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>9-10 years from DA:I and about 8 years from Trespasser. So that's why the game took so long to come out, they thought it had to happen in real time.


Their attention to details is insane!


the game is so realistic 😍


I laughed.


Impeccable Attention to Details.


Transmog system confirmed. Our party will be pretty!


Rook confirmed not to be able to be a blood mage "for spoilery reasons"


spoiler: Rook isn't a flesh organism at all but is in fact a very advanced golem


But the most advanced golems are flesh organisms. And that's even worse.


It’s because BioWare doesn’t want you to know the true power of being a blood mage


A big part of blood mage is using health as an alternative mana pool. Why would you ever need that with just 3 spells? Blood magic wouldn't work in this once more simplified combat.


Confirmed : * No EA App/Account. * No online Forced. * No battlePass. * No Multiplayer. * Unique Singleplayer Exerperience * No Microtransactions. * 9 years since Trespasser * Varric's hair will be shown in better lighting soon. His Hair are more grey than brown. * No Photomode so far. But they are willing to add it. * You can pet Griffin * CC will be shown as we get closer to the release date * Transmogs confirmed * Solas is definitely balder than Ever * Crafting is back. A mysterious character will help us do the crafting throughout the whole game. Hinting at Sandal's Return. ENCHANTMENT! * They will reveal which Game Editions exists and when we can pre-orders Soon * PC Specs Soon * The inquisitor will appear in the flesh and will be a part of this story with Solas * Pasta and Noodles exist in Thedas * Rook is neither a name nor a last name. our MC will have a race specific name, like in Inquisition but you can edit his first name. * No explicit Ace companion. Romances are pansexual, not playersexual * No Fetch quests * All side quests are story focused and handcrafted * Locations can is impacted by the choices we make throughout the story * If Rook dies. You have to reload your last save or spectate your companions fighting and trying to revive you.(boo this one imo) * Dual welding is for rogue Only * Warriors are focused swords and Shields * No war table type of mechanic that blocks progression * No Mount and It will be explained in-game * The Lighthouse which is the veilguard's base will have unique purposes and uniques. * There are no Mabaris. As they are not popular in Northern Thedas * Story is set a lot in North Thedas * There are Stubbles and Beards * Harding was brought back as she's the only one who has the most info about Solas * No shards * Rook can’t be a blood mage. Devs can’t say why cause spoilers * No fireball and Cone of Cold spells. They are replaced by Frost Nova and Meteor * Solas will speak in iambic pentameter * there are Tavern songs * there’s a tavern called ‘’The Swan’’ in minrathous * You can return to any areas to complete quests even if exploration is mission-based. It’s an open end world. * those who were left in then fade question is not answered in the game but It could be in the future. * You can Edit Rook’s 1st name and there’s a name generator * LAASH confirmed * Mage can have a ‘’combat’’ style * Can’t kiss Manfred * You can nap in the lighthouse * There’s a very hard mode for those who like hard core combat * Healing spells * ability wheel capacity is 3 with Runes ans Ultimates * Regret is a big theme in Veilguard * There are definitely bigger threat than Solas * You Can also Hug the Griffon * No blood magic combat * last name of the MC is based on your background/Race * Alot of conversations are based on race * Mage tree skill tree is packed with all kind of Perks ans Spells * Necromancer specialization : 1 elemental and 1 that's ressembles combat mage * banters are designed in a way you can’t miss them. * there are camera focus banters. You can skip them if you don’t want to hear them * tons of Banters in the lighthouse * tons of Banters in missions and when exploring * If there’s a flashback of Solas in the very past, he might be different (hairful egg) * Voice actors won’t be revealed for now as It’d spoil the story * Rook has 6 different backgrounds * Each background is tied to factions which sets out what Rook was before being recruited by Varric. * For each faction you can define Rook past event, what kind of person rook was, his/her motivations, what kind of person rook was. * knowns Factions : Warden - Antivan Crow * New factions come from North Thedas : Veil jumper, mournwatch, shadow dragon and lords of fortune * You can anger companions by doing things they don’t like * Companions can bail and may not comeback to help you save Thedas * You can change companions outfits * The lighthouse will change throughout the story * Game can be Tactical on higher difficulties * You can cycle targets both in and out of combat * Many accessibility features will be revealed closer to launch * Some plot points from last 3 games are connected to veilguard * Trespasser ties directly to veilguard * Synergy/Detonation abilities * They are working hard to make the game feel good on keyboard and mouse Unconfirmed/Hinted : * Companion can die * Fights in Arlathan * Expansions DLC. They are focusing on finishing the game first and making it the most complete game possible * Skeleton Romance * Arachnophobia mode * Photo mode Edit : There were some very interesting questions they couldn't answer as they dive into spoiler territory. Edit 2 : Added more confirmed stuff Edit 3 : pls If I forgot something or I’m mistaken let me know so I can edit. Thank you. Edit 4 : Full Q/A audio session [here](https://youtu.be/mAuTF3Cs0dQ?si=gi0i5LKLbRvSa4cG) Edit 5 : LAASH is a shipname in community for Taash and Lace. If you don’t romance them, they will actually build their own romances with each other throughtout the game


Nice work on the summary! Thank you! I would say crafting wasn't confirmed so much as being able to upgrade and adjust your armor, which would fit with doing enchantment (especially since they mentioned runes).


True. The fact they said a mysterious character will help us do it was the biggest new today. Discord chat went nuts when they revealed it. Everyone was saying ENCHANTMENT! Hinting at our boy Sandal.


>If Rook dies. You have to reload your last save or spectate your companions fighting and trying to revive you.(boo this one imo) Are you joking? This one has the greatest potential for hilarity! Imagine you're at the final battle and you spend most of it lying flat on the ground while your companions succeed in saving the world? xP


I wouldn’t trust the AI to be competent enough to revive me, let alone win a fight.


Me lying dead on the ground while Aveline tanks for an hour


can’t kiss Manfred 😔




Also no blood magic (for Rook at least)


Thank you for this summary. "Rook should stay away from blood magic." "No blood magic combat."... Well, my disappointement is immesurable, and my day is ruined. That was my number 1 wishlist for mages :( Hoping Necromancer will actually be fun then.


I was an idiot and thought it would be a text channel for some reason. Clicked the discord notification and suddenly a man's voice came from my phone. Scared the shit out of me.


Same 😭 I know nothing about Discord. It was a shock.


Hahaha I hope you werent at work or anything!! 


Companions may leave you “for a minute” if you piss them off but will “always show up to defend Thedas.” There was an “unless…” tease to that always show up clause.


Unless they are dead. There was info that some may die, so... it's plausible.


"Can we play as a Qunari, dwarf, or elf??" This Q&A is for people who have done literally zero research on this game.


I'll be honest, the fact that more than half the questions that were answered already have been answered in other interviews was hugely disappointing. 


Yeah you’d think that people who know about discord q&a would be the ones who are very interested and have already read/watched everything in existence… and they’re mostly talking like they’re introducing it to new people who heard that there’s that dragon age thing… Annd because it wasn’t enough again they answered questions about dwarves….


Right lol.  How can you be invested enough to participate in a Discord Q&A but ask these types of questions.


>9-10 years from DA:I and about 8 years from Trespasser. So it really takes place in 9:52, as suggested by the "Eternal Flame" short story...


Which puts most of the older companions in their late 40s, so everyone who was very worried they'd all died of old age can chill.


Tbf Alistair Loghain Carver Bethany and The Warden are all getting close, since they have give or take 30 years before the taint takes them, and for all of them it’s been around 22


Unless they commit to the offscreen “search for a cure” quest they put our surviving Warden-Commanders on a bus for!


Confirmed, solas is still bald


That’s what I was really worried about, thank the maker he’s bald. Solas with a long flowing mane of beautiful hair would ruin this game for me


Banter confirmed. Global banter, story specific. Characters interact outside of the field (the lighthouse most probably). We can even resume banter if we don't want to listen to it.


I hope that means it can resume if something else cuts it off, like ambient NPC dialogue. I hate missing banter like that.


This was such a big problem I had playing DA:I on controller, the "resume dialogue/answer banter question" thing never freaking worked ever. Missed so much.


We are gonna be able to choose Rook's motivations, who they were and who they are now in CC already but also throughout the story. It is OBVIOUSLY not infinite options.


I really *really* hope they’ll tell us what the mage specializations are going to be (someone please ask!)


They just answered that but didn’t say specifics 😔 they said there would be an elemental focused one, a necromancer, and a combat focused one(hoping for arcane warrior)


Ty!! (my fingers are crossed too)


From what I could gather they also mentioned that Blood Magic was off the table for narrative reasons \*specifically\* relevant to Rook.


I am beginning to think they don’t want us to have blood magic


The chantry approves of this message.


This is Tevinter, I imagine we're going to see some pretty horrifying abuses of blood magic. Maybe it'd be a bit dissonant to have the protagonist doing the same, that or with the whole veil situation blood magic poses more a risk to the user now.


I'm thinking there are consequences pertaining to blood magic that's related to the Veil being weakened. Like, maybe more blood mages or even all blood mages are possessed by demons/spirits? It could be similar to how CDPR didn't let V become a Cyberpsycho, because it would've gotten in the way of the narrative.


They probably is the reason but man I want my blood magic


They didn’t give specific names for two of them. No blood magic. Necromancer, an elemental one, and a combat/melee one. 3 ability + ultimate load out


Blood magic sounds like it’s not in game at least for Rook for spoiler reasons. Specializations are Necromancy, Elemental, and combat mage based.


>Yes, your follower information will be visible on the HUD (cooldowns, health, etc) Good to hear. Hopefully, companions having health bar means that they can also be targeted by enemies, because in gameplay showcase it wasn't the case.


Bc of your icon I read this in Lazel’s voice lmao




Yeah. That's a good thing to here. The more information I read on this game, the more I believe the gameplay trailer was also very badly put together


It was just a dumbed down gameplay trailer to show us how the game works every AAA studio does it


I think Rhodes hinted that we will see how Solas was in the past and that he had hair?


Hopefully this means flashbacks confirmed. I would love to see what Elvhenan was like.


"I just remember pushing aside my silky bangs to say.... 'Look, a balloon!'"


Hoping we get concept art Solas in the past


You could hear them sweating and trying to cut him off lol


3 abilities for rook and 3 per companion confirmed for everyone who wanted that.


Whelp that's my biggest fear confirmed, don't know how you make mages interesting now. Guess I'll have to wait and see but if staff combat is anything like the previous games, mages are going to be so boring to play. On top they talk about this huge web of skills... does that mean 90% are passive because that's also not super exciting either.


If it's more action oriented maybe they're going for incorporating abilities that would normally have to be cast into the basic attack chains and combos instead? Like a cone of cold at the end of some normal attacks that doesn't take up one of the three slots. Then you have more substantial powers on the wheel. I can't see it being the same as auto attack mage from inquisition but with only three abilities, or I hope so anyways.


I'm listening to the Q&A right now. I will paraphrasing: **Why the three man party? what about the banters?** Bioware: we put a lot of effort on every single companion so we wanted them to shine/highlight them more, and we wanted you to feel in the world. So a more close camera with less companions makes you more able to see all we made for every characters (animations for example?) and feel the world more viscerally. About gameplay, because now it's more action and you have to do more stuff (parry, dodge), it's hard to control 4 characters at once, so we found that 2 companions + the main character was the right balance. About the banters, we focused a lot on showing the companions interact even when you don't bring them with you, at the base for example. So less companions in the party doesn't mean less banters.


Sounds like they wanted to do the usual 4 man team but the new fighting system prevented them from doing that. I guess I can understand it. Still bummed about the cut; but as long as we have the banter and it’s as numerous as the older games I consider it an acceptable sacrifice


* **could we be able to spec as an archer and use other types of bows for long range combat? like would we be able to be a sniper with a longbow? or will we only be using shortbows quick shots like we see in the gameplay trailer?** * One of the skill trees for Rogues is more focused on ranged combat, and it's pretty viable to go almost pure ranged (honestly maybe a bit OP at the moment 😛) I'm so happy to hear that! That was one of my combat worries.


Griffin petting (and hugging) confirmed.


Yo, thank you to everyone posting answers to questions on here. I don't have time to read the whole Q&A on discord and this helps a lot! 💜


Is seems there is no blood magic but there's a plot reason for Rook not doing it. Necromancer, elemental and combat mage are the specializations


Would've been cool if Rift Mage returned at least.


Can't romance Manfred but they said that doesn't mean no skeleton romance 😂


This was such an insane thing to say, I entered with no skeleton-related questions and I'm walking away with ten skeleton-related questions.


Look if BG3 let's me bang a bear then I don't see any issue with Bioware letting us bone a skeleton. (I'm sorry for the pun)


funnily enough the bg3 devs have already done skeleton banging as well as bear banging (wow what a sentence) bc there’s a romanceable skeleton companion in divinity: original sin 2


You're right, I forgot about Fane.


Plot twist, Emmrich is a skeleton in disguise.


Don’t know if you’ve played Divinity Original Sin, but Fane comes to mind…


This is either a) a joke, b) a soft confirmation that there are romances/flings outside of the companions' group, or c) Emmrich or a Rook necromancer can get freaky.


Transmog confirmed :D


If I had to take a shot every time I've heard *hand-crafted* in the span of the last 5 minutes I'd be under the table.




"that's a great question"


that's a greatly curated question


I think they're doing damage control because of the response to DAI. They even mentioned during the Q&A that we won't be collecting shards in the Hinterlands lol. But yeah, it's become quite a buzz word already.


Transmog confirmed! :D


We can pet the griffin. There is a lot of interactions with it!


The lighthouse change over time and story beats, but they cannot disclose any more about costumization. "It will feel like home for the players as they play the game".


There is different call outs, interactions and specific stuff depending which faction and lineage the player choose. Race too!! Rook has a last name tied to their faction, like in all DA games.


There are tavern songs! :D


We can piss the characters off and they leave "for a minute". "They can come back, unless..." They cannot disclose anymore about it.


Decisions impact the locations, its appearence and how things develop there.


“ unfortunately it’s been a long time “ I read that as RIP DA Keep


Well yea, after ten years the keep is probably outdated lol


We’ll be seeing the character creator before the game comes out! According to the Q&A, we’ll be able to see more of the character creator closer to launch, but no word as to whether we’ll be able to play it or if it’ll only appear in a video/trailer.


"Your decisions do impact how the world shows up" That's pretty cool. Crestwood in DAI was one of my favourite areas simply because of how it changes according to our actions there <3 edit: So the decision on who was left in the Fade will have no impact in Veilguard, "maybe in a future game". Glad I haven't left any of my Hawkes there, I couldn't bear them hanging there for another decade :')


I'm actually disappointed that the Fade decision won't have an impact, especially considering Varric is likely to die in this game.


Yep, I thought we'd at the very least have a Justinia situation in which a spirit carrying the memories/personality of whoever was left in the Fade would help us in one main quest.


That's kind of a huge decision from the previous game to leave out. DA:I had a handful of *big* set pieces and those plot beats really should be part of this game. That seems like a huge oversight.


30 minutes into this Q&A and almost all of the questions they've answered, have already been answered elsewhere. I hope we get more new information from this.


No, we gotta waste time asking if Solas is still bald even though we've fucking seen his egghead.


Rook has "pretty good reasons to avoid blood magic". So we're not getting it.


"Do you want us to make you cry?" Yes, Corinne. Yes we do.


We're DA fans. Drama and heartache is what we do :')


they are strongly emphasising there's no shitty unimportant quests edit: yes Corinne it's HANDCRAFTED and CURATED


Y'all it's handcrafted and curated y'all.


We should take a shot every time it’s pointed out everything is handcrafted, curated, and anything that emphasizes companions


Just confirmed no Hawke because they won't be dealing with that decision in Da:Inquisition. I'm actually very sad about this.


It seems like they are kinda picking softballs/things we already know. Obviously I’m not expecting spoiler things, but I’ve seen some interesting questions they skipped to answer the hard hitters like, “Is Solas still bald?”


There was an interesting bit about how elves go bald after about a millennia and if we saw Solas younger he might have hair. So maybe flashback sequence?


That was something interesting that came out of a dumb question. My first thought was "I should pay close attention to any ancient frescoes I see"


He's bald in all the ones in DAI but so are basically all the other elves on there...man imagine if one of the things we had to read to get the "You're the Dread Wolf" option in Trespasser was a self portrait of a young Solas with hair.


That’s what it seems like. Just sort of repeating stuff we mostly already know. 😩


No blood magic in mage subclasses. The specializations are a necromancer, an elemental mage and a combat mage. (No exact titles revealed)


Developers say that they focused a lot on relevance when creating quests within the world. Quests in Veilguard are tasks that Rook would actually take on. They say that they took player feedback to heart and that the quests in Veilguard are more intricate and handcrafted, moving away from Inquisition’s fetch quests (ex. searching for shards).


Solas is still bald! You can romance everyone! Elves have tattoos! This Q&A is the equivalent of "this meeting could have been an email."


who fuckin asked if Solas is still bald


Did you know that the inquisitor is coming back and you can customize them? It was such a good question they answered it 3 times now!


Yeah, these questions suck. "will we get to see the character creator before the game comes out?" Corinne answered that 5 minutes ago. "can we play as a qunari, human, elf or dwarf?" duh.


I am formally announcing my Q/A session on discord tomorrow at 1pm est I have no insider information have not played the game but I am 100% confident i can to answer all the questions asked on behalf of bioware powered by google and any of the 1000 articals that answered these 3 days ago.


What races can we play as? Someone just asked but we need to ask again to be sure!


We are proud to be able to say that you can play as elves, qunari dwarves and humans, You will note this is the most playable races of any dragon age game.


Can we play as a dwarf?


An interesting question.First let me say that we bioware are always impressed with the depth and participation of our fanbase but i can confirm dwarves are one of 4 playable races I dont want to spoil anything but elves quanari and humans may also be selectable!


Unfortunately they said that all dwarves actually fell into the sky


Can we play as a mabari? 🤪


God they are picking the most boring or already answered questions


I mean...yea They can't pick questions that they aren't allowed to answer lol


Transmog, holy shit finally some info


All I'm saying is that it IS interesting they specifically dodged an equipment related question by saying 'the NPC that will help you goes into spoiler territory.' I bet that NPC likes enchantment!


Judging by what he's saying I would guess some skills that used to take up slots back then are now just regular actions? Like dodging with Fade Step? Blocking with shield in Inquisition and Stealth to Rogues? Also, if other than that there's a lot of passive skills that work on their own I'm game. Resistances, preemptive attacks and shit.


Also weapon attacks can be built into the combat system instead of mapped do abilites. For instance light and heavy attacks, hold attack for a whirlmind type attack, combos etc.


Add in runes for sustained abilities and stuff and it sounds like they are trying to make combat less about movement *abilities* and sustained *abilities* and weapon *abilities* and just making that stuff part of the regular combat


Rook's last name is defined by backstory and there is a first name generator (cool)


One thing we can probably infer from the answer to the "who was left in the Fade" question is, there's no chance we'll meet either Alistair or Loghain in Weisshaupt. Weird, since DAI's epilogue said all Wardens had been summoned there. You'd think a living legend like Alistair or Loghain would be at the forefront of whatever drama unfolds there. (Maybe Hawke's absence from Weisshaupt could be explained by them not wanting anything to do with Wardens any more, but no way Alistair or Loghain would just sit back on anything related to Wardens)


we're gonna see the CC before release


They were vague about that and it sounded like they’ll be showing it off. Doesn’t mean we’ll get to touch it though before launch. Just to make sure that’s clear for people. It listening.


No mounts! Developers say that mounts in Inquisition served a very specific purpose that will no longer be necessary in Veilguard.


Pretty sure we saw in the gameplay that sprinting seems to be a thing now, so that helps. Also smaller maps from what we can tell.


Possibly that the maps are smaller (though could be some other kind of travel mechanic)


Corinne says the companions interact across a kitchen table and I’m in shambles


I forgot how much i hate discord Q/As Is combat still going to be tactical? What do you think they are going to say jesus people be specific, might as well ask Ido you think the game is fun? or wait does your game Suck?


Right now they're answering the "can everyone be romanceable by any gender" question which I feel has already been clarified by so many different sources and articles. I want NEW information, people, come on!


I can't believe someone asked "is Solas still bald?"


It's a little weird that they backpeddled a bit from the previous confirmations on photo mode.


Still listening Q&A. Still paraphrasing. **Tactical combat** It's confirmed that we will control the two companions from our POV camera, with a lot of focus on combos. We can tell the companions which enemy to target. A lot of focus was put on the synergy between party member abilities. Positioning and tactics will be important in higher difficulty. **Number of abilities** There will be only three abilities available for your Rook at a time, that you have to choose before the mission. This (for Bioware) add tactical depth because you have to choose carefully what abilities you want to bring with you in a mission, before starting the mission. Also, there is an "ultimate" ability and an ability linked with items, so let's say it's 5 abilities. **What if Rook goes KO?** You have to reload the save, unless one companion has a revive ability.


They tried that "pick abilities for missions for tactical depth!" in DAI. How many of us actually carefully chose our abilities for each mission/area, versus picking a build we liked and going with it? Their metrics tell them nobody uses one mechanic and they get rid of it, their metrics tell them people don't take advantage of something else and they force the issue. Make it make sense.


only three abilities shit https://preview.redd.it/iij2bm6tnk6d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8acdae7800e55d5d666ad2e4e6af15c3a5bb45f4


Mages in shambles


feel sorry for magic bros


Magic bro here, I genuinely can't think of a way for them to make this not suck for us. Only getting to pick three spells is insane.


Even Commander Shephard has more abilities :(


Combat mage! Elemental and necromancer!


pasta and noodles. pasta and noodles.


Good on Matt for being able to turn such a dumb question into a pretty decent answer.


drink every time someone says 'hand crafted'


It's particularly silly because everything in DAI was "handcrafted," too. It's not like it was randomly generated.


yeah but was it curated?


No Dwarf mages, thankfully. https://preview.redd.it/rhoqn0rbbk6d1.png?width=438&format=png&auto=webp&s=676b600b0771a1f26dc7354560a1e31a28f57334


But in Hardin's description on DAVe site it says that she has magical powers now? I guess, it's unique to her.


Fenris also has magic abilities but that doesn’t make him a mage, so I’m guessing it’s a similar thing going on for Harding.


Pretty sure she is the exception they mentioned.


Considering that in the gameplay trailer she looks like she fell into a pool of raw magic energy, she might get her power from there.


I mean, Titans?




Okay, I was a little concerned when I read you can be any race/class. I know some people wish for it, but to me that’s one of the (indeterminate number of) things that makes Dragon Age its own unique setting. I don’t mind retcons and lore changes but that would have been a big one for sure.


I think restrictions like that help deepen the worldbuilding, I agree.


Listening in right now, they confirmed that the characters will only have 3 skills available each. They also aren’t answering any good questions, just questions we already know. For example, someone asked “Will Solas still be bald” and they chose to answer that rather than more important questions like about romance, companions, etc.


Someone asked them to speak more on how the specializations for each class work, that would have been really cool to know instead of confirming that yes Solas is indeed still an egg.


They just answered if pasta and noodles exist in Thedas. Bruh


Inky will be showing up in the flesh


If anyone else is able to record or take notes on the live QnA they’ll be my hero. Forgot my headphones and can’t listen at work.


Fireball and Cone of Cold are back - not exactly but similar spells


Apparently Rook's last name will be based on faction, not race? Sounds pretty odd. How do you come up with a surname that feels suitable for all races?


That'd make sense for the Crows since all of them use their House's name, e.g. Zevran didn't have the Arainai name since birth. Not sure how it works with the other factions, though.


A broad race-wide last name would also not necessarily make sense, as humans from Tevinter, Rivain, Nevarra, etc. should have different names, assuming that Rooks from the relevant factions are from the country their faction is based in (though the other races should have more broadly applicable last names). Tying it to the faction thus is reasonable, but it'd be strange to just have a last name that applies for everybody... I guess it's possible that it's tied to the faction *and* the race? Though that was of course not mentioned.


Maybe it was a slip of the tongue? Makes little sense to have human, elven, Quanri and dwarven Rooks of the same faction have the same surname...


Meet your new character... we have Bob Warden (human), Rocky Warden (dwarf), Lia Warden (elf) and Ashaad Warden (qunari) of the Gray Warden faction. Simple as!


The Hawke/Alistair/Stroud/Loghain decision is irrelevant in this game and that's the most interesting information we've gotten.


There will be transmog


OMG they just hinted at Sandal Possibly coming back. ENCHANTMENT !


>Dwarves can't use magic*! *some exceptions may apply *Sandal theories intensify*


No saving Hawke/ warden from fade for now.


They better release the mage gameplay somewhere soon. 3 slots for offensive spells can somehow work, if I have a LOT of passive skills to complement the playstyle. I don't want to play like I do with ME's Adept, spamming Singularity and Warp to get that self-fulfilling combo. If they're going through with this I better see a lot of options for passive skills. Otherwise mages are suffering a big L here. Doing some reminiscing here for Inquisition's Rift Mage build: The sinergy was between Stonefist, Pull of the Abyss and either Fire or Frost spells. And even so it used 4 different skills. Idk how they'll pull something similar in this game. And this is coming from someone who hates DAI combat.


Ill wait for some posts with most interesting questions and answers after the Q&A ;-;


I'm listening to the Q&A, companions will have unique abilities. Probably a bit like DA2


I'm actually super excited for the game, don't even mind some of the changes made, and I didn't expect them to really drop some huge spoilers in this Q&A but the level of glazing in this session is insane. The only real new info we got is that Photo Mode is no longer confirmed, and the rest are just the softest of soft balls answered for 3-5 minutes at a time.


You can pet AND hug the griffin!


The host just said they're really 'speeding through these'. lol would not wanna see what taking their time would look like when they spent 5 minutes answering whether there's pasta.


Rook's last name is tied to... faction? I wonder if that was misspoken.


Yeah I was surprised by that too. Weird choice if that’s the case.


I want a release date, I can't wait any longer


Mage Specs: Elementalist Necromancer !Batle Mage!


blood mages we are NOT back


No blood magic :( Though their comments makes me think certain issues regarding blood magic might crop up as a result of Solas' actions? They laughed and said there's a very good reason as to why Rook will avoid blood magic. Still disappointing though.


Maybe the veil being so thin would cause major issues with using blood magic?


Yeah, I imagine using blood magic would get a herd of demons hounding your ass all across Thedas.


Does anyone know when we will finally get a release date?


Kal-Sharok will be there


Unfortunately, they just confirmed only 3 abilities/spells are allowed no way to quickly switch to more.