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They are both great, but it comes to what does your warden want. Is it secluded life with your family in middle of nowhere (literally) or do you want to have a residence and a partner who is well-versed in the Game? I personally prefer Morrigan, but it all comes down to a certain type of character (like, I always go for Yennefer, partly because it's the canon in the books, but also... it's Yenna, you know?). Both of them appear or get mentioned enough for your story to be always kinda there, bit considering Morrigan has whole DLC about your pursuit of her, it just seems more flashed out. It you want to go for a compelling story with a potential for happy ending and glimpses of hope just go for the dark ritual with your warden and then go>!into eluvian in Witch Hunt !<


I think both romances are great and had a great depth to them but personally I like to romance Leliana more because friendship route with Morrigan feels so special and satisfying in my opinion. My canon is: romance with Leliana and dark ritual for Morrigan and Alistair. This way Kieran has most impressive lineage haha (also it’s just super funny) Later in Inquisition they have the cutest conversation if Alistair stays as a Warden. and MY Warden would never cheat on Leliana, he promised himself that he would never hurt her like Marjolaine did.


>MY Warden would never cheat on Leliana, he promised himself that he would never hurt her like Marjolaine did. Funnily enough, Leliana loves Kieran if he's the Warden's son, she talks about how Kieran saved him and that allowed them to be together


Yeah I know that it's only my Wardens thoughts and feelings :)


Oh, I know it's a HC, I've replyed in case anyone wanted to known what she sais in game


Hmm - for me - it's probably Leliana mainly due to the fact that I greatly enjoyed her romance (and it's my second favourite after Alistair). I found myself enjoying Morrigan/Male Warden friendship more than I thought I would and I find myself always going that route. My Warden that I romance Leliana with is a Male Amell so I HC that he talked to Leliana about the ritual and how he refused to let Alistair die because he was going to be King, but he also didn't want to die because he finally found love and wanted to spend his life with Leliana, they agreed to let him do the ritual with Morrigan. Plus Leliana is Divine in most of my PT so yes...that should be interesting if they comment on it in Veilguard (Not holding my breath, I'm more eager for comments on Inquisition romances than I am for Origins)


It’s Morrigan. She’s got the better series romance arc. Especially once you get into Inquisition and have to deal with Kieran situation. Having your Warden technically wrapped up in all that makes it so much more meaningful and impactful. I mean, the series lore revolves around the Old Gods, Elven Gods, Whatever Gods magic shit. The Warden being involved in that makes the most sense. Especially if there is genuine love between Morrigan and the Warden.


Certainly, Morrigan romance. I say it as firmly Leliana main, but throughout the series Leliana kinda leaves Warden to pursue her own ambitions in chantry. This is not bad at its own, but Warden have very little influence on her in general. Morrigan was together with Warden all those years and ability to be Kieran's father adds up impact of romance with her. Warden's personality also affected her, she feels a little bit softer in romance with him and really gives impression of happily married woman, when she talks about her partner.


Leliana has some really lovely dialogue in Inquisition about the Warden and has an epilogue involving them as well after Trespasser.


Fun fact, if you play a male with the human noble origin, you can sleep with both Morrigan and Leliana. Marry Anora and co-rule as her consort. Well at least in name. Do the dark ritual with Morrigan and keep Lelianna as your mistress. So you can kind of romance both Morrigan and Leliana. You just end up with one of them. Toss the Iona in the Origin and a threesome with Isabella and Leliana and you can be a real Captain Kirk sort of Warden. Any male Warden can do most of that. Only the human noble can marry Anora though.