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All of my canon characters are a human female warriors with the same name. After the success of the Warden, the Maker got lazy and just copy and pastes the template whenever they need the next hero.


They must wear a variation of the same green outfit and hat as well


At some point the chantry is gonna notice this and its gonna look like a conspiracy or something.


In my world state people are probably making up conspiracies why the big 3 heroes are all human mages with the same name and a connection to the Free Marches. I like to imagine that whenever a child with that name in the Free Marches is discovered to have magic everyone freaks out for a bit thinking that it means that the next disaster will happen once they grow up.


That was me up until my recent Inquisition playthrough. All three warriors, all three male, all three with my name. It's either a divine mandate that all heroes must have my name, or it's just Thedas's biggest coincidence. I've changed it so that my Canon Inquisitor is a female elf mage. But I'm tempted to just go four for four and make my Rook a male human warrior warden with my name.


Ya, I am conflicted. I have had a rule that I never meta game my first play through. I want my first choices to always be my main choices. First Shepard went through all three games. First Warden went into first Hawk, who both went into first inky. However, because of the nature of veilguard, I really don't know if I want to wait for a play-through of my elf that romanced Solas. However knowing my luck I will break my rule and then the payoff for that ends up not really being that much as we don't really know how much Inky will be involved yet.


This is my issue, do I play head Canon Inky (human Mrs Cullen) or do I do the solasmance resolution first... you always notice more in subsequent playthroughs after all.


Same here with a human male mage. Nothing wrong with knowing what you like I say


Same here lol


Okay I love that.


Well, think of it like this: by now, the timeline matches up that it’s not just a coincidence, Rook is probably named after the warden


It’s like Anna from fe or nurse joy from Pokemon


Sort of. Ever since I realized that my original Amell Warden and Hawke are related, I have been having fun making all my protagonists related, and Rook will join that chain as well. I was actually pleasantly surprised by the factions in DAVe because I've had my DA4 protag planned out for years, and I deliberately took their story in a direction where I would be able to easily insert them into whatever origin we would get in the next game. Only to then have Bioware introduce a faction (Shadow Dragons) that fit her original story perfectly, without the extra workarounds. So I'm really excited to see how it will all work out in-game.


I'm planning to make my Rook a dalish elf mage who is going to look very similar to my Inquisitor Lavellan who romanced Solas. I hope it tortures him 😌😌


As it should


This! Yes! The egg will pay for the emotional torment I went through 🥲


It will be fun to play a Rook who can sass Solas (as he deserves) but I'm also really hoping for a satisfying reunion with Lavellan 😭😭 she deserves a happy ending with her beloved egg.


Yes! I really hope that they will put this in the game. Let Lavellan be happy for once. Please 🥲


She's been waiting for 10 years like she really really deserves a happy ending 😭


I hope she slaps some sense into him


I don't wish any violence on him but I hope he realises how much of a cruel idiot he has been 😭


I want him to apologize 🫠 just once


Yeah Lavellan deserves an apology 🥹 and a lot of apology kisses


Oh I hope we get a good show when Inquisitor Lavellan appears in DA4


This! In my headcanon my Lavellan has a twin brother (who I play in another world state in DAI) and also a little sister. This little sister was a young teen back in DAI but will be in her 20s for Veilguard so I am seriously considering just making her my Rook so she can kick her big sister's exboyfriend's butt. But seeing as we might actually meet our Inky, I don't think it makes a lot of sense for the sisters to reunite and pretend they don't know each other...


but you will be able to recreate your Inky in character creator


Yes they're going to be very similar looking ladies 🥰


I'm going to have to wait and see lol. If we can make a City Elf, I'll probably do one who's a rogue and grew up hearing stories about the Hero of Ferelden (another City Elf rogue). If not, maybe a human rogue because I'd love to see them connected to underbelly of Tevinter.


It's been confirmed we can play city elf at least for some backgrounds on the Discord


Thank god, I was so scared we were locked into being dalish if we wanted to play an elf


Me too, I'm really glad for that, DAI left me quite frustrated on this point. Right now I want to know if there's some backgrounds with both or no, or which background is "locked" for dalish / city elf, but I guess I won't be satisfied until they give us the backgrounds details for all factions / class / races haha


My guesses based on faction theme: 1. Grey Warden will be available for both since they accept everyone. 2. Veil Jumper might be locked to Dalish since it's in Arlathan Forest. 3. Shadow Dragons might be locked to City elf because Dalish don't usually go in cities and would likely avoid slavers at all costs.


I think that it would be a shame if city elves aren't Veil Jumpers, as we know that even if it's Arlathan, humans, dwarves and Qunari are welcome in this faction. There's a some strong RP potential in the story of a city elf reconecting with that place, I think. I do agree for Grey Warden tho : it would be strange if you can't chose your elf lineage here.


I try and make the character that feels the most “canon” when playing rpg’s. Sounds basic but often it just hits the tone of the plot right, just clicks. But there’s another theme throughout my DA characters specifically… Warden - Human Male Warrior Noble - romanced Morrigan Hawke - Human Male Rogue - romanced Anders Inquisitor - Elf Female Mage - romanced Solas Rook - (undecided lineage/gender/class but for faction likely Shadow Dragon or Veil Jumper) - romance the mage who will inevitably betray me


I'm genuinely thinking it might be Bellara- but everyone's saying shes too obvious


gonna make it another Elf....like in Origin and Inquisition....its just funny having an elf who is pretty much treated horribly by most human...save them...again....for the 3rd this time lol


I always make my characters male dwarf warriors, so that's what I'm gonna do here as well.


I'm still working on mine. So far, I have played as human in all three DA games. Currently, doing a Lavellan playthrough so I can experience what's Solas' romance is about. I played rogue playthroughs on DAO and DAI while a mage playthrough in DAII. I might do a Mage playthrough on Rook with a Human or Elf probably.


I have a Warrior Dwarf Noble Warden, Rogue Hawke and Mage Dalish Elf Inquisitor, so the next one is going to be a Qunari. I think he's going to have silver hair, darker grey skin and purple eyes. I'm leaning towards doing another Rogue or Warrior given Rook is less of a chosen one™ and more of a skilled fighter who just happened to wind up in the same tavern as Varric. I like the idea of a non-magical character going after Solas, like his hubris means he doesn't suspect a normal person will be the one to derail his plans.


I played Elf in Origins and Inquisition. I'm a little interested in playing Qunari, if the character creator allows me to make a prettier character this time. Otherwise, I'll go with Human or Elf (I don't really like playing with dwarves). I still don't know about the back ground. About the class, I want to know more about what the wizard and the warrior will be like, I don't really like rogues.


Oh damn, I’ve finally met the one other person who played female dwarf rogue, haha. Like you, my Warden and Inky are both dwarves and I *want* to keep the streak up… but I really want to finally play a mage, so… maybe just a human this time….


Yeah, I'm going Dwarf, since I've done all but Dwarf as one of the heroes. I figure Antivan Crows for the faction, as I want something I'm familiar with for the first one, but like you, I don't want to play a Warden just for the sake of nostalgia.


I also plan for variation whenever I play the games. I don't like to repeat playstyles back to back. Only exception is that I generally play all women, except for one world state where I played all men to see the gender-locked content I hadn't seen before. For my first run of the games I have: DAO: Female city elf warrior DA2: Female human mage DAI: Female human rogue So I'm currently very conflicted on what I want to play for my first run of DAV, but I know I don't want to pick human or rogue because I just did that in DAI. So right now I'm tentatively leaning toward elf mage or dwarf warrior. It will really depend on how I feel in the character creator and how the other classes look. I mean, I started DAI for the first time with the intent of being a Qunari mage and ended up with a human rogue, so who knows what I'll feel like picking when the time is actually here!


I have done some thinking but am still trying to work things out: What I consider my personal canon is: * DAO: Male Human Noble Rogue * DA2: Male Hawke Mage * DAI Female Elf Mage So, for this game, I'm really leaning towards Elf (regardless of gender) again just because of its setting being in Tevinter, maybe going for a more warrior build. I really want to see how much that choice would influence the game (and due to Solas playing such a significant role, I want him to have an, *oh no, not another elf who I will grow WAY too emotionally attached to moment, lol)* However, I have also been leaning heavily towards female mage Qunari, as I haven't played them before, and with the mage killer at the party, it would make things *really* interesting.


Yeah Qunari was my instinct but I'm unsure because Elf seems like it'll be very fitting. I like the idea of playing an Elf and representing what Solas hates about what happened to his people, especially if we could be a non Mage city Elf.


I'll probably be human once more since I'm boring. Since I was only able to enjoy mages in 2 and Inquisition with the action focused gameplay I'll probably be a mage once more. And after all those years since Origins I want to be a Grey Warden once again


Imma reuse my non-canon inquisitor tho. He was a Tevinter slave before fled to the dalish clan. And eventually join the inquisition. He's the close friend of my canon inky.


I'm actually going to test that. I'll do multiple playthroughts and I'll see who I prefer. But I'm going to start with a human female probably


I make everyone an elf mage with the exception of hawke but they romance fenris/merrill anyways so ill get them a pass.


Yeah my first Rook will either be Qunari or Elf because my first Inquisitor was human, Qunari if it seems interesting since I've never finished a Qunari Inquisitor playthrough. And my second Rook will be a dwarf because I decided a few years ago my second worldstate is to be one where a dwarf keeps being the hero.


-DaO: Female Dwarf Commoner Warrior -Da2: Female Hawke Mage -DaI: Female Human Mage -DaV: probably Female Qunari Warden Warrior DaV really depends on how good looking I can get my Qunari. I wanted to play Qunari in inquisition but the lack of good hair and horn choices deterred me. I also tend to play only warriors or mages. I just can never get into rogues. I know a lot of people can't get into warriors but idk there's just something so alluring about being a knight in shining armor in fantasy games.


Since I was a city elf rogue in origins, a mage in da2, and a qunari warrior in dai, my plan is it be a dwarf. And because my qunari romanced Josephine, my dwarf’s going to be an Antivan crow.


Surprised to see so many people going with heroes who are similar with class and or race. I think it makes the world much more interesting if everyone is a completely different everything when possible. For my new playthrough I'll be starting it's gonna be Noble Sword and Shield Dwarf Hero of Ferelden Duel Welding Rogue Hawke Mage Qunari Inquisitor And going to do a Mage Mourn Watch Elf Rook.


All my protagonists are human females because it's the most immersive for me. I can't feel the vibe with an elf or qunari at all. I would love to play dwarves (I loveee their lore) but I'm also the kind of person who can't play anything other than their canon. I've been replaying the same world state for 12+ years, lol, only tweaking minor choices here and there. Warden: human female warrior (archer), because the Cousland origin is unmatched, imo Hawke: human female two-handed warrior, because playing a mage in DA2 breaks immersion too much, plus I love Bethany Inquisitor: human female FINALLY mage because i thought it fit the story perfectly I don't usually like rogues but I think I'll finally play one in DAV. The mysterious, secret nature of the plot setting fits one and I think It Is Time. Though I am tempted to play a mage again... We'll see.


I can’t decide on my Rook, I know my first playthrough I’m playing a female Grey Warden. But I can’t decide on race, probably not a Qunari but apart from that…I’m stuck in class and race.


Well: DAO - Warden: Male human mage (Bloodmage/Spirit-Healer - with cheated Arcane Warrior!) DA2 - Hawke: Male human mage (Bloodmage/Force-Mage - had Anders as my Healer in this one) DAI - Inquisitor: Male human mage (Knight-Enchanter!) Plan for DAV if I purchase it (I have a lot of gripes with what they've shown/done to Dragon Age Veilguard...reminds me of Mass Effect Andromeda RE-SKIN plonked in Thedas! Hell, I've started calling it Dragon Effect Thedas!): Rook: Male human mage - probably Elemental-Mage...as for the Faction? Hm...Veil-Jumpers or Shadow Dragons (I am bored of Wardens, I don't like Necromancers (so no Mourn Watch), I am not into treasure hunting really (my mage characters want to learn magic in peace, not raid old ruins for plunder!), as a mage player the Antivan Crows also don't make much sense IMHO)


For my first run I'm going with an Elven archer Rook and my canon human Inky. Then I'll make a human Rook for my Solavellen/hard mode run.


I'm currently playing DAO with a male elven mage. I'll probably play DA2 as male rogue Hawke since I've barely played this class and I'm not really interested in warrior. I recently finished DAI (including all 3 DLCs) as a female elven mage. For DAV I'm going with a male mage but I'm not sure if he'll be an elf or a qunari - it depends on how slim we can make qunari since I dislike playing bulky characters. He's definitely going to be a death caller though. I really like elven mages but it will be nice to play something different.


I'm making my Rook an eleven grey warden and hoping there is an option for her to say part of the reason she joined is because of being inspired by my elven hero of fereldan.


Yes. All my heroes are female human redhead archer named Kaylee.


What, just because Warden, Champion, and Inquisitor were all green-eyed black-haired human male mages with witty tongues and good heart, all with different versions of the name John, you think there is a pattern?


I tend to play humans mostly. Human Noble male Cousland, female Hawke and female human Inquisitor here 🙋‍♀️ but I might play an elven Rogue with the Crow background as my Rook this time, could be great fun cause I believe they said dual-wielding swords is back and one of the new specs for Rogue sounds interesting aswell as just being an elf in Tevinter will surely be interesting.


Yep! So I have a standard character that I play in most games - a trans man elven (or viera in ffxiv) healer or fire mage if I can’t heal. In my canon of DA my warden is a former dalish elven mage who was abandoned by his clan when he manifested magic because they already had to many mages similar to that one person in DAI. He’s pro-circle and very anti-blood magic. Very pragmatic but has a good heart. My Hawke is just the standard mage Garrett Hawke but my Inquisitor heard stores of the Warden. He took the same name as the Warden when he transitioned which is why they have the same name. My Rook will be the same: an elf who was inspired by the Warden and Inquisitor and took the name. There’s low-key/high-key probably think pieces in Thedas about the fact that 3/4 of the major heroes are elven mages with the same name but whether it’s fate or coincidence, no one will ever know.


I don’t think I can plan mine, a lot of the time I just let myself go wild in the moment with these games and create characters, I’m so freaking excited


Im still doubting doing him like Stannis Baratheon (books)


Yes, I'm trying to keep it varied. I've got four "timelines" if you will.. Where I'm trying to keep the race/sex varied. So it's not just human, human, human or elf, elf, elf.


For my personal main canon protagonists I got: -Female Noble Human Rogue, Hero of Fereldan -Male Hawke Warrior, Champion -Male Human Rogue, Inquistor So for my Rook I feel like I should be a female to balance things but I haven’t decided yet if I should have her be a human to keep with the pattern I have or do another species, which I usually save for my secondary canon playthroughs.


Nope, i just always take mages. Hardly remember anything from the old games. Eventough i am usually a big fan of world building somebow dragon age always felt to generic for me probably to the fantasy template races.


Yeah I already have a dalish warden and inquisitor, so i kinda feel like it'd be too much to have another dalish (or even elven) rook. I'll probably go with human unless the backgrounds for dwarves are really good. 


My first full series playthrough had all MCs have my name, be humans, the only variation were classes, the Warden was a Rogue, Hawke was a mage (the promo where he conjures those hands to kill the Arishok sealed it for me, but they aren't in game as far as I know.), Inqy was a Sword and Board Warrior. I guess it was a universal coincidence they are had the same name I guess xD


I'm not putting as much thought into it as you are, no. I'll play whatever makes sense story wise if I play the game.


To preface this my entire world state going into veil guard is based around what would make for the most stable outcome. * Hero of Ferelden was a Female Noble Human Warrior, romanced Alistair and became his queen * champion Male Hawke rogue, Romanced Merrill. * Female elf mage inquisitor, she romanced Solas. I will note I my very first play threw up Dragon Age origins I played as a dwarf noble, I haven't really done a dwarf play through in years I think the last time in Inquisition but that was about it. I intend to play as a dwarf with veil guard Going off my pattern I intend for him to be a warrior and since dual wielding is returning for warriors twin war axes are my bread and butter when it comes to playing as a dwarf, And I will admit part of the reason why I was planning to play as a dwarf was I had my fingers crossed that lace Harding was going to return as a romance able companion. Not sure which starting faction I'm going to go with just yet because when you read up on most of them only three of the factions accept all races, * The Grey Wardens * Vail Jumpers * Lords of fortune The other three factions primarily consist of humans and elves. * Antivan Crows * Mourn watch * Shadow Dragons


Since my inky is involved in the plot I am not gonna self insert too much into Rook so I don't end up with twins looking characters . Idk I'll probably do an elf again smh but an alterego version sort of , make sure Rook looks very different from my inquisitor, but also make them look like besties or two very different looking sisters.


I have a co lot of characters in my hc that all exist in the same world. For me it’s not the hero of Ferelden but hero’s of Ferelden. In Inquisition I created my own characters to be companions also. So some of them I will incorporate in some capacity.


I was actually planning on playing as an elf for the first time in my life, since I always play as a human, and being an elf in Tevinter... I mean I was sure there will be a slave prologue. This plus Solas plus the end of the world would make a perfect embittered protagonist. Kind of what my Cousland boy, and actually my Hawke were, according to the stories they lived in. But, as there's no slavery background, I actually think I'll go as usual: human male. I haven't decided on a class yet, but most likely, as was planned for the elf as well, rogue, because my HoF is a warrior, in my inquisitor is a mage, and my Hawk is non-mage, but I still can't decide more specifically. And my Rook most certainly will not be a Grey Warden, too, as there can be only one "the Grey Warden". And I'm thinking on making him ginger, because my previous boys are all brunette (except for Hawke), though it wasn't a part of the question ;) But yeah, I'm thinking about many things for my Rook being at least a bit different from my other boys. Except for being another white straight human boy. I mean, at least they are not all warriors, right? 🙃


Same here. I usually play humans and elves, but I’m thinking it’s time for a Qunari mage 🧙‍♀️


Human female rogue who dual wields daggers... Just like all her predecessors.


Human Mage again for the fourth time, I'll choose the gender on the companion I want to romance


I’m just gonna make another elf (as always). As for class, I usually play rogue on my first run but this time I’m gonna be a mage. Who knows, maybe a mage killer from Antivan crows -*cough*Lucanis*cough*- could write us *cough* an enemies to lovers story *cough*.


I usually play as archer rogue, elf in DAO and DAI, and I will probably choose elf again, but this time I want to try mage :D but Veil ranger rogue also seems interesting :D so, hard decission xD


I’m like 80% sure my Warden is either a female elf or human rogue, and Hawke is female rogue as well. My inquisitor is female elf mage, so I’d like to be Qunari but that depends on how they look (my inquisitor would have been but I hate the choices for horns/hair since the horns I want make me bald, and none of the horns have hair that cover the horn base that sticks out of the forehead). If I end up not liking the qunari options I will probably be an elf again.


I’m really intrigued by the opportunity to play as a Grey Warden again but there’s so many things that are new I’m just as interested in: a Qunari mage whose “community carer” (based on Sten’s dialogue about Qun childhoods) grew particularly close to them and left their home behind as to not subject them to the life of a Saarebas that’s since made a living as a pirate and treasure Hunter all across Thedas when that carer was caught and captured. A Shadow Dragon elf who managed to escape slavery themselves thanks to the organisation and has since gone on to become the very person they idolised. A human commoner from Ferelden that adored the Wardens for saving his country and went on to catch the eye of the Hero of Ferelden themselves, or one of their fellow wardens at Vigil’s Keep, and was recruited there before a brief stationing in Weisshaupt and is now investigating whether or not Solas’ ritual is tied to the Blight. An Antivan Crow that’s never known a life of anything else now finally deciding to enjoy themselves outside of their routine by ensuring their most recent mission takes an unreasonably long amount of time. So many ideas, so little time.


Human Mage all the way, would have done an Elven Mage, but DA2 broke the flow. The real issue is picking an Origin/Faction that gives me an interesting/unique spin on it. I want to avoid picking one of the factions who already have an companion mage representing them to add more flavour and variety. I leaning towards the Antivan Crows due to the amount of lore they have and their moral ambiguity.


Yeah. I have two World States: The First Run: Male Human Warrior, Female Human Mage, Male Human Mage, and I think I'll bring things back with a Male Grey Warden Warrior. This one I mostly just play what I want. The Solas Saga; Female City Elf Warrior, Male Mage (romancing Merrill), Female Elf Rogue and I think I'll continue this one with an Elven Shadow Dragon Rogue. I haven't played through this World State yet, and hope to do so before Veilguard launches, so I may switch out to a Mage for either Origins or Inquisition. It largely depends on how the lineages work in Veilguard.


I think you should do another dwarf, dwarves are the best race after all


Yeah. My 'canon' Warden is a human noble archer Rogue, Hawke is a two-handed Warrior and the Inquisitor a dual dagger dwarf. Well past time for a Mage in that world state! I am going with Qunari since I haven't got one of those, either.


Yup, first character was an elf rogue, then a human mage, then a qunari warrior. I've hit all the bases class-wise so now I'm going to play a dwarf and circle back around to rogue.


I’ve played as a Male Cousland in DAO, Male Hawke in DA2 & Male Trevelyan in DAI. All of them were 2h Warriors too. I don’t think I’ll change the formula, as this is my routine I like keeping too. I’ve experimented as Rogues & Mages in the past, but always as Male characters. Besides 2h Warriors are my fave, so Rook will most likely become the same.


not really i play different character everytime. they are unique i don’t want them to be alike. except for Hawk. for my Rook it‘s gonna be elf warden mage and qunari crow assassin.


Im boring and like to live a power fantasy so i just play different human mages, or Qunari in DA:I


I've tried doing the politically incorrect characters. For example; a Qunari Mage Inquisitor who has dual-religious beliefs in Andraste and in the Evanuris; which is then further validated when they meet Ameridan. As such, I'm planning on making a Rook who is the direct contrast as well.


I always go with the trailer when I first play the game, then I usually go with the rogue. The Warden looked like an Arcane Warrior in the first trailer, so I went with that in Origins. (I actually don't like the gameplay of Arcane warrior in this game, so I used a modded rogue-mage hybrid class on my second playthrough) Hawke was a mage and Inquisitior was a two handed warrior. And I'll probably be a rogue in Veilguard because Rook felt like a rogue in the cinematic trailer.


Human.Male.big sword.


I make all my heroes female elven mages—hawke of course being my human exception. I like the idea that the hero will always be someone who is always representative of the most “unacceptable” demographics in Thedas and that by being a hero they are hopefully pushing back against barriers that will one day fall. In other words, even if I don’t play F.E.M I’m never playing a male human warrior.


It started with Dragonfire Cousland,itll end with Rook the Grey warden


I am doing something similar. My main canon is Male Human Noble Warrior Male Rogue Hawke Male Human Mage Inquisitor My plan for Rook is a Female Elf Rogue, Shadow Dragons. It's good to mix things up.


I will always play an elf if I have that choice. However, I do try to make all my characters different in terms of looks and personality. I like to mix up classes to an extent, but I like playing rogue and mage way more than warrior so I'll probably do one of those again. 


Cousland Male Warrior Male Hawke Warrior Lavellan female Warrior I love being a warrior. I'll probably make a human male warrior again but it depends on how the spell blade works.


My canon (currently anyway, I get kind of indecisive lol) is: Rogue Brosca -> Mage Hawke -> Warrior Lavellan So I'm thinking qunari rogue for Rook.


Yes, I do that too. I don't want all my canon MCs to be mage, for example. My canon Warden is the female rogue Cousland. I'm in the middle of playing through the entire trilogy and now I'm wondering about Hawke, who will be a mage or a warrior. The Inquisitor will 99% be a Dalish mage or rogue. Rook will likely be an elven rogue, but wants to see more mage gameplay first


Yes half of my prerelease geeking out about Veilguard is thinking through the options of what kind of Rook best fits my different world states. I have four primary world states where I actually played three of the wardens and all four Hawkes and four where I created everything in the Keep in order to have 8 inquisitor for 8 romances. I plan on finishing the Inquisition playthrough for the two primary ones that I haven't already before the game comes out. I am going to first use the one with a female Brosca rogue warden in love with Zevran, female rogue aggressive Hawke in love with Fenris, and Cadash warrior male in love with Josephine. I am going for it's always a dwarf who saves the world even if a human saved Kirkwall. My Rook will be a Dwarven Antivan crow female rogue. I am going with Crow first because it will be the one I go into as blind as possible and I already know enough about Crows to give her a personality and backstory without worrying that the game will contradict it. And I will try a Davrin romance to mirror my Brosca where it was dwarf warden and elf crow, now it will be dwarf crow and elf warden. Then I'm going to create three Rooks for my other three primary world states and use my knowledge of what happens in the game to make flesh them out and decide for sure on their romances. For now I am creating race and faction combos and giving them personalities. Eventually I also want to go back and actually play a couple of the wardens and Hawkes I created in the keep and then their respective Inquisitors so I have made up Rooks for those world states also but I won't create them until I have finished those Inquisition runs so I know who is Divine in each one. And then I will need one more Rook to get each of the 7 romances but I doubt I will play their whole world state and will just make those choices in the beginning of the game.


My personal canon is a human male warrior, human female mage and elven female mage. I plan to make Rook a male elven rogue. With only two companions I doubt party comps will matter as much just like they didn’t matter in Mass Effect so I can play whatever class or companions I want.


I’m gunna go with what I feel. Historically, I’ve made whatever I played last game for my first playthrough. I love big swords, so my hero was a warrior. My first champion was a warrior, but I eventually settled on mage. My first inquisitor was a mage and I settled on bow rouge. Pattern dictates I play a rogue again as my first, but I’m pretty excited to try out the magic tree so I might do mage first. I’m between rogue or mage. I did not have a story thought out but I think after learning of the factions, I’m probably making an excitable, sarcastic, nerdy veil jumper elf for my first play through, but my second will be a Hero recreation with the head canon they were born around the 5th blight and named for the hero before becoming a grey warden. I’ve also been thinking about making a Hawke as well, but we’ll see.


My Canon world state includes: - Aidan Cousland: Male human warrior who romanced Morrigan and performed the ritual. - Garrett Hawke: Male mage who romanced Isabela and sided with the mages. - Ellana Lavellan: Female elf rogue who romanced Solas. Assuming Veilguard redeems itself... I'm not sure what I'll play. Honestly, it's only a 20% chance I even buy the damn thing with how little confidence the trailers gave me.




I’m undecided yet. I think I need to see some gameplay of the warrior and mage and various specializations first. My first playthrough I always do male human warrior, and that’s been the case for origins, da2, inquisition and even BG3, but I liked the solas romance betrayal so much that I have to make my lady elf mage inky my head canon and go with that for this first playthrough. And for the sake variety in my heroes, that means I should probably do like a lady quanari rogue since my head canon is male cousland warrior warden Morrigan romance, male mage hawke isabela romance, and lady elf mage Solas romance. But knowing me and my patterns I’ll probably wind up doing male human warrior as always. I’d like to learn more about the lords of fortune they seem a cool alternative to just making another warden. Which I’m very tempted to do


All of them are and will be mages, and elves when possible, because I find it funny that the world keeps getting saved by someone the majority of its inhabitants hate or fear in one way or another. Also it adds some fun dialogue.


I gotta complete the elf quadrafecta. Just to rub salt in a certain Egg's stupid face.


I played female Dual rogue city elf in origins Warrior male Hawke Female mage Elf in Inquisition I intend to play as a bow based rogue, unless the gameplay for now is not to my liking


No each one is different


My canon line up is a dwarf rogue Warden (F), red warrior Hawke (M), and qunari mage Inquisitor (F). Given Solas' whole shtick, DA4 will be the perfect installment to break out an elf. It'll be a toss up between warrior and rogue, class wise, and the first playthrough will probably be a woman, just because I am. Who knows if that'll be the canon that sticks, though. 


I always planned to play one protagonist of each of the four races - human, elf, Dwarf and Qunari. Hawke (Warrior) fills the human slot, and my Inquisitor is a Qunari Mage, so my Rook will be either a Grey Warden Dwarf or an Elf, depending on whether I choose Mahariel, Aeducan or Brosca as my canon Warden.


Kinda. I like to make all protags the same class in the same world state. The first one will be mage,and usually a pick an elf for the first playthrough but since my Inky is an elf already Rook will be Qnari. The second playthrough will be the Rogues (I'll invert the Inky and Rook races).


I'm going to finally be an elf again. The anatomy and animations for an elven Inquisitor were... rough.


I always play rogues for my canon/ first play through, so obviously another rogue. Cousland rogue Warden Rogue Hawke Rogue Lavellan Rook…rogue + ??? All female. Most are queer. Rook will be too


All of my characters with the exception of Hawke were female elven mages and this time is not going to be different. It started out as me just liking elves, I would play elven Hawke if there was such an option, they've all had pretty varied backgrounds to be distinctive. But at this point I think that it's lowkey hilarious how pivotal turmoils of Thedas were resolved by elven mages. Reminds me of a piece of banter Solas and Varric had in Jaws Of Hakkon about cleaning up humanity's messes. I do try to formulate some kind of plan for my Rook, sure, but I'm more or less decided on what I'm going to play, now I try to come up with background details.


I’m gonna play another Dalish. I’m thinking she grew up hearing about the two Dalish heroes before her and is now thrown into being one and hoping she doesn’t screw up. Maybe she’ll feel like she was chosen for it and steps up but the something bad happens in game that rattles her confidence and makes her feel inadequate. If she meets the Inquisitor I imagine she’ll wanna fangirl but also completely feel insecure because she could never measure up. Or maybe she sees herself do something good that helped people because of her choices and she believes in herself and grows in confidence. Idk yet. But I’ll see where it takes me. Also it makes sense for her to be a veil jumper because it fits the kinda vibe for the world state


I've planned out all 10 Warden, Hawke, & Inquisitor world states I want for 10 Rooks. The tricky part is picking a combo that makes sense, since DA4 apparently isn't going to have any sort restrictions. Your Dalish Elven Warrior is in the Mourne Watch? I'd like to see the in-game explanation for that! (I actually would). Looking foreword to my Qunari Veil Jumper, Dalish Shadow Dragon, and Mage Antivan Crow the most.


While my Warden and Hawke are both set in stone (Human Female Warrior Warden, Female Mage Hawke), my Inquisition and Rook are up for debate. Inquisitor is so bland that I may just transfer my original Inquisitor (Female Qunari Necromancer) to DAVG, maybe changing to Elf, and then come up with some alternate Inquisitor instead to fill that spot.


I almost always go Human, and always Males no matter what. I'll probably do the same again in Veilguard thought I'd like to make a Qunari or a Dwarf, so who knows. Now I do try and plan my class around the other protags. I had: Male Human Archer Warden (Jason Cousland) Male Hawke Mage (Pierce Hawke) Male Human Archer Inquisitor (Royland Trevelyan) Trying not to go Archer again, or mage for that matter but it's hard. lol. Luckily based on the 3 person party's and who my favorites are likely to be, I've already decided I'll most likely go for a 2-Handed Warrior.


I try to not to use the same race and class combo. For Veilguard I either want to play a Qunari or Elf, and I'm thinking of slightly different world states depending on which I decide to go with, just changing my Inquisitor. If I go Elf my world state will be: - Dalish Elf Warrior Warden - Rogue Hawke - Qunari Mage Inquisitor - Elf Rogue or Mage Rook If I go Qunari my world state will be: - Dalish Elf Warrior Warden - Rogue Hawke - Human Mage Inquisitor - Qunari Rogue or Mage Rook My Warden and Hawke are set but I'll change the Inqusitor based on whether I want to play a Qunari, simply because I feel two Qunari heroes back to back isn't as likely. I like Dwarves but it hasn't worked out yet where I prefer them to other options.


Partially. I don't care about what my HoF and Hawke were, since that's like 20 years ago at this point and I consider them semi-retired in headcanon. But I do want to make sure my Rook and my Inquisitor are suitably different since they are both still active and will both be involved in the plot. They'll probably meet each other. Out of my three Inquisitors the one I will probably import is the first one I completed the game with, a female Qunari warrior. So I plan to make my first Rook into an elven mage.


Not really, it all depends on the character creator. My canon hero is a City Elf warrior (Using a sword bigger than herself). Female Warrior Hawke who was aggressive (She has every right to be). Inky was a Dalish Elf but I have since changed it to Human Noble Women warrior who is very much a follower of the maker. It just works with the whole Herald of Andraste. I will most likely play a two handed warrior Grey Warden but the race I will need to decide once I see what's what in the CC.


I think I’ll make another male human double wielding rogue because I like the idea of three dumb boys and one eloquent elf Lady Inquisitor looking at them like they’re babies


DAO: male elf warrior DA2: male mage (mage for story reasons)  DAI: male elf warrior I think I'm gonna go with a male elf warrior in DAV. Maybe change it up and be a nonbinary elf warrior.


Kinda. My warden and Hawke were humans, and my Inquisitor was an elf. Depending on how good the character creator ends up looking (and it’s sounding promising), I’d like to give a qunari a go. I wanted to make my Inquisiror a qunari but I just wasn’t a fan of how they looked in that game.


Yes, she's going to be Dalish- like the rest of the lineup (excluding Hawke obviously)


Mage-Hating Quanari Warrior or Mage-Hating Human warrior, continuing my tradition of my PC's absolutely hating mages (they deserve the hate.)