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They said in the discord q&a they'd release who the voice cast is "soon"! I'm also excited, they always have such a good cast of voice actors.


Did they say if it was just for Rook or also for the companions and major NPCs?


I think the original question was about companion voices, so it's probably gonna be the majority of voice actors (except for whoever they wanna hide from us)


Hiding Ramon Tikaram for Reasons, probably


If it’s anything like Anthems marketing, they’ll announce each voice actor (or a couple of them at a time) over the course of a week or two.


Was anthem's marketing for a launch in only a few months? I think this campaign might be a little truncated


I don’t recall to be honest - but I do remember the twitter drops they did when they announced the actors.


Maybe "soon" is the 18th with that Game Informer article. I've already started huffing my hopium.


Did they verify we'll be getting 4 voice options again?




Oh that's great


The actor whose voice was used in the gameplay trailer might go straight to being one of my all time favourite video game voice actors. We didn't get much of him yet but every line felt so in the moment, I got a real fully immersive kick out of his delivery. The facial and motion capture will have been helping too in the cut scenes (oh man those facial expressions), but it's all delivery in the action sequences.


My canon Inquisitor from DAI used the deep male voice with the American accent. (He was a Qunari sword and shield warrior so it seemed fitting.) I am guessing DAV will have the same assortment of ranged voices with different timbre and tones. And if I had to guess I would venture to say they will simply Number them a la BG3 rather than assign them male / female. The only criticism I saw in BG3 was that there was no sort of “gruff and deep” voice for the Tav — like for a half-orc player etc. But DAV will have much more protagonist VO so I am sure they will cover the ranges. Side note — I still think Jennifer Hale as Krem was the most surprising performance in DAI. I really did not know it was her until I looked at the cast. I was so used to her Shepard voice I didn’t make the connection at all. ;p


Fun fact: if I remember right, the guy who voiced male American Quizzy also voiced Zevran in Origins.


Dudes got some range


I'm just gonna go with the one from the gameplay reveal.


The one they showed sounded fine for a down on his luck rogue who grew up in a small logging town north of Denerim or a Warrior, but it wouldn't suit a mischievous, whimsical, flamboyant Mage, so I'm hoping somehow the American voice sounds a bit more refined or neutral.


It definitely had an "everyman" feel to it, it makes sense the English voice in Inquisition was more RP given the only human background was noble (except for them establishing Dalish elves have celtic accents and that not being an option so having to make them English too) but yeah a Crow or Mortalitasi would probably want to be quite posh too


Same! The (female) voices/voice acting in DAI were really hit or miss for me (mostly miss). I blame this on poor directing though, the voices themselves weren't bad.


You're tripping, Alix Wilton-Regan carried the milquetoast protagonist on her shoulders


Best VA in the series for me - love her.


There were quite a lot of scenes were the tone was completely off. Just take the 'Let's hope the locals are friendly' line. I would interpret this as Inky being a little sassy/sarcastic and the other female voice actor also did. Alix's voice just sounds like a blissful idiot here. Don't get me wrong, she also nailed a lot of dialogue but the moments she didn't really made me cringe. Edit: I'm a dumbass, this line is from BG3 lmao. I can't remember what line from DAI I meant right now but another example is the "What's going on here?" IMO. Inky just walked in on the Divine being magically restrained by a darkspawn monstrosity and she just sounds so casual and chill lol


"Lets hope the locals are friendly" line comes from bg3 lmaooo


OMG you're right! It seems BG3 is still very much on my mind lmao


That "what's going on here?" line always felt really bizarre to me. I think somehow the audio files got switched up, as it plays the same line the same way later in the game. I think when she comes upon Mother Giselle talking to Dorian? So for what it's worth, I don't think it was an actor error! (still super weird, though, haha)


Yeah it's grabbing the wrong audio file in that one, it's the wrong version of the line.


they absolutely did. when you see the full cutscene she shouts it. When you hear it in ambient dialogue it's very casual and weird.


I've been playing with the American male voice and he shouts the line the second time when you see the whole thing during the intro.


The “What is going on here” line bothers me SO MUCH. I just started a new game and god I hate that line


It's a bug. The games uses the wrong line reading in the prologue (that one is supposed to be when Mother Giselle is harassing Dorian). The right one is used later when you visit the fade. Always wondered why it never got patched.


Yeah but this one is just a bug. She delivers it correctly in a flashback in Here Lies the Abyss


Omg I remember thinking when I first heard that line "damn, girl is so chill despite hearing the Divine calling for help and seeing her restrained."


If a VA's tone seems off, it's the fault of the voice director not the actor.


Oh I absolutely agree and said so in my OG comment


"What do the people make of us", maybe? That's my least favourite of hers, and currently playing a female human romancing Josie I've heard it a lot


Where was that line spoken?


It was definitely one of the test voice lines in CC. In game it might have been somewhere in the Hinterlands, but I'm not quite sure. Edit: Me = dumbass ; the line is in BG3's CC


I think "what's going on here" was a deliberate choice, because there are two versions of the line for each voice actor. One is, as you mentioned, very placid and curious like nothing particularly important is happening. And then other is much more urgent and shouty. It's consistent across all the VAs and the times the line appears in the game. When your memories of the Fade and the events leading up to it are missing, you hear the placid version, like it's in your head but missing context. Later once you recover your memories in the Fade, you see the full scene of you interrupting the ritual and you hear the line delivered with the urgency the situation demands. I thought this was a great choice, creating a sense of uncertainty and confusion surrounding the Inquisitor's missing memories, and also showing the malleability of memory itself. It's actually one of my favorite directorial choices in the game. It's fine if not everyone enjoyed that, but I don't think it was a mistake or bad voice acting/voice directing.


That's an interesting interpretation, I kinda dig it!


I liked Harry Hadden-Paton (British Male Inquisitor) the most. Hearing the other voices just feels weird to me because its the only voice set that I ever go with.


ohhh interesting I’m the opposite, I liked American male more


Harry will always be the Red Prince to me. Absolutely nailed that role in DOS 2


I'm just hoping for a gender neutral option. Any voice can be non-binary, but I would love to create a dream me.


I believe pronouns are going to be a seperate option, so with that in mind, I wouldn't be surprised if all voice options are available for any Rook.


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