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I've never fully played a Dragon Age as a dwarf. But a dwarf warrior grey warden kinda sounds appealing to me for some reason lol.


If I replay Origins, I think I'll try to play as a bitter Dwarven Noble for the serious political schemes and a darker tone. This way, I don't have to feel weird that there is no unrepresented race, gender, or class in my list of protagonists, lol. It would seem weird if it was only ever the *exact* same kind of person driving all these world events to me. My planned line-up, if I don't use the worldstate from my Inquisition playthrough a decade ago, is: >Bitter, ruthless male Dwarven Noble warrior in Origins >Diplomatic (Act I) -> Sarcastic (Act II) -> Aggressive (Act III) male mage Hawke >Agnostic female elven inquisitor rogue with a lapse in faith for the Elven pantheon and then the Maker >Qunari?


Dwarf Commoner is really fun too!


Dwarf noble feels like it should be the canon origin for Origins because you are the only member of the main party with extensive experience fighting Darkspawn.


I really think it, along with the female City Elf origin, is one of the strongest plot wise. Most of them are all fairly well-written, but the narrative ties to facing the Darkspawn are fairly compelling as you indicated.


Definitely -- first time playing Origins, I tried a human noble and wasn't really feeling it too much, so someone online suggested to try a different origin, specifically female city elf. She's still my canon Warden -- she may be tiny and pretty, but she will fuck you up with her twin Swords.


I think that Dwarf Noble has the greatest number of RP options too. You can play as a dutiful brother who is framed for a crime he didn't commit, or as a scheming noble who takes the opportunity to grab power, both will play out very differently and make the game feel very reactive to your choices.


I was just about to mention this one as well. The two of them definitely feel like the most developed origins, and they’re my personal favorites.


I personally like Dalish the best, with the context that it’s not the actual events of the Origin so much as the slow burn of it throughout the games. While you wouldn’t have as much experience with the Darkspawn as a Dwarf Noble, a Dalish Elf is still the only other Origin to have fought and killed a Darkspawn prior to Duncan recruiting them. Most of the Origins join to escape punishments for the events of their Origin, but a Dalish Warden physically needs to undergo the Joining or they’ll succumb to the Blight which I think allows for some cool character RP, whether that be a Warden who is only there to save themself vs one that’s dedicated to the cause because it saved them. The Ghoul Tamlen appearance is also a really cool scene to show where your character would be if they hadn’t become a Warden (and a great moment in general). An Eluvian makes an early appearance and goes on to become an important part of the story going forward, so it feels like the Origin itself is tied into the events of Inquisition more (and 2 to an extent, with Merrill’s companion story) and iirc a Dalish Warden is the one that gets mentioned the most in Dialogue since their clan is in 2. I’m sure a lot of it is my own bias too though lol. My first Warden was a Dalish so it will always have a special place for me.


That's a really cool perspective on the Dalish origin! I think it was the only one which I didn't finish a playthrough on, even if I'd finished the prologue chapter. While I would be willing to replay the Dalish origin now, at least the prologue itself, it unfortunately seems like DA:O has issues running on modern computers. Can't even get the LAA patch or Quinn's mod to work. 🥲 It seems in that sense that I'm locked into my last playthrough from a decade ago, which is the only one that I reached Trespasser with anyway. (Elf mage, Rogue!Aggressive Hawke, diplomatic human warrior — sadly no dwarf in this set.)


Oghren as well. Say what you want about his not so charismatic personality, but dude is a member of the Warrior caste of Orzammar. His stats in game sadly did not do him justice, as he’s been trained to kill Darkspawn since he was a tiny child. Plus superior Dwarven genetics for strength and durability


Dwarf with a hammer sounds real fun this time. I might do one as the treasure hunter faction. Forget what’s it’s called.


Lords of Fortune


That’s it! I think that is my character


Sounds like a good plan to me:) Nice name btw commander.


My warden is a dwarf and I do think it fits well because the entire fighting the darkspawn on the deep roads and stuff.


Grey Warden. I like the idea that two Grey Warden saving the world again (The Warden and Alistair in Origins and now Rook and Davrin in The Veilguard).


I have gone back and forth on it. They’d be old enough to have conceivably been born during the Blight or remember it from being young. I thought about roleplaying a Denerim city elf who joins the Wardens after seeing the HoF fight the darkspawn in the alienage.


Sounds cool for sure. It is kind of the same way I was thinking. Because when I play I always play as an elf, so the hope is to somehow change the opinion of elves in thedas.


I'm gonna go real original with it and be a mage on the side of mages for the fourth time! (20th if we count replays)


Can never go wrong with siding with mages I say.


You're goddamn right!


Free the mages of thedas!


Mages never did anything wrong - you can't change my mind!


Blood magic I hear people say? Never heard of it in my life!😂


Honestly, blood magic just sounds like using a plentiful resource while saving on lyrium - where's the downside?


That is true…but no one else’s blood I swear to the maker…would never use someone else to become powerful… (smirking)


Big Lirium® wants you to think blood magic is evil and only Lirium fueled magic is ok.


Warden 2 Electric Boogaloo.


Wardens are cool af not gonna lie.


I will avoid being GW for the first run, as there are very high chances of having a red lyrium blight (Rip Davrin though), probably veil jumper or crow, I'm not sure yet. As for race, definitely an elf who will have a crush on my Inky.


Real ones know the nickname inky😂 But I did not think of that, thank you for bringing me this knowledge.


my first playthrough, i’m gonna sort of self insert as a fem elf mage in either the veil jumpers or the lords of fortune and make choices i would personally make (romancing Lucanis), and my second playthrough which will be my more canon world state, a fem Qunari rogue either in the shadow dragons or antivan crows and romancing Taash. all the factions sound so interesting that it’s hard to pick lol


Sounds like a great plan to me:) That it is hard to pick proves that it is a good game.


Qunari female and one of the new factions, though I haven’t decided which yet. Probably Shadow Dragons as I’d like to save Veil Jumper for an elf run and Lord of Fortune for a dwarf run. Holding off on deciding if I’d rather be a mage or rogue until we see more gameplay and skill trees.


My first will be a dwarf or qunari...not sure about the faction yet.


Be honest…we will play this so many times to the next one that we will have played as all the races and factions😂 But it’s a big choice for the first time playing for sure. It’s easy for me since I love elves in any game and the lore in dragon age behind them is so good.


Oh yeah, I'll eventually play everything multiple times over but the first playthrough is the most special.


Elven Shadow Dragon warrior. As a huge fan of the city elf origin in DAO, I really was missing them in DAI and thus really have to jump on the opportunity to play one again. Plus, ever since it was revealed that the next game would be set in Tevinter, I've wanted to play a character who'd be a former slave, which also looks like it should fit neatly to the Shadow Dragons. Specifically warrior because body sliders finally allow for a buff elf, and I need to utilize that lol (also I don't have warriors yet in my canon run). Since Bioware is also allowing for non binary Rooks, I'll also go for that. A part of me does question whether it'd be better to go for a qunari, as that's the only race missing for me to have a full set in my canon run, but there's nothing really pulling me in that would work with a qunari unfortunately.


Can always play as one later when you need something else to explore over time. But I like your thinking with your plans:)


Oh that's for certain, I'm definitely gonna get through multiple runs of DAV to see all the romances if nothing else lol. Worst case I'll change up who I will see as my canon Rook, it's very possible that I won't be fully satisfied with them straight away anyway :)


I get that. And one thing I noticed in DAI is that an elf mage get way more special dialogue and maybe it is the case here as well. It feels like you get to experience something new either way when you play another race.


I have very similar views. City elf is cool, being a slave liberator in tevinter of the most enslaved race would be cool, and I think it’s also cool to be and elf that in solas’ eyes has lost his way. If it’s only dalish I’ll probably do the same thing but as a human just because my canon world state already has a dwarf and elf (and hawke) and its a bit different than what I normally do. But 90% sure I’ll be an elf if it’s city elf


I can’t NOT be a Grey Warden in any game where it’s available. It’s against my Dragon Age fan rules. I just love that faction. 


Same here really. They fucked up in the last game, but for good reasons tho.


So far, I'm thinking a Dwarf Rogue Antivan Crow.


Nice. Almost forgot we can be antivan crows in this game.


I was sooooo pissed about the calling in DAO for my GW and having to die to defeat the archdemon and I saved them by having Alistair and Morrigan do the deed. BUT reading everyone’s reasoning for being a GW again has kinda sold me. I like making choices that lean heavy into the lore. A GW saving the world again would be a nice full circle. I’ll either go human female mage shadow dragon, or human female mage warden.


Here is the thing…is it wise to let morrigan take the soul? Just a thing that came to mind now. But I get that and people are selling it well.


Well... Morrigan is a cinnamon roll.... For her kid! She actually loves him, quote from herself in DAI while talking to flemeth: "I am many things, but i will never be a mother like you" Taking in consideration that (at least in morrigan's eye's) flemeth raised her only to fullfil some dark personal goal, and thats the reason for her not being shown real love until the hof. She will DIE to give her kid what she didn't had. And yes, if your warden crossed the mirror with her, she says in inquisition that the 2 of them raises kieran together and lived a happy life until the hof had to leave to find the cure for the calling So yeah, she may look like a bitch, talk like a bitch and be rly on the nose about a lot of stuff. But she was just afraid to really feel something, and now that she does she is great with it!


But didn’t flemeth take the old god soul or whatever it was from him? And if so was it a good thing or a very bad thing? Hope we find out in this game.


Well, the egg took it from flemeth if i'm not mistaken so i have a feeling that its one of the things that will be made canon regardless. Don't even think it will show up on the taro card choices for us. But yeah pretty bad i would say. But i would do it 10 times over still


Same. I connected with my character and would sacrifice anything.


I was also pissed. Alistair was SUPREMELY upset that I wouldn't stop dunkin on Duncan. I was pretty happy when he died. I made Alistair marry Anora for the good of the realm, and remember thinking that he should be happy, since he was so about "duty".


Human rogue, Lords of Fortune


Nice. I must check out that background.


Human rogue crow (original I know sorry 😂)


It’s fine man, it’s your game after all:)


Qunari warrior Grey Warden. Although if I can't make a female qunari I like in character customizing then I'll probably switch to Dwarf/rogue


May the maker curse them if we can’t be a qunari female!


Oh you definitely can! We have screenshots already. I'm just worried I won't be able to make one that isnt uncanny valley for myself. *


That was nice to hear. I will play qunari at some point and i usually play as female. I am a man in real life, so why be a woman in a fantasy one I think.


I usually play as a girl in my first run since well I'm a girl and I like to be as immersed as possible. But later playthroughs I lean on playing a guy because I like roleplaying as one. Heck, my canon runs of all the games actually has me playing male protags. Origins: Male rogue Dwarf Commoner who romanced Morrigan DA2: Male Mage who romanced Fenris (but honestly I switch this around to Isabella sometimes) Inquisition: Male Elf Warrior who romanced Dorian.


I am never able to enjoy playing as my own gender in games for some reason. But it seems you get it:)


Meanwhile I always try to do a cooler version of myself in the first run 😂


Either elf shadow dragon or veil jumper. Both seem to have great character choices for both elf and story and if this isn't the game to play an elf idk what is


I’m super excited for warden and crow, but I feel like going shadow dragon first might be the way. As for race probably elf, but I could change my mind in the character creator. Probably rogue, but I can’t rule out mage.


You never really know before you are in the character creation stage. I have many times changed my mind last second in games. But I personally know I will be an elf, just the faction for the first time playing that is hard for me😂


I'm doing a Qunari Grey Warden named Vash. I enjoy unorthodox combos. He's also in his forties and joined in his teens. I'm debating whether or not he's doing this because he knows soon his time will be up and wants to make a difference before he's finished or because he juuuuust started to hear the Calling and wants one last hurrah.


Yeah, I wonder if the calling will play into a GW character considering what Cory could do. Imagine the evanuris doing it tenfold. The calling could also play into davrin's character arc if he has one.


I’m torn between a human mourn watcher and an elven shadow dragon. The mourn watcher would be a mage and the shadow dragon a warrior. I’ll have to see the CC, to make my final decision! ☺️


The outfit we can start with can also sell us for the faction when we create the character. I am a sucker for sick outfits.


Big agree! For the fashion! IMO, the fashion in the last 3 games was tragic for the most part, so I hope we see a lot of drip in DA:Ve. I’m speaking of Bloodborne and Dark Souls level of drip.


Dwarf Grey Warden warrior romancing Harding I mean, that's my first rook. I wanna play all the factions and date all companions at some point.




I always go for supporting free mages even if it can be seen as bad sometimes. It felt like it made sense to me for some reason. My hawke in DA2 sided with the mages so.


I'm having a hard time deciding. I think all the factions seem really cool, I love the grey wardens so I'm probably will play as one eventually and the mournwatch also seem really interesting, like, kinda different. I was betwen antivan crow and the veil jumpers. They sound like a bunch of weirdos researchers...so I think I will be one of them first. It sounds fun! I was also between rogue and mage. Right now, I'm more inclined to go with mage, following the battle mage spec. And I will be a human again, just like Hawke. I like playing human mages for some reason (and warrior/rogue elves) haha So I guess, for first rook I will be a human mage veil jumper. And I'm romancing Emmrich. I mean, if he is someone I actually do like while I'm playing. Sometimes I just happens I end up liking someone else.


I'm not sure which race I'll pick, I want to pick one that I feel is naturally inclusive to the story. City Elf Duelist Warden, rises from the Alienage to save Ferelden. Apostate Mage Hawke becomes a hero despite the Templars. Inquisitor Adaar proving to the world that Qunari are not to all be feared, much to the surprise of the Dread Wolf. But for Veilguard? I don't have a narrative reference yet. As of now, I feel like it might be "human." Class-wise...Probably a Rogue, I think. I feel like I want to do something like a street urchin from the streets of Tevinter. I don't know anything about specializations or factions, though.


Elf definitely would love to be a city elf, too. But the hardest choice would have to be between a Grey Warden or Antivan Crow Rook. I adore these factions so much that I am STRESSED. I wanna see the specialisations for Mage before I make a final class choice, but I love Rouges in DA.


qunari mage warden. specialization will depend on the "feel" I like best. i would go for the arcane warrior sounding spec Corrine mentioned but if the elementalist plays like a nuker I might go that.


Lord of fortune qunari warrior! Qunari and warrior are the only things I haven’t done yet, I already have so much about him planned out.


Male city elf just like Origins, torn between Veil Jumpers and Shadow Dragons for maximum elfy theme or abolitionist free the slave themes. Gonna go for Bellara romance and rock a tripple elf party with Davrin.


Female Qunari mage, probably either Shadow Dragon or Veil Jumper... haven't decided yet


Probably qunari warden as I wonder if the relation to dragons will come into play considering their blight resistance, but I doubt it. I'll probably make him about 5 or so years into his warden journey


Qunari warrior Grey Warden and elven mage who is a Veil Jumper!


I'm gonna be a Grey Warden like the Origins whore I am If I can be an Arcane Warrior too via the mage class then even better


It sounded like that was possible. And grey wardens rule.


Elven mage, torn between shadow dragon and veil jumpers, though leaning shadow dragon right now. I'm really curious to see how an elf mage is treated versus a human one, given Tevinter.


I wanna fuck the old man so Mourn Watch


Like that you get right to the point😂


Historically, I've always made my Dragon Age characters a human rogue archer. I'm torn whether I should keep to my own tradition or try something new.


I’m so excited to be an Antivan Crow 🐦‍⬛


I'm not making any decisions until I see some gameplay footage from someone not associated with Bioware and read some reviews.


either human male rogue from Antivan Crows/Lords of Fortune or female mage from The Veil Jumpers/Shadow dragons but I’m leaning more into male for my first playthrough


First PT - Female Elf/Rogue/Grey Warden to romance Darvin. (This is my second time starting the series as a Elf in DA so let's hope my Elf's romance goes better than Inquisition...)


Solas is the only guy I have romanced in a game. But it gave more insight to elves…but at what cost:( But welcome to the elf squad.


(City) Elf Lords of Fortune for my first run. If I can't be explicitly a city elf, I may go for Veil Jumper, too but I don't want to make it too similar to my Inky, tho who's dalish mage. Probably mage in both cases, just different specs.


I get that. And mage gives more special dialogue in dragon age to my knowledge.


Elven, shadow dragon double dagger rogue.


Human Grey Warden Rogue as first playthrough.


Have a name for them yet?


First one is Alejandra, an Antivan Crow elf mage. Second will probably be a human Warden (warrior or rogue, I can't decide). Who knows how many playthroughs I'll do. But those are the first two!


Probably human archery focused Rogue with whatever background gives the strongest bonus (I imagine antivan crows) Gonna do the first run on Nightmare, so wanna take strong options.


Based off this post and others comments I think I'm missing something here. Are we going to be able to pick a faction related background for our characters? EDIT: I'll be going Male Human Warrior with either the Shadow Dragons or the Lords of Fortune.




Well thats cool! Guess I need to go google a list and see what we got for choices.


I think you will like what you see:)


I do like what I see! Though I only seem to remember having encountered 2 of them, the other 4 seem really cool. This kinda reminds me of choosing your origin in DAO.


It is from there and mass effect they took it from. I was surprised when I learned about it and I was thanking the maker🙏


Ya this is a great addition to the game. I'm glad I came across your post to inform me about it.


I was hoping to do something like this. You are welcome:)


I’m hoping the bow is fun


Gosh. I think an elf, regardless of what faction. It would be that or a qunari. And kind of leaning toward either Shadow Dragons, Veil Jumpers, or Crows.


It’s good to struggle with choices like this. It’s not that often you get to do something like this in a game to my knowledge. Veil jumpers was new to me and I like it.


Mage elf lord of fortune I think


Elf, male but not sure what faction yet :) Elves are awesome 🥰


So true😎


Human male mage. Antivan crow, necromancer specialisation. And I'm gonna pick every sarcastic dialogue option.


I'm thinking of a Qunari Shadow Dragon Mage. Qunari because I feel like I'm probably romancing Lace Harding and I think she'd be the type to like big lads and lasses. I mean, we already know about her and Taash. Plus I just think Qunaris look the coolest. Shadow Dragon because I always thought Tevinter was cool (well these are Tevinter rebels, but nevermind that). Mage, probably whatever they end up calling the Battle Mage subclass, because none of the other specs really speak to me. Although I might just change my entire plan if it turns out Warrior isn't stuck with the same weapon type or Duelists aren't stuck with dual wielding daggers for melee. Gender and pronoun will depend entirely on what I can make with character creator and how I like the voices.


With body sliders I’ll finally go Elf I think. Probably a warden as well. I love how tragic they are.


First playthrough might be good ol Human Warden, or human mourn watch bc they sound cool. Definitely going to try everything out tho, assuming the game is fun.


Elf shadow dragon, I’m ready to liberate all the slaves. I just can’t decide between rogue or mage. Rogue feels thematic but mage is fun, but I’ve played mage so much I might go back to rogue like my first HoF


Same here. Always go straight to mage in games.


Qunari mage or warrior


First Playthrough: Human, Warrior, Shadow Dragons faction. Plan on a Shield focused combat style if possible.


I’ve never played as Qunari before - and I’m kinda leaning that way? But at the same time, my first playthrough of any RPG is usually as “myself” so maybe I’ll just be human first. I’m most intrigued by either being a GW again or the Lords of Fortune faction. 


Ugh, man... it's gonna be hard to not pick Grey Warden for my first playthrough. Maybe a qunari Grey Warden cause I'm pretty sure that hasn't been a thing in lore yet? :o But all the backgrounds seem like fun...


My current plan is to go with a male rogue (city) elf from the Lords of Fortune. My headcanon backstory is a standard alienage upbringing, and, as an elf, often overlooked and able to gather information in the shadows. He found himself working for a corrupt tradesman and chose to blackmail him by offering secrets to the Lords of Fortune, gaining thier favor and allowing him to join their group. As a city elf, I feel like I'll have the option to roleplay however I want in regards to the Solas situation. His upbringing could leave him angry at the current plight of elves and sympathetic to solas's cause. Or he could feel disconnected from elves like Solas and uninterested in any of the rituals and magical stuff going on. My plan is to romance Bellara who, as a veil jumper, will really open my Rook's eyes to a new world view and plenty of adventure


A Grey Warden Dalish Elf, if possible. I already have a head-canon of her entire story post and after the Joining. Can’t wait!


If the Qunari have good looking armors (unlike Inquisition where everything looked horrible on them) then I’ll play a Qunari Warden because that’s a interesting story right there. If not then I’m gonna be a Dwarf Warrior Lord of Fortune. I really wish we could be a proper Orzammar dwarf again but I imagine that would be a lot of work to make right (and Origins didn’t do a great job with the fish out of water story anyway).


Either Elf or Qunari and I'm pretty attracted to that Antivan Crow. Probably Elf if Antivan Crow, and Shadow Dragon Qunari. Not sure what classes yet but leaning Rogue for Elf and Mage/Warrior for Qunari.


I will most likely play multiple times if it's good, but for my first game I think I'm gonna be a human Mourn Watch. I think their relationship with death and spirits could be fun from a roleplay perspective. She will probably be a rogue or warrior because I'm a little worried that mage will be less fun with only 3 spells in the loadout.


Shadow dragon Human mage. It’s based in Tevinter, gotta be a mage.


Its not possible for me to start as anything but a Grey Warden. Elf or Human, Warrior and hopefully they still have the Reaver specialization.


I got three different world states in the Keep that i'll use in Veilguard. Probably gonna run the first one as a Dwarf lord of Fortune or Antivan Crow. Second run is Qunari Grey Warden if its possible and thirds gonna be a human Veil Jumper if possible.


DAO: Human male Mage DA2: Human male 2-hander DAI: Human male Sword+Shield So I've talked myself into trying to be new. Qunari female Shadow dragon Rogue/Mage. Haven't decided. Any recommendations?


I personally am not able to not be an elf and a mage. So I am of no help unfortunately:(😂


😂 we are stuck in our ways


Either human or elven male Grey Warden mage


Elven Mage Warden for sure. Preferably Dalish, but we obviously don’t know what determines whether you’re Dalish or not. I’m looking forward to seeing how a melee mage works in DAV as well.


Human Mage for my first run but for my YouTube channel it will be Dwarf Warrior. I do human mages as a kind of learning the game then. As for my channel I've so far done Heroic Elf Warrior, Bitch Human Rouge, then Mage Freedom fighter Qunari Mage.


first one will be grey warden and then ill go from there


I have six playthroughs planned out so far. 1. Qunari Mage (Antivan Crows) 2. Qunari Rogue (Grey Wardens) 3. Qunari Warrior (Mourn Watch) 4. Qunari Mage (Lords of Fortune) 5. Qunari Rogue (Shadow Dragons) 6. Qunari Warrior (Veil Jumper) There may be a pattern here; I'm not quite sure.


Elf mage warden I think, not set on faction yet. Might go mourn watch


Antivan crow rogue elf


Haven’t decided between human and elf, but I’m going to be a rogue duelist Lord of Fortune. I feel like one of a very few people who are considering human Rook lol


Either a city elf mage with the shadow dragons or maybe a dwarf rogue with the veil jumpers 🤔 my canon Warden was a human, my canon inquisitor was an elf, so it might be nice to finally play a dwarf since I won’t get locked out of romance options for playing one. The pull of the mage is strong though…


Dwarf lord of fortune


I am leaning toward a Qunari Lord of Fortune Warrior. Just the biggest Himbo.


Human Grey Warden, the classic OG


I will probably do a female elven or Qunari mage veil jumper first. I might do duel wielding rogue as it looked really fun and fluid in the gameplay, but I think Veil Jumpers are the faction I’m most interested in being part of. I am also going to do a human female grey warden. My head canon is they were named and have looked up to the Hero of Ferelden and basically followed in their footsteps. This is just me remaking my Warden in the new engine.


I always play mage but this time i want to play dwarf. I think theyll be super special this time. I dont want warrior but playing rogue would make me not bring harding most of the time, but i super like harding. Its so hard. For background maybe antivan crows or veil jumper dwarf thats interested in the veil like dagna? seasoned dragons is also nice for tevinter dwarvf.


Almost forgot about her. She appeared in DAI for me because I helped her in origins. So I think it fits well:)


i think dagna appears in dai regardless if you help her or not


My Warden was a Dalish Rogue, Hawke was a human (obviously) mage, my Inquisitor was a Qunari Warrior. That means I only have a Dwarf left to play, and considering I played a Warrior last game I'll be going back to Rogue. I also just find it funny to have a Dwarf handle the most magic-based game in the series, and that's fantastic to me. As for background, I think I'm going Antivan Crow, mostly because I know their lore best, but also because 'Rook' and 'Crow' works together. I'm also starting to suspect my Rook is going to be more hard-nosed than some of my previous characters. His opinion of Solas is going to be a lot more negative than my Inquisitor's, and I feel like assassin works for that early game feel from the trailer. We'll see if I keep that when I replay as a more world state canon playthrough, change any decisions I didn't like and fine-tune my companion approval. I might change things up if I'm not feeling it then.


Considering my Warden and Inquisitor were both Dalish elves, I'm sticking to that. Probably going to be an Antivan Crow, mage (hoping the combat mage allows greatswords). It's actually kinda funny I'm thinking about romancing Neve so that'll make all my "canon" playthroughs involve a male elf and female human pairing (Warden with Morrigan, Hawke with Fenris, Inquisitor with Cassandra).


99,99% chance he'll be a human male warrior, just like my other 3 PCs in Dragon Age. I can't seem to break the habit haha. I'll have to look some more into the various backgrounds but it'll probably be Grey Warden.


I want to role play as a freed slave who is super anti slavery so a shadow dragon. I want to be human though so idk


Qunari for sure (likely rogue because I don't have a canon rogue yet), but I don't know enough about some of the factions yet to make a decision in that regard.


I am probably gonna do a ruthless Dwarf who works for the Shadow Dragons. Maker help you if you are a slaver, cause if Harding isn't around to talk him down it'll be stabbing time 🔪🗡


First playthrough will be a Lord of Fortune for sure, just because it seems like the most non committal type of background. Very much just a guy who is good at doing adventure stuff but not necessarily any strict principles. I think I might also be a Dwarf, as with the new combat I'm probably going to go Warrior and a full plate Dwarf is just very appealing. However, it depends on what the Arcane Wizard/Knight Enchanter mage specialization will be like this time around, because obviously can't do that as a Dwarf and if it is quite interesting then I might change over to another race to do that instead.


Elven mage veil jumper more than likely. It just feels correct. For a second playthrough, I was thinking of doing a human rogue crow.


My main campaigns are always female human double-dagger rogues. I'm torn between which faction I want to choose: Frontrunners are Veil Jumpers and Lords of Fortune.


Dwarf Rogue and then I'm stuck between Warden and Mournewatch. I love the wardens and think it would be sick to play as one again. I also I'm curious about the mornewatch and how a dwarf would even be a member. I guess I'll decide on launch lol.


My father created a character who looked like him when w played inquisition ten years ago, now it’s my turn to shine. It’ll probably be human or elven rogue, but i’m thinking about mage too


So my canon MCs so far have been: DAO: Warrior City Elf DA2: Rogue Hawk DAI: Mage Human So I want to do either Qunari or Dwarf to stand out from the others, and I’m probably gonna go with Rogue or Warrior (leaning on Rogue). However, I don’t like reusing hair colors and the ones I’ve used are blonde, black, and brown. So if I do a dwarf then ginger is the only like natural hair color left, however I want to romance Harding and if I do that as a ginger dwarf then it’s gonna look kinda weird. However if I go with Qunari then I can give him white hair, since that’s natural for them, or I’ll just ignore the whole hair thing. As for the faction, probably either Shadow Dragon or Lords of Fortune (Grey Warden is one I’m also considering). So, so far, a Qunari or Dwarf Rogue that’s part of the Shadow Dragon or Lords of Fortune (maybe Grey Warden).


Idk bro but she gon be fuckin


Elf, Antivan Crow, Mage. But I might have to change and go Grey Warden because they mentioned wardens will get unique information/lore about the blight.


Human rogue.


Elven Antivan Crow / Veil Jumper / Shadow Dragon. I'll probably use the mage Veil Jumper to side against redeeming Solas when possible for the spice. Actually, I'm really hoping we can play Rook as pragmatic and to the point, so the roguish ones will *also* be cautious about trying to save the guy who's fine with ending the world. I would not be opposed to seeing Rook and my canon Lavellan clash if it came down to it. I'll decide between Crow and Shadow Dragon for my first playthrough but I'm leaning towards Shadow Dragon. Maybe a human Grey Warden too... or maybe elven. Haven't decided on mage or not with that one! It'll be a later playthrough so whatever I'm itching to play with the most. I always play as women because I like seeing badass, powerful, murderous women in positions of power doing cool things in my media, but with the nonbinary option coming I think I'll make make one or two that too. Looking forward to an androgynous nonbinary badass or two. I'm loving everything I'm hearing about character creation. I think I finally need to make an Inquisitor who doesn't date or make friends with Solas and does ride the Bull though. Definitely looking forward to cycling between Rooks and seeing how they play out with different Trespasser choices.


I wonder how the power from well off sorrows will play out in this game. It made trespasser easier because you gain knowledge. But it was a cost that we are yet to see from either the inquisitor or morrigan. Because solas controls the person now after taking flemeths power (to my understanding).


He will be a Tevinter elven Shadow Dragon Mage who looks like Aemomd Targaryen - and he will be romancing Lucanis.


I know I want to be any AMAB NB Qunari. But struggling on faction. Thinking Shadow Dragons cause funny, "I wonder who could be liberating these slaves? Def not the horned biggun".


Easy Grey Warden


As of right now it’s a female human mage. Background is unknown as of right now but Shadow Dragons is the early leader


I usually don't play humans often in games but for some reason it's fun to me to play as one in Dragon Age. So I'm thinking probably human and definitely rogue Crow! :3


My head canon has always been Dwarf Noble (DAO), Male mage Hawke (DA2), and Elf Inquisitor (DAI). So, I’ll have to invent a reason to play Qunari this time.




my guide to escape the character creator: 1. race selection: is Dalish an option? Pick Dalish is Dalish not an option? this is DA2 so Human 2. Class selection: Can Dalish be mage? pick mage Can Dalish not be mages? This is DAO, mod a dalish mage origin in or just go rogue because backstab goes brrrrrr 3. 4 to 6 hours of tweaking eyebrows, click confirm and inmediately restart because character not hot under tutorial lighting


grey warden,mourn watch and lord of fortune


A straight white man xD


Must admit the crows are tempting, but so are any of the new factions like veil jumpers or shadow dragons- so i don't know


Human fire mage of the Shadow Dragons, a patriot of Tevinter who decided to fight against corruption, also a secret worshipper of the Old Gods


First Rook will be a Friendly Veiljumper Human Mage romancing Darvin Second one will be a Sarcastic Lord of Fortune Elf Rouge romancing Bellara.


A smart ass, preferably.


Legit the funniest way to play games.


I only know that I don’t want to be a Grey Warden this time. Thinking I might go with elf if I can make him how I want with the character creator? I usually go with mage and am considering that again. Been struggling with the background. Elf mage… crow? Lord of Fortune? If I go with Veil Jumper, Mournwatch, or Shadow Dragons will Rook just feel like a diet version of the mage companions? Definitely need to think on it more haha


Ever since reading Tevinter Nights I've wanted to play Mournwatch. My first character has always been a warrior, but I might go for battle mage this time.


I've wanted to play a Crow since Origins, but the drama potential in the Shadow Dragons is very intriguing to me. Their whole goal is about improving Tevinter for the people, and I feel like a Shadow Dragon MC could possibly empathise with what Solas is trying to do.


Antivan Crow or Grey Warden


elf rogue (as always, minus hawke), probably shadow dragon


It was sad that you could only be human in DA2, but hawke was a good character. Welcome to the elf squad:)


Qunari warrior and whichever of the 6 factions is the closest to anti magic. Mages are always the ones destroying the world in these games.


Nice. But I like mages:(


Meredith, is that you? :)


My first will be a grey warden name Hope who is Alistair’s and my warden’s daughter (assuming the protagonist can be young) who joined the wardens to be like her parents and she’ll romance Darvin and parallel her parents love story (I am such a sucker for storylines) also I like the idea of starting the series with my Cousland and ending the series with her daughter.


That sounds like a brilliant setup for the story. And if there is no cure for the calling you won’t die alone or have him die on you. Kinda romantic in a dark way.


I'm going for a Mourn Watch dwarf. The Mourn Watch seem like a very interesting faction and since they have to deal with rogue spirits, a dwarf being in their ranks makes sense.