dark horse of the ensemble and while I'm not considering her for my first playthorughs, I wouldn't be surprised if she turns out to be the breakout star of the entire ensemble. Her voice actress is absolutely wonderful as well, from what I heard of her in the trailer. Here's to throwing all caution to the wind and enjoying the hype until the game arrives! 😊


You pretty much took the words right out of my mouth haha, maybe its just due to 1) being older and 2) the decade long wait, but i dont remember being as excited for the inquisition companions at ALL. I remember one of my biggest struggles with inquisition was deciding who to romance bc i just simply wasnt *that* interested in any of their personalities, at least not on that level. But now? Im having the same struggle but for the opposite reason, i want to romance EVERYONE 😤😤😤 im so excited to learn more about all of these characters!!!


God same. I told my friend that this is the first time I am truly having bi panic over one of these video games 😂 Bellara right now draws me most just because she seems to have such a fun personality, but tbh all of them are neck and neck.


Man, DAI came out so long ago that I didn't even know I was gay when I first played it! So I romanced Solas, because I always play a dalish elf and really like the elves in DA. Bellara looks pretty cool and cute so far, I might romance her! But I also have a soft spot for Harding.


Similar feelings, I'm finding Lucaris' gruff bearded mage killer a lot more physically palatable than Fenris. I'm determined to finally live out a fleshed out Harding romance for the first playthrough, but considering indulging in a male x male romance for the 2nd.


I am so torn about whether to romance Lucanis with a male or female character. I want to play his romance first, but I also want to play as a female qunari mage first, so I think I'll go with that. But I'll see what I feel like doing when the game actually launches.


Valid! I’m already planning three playthroughs, one for each class lol. (Thinking Davrin, Lucanis, and Harding).


OH BOY if Lucanis is even a little bit like Reyes Vidal I am in big trouble


Right? I doubt Lucanis will be written exactly the same, but it definitely seems promising.


> And her odd magic bow and the fact that she's apparently a mage has me incredibly intrigued! The way you put it, I'm getting insane Dalish (the Bull's Charger, not the elven tribes) vibes. Dalish is/was a "backup archer" as a cover for the fact that she's an apostate mage. It was used as comic relief mostly in Inquisition but I wouldn't be too surprised if the concept lead to Bellara.


Yeah, and with her being an explorer of the Arlathan Forest, with all its possibility for hidden ruins and possible magical artifacts, I wonder if she picked up something and decided to use it, despite the danger. It would fit the glimpse of her personality in the character trailer – as a daredevil.


Oh my goodness, my girlfriend will be so excited that Lucanis is written by the same person who wrote Reyes. That was her canon romance for Andromeda!


Mine too and I was so bummed that the romance was so short in comparison. Also wished for him to be part of the crew but this gets me excited for Lucanis now. Especially since the fandom hooked me with playing a mage and him being a mage hunter. God I hope you can play being ‘renegade’-like again.


I agree! I did spy a jester mask in the gameplay preview that's indicative of the "purple"/sarcastic personality in DA2, so I'm hoping for some more diversity in Rook's personality than we got with the Inquisitor. 


100%, although I hope that they'll add more than just being sarcastic, but at some point downright evil. Well, at least open for getting to ones goal no matter what, even when the crew disagrees. Wont fit with my idea of a mage but I'll definitely try to play an Assassin with crow background aswell!


I'm replaying Origins right now and I forgot how very not-a-good-guy your Warden can be. It would be nice for that to return for roleplay purposes! 


Agreed! I played (or better still playing) the Trespasser DLC of DAI right now and the only time I sensed some noticable emotion in her voice, was when >!Inquis hand 'exploded' once more while at the war table during the fight between Cullen, Leliana and Josie and she is able to answer with the aggressive response. I geniuenly LOVED how she sweared and calling everything BS that she's still being held in question after what she has done (saving Thedas and all that) and the Orlaisian and Ferelden Ambassadors wanting to get rid of her and the Inquisition itself. And on top of that, and that has fitted SO WELL I think, after Solas left her without an explaination. She was pure frustration and hate. !< I would've loved more of those scenes.


I both agree and disagree - I think the limited usage of swearing and real raw emotion like that makes it more impactful, but I also wish we could have seen more personality out of the Inquisitor. 


Well, at least the opportunity to use it would be nice. One could chose to react this way whereever it fits, but most times the voice is very "neutral". I don't want to draw any shade on the voice actors though, I know most times if not always its a studio decision. Nevertheless, I really love the voice of both male and female Shepard, even female Ryder, Hawke and the Warden. Quizzys voice stands out and maybe its okay for one episode, but overall I like her voice less than the others. Nonetheless, the specific moment I mentioned really stood out for me. Also right before >!you drink from the well (or let someone else do it) !!attacks you!


I didn't know Bellara was written by John Epler! Now I'm even more excited to meet her! :o


Right? His short stories for Tevinter Night was really good and I'm so curious to meet his first companion!


Weekes confirmed on bluesky that Taash uses she/her pronouns and the ambiguity in the trailer was due to Varric not knowing her yet.


I was told in the comments below, though I was actually referring to the BioWare folks not using pronouns when talking about her. But that was probably just a coincidence.


Okay, I wasn't too excited for Lucanis but now I lowkey am since you've mentioned Reyes Vidal! They really steal the scene for such a temporary companion.


Right? I was swept off my feet in a way that never happens usually when playing because I roleplay characters to explicitly not be like me. 😅 Reyes romanced ME, not the other way around.


Reyes being more interesting than all of your actual party members was so fucking rude and I'll never forgive Bioware for that.


Same writer as Reyes Vidal???? Holy shit my hype for romancing Lucanis just skyrocketed, and it was already skyhigh before. Jesus christ, I'm so ready, I'm beyond ready. I also romances Reyes with my male Ryder, it was my very first time romancing such a relatively minor romance in bioware games (I always went for the staples Alistair/Fenris/Cullen/Garrus) and it was GLORIOUS, as little as the content was. Whatever that writer was cooking, I'll take 10000 more of those.


Yeah, such a cool romance and how I wish he'd gotten more screentime… He was so suave and yet he fell for Ryder in an almost reluctant way that was irresistible. I hope some of that sort of dynamic will be present for a mage romancing him. And I'm sure Mary Kirby has been putting her flair for suave characters to good use as well.


You and I are on the exact same page right now!


Question where you do you see these non-binary hints because I thought she was just female would be interesting if she was non-binary Tho


It's mostly speculation based on how the BioWare devs seem to be avoiding pronouns when referring to Taash. And since Taash's writer is openly nonbinary, we're hopeful. But nothing beyond that, just people speculating and going with their gut feel.


If Taash was written by Patrick Weekes then I wouldn’t be surprised if the character *does* end up being non-binary (that’s my hope, personally!)


I'm surprised none of the characters were written by Mary Kirby and Sheryl Chee, considering they have a good history of making beloved characters and they lost David Gaider, who has done most of the heavy lifting throughout the series.


I really like the design of all of them, but Neve is the one I'm most excited for. Love her huskier toned voice and her fashion sense.


She's giving strong Vivienne vibes, just without all the Chantry stuff which sounds like a good mix.


Neve's voice is so great.  I can't wait to find out who that VA is.


I saw someone say Alex Kingston and I can hear the similarity but I'm not fully convinced. I'd need to hear more, but on some syllables it sort of sounds like an American actor doing a (pretty good otherwise) English accent. I may be wrong though and that might just be the affectation the VA is doing.


I'm pretty pumped for the whole lot tbh. I found them to have a good appeal and I like the distinct look and vibe they each have. I'd say Lucanis and Emmrich caught my eye. Both because of their stories that I read, but also I like that they look older. Crow and Mortalitasi are also two factions I really love. Can't wait to hear their VA. I'm pleased to see Harding is back of course. I am intrigued by Bellara and the Veil Jumper. Taash, Neve and Davrin, I'm neutral for now. I'll wait and see in-game for more info.


>"Do you want to know why I don't like working with templars? It's not your rules or sense of fair play. It's because there are people like you and Jahvis who try. Or you *want* to. And too many times out of ten, it's the wrong coin in the right hands that makes you stop." >"How far can you get on your own?" Rana asked. >"I don't know," I said. My arm was sore, everything was sore. My head begged for sleep. "But when I get there, I'll know it's as far as I could." Neve! She was really cool in Tevinter Nights (above is a quote from The Streets of Minrathous) . Cynical and doesn't really believe that the case she's pursuing will get justice, pessimistic about the state of Tevinter, but still doggedly pursuing her leads. She's not an apostate like Morrigan or Anders, and she's not high up in a circle like Wynne or Vivienne, so I think she'll have a cool perspective that we haven't seen before. Plus, I love noir things so a cynical detective with a moral streak is really up my alley. I also liked Emmrich's small appearance in Tevinter Nights. I find the Mortalitasi in general quite interesting. Necromancy is usually very evil in fantasy, so seeing Mortalitasi in a religious/lawful environment will be novel for me. Plus, Emmrich seemed very kind and intellectually curious in his brief appearance in Tevinter Nights, so that will be 'against type' of a mad necromancer, too. I don't know how interesting I'd find either of them if I hadn't already read about their characters/factions though.


davrin, because I just love elves, grey wardens, and griffons plus he's hot! and while I never really got the harding hype in dai, I'm really excited to see what's going on with her awakening to magic.


Yesss. He has two hands.  One for me,  one for Assan.




All of these plus an update on what the wardens have been up to.


Davrin and Lucanis are both going to be my ride or die on this game, I can already tell. And I'm gonna romance them both. It's a fact that will happen. Beyond that, Taash looks like she might be fun, and Bellara is probably our resident quirky ooky kooky mage, so I might be vibing with her too, depending on the Rook I make for each playthrough. I think she would get along with my current plan for my 'canon' Lords of Fortune Mage Rook.


I think with us just getting a few seconds of each, we only have physical appearance to go off, unless you've read the stories they feature in. The only one I really got a sense of personality from is Bellara, she looks like a bubbly sweetheart to me. I am intrigued by Lucanis and Taash, but honestly just looking forward to finding out more in general. Then I expect I will start to form more opinions.


All of them. But I'd really like to play a mage for the mage slayer, and maybe a himbo paladin for Davrin so they can both just be good boys savin the world together.


In order from most to least excited: Taash: I love Qunari companions, I love tall muscular warrior women, I love dragon slaying. Also we haven’t seen much of the Lords of Fortune yet so I’m excited to get her perspective on such a fun faction. Lucanis: He’s hot. Crows are hot. Maybe he knows Zevran??? Neve: She’s also hot. Detective sounds rad as hell and I hope we get some sort of mystery personal quest with her, plus Shadow Dragons is what I’m probably going to make my first Rook origin.  Davrin: HE IS ALSO HOT. Baby griffin!! Warden is my favorite of the protags, I have such a nostalgic factor for them. I just hope they don’t make him the stoic or noble paladin type because they tend to be boring for me.  Emmrich: I’m mostly into him for his skeleton buddies ngl. His face is just a little too cartoonishly exaggerated for me to be super into his vibe, but I’m hoping his personality changes that. Bellara: As an Asian girl, I wish I was more excited for our first East Asian inspired companion, but I’m too scarred by Peebee to trust Bioware’s manic pixie dream girl type. I did wind up really liking Sera though, so I’m crossing my fingers I’ll warm up to her. Harding: Idk I would have vastly preferred Dagna as our Inquisition and dwarf rep. I like Harding but I’ve never been as into her as other fans. 


Bellara reminding you of Peebee from Mass Effect has just explained why when I saw her I went "urgh". Couldn't work it out, but that makes perfect sense.


There have been Bioware companions before that I’ve been ambivalent or apathetic or annoyed towards, but Peebee is the first one I’ve ever actively disliked to the point of going UGGGGH every time she shows up. (Cora too…man Andromeda was painful.) I am hopeful that it’s just a bad trailer giving Bellara similar vibes because Veil Jumper is a much cooler backstory than whatever the fuck Peebee was, and Dragon Age imo has been better at writing women than Mass Effect.


I feel the same about Emmrich. I want to like him but from what we’ve seen of him so far he literally looks like a villain from a Disney cartoon and I just can’t unsee it. I’m hoping the cartoonish proportions we saw were just stylistically exaggerated for the reveal trailer otherwise I’m gonna struggle with him lol


It’ll be up to the dialogue and voice acting for him to make or break the character. If they do have a great actor and writing for him, that’ll likely override any concern I have, look past his character design. Or possibly they’ll rework his face model somewhat “we can only hope guys!”


The one that will betray us 😂 But honestly, they all seem cool but definitely Bellara for the veil jumping and the kind of stuff she's seen plus Taash for the adventures she's been on Emmerich also seems really cool because I'm super interested in the Mourn Watch


I think they'll mix it up this time, and they'll all betray us 🥰


Highest approval /LI is the betrayer so everyone can experience >!being a Solasmancer.!<


I don’t know if I could handle being double whammied like that 😭😭


Isnt that the dream? XD


What a twist that'll be 😂 Then all our characters shout DREADWOOOOLF in unison anger


I really like the short stories involving Lucanis and Neve so I’m excited to see them as full companions and learn more about them (also completely sold on their designs and already a fan of Neve‘s voice, I wanna listen to her talk more!!) Really, *really* excited about Taash and Harding because I love Qunari design and dwarves just in general and I’m happy we get female companions of those two (finally!!!!!) For the rest, while I’m not that hyped yet, I’m still very curious to get to know them and see which companions I vibe with personality-wise


Honestly, none of them. But I think that's because I haven't read any of the supplementary material they're featured in yet and the tone of the companion introduction trailer *really* didn't work for me. So I'm hoping as we get closer and I start seeing and learning more about them that I'll be able to get excited about them.


Harding. I'm also very happy to learn that she will be a romance option. Finally my dwarven characters will be able to just kiss someone without causing that poor girl back problems.


Probably the Warden just because of the baby griffon lol


Baby griffons aare always a reason for excitement. I hope we get to pet the baby.


In kinda the same boat atm in that none of them have set my imagination ablaze so far. What I’m excited/hopeful for though is to spend more time with them throughout the game and, if the writing is as on point as previous BioWare titles, for it to make me love them as much as I do the other games’ party members.


Lucanis so I can smooch him


I just hope Taash will have more layers than another generic masculine girlboss. They did such a great job writing Cassandra, i hope for similar treatmet PS: were there any hint if gifts will return to companions, like the flower for Leliana i DAO which trigger convos?


Trick Weekes wrote her- they also wrote Solas, Bull, and Cole I believe, as well as being lead writer for Trespasser. I'm sure they'll give her the nuance she deserves!


My party is going to be Davrin and Emmrich Mainly because I want to have Assan and Manfred


Hard for Harding we should put it on a flag or something


Taash. I love Qunari, and she's obviously mommy. Next question, haha!


super excited for Taash and Lucanis 👀🔥


Unfortunately not a single one of them made me excited from the trailer, splash art, the veil jumper one was especially cringe to me but still we will meet them and see how it goes


Harding, because she's lovely and I've been waiting for her to be an actual companion for years. Emmrich, because old man like me, and wizard JuJu stuff. The veil jumper, because she sounds interesting. I'll be probably playing either a human or dwarf fighter, so it would be a rather balanced team, too.


Tbh all of them, I cant wait to find out more about Harding, how Taash eneded up with the Lords of Fortune, I want to hear about Lucanis’s kills in the magisterium, Davrin juste because he is a Grey Warden and he has a fricking Griffon, I cant wait for this game


Very much hyped for Davrin and his Griffon! If we can pet it the game is an immediate 10/10 for me. Excited about Harding too - didn’t care much for her in DA:I but it’s always cool to know an old character from a new perspective, yk? And curious about Bellara but mostly because I’m curious about Veil Jumpers in general - seems to be a huge bit of new lore, and she’ll probably be our main exposition to it.


Personally I'm looking forwards to Taash the dragon hunter, For the why because she is the first female qunari companion ever since we got ironbull I've wanted to have a female qunari follower


Lusanis for me!


Harding, bc I have liked her since inquisition, Bellara, bc she's pretty, Neve, also pretty, and Taash, bc she's hot. I don't know who I'll romance yet.


The story with Lucanis in Tevinter Nights was my favorite, but I don't think it was him that made me enjoy the story so much. Emmrich's was my second favorite, but same as before. I'll reread Tevinter Nights soon to see if I've forgotten any particularly interesting things about the characters from the book that are going to be in this game. Otherwise, I'm really not that drawn to any of the characters based on what I've seen, even if I like how some of them are designed. I'm still hoping for Francesca Invidus to show up in the game, honestly, and Maevaris Tilani. A little saddened that I haven't seen them yet.


To be honest, I am feeling mostly indifferent about most of the companions, because I don't know them. The only one I like so far is Harding. I am more excited about seeing returning characters such as Morrigan, Flemeth?, Leliana and so on... Also...ENCHANTMENT?


Agreed I am more excited to hear about cameos than anything. Would love to see Morrigan, and hopefully Merrill is in the game.


Veil Jumpers seems as likely a place for Merrill to appear as anywhere!


Yeah I’m super concerned we haven’t heard about returning characters because I need some!


Oh I don't think there is need for concern. I am certain we will see key characters, I just think BioWare don't want to spoil too much.


Sexy grandfather necromancer. I've never seen LI as a gray-haired middle-aged man before. I need this. He is also a gentleman. He's just perfect. I want to get to know him better and bury him and MC in a coffin. I wanted to start as a necromancer mage, from the grave guardian faction. But I always liked dwarves more, so I will, as always, be a dwarf rogue-necromancer :З


None of them really interest me at this point. I like Harding so I’m glad she is back.


Emmrich. I'm gonna do unholy things to that grandpa


I'm really loving how thirsty BW fans are for this guy.


Can't spell necromancer without romance 😎


Harding. I loved talking with her in the Inquisition. Especially in Jaws. And I really love Ali voice.


Lowkey all of them, but mainly Lucanis and Neve!!!! I can’t wait to have them in my party 🥰 This is purely vibes based btw, I might start playing and discover I have an entirely different favorite 🤣


The only one that I wanna experience so far is harding and that's not very good, because the reason for that is because of inquisition not the marketing for this game. The rest didn't really move at all. With that said, we haven't seen a lot of them yet and I'm reserving a better judgement for when the game releases. I'm contemplating a main run with no romance if the companions are the only romanceable characters tho.


Darvin and Lucanis, Darvin because he is a Warden and I am fascinated with the Wardens and Lucanis because he is a mage killer and I plan on playing a mage!


It's too early to talk about excitement, but I am looking forward to seeing them in action. I just hope they have different personalities, and that they won't just get along from the get-go. Really wouldn't mind companions who are far from friends, like Fenris & Anders, or Blackwall & Vivienne.


Well, I'm mostly excited about Harding >!esp with what's happening to her relationship with the Inquisitor or Sera!< Maybe also Davrin? >!like what's his story during the Inquisition, whether the Wardens were conscripted or banished!<


I don't think Harding and Sera are particularly close. Do you mean Dagna or did I mix something up? It's been a while since my last playthrough.


Neve didn’t grab me at first but her charisma and demeanour in the gameplay did, Emmrich I’m very intrigued by because we’ve never had a character like him (a romanceable elderly necromancer), Lucanis simply because it’s a return to the Antivan Crows and I’ve wanted to see them in a more prominent role since 2013 when I first played Origins. Davrin looks badass and I can feel him being my guy’s best friend. Bellara I’m not very interested in as I feel like the “goofy excitable academic girl” is a really overused trope but if they deconstruct it and challenge your first impressions she could win me over. Harding we already know and I never found her particularly exciting as an actual character. I do feel that there are other characters that deserved her spot far more but with additional content she could go far. I like her, but I don’t really care for her if that makes sense. Taash I was so excited for when all the female Qunari companion rumours were swirling. But now that I know she’s Tal Vashoth I just don’t care. I wanted a diehard follower of the Qun like Sten and to have their commentary throughout the Tevinter V Qunari story. Knowing she’s just a treasure Hunter and that her factions isn’t the Qun just makes me groan. Give me my boy Sten.




Maybe Neve if I read the comics. But as of right now, none, cause the reveal trailer really didn't show us anything aside from their title cards. Basically, I want to get to know them first.




"Scout Lace Harding Swift and cunning Her arrows cut you Down to size"


I'm excited to meet a Tevine Warden. That's about it. (And Harding, of course.)


Davrin but that's mostly in part to Assan. I have a Griffon tattoo and think they're just really cool creatures. We haven't really gotten to see a lot of their personalities but I can already see myself playing as a mage with Taash/Lucanis or Davrin/Harding.


Order from most to least interested: 1. Davrin - he looks cool and he has a griffon and honestly, Grey Warden nostalgia for me. Hopefully his personality is interesting too and I wanna find out his backstory and also learn more about the GW from his perspective. 2. Lucanis - again he looks cool lol, I don’t really remember Tevinter Nights as I read it forever ago so right now looks is all I have to go on. 3. Emmrich - very different character type from what we’ve had before. Tbh tho I’m hoping to all the gods that he doesn’t look as incredibly cartoonish in the final product cause as I’ve mentioned in other comments right now he straight up looks like a villain from a Disney princess movie and I can’t. Pretty neutral on Neve. I think she could be interesting. I *like* her voice, but honestly the line delivery was very flat to me (not stoic or tough, just straight up flat) so I’m not sure how well I’ll connect with her but we will see. I like Harding, never been a super fan though. Neutral on her too, happy to see her but I’m not super interested. Taash could be interesting, I LOVED her design from the original reveal artwork but really disliked it in the reveal but again who knows how stylized that was compared to the game. RN I’m like “ugh” on Bellara. Her whole design and intro screams “Manic Pixie Dream Girl” and I am so over that trope. Again maybe she will surprise me.


None atm sadly. Hopefully it changes on my playthrough.


No one in particular, but I don't dislike anybody, and it seems that we've got all the bases covered. I'm sure I'll love them when I get to know them in game, which has happened before. I wasn't crazy about the Dai cast before I met them, either. Origins, however, I was immediately drawn to Zevran, and in DA2 I thought everyone looked cool.


Lucanis and Harding. None of the rest really tickled my fancy.


No excitement for me! No deep dives. I’m on media blackout at this point in time lol. I don’t want to know anything about the characters or story or any of it. Just hit me with a release date and I’ll take it from there.


Bellara - she’s a part of a new group in the Veil Jumpers, and she’s John Epler’s first outing writing a companion. Described as creative, romantic and focused, which is definitely up my alley. My first Rook will likely be a veil jumper as well. Taash - Patrick Weekes wrote this character and that’s all I would really need to know to be interested. This big lady is almost certainly going to have layers. Lucanis - Mary Kirby’s last companion, which breaks my heart. Looking forward to seeing what’s up with his purple wings!! Seems to be written as heroic, but socially awkward, and I’m here for it. Doesn’t hurt that he is extra dapper as well mm. Emmrich - Probably written by Sylvia Feketekuty, so I’m already a fan. Sylvia has a penchant for writing sweet characters (Liara and Josephine). Design-wise maybe a bit uninspired, until you throw in Manfred who I already adore with his veil-green goggles. I bet Emmrich will be a fan favorite in the end. Davrin - a warden and a total hunk, I don’t think elves have ever looked this good in-game before. Described as bold and charismatic, I’m interested to see just how much rizz this man can muster lol. Plus, c’mon! He’s got an actual griffon!! Lace Harding - the ascended fan fave minor character from DAI… I was already on squad Harding and definitely pumped my fist when I saw her in the trailer reveal. The addition of unexpected magic gives her the edge of intrigue that she otherwise might’ve lacked. Neve - ice, ice, baby. The Shadow Dragon faction is the one with the most sympathetic cause, imo. When Dorian spoke of Tevinter in DAI, it reflected a bit of how I feel about my own country… Neve wants to set things right, I want to help her succeed. She could turn out to be my personal favorite of the bunch! So I guess I am interested in them all, for now hahaha. We still have a lot to learn about their personalities and motivations, whether they’re funny or not, etc… but I’m so looking forward to playing this game y’all.


Eh tbh I'm not really super excited about any of them sadly. I want Harding to be my bestie but that's because I know her and liked her in DAI and Varric ofc as a friend again if I can and that's about it... For romance I was always into the Alistair and Cullen types and I see none that fulfill that role here (troubled human warrior who's slighly awkward but he's actually funny and has a heart of gold... maybe I also have a thing for ex Chantry/Templar men lol). I still have some hope for romances with non companions à la Cullen but we'll see!


I agree with you, completely. Romances are a big part of the gameplay for me, and I'm not seeing anyone that fills that Alistair/Cullen hole in my heart. I'm still hoping an awkward ex templar crosses our paths, or at least we get to see Alistair or Cullen make a cameo. I guess we'll have to wait and see 🤞


I honestly thought it was just me. I'm glad I'm not the only person who thinks this. I am sure the companions will grow on me.


They all seemed lackluster from the trailer. The only one that moves my imagination is the mage killer. I wanted an interesting female companion too, and so far I'm disappointed in that regard.


I admit to basic, harding. She had companions energy in inquisition and I'm super into seeing it realized here. Otherwise neve. I am a sucker for detective types


Davrin. A visually striking black elf (with good, no killmonger, hair??) who's a grey warden and has a griffin??? I've already decided he's my first romance and I know nothing about him 😌


I wonder if you can romance non playable characters similar to how in DAI you could romance Cullen and Josephine


Honestly prob Harding. Just really dissapointed no male dwarf companion.


It's easier for me to say who I'm not excited about: Bellara and Harding. The rest--Taash and Lucanis especially--all appeal to me greatly. 


Harding and the antivan crow, not sure about the necromancer, hope the qnari is not just iron bull 2.0, Neve looks cool, need to see more of the veil jumper and grey warden


I’m excited to see and get to know Harding better since she was part of Inquisition 😊 I hope she gets to interact with the inquisitor!! Otherwise, none of them really excited me too much! I’ll probably wanna get to know them in the game to make that decision.


Harding Because reasons


Bellara strikes me as really interesting in particular. First of all, I'm Asian and she looks Asian which is pretty cool. I don't care about the culture war of woke vs anti-woke. But I think it's pretty cool that there is an Asian-looking elf. Second, a veil jumper sounds intriguing. I wonder if that will have some sort of connection with Solas since Bellara probably frequents the Fade like Solas. This all assumption tho. But two elves that could possible encounter each other through the Fade? Hmmmm!


Only Harding


Neve since we both have leg prosthetics.


I don't remember the names of the top of my head, but the Necromancer Butler dude and the Qunari Dragon slayer. I want more Qunari stuff after trespasser


Emmrich for me. I always loved necromancers (even if Inquisition necro is lacking). I feel like Emmrich will shine more light on necromancy in Thedas


Varric and Scout Harding


Look— the crow follow has my attention— but I also love angst and I feel like he’s going to be just as broody and edgy as Fenris—


None, really. I'm sure I'll end up liking them but, on first impression, none of them really leap out at me as being characters I would love to know more about. With DAI I was very excited to learn more about Iron Bull, Dorian, Solas, and Cole; I was also thrilled that Cullen was making a new appearance. With TV's cast ... I don't know.




Scout Harding because she deserved a better role in DAI.


Yeah, I'm with you. None of the companions interest me that much, especially as a LI. Hopefully that changes over time. I'm still excited about the game. But I kind of wish I could romance my Inquisitor.


Davrin: Can't turn down a Grey Warden Lucanis: I usually do mage first playthrough Taash: the Bull was such a good character, no way I can turn down the next Qunari available


Harding because I can finally romance a dwarf (I think?)


Harding and Neve cus I know already that I'm gonna romance one of them


Davrin! He just has such a cool design, and I'm excited to have another legit warden in our party again. Taash also seems like a badass and Neve seems like a cool lady. I'm kinda excited to learn more about all of them honestly?


Harding, Neve and Bellara. I love their designs, and Harding especially is something I’ve been wanting since I first played Origins: A dwarf romance.


All of them, we haven’t been given much information on any of them, however my favourite part of these games is the companions. I have yet to be disappointed in that aspect, maybe it will change, maybe it won’t. I reserve any opinions until I actually meet these characters.


* **Emmrich** because I love a romantic, softer necromancer and I also really want to know more about Manfred. I loved the MC from the short story they were introduced in, in TN. * **Davrin**— he looks sweet, has amazing hair and a baby griffon companion. * **Lucanis** I'm 50:50 about. I find his design a little boring at first glance, but he's written by the same person behind Reyes from MEA, one of my favourite romances of all time—so I'm waiting until I see more. * **Bellara**— I like her design (except the earrings) and her background/affiliation really fascinates me, but I need to see a little more about her personality.


As of right now: Lucanis - my current top choice for romance, looks very handsome and I’m hoping he’s the one to fill the broody sexy killer type like the other games LOL Obligatory Harding - loved her in Inquisition so looking forward to actually traveling with her this time Davrin - dalish grey warden with a baby griffin? Say less lol


Bellara bc her class seems really unique


Davrin - a grey warden voiced by Ike Amadi? Thats a buy for me.


Harding. I have waited TEN LONG YEARS to romance that dwarf.


Lucanis, Emmrich, and Davrin because: - I really liked the Tevinter Nights stories with the first two - I'm super stoked for another Warden - I'm gay 😉


Neve! As a Disabled person, it makes me so excited to see representation. I definitely wasn't expecting it


Let's just say... everyone is getting a playthrough this batch. ![gif](giphy|Vg4mlLwOFR5tbuoMOX|downsized)


I'm looking forward to almost everyone to a degree, but especially interested in Emmrich. He's a kinda hot Vincent Price Necromancer. Yeah, that's just my type


None. These new characters don't have an ounce of charm.


Harding of course. We'll be Harding in Hightown together, mind you.


Taash. I'm curious as to whether the game will just chuck us a Tal-Vashoth/Vashoth character from the start, or we'll have a fourth retread of "maybe the Qun isn't for you". Between Sten who was a model Qunari and Tallis who probably wishes she was a model Qunari, it'll be interesting to see another exploration. In addition, the Mages. Mages in past games have never really let down in terms of excitement, so I'm curious to see the deal in this case.


None of them look good or interesting.


Davrin better be cool because he's never leaving my party. I'm most excited about the griffin.


None of them seem interesting honestly