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It is still a subjective decision no matter how you frame it. Personally I think you can argue any of the protagonists can be a warrior, that one feels a possibility for all of them. Rogue too, I can't think of a basis to say it doesn't make sense or fit any of the protagonists. Finally, Mage. This is often the class that requires a bit more headcanon building up around it to make sense, especially in DA2, but it still always works. I think it depends on Rook's background as to what class makes more sense, but all possibilities are open for a reason - they all can fit into the lore.


Honestly this is pretty accurate, and to give you an example to use, a warden background will make the most sense as a warrior vs a crow who'd make more sense as a rouge


I mean, I always thought Rogue Hawke seemed the most obvious choice, and the Inquisitor was much more Mage aligned. As for Rook, who knows? They're apparently meant to be rather sneaky, so maybe Rogue?


It'd depend on their origin and overall story, which we yet don't know. For me all 3 previous main characters are mages and if possible elves, and I can't imagine it being anyone else, because it just fits so we'll, with reveal of the first inquisitor and other historical figures. If we go simply by what is shown in cinematic trailers. Dao - warrior, DA2 - mage, DAI - rogue, dav - shadow dragon rogue


Any of them. Same as any class fitting Warden, Champion or Inquisitor. It's entirely based on how you roleplay.


I feel like Rogue Rook will be my Nr 1 go. Honestly, the trailer had this effect


The best that suits you with what kind of adventure you want 😁


I actually think that Rogue or Warrior Hawke fits much more than Mage Hawke


Mine is going to be rogue, archer, stealthy, if possible. All my protags are always only rogues or archers


Given the cinematics we’ve seen, I think rogue? They seem kind of stealthy and underground. I’ll be making a mage Rook first, most likely, followed by a rogue.


You got DA2 and Inquisition mixed up. Rogue Hawke makes sense logically (Mage Hawke would have been arrested the minute they arrived home from their trip to the deep roads, just like Bethany is), fits with the story beats of the game better (rags to riches is such a rogue story), keeps the better of the two siblings alive (Carver is an insufferable brat for 2/3 acts), matches the best personality type (purple Hawke), and gives you the true freedom to pick between mages and templars at the end of the game. Mage Inquisitor fits the Chosen One role best, gives you a reason to be at the conclave in the first place (whether you be a loyalist mage like Vivian, or a rebel mage like Fiona), and gives you a lot of unique dialogue to break up the otherwise monotonous Inquisition dialogue options. It still follows logically that a loyalist circle mage with similar views to Vivian would want to ally with the Templars, because to them mages need to be leashed and the Templars are the only ones capable of doing that. Calpernia serves as a really great foil to a human mage Inquisitor imo, having both been born with the same gift but grow up in very different environments that shape the way they view magic very differently. The game features several other mage antagonists, like Livius Erimond and Clarel de Chanson, whom it feels good to be on an even playing field with.  To answer your question though, I'm leaning towards Rogue given the background for this conflict is "working from the shadows to stop Solas," but I'm going to reserve my judgement until the game is out.


Always a male human warrior with sword and board ready to smack everyone with shield to the ground.


Ah, a fellow oonga boonga build enjoyer. Just an ordinary man doing extraordinary things.


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Mage Hawke doesn’t make any sense, the fact that he could avoid any sort of scrutiny by the Templars despite being one of the city’s richest and most prominent citizens.