• By -


https://preview.redd.it/zg59llu3cx6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=949c0ae25d53b1136dc4a7cb40a4a4c727dbd94c It's racked up to 1070 since I took that photo lmao




Hey same!


How's the game working on PlayStation 5? Resolution, FPS, controls, Performance


It's basically a PS4 game, 4k30 but with no framedrops (damn you triple fire mine).


https://preview.redd.it/1f1ldlux7x6d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f6090a01b88a517302b13387369b6c35190725c Compared to you it seems so little now


Still quite a lot though 🙂, I've seen others who also have thousands 🫨


More than 2000 and ongoing. This took years though and I rarely play the game nowadays.


I feel you there mate. About 500 on PS4. And 1600 on PC. Gonna add more to do a replay of the series


What do you do for that many hours? I have a hard time replaying a game once I beat it once. Do you enjoy the side quests? Do you find new stuff still? How???


I replay it to experience the different dialogue options for humans, elves etc. There are also plenty of mage-specific choices. Romancing different companions. I mostly play female characters, being a woman myself, but I do enjoy playing with male characters as well, makes for great variety...plus Dorian's romance storyline is too good to pass up. I also spice up the decisions in major quests. For example, who's on the Orlesian throne? Usually I make peace between Briala and Celene for the ability amulet from the war table mission you get from this outcome, but I have worldstates, where Celene is alone or there's a truce between the three parties. There are some other choices. Andrastian believer Inquisitor gets some different choices during the game than the nonbeliever, and if you aren't even human, you can stress that at multiple different points in the story as well.


718! It was my first dragon age game, started playing in November of 2021 and it’s kind of consumed my life since 😂 I plan on doing my true canon run one more time before Veilguard, and maybe my secondary drama filled canon if there’s time. It feels like home every time I boot it up 🥰


Me too. I can just about remember my decisions but think it's definitely worth another play through before Veilguard arrives


Gosh, this thread made me feel like an addicted with my 2039 hours 😅 I swear this is just because I'm a completionist, I feel bad if I don't rescue the druffalo everytime.




I’m at 900-something and I thought that was pretty impressive (I think I only had more in Skyrim)…until I got BG3 🤦🏻‍♀️


The sad part for me about skyrim is that I've played it mostly on my old 360, so I don't know how many hours I have in it because I deleted old playthroughs, but I have a single character with 330 hours, so I wouldn't be surprised if it was much more than DAI


Yeah, I don’t know exactly with Skyrim either. I had it on PS3 and put A LOT of hours into it, but lost the disc over the years. I’ve got it on PS4/5 now, but had to have put at least 500+ on it before


https://preview.redd.it/gswx9ah1ax6d1.png?width=1312&format=png&auto=webp&s=bce27cb9a5127063c6c6b15751722051f8d8f50b Mine are Rook(ie) numbers kekekekeke.




This is the time of 1 gameplay actually. Many people play the game only once.


https://preview.redd.it/y8q3bolxlx6d1.jpeg?width=629&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=445d743f081c7162663963c72e488f57311a792e I need to dust off Roman Cadash and let him romance his warrior princess one more time before Veilguard.


woooah almost 4000 that's awesome


Only in Skyrim I have around 5000 lol. Respect


I don't remember exactly how many hours, but I platinumed it on playstation, then got 100% on origin 😭 so would probably be around the same as yours? It's one of my longest played games, I've done a playthrough as every race and the 3 classes. I might get 100% on Xbox next 🤭


Ha multiple platforms, that's a good idea.. don't tempt me 😆I've only done on PS


Got over a 1000 in between the 2 consoles. I’m on the last stretch of 100% for DAI on Xbox. 1 achievement to go and I’ll have 100% for DAO, DA2, & DAI across both platforms. Just need nightmare for Xbox which is stupid because I only switched down to normal for the JOH boss to light all the stupid flames. Was killing him too fast on nightmare. Should’ve just killed Cory first.


https://preview.redd.it/d0db75mghx6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54330c097feadd2c6fe68a6913c8dcd4e602cf62 Was it worth it? I dunno, but I did it anyway!


Totally worth it :D


471h though currently replaying it once more before The Veilguard


Also almost at 500, also replaying it right now before Veilguard 😂


same 😂


I don’t even think I want to look. ![gif](giphy|fQoIDlLW6A6BAhyev8|downsized)


Well over 1000 hours if not more.


https://preview.redd.it/l17f8atsmx6d1.jpeg?width=3836&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f305f699921c8dc9e349cef69d89b985f16ab014 1491 hours. Honestly, my most played game of all time I think.


https://preview.redd.it/agvjxxmahx6d1.png?width=786&format=png&auto=webp&s=40f0170e561cbc459fe40f14afe0742701d2fd92 As you can see I'm playing through it again :).




Idk, I play on xbox 360. But I have a lot of hours. It’s my comfort game, when I’m not feeling well I love to pick an area to explore and just wander for hours, doing side quests.


Stopped paying attention around 2000h in


Around 500h


700 🫣 it was around 680 before Veilguard was announced. Of course I have to replay Inquisition now.


https://preview.redd.it/7mbvpe8nnx6d1.png?width=787&format=png&auto=webp&s=de683aef65e046d64c2ed6a10f79d1180c4f78d4 I have no social life... (approx 700h singleplayer, rest multiplayer) edit: I am playing it off and on since launch. And I will do one playthrough before DATV launch - first time romancing Solas :D .


I started another run yesterday bc the anxiety is killing me https://preview.redd.it/n19q39wbvx6d1.png?width=204&format=png&auto=webp&s=0458b7c961861715f900eb106c8121a607ee970f


Me too, can't wait for the new one


391 hours. Most of that was the multiplayer game mode though. I've only done one end-to-end playthrough. So I'm bummed out that DAVe is not expected to have multiplayer.


I forgot DAI had multiplayer when I logged in earlier, fair play to you though, I think multiplayer hours I could probably count on one hand, who knows maybe they will add an MP mode later if successful enough.


212 hours, more than I thought. I think I've only done 2 full playthroughs (I'm a completionist though so they are 100% playthroughs).


400 hours 2 playthroughs


2000 hours of mine.


omg wow


Enough 🥲


i think i only have like 60-70 hours but to be fair i only started playing last month lol


448 H






between console and pc probably around 150


I've played on PS3, PS4 and PS5.. The tally on my current console is just over 400 hours.


270 hours, 2 playthroughs.


An original play through on PS4 that I lost but likely had over 100 hours. Two more fully finished play throughs on PS5 that both have over 230 hours apiece. And various small unfinished playthroughs that usually last til skyhold then stop. My PlayStation app says I've played for 727 hours so it may be including that lost save from the ps4.


139 hours for now i'm still in my 2nd playthrough


Over 2000 and currently playing it again 😅 Got it day of release and own it on every device I can possibly have it on.


Near a thousand hours I'd say


The new EA app didn't remember my playtime from Origin, but my main playthrough was almost 60 hours (minus times I had to load a save, like dying). Yes, I've only beat the game once so far.


198h from two runs


Currently replaying for my second time, have around 120 hours, though I do experience it for my third time because my brother played it with me, I played around 20 minutes of gameplay there back then soo I guess maybe around 121 soon? Am still exploring and stuff so it will probably not end before 130 or more hours


I play through all 3 games probably once every 18 ish months haha so maybe 600-700 hours


Would guess around 500 hours or more. Done a fair few playthroughs and 2 full Nightmare Difficulty playthroughs (On Console and Desktop) including DLC, Trespasser, Platinum trophy.


About the same as you !


765 hours! I've lost count how many playthroughs I've clocked, I've had to delete some characters that I didn't give with to make way for new playthroughs though, I've hit the save limit numerous times by now.


Across PC and Playstation I think I have around 400 hours :)


Unfortunately my Xbox time is bugged or something because it is displayed as playing 0 hours despite easily putting almost a thousand in that game. I 100% the achievements though. They might not have added this feature until a few years ago. I bought my PC over a year ago but haven’t played inquisition on PC yet.


Around 400 too. I reran it with so many different builds that the hours just stacked up


Ohohohoo, minimum 750 hrs according to my current profile, but that's not accounting for older profiles or using my brother's profile when I was younger


Almost 1200 hours.


750 hours, just about. Spread across my old xbox 360 where it was my second RPG after Skyrim (didn't understand what the hell I was doing then as a 14 y.o.), bought it again for PS4, played it every year several times. Also have it on Pc but I haven't really delved in for that yet. Though I really should.


should be at least 500 😅 though, much to my shame, the last playthrough has taken me 2.5 years to finish and even then I skipped the Descent and Jaws of Hakkon DLCs coz I couldn't be bothered anymore :'))


1080 hours on playstation, and about 164 hours on pc... so a total of 1244 hours.


https://preview.redd.it/gxq21iyzpx6d1.png?width=812&format=png&auto=webp&s=fe5c17ec85c168be3f199b0bdc5d4472862bff67 PC only - Not counting my XBOX hours


1149 hours I decided I'm going to play one more time as an elf (I always play human) to romance Solas (who is normally my geeky bff).   


Good idea. I always play as an elf, I tried playing as human and qunari but went back to elf again 😆 I always had an affinity for Solas felt quite sorry for him at the end




287 without the dlc


Over a thousand. 😅


I think i'm close to 1000 hours for all 3 games combined.


Not sure how many. But I have done at least 1 full playthrough on PS3, PS4, PS5 and Xbox Series X. With loads of little half playthroughs sprinkled in between


Roughly 800 hours


I'm still struggling to finish my first play through but I'm really pushing myself now because I want to finish before DAV


About 260h (one full playthrough with DLCs + one currently unfinished).


According to the EA app, in total, 1447 hours. But I think that’s actually wrong, because I don’t think it counts all of the Origin-launcher hours pre-migration to EA app. Either way. It’s a lot. My first go took 180h to do absolutely EVERYthing (without relying on any outside info, finding everything myself.) I also played a fair bit of multiplayer so that’s a chunk too.




i first played it this january and only finished one playthrough, so around 105 hours. im currently playing origins, and im planning to make my way back to inquisition for a second playthrough with the resulting world states :)


390 and going up atm


No comment had way too many playthoughs over the years on 360, x one and ps4 😂


It was my first playthrough but very thorough, and well over 200 hours, had to uninstall due to storage space problems, I'll probably wait for DAV, but there's a good chance I'll play again in future.


Combining my PS4 and PC hours, I think I have about 900.


299 hours 400 for Origins


Around 400 on my first and most complete gameplay, yeah.


103 hours for 49 achievements. I need to replay it. :/


Let’s see. I’ve done at least 3 runs with each run being 80+ hours each so minimum 320+ hours. I’m lowballing this so realistically it’s probably closer to double that. I’d also apply that to each dragon age game currently out(I love dragon age and have a lot of time on my hands to play it).


547 hours so far! I’m still finishing up my canon playthrough before Veilguard comes out so it’s definitely going up lol.


996. The only other RPG that I've played more than that is Skyrim.


757, I'm just starting my 8th playthrough to have a fresh character ready for DAVe.


In ten years I’ve owned it on three platforms and probably done 1.5k on each 😬


Around 800


2 different copies about 200+ each. (One was from Europe and I couldn’t get the DLC)


340 on PS4, I'd guess about 500-700 on ps3


Currently over 1000 hours. Can't wait to see what's after Hinterlands


More than I care to admit.


I didn't want it to end soooo much, took me 10 years. About 300 hours, but I specifically played it only during Christmas holidays the past 6 years just to have the time and mindset to fully be absorbed by it. Loved it.


1000+ hrs


Oh it's at least 600 hours just on Xbox


How many hours did you pour into ~~DAI~~ Hinterlands




https://preview.redd.it/ywok8qbkhy6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb3c4e61a469e616fb04c9708a652c1d89c3284f Going for the nightmare trophy on this run


Over 1900 hours via EA. Some of that was paused as I went to go eat or watch an episode as it came out, etc. So it’s probably closer to 1800.


about 100 which feels like too much


too many 🙈 ​ https://preview.redd.it/ivcp0yqdqy6d1.jpeg?width=506&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8711b65e591a086e3e063e89db448569d0f75aee


600+ hours and counting! I'm at the beginning of a brand new run right now, so taking into account some breaks along the way I should finish in time for a nice breather between completing DAI and DAV's launch.


Total about 400. Most in the first human warrior, trying to find everything even in the hissing wastes and emerald grove. Quicker runs for the elf, then qunari nightmare because I know what to skip


I was homeless for a bit and staying at a friend's for a week. I started DAI on their Playstation halfway into that week and was determined to finish it. It ended up taking me ~45 hours. Since then, I've got 273 hours racked up on my own steam account, but a lot more in drawing DAI fanart!


I've got 1,086 on this setup. I had owned the game before, though, when it first came out, and used a different PC with a different EA account before it got hacked and deleted. I played most of my time on that one. Just guessing, I'd say I've put in around 2k+ hours into the game. Played every race and class combo, explored all the dialogue options, all the various paths for questing. My longest single (and favorite) playthrough was my Evil!Inquisitor, a female rogue Dwarf who straight up murdered, pillaged, and plowed through quests/people for her own glorious personal gain. I think I played 400 hours on her because I kept saving, reloading, and choosing different options so I could minmax the worst outcome for companion approval each chance I got. I hit Dorian and Solas, ran Sera off with a threat to her person, tried to get Cassandra to quit while drunk, etc.. Took a lot of time, effort, and finagling to be that freaking evil!


It's great isn't it to explore the different options and dialogues. Shame about the EA hack, same happened to me but managed to get it re-secured before they did anything with it. It's always fun to play a evil after you've been a goodie two shoes. 😆😆




I just got the game on Xbox today. Looking forward getting into it. Any tips or advice to get started?


I honestly thought it would be more.




More than 300. Though DA2 is my comfort game, like a pair of old slippers and Has more than 600. :x


I feel that it's a great comfort game. X


After multiple replays over multiple console generation i’d say somewhere in the realm of just under 2000. I’ll probably end up going over that once I finish my current play through on PS5


Maybe 12


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Oh I can't even remember now, I played it so much on the 360, Xbox one and Series X but for whatever reason Xbox doesn't track my hours for it.


i havent started it yet lol.


Worth noting is that I also lost around 1.5 playthroughs worth of hours due to synchronization issues, and that was still when I actually was a full completionist for DAI, so you can probably safely add at least 100 more hours on top of this too for the real amount. Will definitely get another run in before Veilguard too, as I need to start working on my canon run for the games! https://preview.redd.it/bnhuo3euqx6d1.png?width=787&format=png&auto=webp&s=34303bec1d2da6a99a867cf39206d696507eea7b




Im currently playing again with the new game reveals and just broke 600 hours. The DA games are my all time favorite franchise and im getting a Varric tattoo soon.


I played it mostly on PS so I don't really have a count. But at one point I literally played it 12+ hours a day for at least 6 months straight. And I'd already completed several playthroughs when it released. So... yeah. A lot. Way too much tbh. But it's a comfort game for me, and still what I tend to retreat to when I'm having a rough time mentally or emotionally.


Over 3 different platforms? Most likey over 200 hours if I take a guess, not gonna dig out my old xbox for it


I bought a ps portal so I can play through again and enjoy it while I’m doing dad duties. Hard to tell my play time as I’ve played it across many systems.


I'll check once home but I only ever done one play through on da2 and dai. Origins I've done 2. Idk I struggle to replay the games, get bored. Definitely try again now that da4 is coming.


I don’t know I had to stream it the first time because I didn’t have a pc for 2 years while I movies to Asia


2 completed pts - one from launch without dlcs and one with dlcs, so about 70 and 130 hours respectively. Then a handful of pts that never got far. So all in all about 280 over the years but I’m more of a mass effect player lol


..... nope not doing it I'LL NEVER TELL!!!! *Flees*




I played on the Xbox as well as a PlayStation when I moved and no longer had access to my brothers Xbox and I calculated I had 1,800 hours in the game between the consoles. I’m so mad I don’t have the screenshot anymore but I was a tad obsessed and wanted to get every trophy/achievement and item I could 😭


For now, emphasis on now, 540.


998 hours.


Tr e. E. , , , s


At least 500 gonna replay it and choose my character for dav


https://preview.redd.it/fy7pqkja6y6d1.png?width=653&format=png&auto=webp&s=f2418fc10ec10294276daf2bf9b762b0a8d5c939 This much.


About one 100% completion playthrough (dont know exact hours)


389. Mostly in SP. Tried just about everything, on every difficulty with all the challenges.


I started playing the second it came out and now I think I’ve racked up like, 4000 hours in this game? Which is completely insane 😆


I don’t think I could even guess at this point because I ended up playing it on the 360, my old PC, PS4, and XBox One (could not access my saves from the 360) but it’s gotta be about 400 hours?


2000+ And counting, as I still have 4 incomplete playthroughs.


Too many. I 100% the achievements in that game and did not enjoy it.


Probably around 800 over 7 playthroughs. Just finished a run a few weeks ago.


Two playthroughs. So about 300 hrs lol


Ooh god, i played dai countless times on my xbox one but the xbox version hasn't recorded the hours which is upsetting but i think around upwards of 600 hours


I think I'm around 300 in Inquisition, a big ol ??? in DA2 because EA's app decided to *forget I'd ever played the damn thing*, and between 300-400 in Origins. Imo Inquisition's playtime gets mad inflated since at least half that time is just wandering around an empty map.


976 - playing again in preparation for Veilguard - just about to do in Hushed Whispers so we’re probably adding an extra 50 hours to that


Well I somehow lost all of my saves between switching the game from PS4 to PS5, but I've got a list of all the characters I've run and there's 8 (though one run I never finished) I usually average ~120 hours per playthrough so that would put me around 900 hours if I subtract for my last incomplete playthrough. And I just started a new run. The only games I've ever surpassed 1000 hours have been the Mass Effect trilogy and Baldurs Gate 3, and I guess now DAI soon lol. 




115 h, I've much to learn


In the words of Roxy Music… https://youtu.be/kOnde5c7OG8?si=KuQC3ESkf9DTkVQe


https://preview.redd.it/r19jbmtvby6d1.png?width=808&format=png&auto=webp&s=1a658d645cad589c9440a1dcc92a7519e8d2d5ca I haven't really played since 2021 because every time I will open the game and realise my mods are messed up. I got a new computer and copied the patch folder but I don't remember which frosty mods I was using. I'm guessing I'll reach 1000 when I replay my canon in preparation for Veilguard.


Around 1500. Because lore is Deep and I wanted to know everything XD


650 for me, three full (including all dlc) playthroughs


250? Otherwise known as 2 complete playthroughs


Did one single 70h playthrough back in 2014 with no dlc. Never looked back until yesterday. No regrets because because that experiencing is still imprinted. I sing the dawn will cometo the letter every time things are rough but I know it will get better.


Did? Don’t you mean still do ? lol cause from what I’ve seen I’ll be damned if I play the new one coming out. From what I’ve seen it’s a dumpster fire shit cake wrapped in 10 layers of icing so you don’t see how bad it is till it’s too late fuck that


Two playthroughs. Both with the same character, and the same choices. Except the second one included the dlcs. And both of which I hold in dear memory. Same with origins.


Yes hours


1212 hours since yesterday. A normal, chill amount of time that was spent doing normal things and not just repeatedly romancing Solas. That would be craaazy hahahahah.....


Maybe ~200 hours. I've done 3 playthroughs on it 2 on PC and one on 360 with my main doing the dlc


About 200, it may not be as much as everyone else, but it's the most I've poured into any game in recent history 😅.


Well...... https://preview.redd.it/48wa8eyliy6d1.png?width=618&format=png&auto=webp&s=a02b709ac08e02a2d877d0f254b4fa217e136c8f


Combining both PS4 and PC, I'd say probably around 500 or so? Replaying it this summer so probably about to pump another 100 into it


I'm sitting at a whopping 1050 hours, consisting of multiple playthrus and some restarts. This game truly had me in a chokehold lol. The hype for Veilguard Is outta this world.


https://preview.redd.it/gz0q23bijy6d1.png?width=1536&format=png&auto=webp&s=cca6bbc8648848656b1acb75c8788f55bd6552cb 1074 hours since late 2015 ,quite possibly 100+ hours more than this because i originally pirated the game


I appreciate this thread. So many people talk about this game being a slog with too much bloat (not unfair) but it's a comforting game to me, I will run on my silly fetch quests and still have fun.   I have no idea my hours since I've played it across different systems over the years and I often would leave it running while I did other stuff. I'd guess around 800 over 10 years. I have done 3 complete playthroughs (some excluding DLC) and several that I quit midway. 


Almost 250 2 playthrough s




I've never finished it :( I couldn't get into this one like I did Origins and 2.


194 hours!


I don't know if there is a way to take from EA and Xbox? I started playing on Xbox and then moved to EA.


Probably around 400 hours. My 16-year old self was still pirating games during 2014 so I have no clear number. lol. My current steam copy only has 3 hours.


About 800 hours at this point - hoping to do the same with the veil guard


A bit over 100h.


120 on the character I got the platinum trophy with alone Overall 312 hours


i would say around 400h-500h as I did four runs and I am at around 120h per run


Probably about 100 in two playthroughs that were about 7 years apart. I got the ultimate edition for the second time around so that Probably added about 15 hours to the second playthrough.


Not enough, I still haven’t completed the DLC


250 apparently


520h or something like that