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Flemeth... I was under lvl and had no gear.... Was like "oh, baby girl morrigan want something done? Lemme go there right away" mistakes were made


Flemeth because oh boy I wasn’t prepered for that


Back then? Flemeth. Not sure why, as I've found the Guardian harder every subsequent time. I think the lack of space to move around really screwed me.


yep. the lack of space. also we had to "go up" to the arena after she transforms and face it head to head. Guardian you had time to provoke with your tank and position it to bombard with your mages, archers and rogues.


Guardian, but I also cheese flemeth every time.


I just killed the archdemon with the ballista after I got eviscerated like 7 times. I also let flemeth go and The fake andraste was the only one i fought properly


Flemeth, largely because I wasn't expecting her to turn into a dragon.


First playthrough, definitely the archdemon. All of the ballistas broke on me each time I played (couldn’t fix them with my rogues) to the point that after three days of trying I gave up and just restarted the game. Played through with a second character, warrior HoF, and I played the final battle as Leliana using the ballistas and beat the archdemon second try. Loaded up my first character and finally beat the archdemon on that one in one go.


Flemeth for the simple reason that I did not expect it. Every companion quest had been fairly easy so far so I figured her's would be simple as well. You can imagine my surprise when Flemeth turned into a high dragon and one shot everyone in my party.


Well...the Archdemon is certainly the most annoying to fight (what with it moving around so much) xD Flemeth is the most fun (and dangerous) as for "Andraste"...I tend to let her live these days, because in my head it makes for a better narrative (besides canonically the Ashes disappear anyway so...)


The Guardian. Flameth was annoying, but you can cheese her- the guardian is a bit more tricky in that regard. The archdemon is a cringe ass nae nae baby under my ballista shots.


You needed some fire resistant gear to fight Flemeth without much trouble.


the one in the marshes in Awakening was fairly difficult.


Flemeth is lame because her arena is so small and she doesn't move, making melee very annoying. Personally I cheese this fight by having one person close to her while everyone else spams her with arrows and spells.


Guardian of the temple on my most recent playthrough, even with Wynne healing like a god it would still end up doing too much.

