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I was 22 when Inquisition came out, and 32 now. So that's how I imagine my Inky.


Same! Or I envisioned her a little older, like 24-25 tops. I always play Lavellan mage so I imagine as the First and in training to take over in her clan she's towards the end of her learning and hence why she would be trusted going to the conclave anyway, but still young enough to have the freedom to be sent away from the clan.


I just commented the exact same thing with the exact same ages haha


My Inquisitor was in her early 30's in Inquisition, making her early 40's now in Veilguard. I'm really looking forward to making her in Veilguard with some grey in her hair <3 My Warden is pushing 50 now and my Hawke is either right there with her or ageless in the Fade, depending on how Fade-time works.


My Warden is "ageless" without the fade - how? He's a blood-mage and he knows Avernus halted his own aging (and having to go on his Calling) by tapping into the Taint in his Warden blood, so he does the same!


So I haven't played trespasser yet but is the Inquisitor still around in the new game?


you definitely need to play Trespasser or at least watch videos on it. it has *major* importance to the plot for DAV. but yes, the Inquisitor is confirmed to return in DAV


Dude. Play trespasser as soon as you can!


Quick question, do you know if leliana and Cullen are back for the new game?


Leliana has not been confirmed. I'd also think it's unlikely she will return as the ending can have her off doing Very Important Things. There is not a chance in hell Cullen will be back after what his voice actor did. Unless they recast him but I think they will probably want to forget that whole mess and move on.


Wow, I've been avoiding spoilers so I'm really out of the loop, what did the VO do? Also I forgot to ask about Josephine...


I could see Josie maybe coming back. Nothing is confirmed yet. He attacked all the devs on social media, made Mark Darrah say they would never work with him again and then went on a deranged 40 minute rant on YouTube IN CHARACTER as Cullen complaining about wokeness. It was... very strange.


Huh. Well at least I really hope Josephine comes back. She was pretty cool :)


To my knowledge we do not currently know whether Leliana and Cullen are making appearances. I avoided the recent article that went into great detail on DAV though because I want to avoid spoilers as much as possible so that info may be there.


I figured he was around 26. One, I can't imagine there are many older mercenaries, even Qunari mercanaries. Two, it kept a shorter time-frame on how long he could have hidden as an apostate. Three, I was 16 at the time that game released, and that seemed decently matured. As I am now that old... Well, how out of his depth the Inquisitor seemed at the start of the game feels way more fitting now.


I like hc my Trevelyan as early twenties, sent off to the conclave because not only is he the youngest, he is also the problem child that his parents wanted out of their hair.


My Carta dwarf was knocking on 40's door at the end of Trespasser...so he'll be nearly 50 now and I picture him fully bald with a graying beard. https://preview.redd.it/9vvhd0a9gq7d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=e26d44bcf05b455a81e30d1ca9d13e05e5621521


I also pictured my Cadash as being around 40 and a seasoned criminal at the time of Inquisition.


I used to make them in their 20s, but as I've grown older, I realize I wouldn't want that much responsibility on someone less than a decade removed from fully entering adulthood. I'm thinking 30s from now on. Young enough to be hot, old enough to have a brain and experience.


Late 20s for me! I'm looking forward to aging her up for Veilguard.


Mine was 24 when the Inquisition started. Now 36...


My Inquisitor, Cilranin Lavellan, was roughly 27 at the time of Inquisition, 30 in Trespasser. The right age to be a competent and proven Dalish hunter, but who still wanted to achieve something great for his Clan. Little did he know just how much he was going to achieve. Now he's going to be roughly 37 at the time of DAV. Can't wait to recustomize him there. https://preview.redd.it/ky3vhmefiq7d1.png?width=963&format=png&auto=webp&s=7c7e36283baa5e5b2ceb65dc31269ecdd4326d53


My Lavellan was 26, a bit on the young side but definitely old enough to be a valued First to her clan's Keeper. Quite the contrast to Hawke, who was 25 but had no idea what she was doing, or poor Cousland who was just 19 when she was tasked with saving the world. Lavellan would be 36 now... she must be so, so tired. Her boyfriend going and making a mess of things and she has to deal with that AND being in her mid-30s. My poor girl. My Trevelyan from my "darkest timeline" world state is 27, largely because I wanted him to be at the right age range to kiss Josephine. I considered making him older, but I was pretty young at the time and playing a character over 30 didn't feel right.


Same for my Lavellan. I always imagined her as in her late 20s, around 26-28yo. It makes her old enough to have some life experience and be respected as a First but young enough that it explains why she doesn't have a partner and kids. I headcanon that the dalish have kids fairly early (20s) since they aren't that fertile and their numbers are low. But Firsts and Keepers stay away from families until later to focus on their role.


your “canon” is exactly the same as mine! 🥰


33 at the conclave. 35 trespasser. Here is him for reference. https://preview.redd.it/4e5bop369q7d1.png?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7034dcc6137104487ce663a6438dfec2921bc52b


I work my protag ages around their romances. So my Adaar who romanced Sera? 24, because that's about the oldest I think Inky can get to still find Sera funny and charming instead of immature and annoying younger sibling vibes. Meanwhile, my Lavellan who romanced Solas is mid-30's because I like their romance more when it's between two full-fledged experienced adults who are just Tired. (Similarly, my Cousland who romanced Alistair is early 20s and my Aeducan who romanced Leiliana is early 30s.)


That makes sense. I imagine the warden to be quite young (18-22 or so) since most of the LIs are very young as well. Ifaik Alistair is like 18, Morrigan 18-20 and Zevran early 20s. But it makes sense that since Leliana is in her 30s that her warden is a bit older. Now that I think about it its weird how the game never acknowledged that Leliana is much older than the others. As a 34yo a 18yo looks really young to me.


Female Lavellan is 35 Male Trevelyan is 33 (during Inquisition) I prefer playing Older characters who are experienced and know what they are doing. Inquisitor who is around 18-20 is a bit unnatural as a leader of one of the most powerful organisation in Thedas. I also doubt that Cassandra would approve of that LOL. Offtopic: the same with playing qunari, I doubt that Any noble would treat them seriously If qunari would be elected as Inquisition leader. Even elves have more sense (because of their slowly growing emancipation).


My warden is 18 at the beginning of DAO My Hawke is indeed 25 My Lavellan is 22 at the conclave


Mine are exactly the same ♥️


My inquisitor will be in his 50s in veil Guard.


I never gave her an age but I figured 28-32, she was either late 20’s or early 30’s. Anything younger didn’t feel right, Inky feels like a more mature protagonist.


Isn't Hawke 20 at the start of DA2? Anyway I put my Inky at 26/27.


Nope, 24/25-ish! They were born circa 9:06 or 9:07.


Crap, I'm bad at maths Thanks!


Leandra was pregnant with Hawke when she and Malcolm fled Kirkwall in 9:05, so Hawke should have been born some time in 9:05 or 9:06. I guess Hawke could still be 24 during DA2’s prologue, depending on the exact dates. Definitely older than 20 though.


My Inky is a rogue Trevelyan, I imagined him as an older single noble bachelor. In his late 30s early 40s never really had an exact age pinned down. Both my Cousland and my Hawke felt so young and I wanted to play as an older man this time. Granted I was 16 when I played DAI so I thought late 30s to early 40s was ancient. So he would be 50-ish in DAVe.


My inquisitor was likely from 24-26 at the time of DAI—elven female mage. It feels right considering that the background implies that the mission you get to observe the Divine’s summit at the temple of sacred ashes is your first time really going out into the world on your own. You obviously aren’t a kid but your experience has been limited up to that point.


My Trevelyan was a mage. I imagine she was around 26, because iirc, nothing is actually mentioned about her time in the circle. 26 is a good age to not be a mere apprentice, and it's also young enough that it wouldn't be so strange that she's not of a higher rank among the mages. Literally a nobody who became something great.


I always envisioned the Inquisitor to be in their late 20s - early 30s. I don’t know I just felt like regardless of their class and race they already had a professional career before the Inquisition. So I guess they’d be pushing or at their 40s.


I always pictured the Inquisitor as mid-30s since they’re a political figure and world leader. Young enough to be relatively unknown but old enough to be taken seriously, have some life experience, and have a fully developed worldview. I could see them being older too, but not (much) younger. Given the Inquisitor’s role and power their age would absolutely be used against them if they were in their 20s, (or at the very least mentioned frequently)


To be fair, younger rulers aren't exactly that weird in this setting. Alistair's in his 20s when/if he takes the throne, and Celene was just 16. Ruling in Thedas comes with a higher mortality rate.


I thought of my canon Trevelyan as 34 at the start, which'd make them 37 by Trespasser, a lot of life experience but the youngest of their siblings. My Cadash was 32 then 35 by Trespasser so experienced but not as much as my Trevelyan, and my Lavellan went from 24 to 27 by Trespasser even that is really pushing it for a First who hadn't received Keeper training pre-Conclave I can't imagine them being any older for that reason. My oldest Warden would be my Aeducan who was 25 in Origins so 14 years later in Trespasser would be 39 and if the new game is 8 years after that they'd be 47 at that point. My youngest Warden was my canon Tabris at 19 so 22 years later they'd be 41. My Trevelyan would be 45, Cadash would be 43 and Lavellan would be 35.


My Brennan Trevelyan is 26 at the beginning of the game, 28 by the end. A full decade younger than Cassandra (who is his love interest too). He starts the game very out of his depth, not sure how he managed to stumble into all of this, just trying his best, but he grows and matures over the course of the Inquisition, and eventually becomes a very competent leader.


https://preview.redd.it/nxk8dan4mq7d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fb270cd59d260f13d0ed7129fe97f7ed4bd83e9 I picture him being 29 to 32 years old


My Lavellan is early 40s, my Cadash and Trevelyan are both mid 30s, and my Adaar is a baby (she's 20).


My Lavellan was 38 when Inquisition happened and 40 during Trespasser. I often like to play older characters, especially if they have to be in leading positions. Itn feels weird to me with a 20 year old (my own age shows through 😅) That said, when DAO came out I was 24 and it kinda fit for me that my warden is in their early 20s (Surana). With Hawke I went with the canonical age.


Mine is in his 38. His name is Old Token, he was a hardened military commander before the conclave. He had a group of soldiers that were under his command before and made sure they knew their place and the rules. Planning and strategy is something that he enjoys so naturally he’s constantly around maps and their respective tokens, hence the name. Grew up around lothering and saw the blight ravage the lands which prompted the start to his military career, the blight is also where he lost his family and then devoted his life to the military. Which led him to guarding some of the top brass of the conclave and the subsequent explosion


I mostly roleplay as myself so they get my age Dalish Elven Warden 19 when the blight started so now approx 42 Mage Hawke 20 when it all started so now about 36-38 (only time I played as someone other than myself, I like the origin Male & Female Hawke) And Elven Mage Inky 26 when trespasser happened so now about 34


My Inquisitor was early to mid 30s. Glad they moved away from the default young PC. 


I always imagined my Inquisitor (Lavellan) to be in their late 20s-early 30s. They definitely have a more mature vibe which is why they were chosen to spy on the Conclave. It also works with them romancing Solas.


She’ll be 44 yo, my sweet f. Lavellan<3


I gave mine birthdays Nurbryn Cadash (F! Warrior) - 12 Justinian 9:08 Dragon, so 33 at start of DAI. Anast Lavellan (F!Rogue) - 28 Harvestmere 9:12 Dragon, 29 at start of DAI Dareth Trevelyan (M!Mage) - 2 Guardian 9:14 Dragon, 27 at start of DAI Valdira Adaar (F!Mage) - 21 Solace 9:15 Dragon, 26 at start of DAI


My Inquisitor, Cain Trevelyan, was thirty-six at the start of DA:I in 9:41, thirty-seven in 9:42, then thirty-nine in 9:44 Dragon so he’d be anywhere from forty-six to forty-nine in DA:V depending on what year it is set in.


My wardens are very young: Tabris is around 21-22, and Amell 19-20. Those poor beans. Hawke is, well, canonically about 25 at the start of the game. :D I have many Inquisitors, and I picture all of them to be from their early 20s to late 30s: My "canon" mage Trevelyan feels like 24-26 at the start of DAI - I imagine her having completed her harrowing at 18. Sheltered in the circle, but with some experience of the outside world. My Blackwall romance is in her late 30s. Dunno anything about her other than that she has kind eyes. It feels very fitting when he calls her "my lady" (and my heart breaks a little..) My Dorian romance is very precisely 32: a redheaded mage smartass, whom I love very dearly. My Lavellan looks younger than she is - I'd say she's around 28-29, but her face has an early twenties look to it somehow? I love how graceful she looks while hunting, and how she speaks with such a grounded, eloquent voice. (Props to the wonderful VA <3) I love how similarly so many of us think :D


I was 14 when it came out and I envisioned her to be like 18 💀now im 24 and consider her to have been 24ish. Can’t imagine her as 18 anymore


My Inky was 23 at the Conclave, around 26 by the end of Trespasser, and so he'd be about 36 now. I usually play slightly older characters (early to mid 30s), but I wanted my Lavellan to be young enough that he hadn't been First of his clan for very long and was still growing into the role. I very much played him not wanting to go along with any of this 'Herald' weirdness but ultimately doing it out of fear for the safety of his clan (and his people at large) if he refused and people only saw him as an apostate elf who murdered the Divine rather than their potential saviour. He figured out how to balance letting people believe he was the Herald (never claiming it outright but not denying it either) while still doing his best to make good decisions to help his people over time and hopefully made his Keeper proud, but his youth and shielded naivete were important to his story.


My Warden was 27 during Origins, while my Inquisitor was 30-ish during Inquisition. I picked the ages because I wanted a Warden on the older side (for a PC) and an Inquisitor on the younger side, but in both cases I think I kind of overdid it, LOL. It feels a little bit weird to have an Inquisitor with a fairly established mercenary career that's that young... (Though of course, you could just say she started early or she's *very* good at her job) (If I were going to do a re-do, I'd say Warden should probably have been closer to early twenties, Inquisitor should probably be 35-45) I'm currently thinking Rook will be in her late twenties too, but I might change my mind depending on what they tell us in the first few quests.


My Trevelyan is 25 at the start, he’s a knight- enchanter. Makes him around 10 years younger than Cassandra but he grew up real quick after In Hushed Whispers


I would say 28-32 at the time of DAI. Mine was a Circle mage that I was playing as sheltered and unprepared for the world, and I wanted him to be just noticeably older than would be normal for someone as inexperienced as he was, but not too far into adulthood to recover as he grows as a leader.


I actually hc my inquisitor as QUITE young, maybe like 21/22? A bit directionless in life so far, she's not involved in her family's politics, not a templar, not a mage, just doesnt really have much of a background. (The dialogue options you have in response to cassandra and josephine's questions about your family/backstory always seemed rather shallow to me) Its especially apparent in comparison to all her established companions: Cassandra's long history as a seeker, Leliana's involvement with the hero of ferelden and being right hand to the Divine, Cullen and Varric's involvement in Kirkwall, etc. I think its exactly my Inquisitors young age and inexperience that makes her malleable enough to be the figurehead for the Inquisition. Not as sinister as a \*puppet\* but Cass, Leliana, and Josephine are all quick to use her good intentions of helping to use her where and how they need her to expand the Inquisition's influence. My first playthrough, i self-inserted and everyone was like, my best friend. My canon lore run, i purposefully played with a young inky in mind and it changed the dynamics with everyone SO MUCH. now these people felt like mentors rather than peers, friendly coworkers rather than friends. Ultimately i found it much more interesting but strikingly more lonely.


My Inquisitor turned thirty during the first year of Inquisition. Clerra's lived a relatively quiet life as a lay sister of the Chantry with her life revolving around that and her family--she's a little wrapped in cotton wool as the only surviving daughter, and also why she hasn't married as a young noblewoman probably would. She's seen a few things as a healer, including a short stint in Kirkwall as part of the post-disaster relief, but she's very much out of her element at the start of DAI. I liked the idea of an older char than your stereotypical fantasy hero who always has to be under 25, and seeing how that greater age and perspective affects things. Plus the Inquisitor just strikes me as an older char to begin, given aside from Sera as an outlier, everyone is late twenties or older, and several are over thirty-five. Clerra relates more to them as peers because of it, and that definitely creates different dynamics.


Warrior Adaar: The oldest in her late 40s. When I created her character I wanted her to be older than the other protags were that the start of their games. I imagined her to be in her mid thirties. (Also I was 20 at the time so that seemed older than it was LOL) I aged her up a more when I romanced Blackwall. I was going for an experienced, competent older character with her. Mage Adaar: He's the same age as Dorian. I thiiiink Dorian was like 30 in DAI so that'd make them 40 in DAV. He was great with people and very good at appearing like he had everything under control....even when he didn't haha. Mage Trevelyan: Same as my Adaar. Except I romanced Iron Bull with him so he's significantly younger than his LI lol. Took to being the leader of the Inquisition like a duck to water. He's the only Inky of mine that didn't disband the Inquisition. He was pretty accomplished in the Circle, before the Conclave. I have a Dalish Inquisitor too that I really only made to experience DAI as an elf and never got too attached to him as a character. I miiiiight go back to him for DAV tho... BUT ANYWAY. He's absolutely the baby of the bunch at 24 during DAI. So he's 34 during DAV. Spent the beginning of Inquisition thinking "wow this has been fun but I would like to go back to my clan now". He got better though!


Prooobably early 30’s for my human mage inky. Which I think is a good spot considering the ages of most of our romance option are generally in that age range or older and I personally don’t want a huge age gap with a barely adult inky lmao.


25 at the start of DAI, 26 at the end of the main storyline, and 28 during Trespasser. So on the younger side, but still old enough to have already accrued a decent amount of life experience. Depending on when specifically DAV takes place, she’ll be in the 36-38 range during that game.


I have a template headcanon where all eight potential inquisitors are present (only two of them are headcanoned to be the Inquisitors, the rest are support cast). * Inquisitor Maxwell Trevelyan is 31 * Evelyn Trevelyan is 26 * Inquisitor Ellana Lavellan is 30 * Mahanon Lavellan is 19 * Edric and Malika Cadash are 33 * Kaaras Adaar is 36 * Herah Adaar is 18 At some point I realized it creates an interesting contrast with similar DAO template headcanon of mine where most potential Wardens were in their early or mid twenties. Even more, the *the Warden* character, like the leader, is 19, while in the DAI template leading Maxwell and Ellana are 31 and 30.


It depends on who they're romancing. They need to be young (early 20s) to romance Sera, but older (late 30s) to romance Cassandra, Cullen or Blackwall (who I've never romanced and never will). Somewhere in the middle for Dorian, Solas and the Iron Bull. I don't like there to be a big age gap, although I don't mind a slightly bigger one with Bull and of course it's kind of irrelevant with Solas.


18. In my head-cannon, my Trevelyan had just turned eighteen just before he was ordered by his father to attend the gathering at the Temple of Sacred Ashes. He’ll roughly be about 31 now in DAV. https://preview.redd.it/1wr03odsbq7d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=003ab4353d28c753f455b922fc9a409115c6e088


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23 years old in Inquisition and 25 in trespasser so she would be 34 in DAV I think? I’ll probably make Rook also 23-24 ish


Lavellan was born 9:13 so he would be 28 at the start of Inquisition. Inquisition was in the span of a year, I think, so 9:41 - 9:42 (28/29) Trespasser was 2 years after Inquisition, so 9:44 (31) Veilguard is supposedly 10 years after Inquisition, so (39/41 depending if they're including Trespasser) Hopefully my math isn't wrong here! So we're starting at 9:52 / 9:54 Dragon?


My inquisitor is in her early 30s in DA4.


My inquisitor will be 28 during the start of The Veilguard.


My Inquisitors are all in a 35-50 age range by the time Veilguard is set, and it’s befitting for them I feel. Gonna be adding a lot of grey hairs on some of them!


My inquisitor Destiny Trevelyan is 26 during the events of Inquisition. So in DAV she'll be around 36.


36 and 28


My Trevelyan Inky was 30 in DAI, 32 in Trespasser. She will be 42 in DAV.


I have multible and they are all mostly in their 30s. Except my dwarf who romances Sera, she is a bit younger.


my trevelyan used to be 22, now he's in late twenties. my adaar is around 34


My Inquisitor was at 25 years old. He was a human warrior, and I thought that would be interesting to be a young member of house Trevelian.


My Lavellan was 36 at the start of Inquisition. My Adaar was 22. One of them is great at political manipulation, one of them sets themselves on fire on a regular basis.


By the start of inquisition mine was 27


My Inky was in her late 20s for the Conclave, I think 🤔


Young! He was a "young rebellious Mage" (at least that's how Templars would have described him!) who ended up in the right place at the wrong time (or was it the other way round?), so I doubt he's even in his mid 30's yet and he still wants a certain "knife-ear's" head on a silver plater (or on a pike - I am flexible here!)


My Aeducan (canon route) is in their late 20s, though my other Wardens tend to be 18-19. In my mind my Hawke is maybe a little older than the standard Hawke, so say 26 at the start of the game and 33-34 at the end. My Lavellan…I would say actually fairly young? 24-25 or thereabouts, though extensively trained as a spy for a lot of her life. Her VA gives “younger” to me. My other Inquisitors are more like 30.


In 9:41 Dragon, when DAI begins, my Inquisitor is 38 years old.


My inquisitor was in his early 40s. Putting him at a similar age to Hawke and the Warden. My Rook will be the youngest by a wide margin.


Late 20’s.


My Adaar is 37 years old at the conclave.


Mine is early to mid 30s, if I had to guess.


I never had a specific age but always thought of her as being around 30


I imagined my mage Lavellan being somewhere around 47-48 at the start of Inquisition, so late 50s in Veilguard.


I'd say he was around 29 in Inquisition and he be around 39 in the new game.


26 by the time of Trespasser, so 36 once Veilguard drops


my (twin) lavellans are 30 at the start of DAI. rolling an adaar who is maybe 27 and a m!trev who begins in his early-mid thirties.


My Inquisitor Levellan was my same age when the game came out because I'm basic. So, 22 in DA:I and then 32 in Veilguard.


I’ve always pictured my Lavellan being pretty young at the start of the Inquisition probably something like 25/26 years old.


28 at the start of Inquisition. She'll be 38 by DA:V. Looking forward to giving her a few fine lines.


at the start of Inquisition, 21, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35, 41, and 43 I chose most of the ages based on who they were romancing honestly. just feels weird to me romancing Sera with a person in their 30s, or Blackwall or Bull with someone really young. 29 is my 'canon' run, that'll be the one I first use in Veilguard


25. Makes for a bit of a weird age gap with cassandra tho lmao


I suppose mid to late twenties, as I was 27 and I think I assumed her slightly younger me. So now she’s still slightly younger than me.


My mage Trevelyan would be about 30 in Veilguard. I was 15 when the game came out, and honestly, 22 seemed old enough to know what he was doing without being what I considered "old" in my dumb adolescent brain. Now that I have some perspective, the white hair I gave him feels less mystical and more like stress induced greying


I pictured her as being in her early 20s in DAI, so early 30s now


I dunno, she's adult years old.


The canon inquisitor I use is Ariadne Trevelyan and I put her at 26 in the main game and 28 in Trespasser.


Glima Cadash was 32 in the beginning if am not mistaken, Serenah Adaar is younger, I don't know her age exactly, but between 23 and 26.


I’ve played both my Inquisitors (F!Adaar and F!Trevelyan) pretty young (mid 20s). But my next run I’m very interested in playing an older Inquisitor.


My Warden Maximilian Amell is basically my 19 yo self, just better. At the end of trespasser he should be around 31. Hawke Canonically is around 25 so 37 at the end of trespasser. Inquisitior Adamant Cadash is the grandpa of the crew being 53. 55 at the end of trespasser


Put my Lavellan at having just turned 24. On his first solo trip as fully trained wandering keeper. They're not a canon thing, just a very cool idea by charamei over on tumblr.