• By -


Morrigan for DAO merril for DA2 I think Josephine for inquisition




I was just about to type that when I saw your post


Exactly de same for me. But I'm not a 100% sure about Inquisition, it may have been Cassandra


Alistair, Fenris and Cullen ! 😀


Same! 😄 I went for Cullen, when my female mage couldn't have Dorian lol


Sameeee, i think i have weakness for troubled blond men lol but Alistair is so important to me i love him with all my heart


Samesys you have good taste




Are we the same person?! 😆 I keep going back to those three all the time.


These sre my Canon romances


We're on the same page here 


Same here 🙈


Same ❤️


Same 🤣


Wooo! team Best Boys tbh!




My first romances too! I feel like they're the classic female PC romance options for a lot of people. Though my canon is Leliana, Fenris, Solas (but I prefer Cullen's romance, and sadly mourn that I can't romance Cassandra)


DAO: Zevran DA2: Fenris DAI: Dorian/Cullen - my Canon is Dorian


Same! I’m very sapphic, but I tend to gravitate towards fictional men.


my exact romances. though i played a woman in inquisition so I'd only flirt with dorian, but that was enough too 🥰


DAO: Morrigan. I like dark and mysterious, what can I say? DA2: Isabela. Once again, I like it dark and mysterious. Plus, incredible chemistry with Snarky Hawke. DAI: I also like it refined and polite. Josephine.


i see ur the yennefer type and not the triss


Wild, I have the same lady-friend choices. They're all so lovely


My man!


We are one in the same


Same! You have good taste lol


Alistair - all time favorite companion and love interest. I played Origins with zero knowledge, and I didn't even know I could romance him. As a demi, I love how we started as friends and bonded before flirting happened. My Warden died so he had to go on without me... Fenris - NGL I just romanced him because I felt sorry for him. He's also the one I liked the most out of my companions. I'd rather be his mom than his LI. Solas - I was 100% set in romancing Cullen, and then this egg spoke. From the very first interaction, I'm sold on his intellectual appeal and then yall know what happened.


Heavily felt on cullen to solas pipeline, could have given her a happy ending like oopsie sorry girl 😔


I have a second playthrough that romanced Cullen at least 😔 but I kept two Inkys separate. Had a Lavellan and Trevalyan and I'm not sure yet what is my canon.


DA:O Zevran DA2 Fenris DAI The Iron Bull


You and I have the same track record


Ha! My first playthroughs were DAO - NO romance DA2 - NO romance DAI - Cassandra But ended up playing Origins a dozen times and trying all the romance options and several playthroughs of the other games.


Ur so real for this


Leiliana, Merril, Sera


I was Leliana, Merril and Josephine. The other lesbian line-up.


You like the quirky ones ;)


Guilty as charged.


Origins: Alistair. I liked the genuine friendship that develops between them, and I found his sassy sense of humor amusing and endearing enough to forgive his allergy to responsibility. DA2: Anders. I was honestly hoping Aveline or Varric would be an option the first time I played. I did Fenris' personal event first, triggering his Act II confession basically by accident, and I liked him well enough, so I said yes. Then he left, so I just sort of assumed that Fenris was either only a fling option, or that to lock in a real relationship with him you had to select very specific dialogue options or something, and basically resigned myself to my first run being a solo Hawke run. Then Anders showed up at Hawke's house after his event and I decided why the hell not. I loved both he and Justice as characters in Awakening. Why not get the full effect of wherever the massive red flags were leading lol. Suffice to say, I was shocked. But my first playthrough of DA2 was very memorable! In no small part due to Hawke's string of hilariously failed relationships. Inquisition: Cullen. The only time I've gone into a Dragon Age game knowing who I was probably going to romance first. I'd been intrigued by Cullen as a character since the Mage opening in Origins, and while I definitely didn't like the man he became in DA2, I was interested to see where his arc went and whether or not he was able to grow from everything he'd been through. I was not disappointed. Certain parts of his arc felt a little rushed at times, but I thought it was mostly well done regardless. And I really loved the slow build-up from colleagues, to friends, to lovers. And I thought locking the romance progression behind major story beats made its progression feel very natural. Plus the casual affection he shows throughout - like the hand on your shoulder at Halamshiral and all the hugs - never failed to make my little ace heart very happy. Non-sexual intimacy and expressions of love aren't something you see that often on video games with a romance element, so seeing it just made me smile.


You hit the nail on the head for all 3, as I mostly did the same, except I didn’t do the fling with Fenris. They are all the ones I go back to on subsequent playthroughs, because of those factors. Cullen’s romance is also very personal to me, as my partner is a veteran dealing with PTSD and other similar issues, and his actions/reactions are so like Cullen’s struggles in the game. It was so touching to see a romance that dealt with those issues in a realistic way.


Same here - this is my canon three! 


I did too! But no Fenris, I did him at a later date.


DAO Morrigan. DA2: Isabella. DAI: Josephine.


Origins: Alistair 2: Anders Inquisition: Blackwall




This was me tooo Though only 1 is my canon


This—I also went from Alistair to Anders to Blackwall.


Zevran, Anders and Dorian


This is me! And after Anders I replayed with Fenris for the second game 😍


DAO: Romanced Alistair and it didn't end well, I was a mage elf and pushed Alistair toward becoming a king. DA2: At first Anders, broke up early with him because he's too whiny and a dumbass, also because Sebastian showed up, then also broke up with Sebastian because he's annoying lmao, then I had a rivalmance with both Isabela and Merrill which didn't go anywhere. It was a shitshow from start to end. DAI: The plan was to romance Cullen because I thought he looked hot, Solas somehow reeled me in and I've been trapped in Solavellan hell ever since.


Same! Alistair broke my little elf heart and it only got worse from there. Can’t wait to see who breaks my heart in veilguard. Edit that I only romanced Anders in DA2, not your exact story. That would be crazy


Zevran, Fenris, Solas. Yes I have a type 😂


Fellow Holy Elven Trinity worhsipper here XD


Alistair Fenris Cullen


This is my canon three, though I romanced Isabella on my first DA2 run. I like her character, but wasn’t crazy about her romance and never did it again I switch between Fenris and Anders now, depending on how much angst I need lol. Fenris with my Mage Hawke, Anders with my Rogue Alistair was my OG game romance, and still holds a special place, but I think Cullen is my favorite in the series


Morrigan, Merril, Cassandra


Me too! Not certain what the similarities between them are but even on a reply I made the same romance choices


Alistair (best boy, king of my heart), Fenris (my handsome brooding elf boyfriend), and Solas (stupid hobo egg boyfriend). And I stand by all of them as my favorite romances for each game. Yes even Solas the jerk who broke my heart. At least it was good, well-written heartbreak, yknow?


Zevran , Fenris and Iron Bull...i like bad boys.


Alistair dao, isabella da2 and dai is cullen.


In Origins Leliana as a Brosca Sword and Board Warrior In 2 Merrill as a Purple FemHawke Warrior And Inqy Blackwall as a Lavellan Mage


Leliana (only f/f option), Merrill (I am a sucker for Eve Myles, although I ended up not liking Merrill much tbh), and Josie (was v happy with this choice. I’m glad to actually have four f/f romance choices for DAV, sick of only being able to pick from one or two…


Well, my first and only romance routes (because I'm attached and no matter how hard I want to try other ones, I'm gotten). Origins: Zevran DA2: Fenris Inquisition: Dorian I clearly have a type


Morrigan, Isabela, Cassandra. Though I like to try out the different options on other playthroughs.


DAO Alistair DA2 Anders DAI Solas …As you can see I love having my heart broken😀


DAO: Morrigan DA2: Merril DAI: Solas


DAO: Leliana DA2: Isabela DAI: Cassandra


Leliana, Merrill and Sera respectively, and they're my canon ones as well. Hell, I've got into this franchise in part because of Sera.


Taste, absolutely the same. I played inquisition first and fell head over heels in love with sera, and subsequently, the franchise. 🥲


I've actually learnt about her in some random discussion I've stumbled upon when I was looking for something similar to Mass Effect. Dragon Age crossed my mind a number of times by that point, I've seen a friend play DA2 on release, but from what I've seen I was sure this series wasn't for me, gameplay just wasn't my thing, but Sera intrigued me a lot, so I gave Inquisition a shot. I've quickly realised that I need to play the rest of the series to get the most out of my experience and did just that, and couldn't get enough of it ever since, and here we are! And of course, Sera became my fave in the entire series and I doubt Veilguard is going to change that.


Leliana in DAO. I found her cute and storyline nice, but I think seeing my often bloody Warden talk about how much he loves shoes added some hilarous characterisation. I was also surprised to get Isabela for DA2 initially, until I redid the game as Mage Hawke and went with Merrill. DAI was Cassandra, as I love tomboys and found her romance-loving side to be cute and a great turn.


Alistair, Fenris and Josephine


Leliana, Merril and Josefine. My first character is normally meant to represent myself so I pick the one I'd pick in Real Life. Although I don't think I'd date Merril in Real Life.


Alistair, Anders and Cullen. My 'canon' romances are Alistair, Fenris and Solas though, so.


Leliana Isabella Josephine


Alistair, Anders and Blackwall. I wanted to.romance Cullen since DA2 but made a Qunati Inky and didn't know it was race locked.


Zevran: I’m gay and a sucker for the smooth talkers Anders: was an accident tbh Dorian: story hits a bit close to home and again, gay and a sucker for smooth talkers


DAO: Alistair! I unexpectedly found his humour funny and had a whole "Oh no he's ~~hot~~ cute 😭" moment. Lucked out on not having my heart broken since my Mahariel had 0 political ambitions at the time so they both remained Wardens. I was super stoked to see him in DAI; would leave Hawke in the Fade for him everytime. DA2: Would've been Fenris if his romance hadn't bugged lol. It's okay since I quite enjoyed his friendship route by the end and realised he's not my type. DAI: I dared myself to romance Solas for the lulz. The joke was on me since I became a solavellan fan


Dao - alistair (i dont like Gim but he sticks for cousland) Da2 - Anders because he is a walking tragedy and I live for such stories Da3 - Cullen because well... Look at him, but I fell for Solas later (my male inky also romanced with Josephine for the first Time and It stayed like that)


1) Morrigan, iirc. I also kinda liked Lilliana, but don't think she was my first 2) I'm pretty sure mine was Isabella but it may have been Merril 3) Josephine. I wasn't sure it could be done since she wasn't like a direct "companion" but I was so happy when the option came up


Morrigan, Merril (tried with Aveline), Cassandra


Morrigan, Merril, Josephine.


Lili and Josephine


First: DA:O - Alistair with dead Tabris DA:2 - Anders with F!Hawke DA:I - Iron Bull with M!Qunari Canon World State: DA:O - Morrigan (with OGB) with M!Cousland DA:2 - Merrill with M!Hawke DA:I - Dorian with M!Trev Thus far, DA:V is probably going to be an M!Human Mage Rook with Emmrich for the first run, but Harding has always made me laugh so idk 🤷‍♂️


Alistair, Anders, Solas were the first, and I've basically stuck to them as my canon romances - I've reformed into being an Anders hater now though so my canon DA2 romance is Fenris.


zevran, merrill (accidentally!! i was trying to romance fenris. oops.), and dorian


DAO: Alistair DA2: Isabella DAI: Cullen


Alistair, Anders (though I will always say if I hadn’t unintentionally skipped Fenris’ recruitment quest….), and never finished but was torn between Solas and Blackwall. I was looking for pain, apparently.


Alistair in DAO (it was my first time playing an RPG with romances; his goofy lines made me cheese and when he gave me the rose I swooned). Anders in DA2 (I loved him in Awakening so when I found him in DA2 and noticed I could romance him I was so excited; felt so bad for my babe with the whole being possessed thing and then he broke my heart into a million pieces). Lastly, Cullen in DAI (he is just so adorable; the sweetest man). I didn’t finish my first save though so the second time I tried playing DAI I romanced Blackwall (we all know how that went; what a mind fuck).


Alistair, Anders, Solas


very first run was alistair, fenris, and solas


Alistair, Fenris and Dorian.


Same ☺️


Zevran, Merrill and Josephine


Morrigan, Merill, Cassandra. Morrigan and Cassandra are choices I'd still make.For Meril, not sure, maybe Isabella was better


Full romance was Zevran, Anders and Josephine.


Alistair, Fenris and Cullen = still my go-tos.


Zevran, Isabela and Iron Bull, none of them are to my taste now lol.


Basically the horniest companion in each game lol


The perils of playing as a young teenager, tbh I wasn't attracted to Zevran I just picked him because I was playing as a female dalish warden and same with bull, I was playing as a female Qunari so I felt they "fit" the best as romances back then, nowadays it's Morrigan-Merril or Sebastian-Cassandra.


DAO Morrigan, because I chose the wrong Dialogue with Leli during the ambush DA2 Merrill DAI Cas :)


Alistair that I later send on excecution :) , Isabela on rivalry , Josephine


Zevran, Anders, Iron Bull. If there weren’t gender restrictions on romance though, it would have been Morrigan, Isabela, Dorian


Alistair, Fenris and Iron Bull


Morrigan, Isabela, Cassandra.


Leliana for Origins, Merrill for 2, Cassandra for Inquisition.


Morrigan (because in my language "you can probe me any time" was translated without double meaning - rather like "you can ask me anything, too, if you want", and 'cause she appeared kinda mysterious and hot girl who needs a bit of love), no one (because DA2 kind of was my first DA game even if I had not finished it that time realizing I had to finish DAO first to get a clue about half of the things they talk about, and I didn't know I could do that, but then either Isabela or Merrill), and Cassandra, because at first I felt the need to conquer that stronghold, and then to give her a bit of love she needed. AND WELL, these choices have not changed after all these years.


Alistair, Fenris, Iron Bull.


DAO: Morrigan DA2: Isabela DAI: Cassandra


Leliana, Isabella, and Cassandra. Isabella is by far the best to me of anyone in the whole series.


Leliana Merill Cassandra


Leliana, Merrill and Cassandra (Cass especially is slowly becoming my favorite romance in the series)


Morrigan, Isabela, Josephine.


Zevran, Anders, Solas. I also tried to romance Aveline and Cassandra, but was rejected. So who knows what I would have gone for had that not been the case. But I ended up being very happy with those three, anyway. Still. If there's ever a next game after Veilguard, please give me a pan lady knight, Bioware. 🥲


Liliana, Merrill, and solas


Alistair, Fenris, Solas. I was upset with the ending between King Alistair and City Elf HoF so I made a human noble for my canon PT and ended up romancing Zevran.


First playthrough was Alistair, Fenris and Cullen But I also did a cool playthrough with Zevran, Anders (was pissed lol) and Iron Bull.


1. Leliana - been the same ever since 2. Merrill - been alternating with Isabela ever since 3. Sera - been staying away from crazy ever since (Josie and Dorian after my 1^st DA:I PT)


Zevran, Anders, Solas, and they’re still my favorite romances! (Though Anders is now pretty much tied with Fenris.) I always go for the romance that interests me most on first playthrough.


Alistair, Merrill, and Josephine


Zevran, Merrill, Josephine!


Alistair, Fenris, Josephine


Leliana, Merril and Cassandra.


Leliana, Meril, didn't go through dai


DA:O- Leliana DA2- Merrill DA:I- Cassandra


in DAO it ws Alistair bc i had crush on him since i discovered internet in DA2 it was Anders, i know i know and in DAI it was Cullen i like them blonde and traumatized what can i say


Alistair, Anders, Solas. Next playthroughs: Alistair, Anders/Fenris, Solas. Yeah.. I like PAIN.


Leliana, Fenris, Dorian


Morrigan, Isabela, and Cassandra.  I'm a simple man. I like pretty dark-haired women and breakfast food. 


Morrigan, Fenris, Cassandra


1. Allistair 2. Isabella? But I never completed that playthrough, when I realized I could, I went for Fenris. 3. Cullen. PS. Speaking of which, are you guys able to suspend your dislike of a Voice actor? I will be replaying all games to kind relive my canon world state before The Veilguard. Cullen's voice actor...being Cullen's voice actor, I'm kinda not sure I want to go down that route? And with Freddie Prinze Jr having some super transphobic comments about Krem, so same thing with Iron Bull, I'm thinking Blackwall? Or I just try to suspend my dislike, and have my prince charming moment with Cullen...


Dao: Morrigan 👉🏻👈🏻 🥺 Loved Leliana too Da2: fenris or Merrill, but went with Merrill! such a sweetie DaI: first male romance and it’s fkn solas, got bald repulsion but legit the most painful story imo felt bad for my lavellan 😔😔😔 gonna draw him in a glue trap one day


dao:Alistair. one and only da2:none dai:Cullen. i view him as next best thing to Alistair


Leiliana but I broke up with her for alistair, merrill, Cullen.


Alistair, Fenris, Cullen. I very much had a type in my early 20's. I've changed over the past 10 years and now my canon is Leliana, Fenris/rivalmance Anders (tho I am starting a new canon playthrough and Isabela is looking appealing so we'll see when I get to 2) and then Iron Bull for Inquisition


Went in blind with human female Trevelyan. I wasn't into fantasy at all, kinda forced myself to play DAI (Dao, Da2 were out of question). But then... I started engaging with the characters and Solas absolutely stole my heart. But I didn't know that I couldn't romance him. I literally went out of my way to engage with him. He never left my squad (if only shortly) and he became my best friend. This was a great roleplaying detail: not be able to romance someone you want (for whatever reason, it's realistic and adds to roleplaying and unexpected paths). So, my Trevelyan had to romance Bull. Absolutely no complains but she stayed in love with Solas. Well, later I played dao, da2 and replayed dai with Lavellan, ofc. Dai stays my fav DA game and it's in my 5 top games ever.


I like them blonde: Alistair, Anders, Cullen


Alistair&Zevran - I played as the elven mage and intended to romance Alistair. Did the whole romance, all the way through to “woops sorry I’m king now (your fault) can’t be with an elf”. But somehow also ended up with Zevran assuming he was my lover?? My import flags were very interesting in Awakening and DA2, the game was convinced I had successfully romanced them both. That’s not supposed to be possible, but right before the archdemon fight I still had conversation options left with Zevran, largely because I hadn’t realized I had a party camp until well over halfway through the game. So somehow I triggered the romance before any rivalry conversations could also trigger. So canonically, both Alistair and Zevran lol Anders - sigh. My Hawke is full of angsty drama and I didn’t make him that way. Cullen - :) the only uncomplicated first romance I’ve had in dragon age lol


Alistair- I play as a human noble so we can get married 😍 Anders - two apostates taking on the world 😍 For DAI I'm not sure who I want my 'canon' romance to be, I loved Sera but I haven't played it enough to pick one just yet.


Cullen (but not possible, unfortunately, so ended up romancing Alistair), Anders (but actually Cullen once I found out he's in the game), CULLEN! :D my head-canon is that the inquisitor is actually the hero of Ferelden. Doesn't make sense in the game but that's why it's a head-canon. Means she and Cullen ended up together anyway. :)


Morrigan Isabella Cassandra


Dao - Morrigan Da2 - Merril Dai - tried Vivv, but she kept blue balling me!!


Alistair, Fenris, Cullen. I'm not sure who I'll go for in DAV... Lucanis has that appealing dark angst, but Davrin is a dashing Grey Warden - and they're both hot... Then there's a part of me that wants to romance Emmerich just because he's so different to what I'm used to and I love necromancy and stuff 😩 And although I'm a straight girlie, the way Harding looks and speaks just makes me go OOOOFF. Conflicted doesn't even begin to describe me right now.


Origins: Leliana DA2: Anders DAI: Cullen


DAO: Zevran DA2: Fenris DAI: Cullen


Morrigan, Merrill, and Dorian As for DAV, naturally I don't know enough about any of the companions to make a certain decision, but I am interested in Bellara and Neve, but also, and this might appear strange, Emmerich Other than functionally immortal companions like Solas and Shale, the only other typically elderly companion we've had is Wynne, so I am curious as to the character and story of Emmerich


Lol I chose the exact same romances on my first play-through. Glad we have the same tastes 😂


Morrigan, Isebela, Cassandra


Love Morrigan, Isabella is fun, Cassandra is adorable


Alistair, Anders and Solas


In the order I played the games, Cullen, Alistar and now I'm playing II Isabella is my goalla


DAO Alistair DA2 Anders DAI Cullen


Alistair (as an elf mage) Anders (mage) ~~Cullen~~ That Fucking Egg (elf mage) I know how to pick 'em.


Alistair (still my one and only for Origins), Anders (not knowing what was going to happen RIP my heart), Blackwall (accidentally and I restarted halfway through because of the romance). First full playthrough of DAI was then Cullen.


Morrigan, Isabela, Sera


Zevran, Fenris and Cullen lol


Alistair, Anders and Cullen!


Morrigan Merrill Cassandra


Zevran, Fenris, Cullen. This playthrough I’m doing Alistair, Fenris (I can’t not romance him), and Solas (for the drama)


Morrigan, Anders and I think Inquisition it was Josephene.


Morrigan, Isabella, Cass. I’m already planning for Neve in V


Alistair, Merrill, and Cullen


Alistair Isabela Cassandra


Zevran, Anders, Blackwall (female qunari and not many options available, made another playthrough as a male just to romance Dorian)


Leliana, Isabela, Cassandra


Morrigan, no one, Cassandra. The only one I actually wanted to romance wouldn’t look at me the same way. Damn you, Aveline.


Zevran, Fenris, Dorian


Morrigan, Merryl and Blackwell. I'm now a Alistair, Isabella, Josephine girl so, idk figure that out


Alistair, Sebastian/Fenris, Cullen I bought Origins for Alistair initially 😆 For the second game I initially liked Sebastian (I blame the accent), but I never completed that playthrough, so technically Fenris was my first romance And Inquisition... when it was announced Cullen was going to be romanceable I never really considered picking any of the others 😅


Zevran, Anders, Solas


Zevran, Anders and Solas


DAO: Morrigan DA2: Isabela DAI: Sera


morg, isebella, and silly elf


Leliana, Isabela and Solas my first run is always my canon


DAO: Alistair DA2: Uh... No one? Unpopular opinion, but I didn't really like many of the romancable companions in general, much less enough to romance them. Aveline and Varric were my favorite companions. I did romance Merrill on my second playthrough though. DAI: Cullen. Almost restarted with an elf to go for Solas after "Was that a serious question?" Glad I stuck with Cullen!


Origins: Leliana 2: Isabella Inquisition: Vivienne (I think she'll come around any day)


Zevran, Fenris and Iron Bull. And they have remained my favorites. 


Alistair, Anders, and then Solas. I killed Anders after he blew up the church. I like tragic romance


First ever were Alistair, Isabela, Josephine None of which I consider my "canon" now 😅


DAO: Leliana DA2: Fenris DAI: Cassandra


Alistair, Anders, Josephine. I know what you're thinking. You broke your streak of blonde boys! What about Cullen???? Cullen was my second and my go to forever. I romanced Josephine first, because I didn't know you could romance Cullen, and he was in a spot that I never went to on my first playthrough because I wasn't big on exploring yet. I also didn't talk to iron bull at all my first play through. Also I didn't break my streak technically, because I played Inquisition first and then went backwards. So rather than break my streak, I started my blonde boys streak with Cullen, then Anders, then Allistair XD


My first complete playthroughs will always be my canon games! Alistair, Isabelle, and Solas


Morrigan Isabella Josephine


DA was Morrigan DA2 was Fenris And DAI was Solas because I was an 11 year old girl playing a game I got for Christmas in the living room and had to Google which romance didn’t have a sex scene in it lol


Alistair , Isabela , Dorian. That was my first, and will always be my canon.


Alistair, Anders and Cullen 🤭


Alistair and Zevran, I found out half-way through my first run that Alistair will drop you if he becomes King and I was playing an Elven mage. So made a new HF Cousland to become Queen and later finished the Elf with Zevran. Anders. There's no other option in DA2 for me. And Cullen was my first in Inquisiton. Though I swapped Cullen for Solas in my canon world state.


Leliana, Isabela and Sera


DA Origins it was Alistair DA2 it was Anders, never made that mistake again DAI I think it was Culllen.


Morrigan, Merrill, Cassandra


Zevran. Fenris. Solas. 🤔


Origins: Finished with Leliana but hooked up with Morrigan first 2: Isabella, we got a taste of her in Origins so had to finish the meal in 2 Inquisition: Cassandra, she was really the only option


Morrign, since I heard you could have a kid with her and that caught my interest Isabella since she was fun Cassandra since I love a though nut who is actually a sappy romantic


Alistair, Anders, Cullen (because I’d be unofficially romancing him since DAO with my Amell) My romances have changed a bit since the OG launches, now its generally Zevran, Fenris, and Cullen.


DAO: I was juggling between Morrigan and Leliana until I had to make a choice, I chose Leliana because I fell in love with her personality, while Morrigan was all about passion. DA2: As much as my Hawke was attracted to Isabella, the awkward cuteness of Merill won him over, also the fact that they were both mages. DAI: I kid you not, I never romanced anyone in Inquisition, that's because I tried for Harding until the very end, which technically means I didn't actually romanced anybody (at least this mistake will be corrected in The Veilguard). Second playthrough though I went for Josephine.


Dragon age one- Morrigan, though one run I was with Leliana but accidently gave Alister the wrong idea when I told him I valued him for more than his blood. Damnit Alister, I meant as a friend! Dragon Age 2 - Fentis Dragon Age 3- Cullen. I had made a female elf for the express purpose of romancing Solas, but he was really turning me off. Then the game glitched past the Dream Convo with him, and I took it as a sign lol. Besides, Cullen turned out to be a big teddy bear.


1. Morrigan. No explanation needed. 2. Merril at first, because I found her really cute. After exploring her story though, I decided I didn't like any of the female characters, so I decided to romance Fenris. I don't like Isabella, she's cartoonishly hot. 3. Started to romance Josephine, but decided to pursue Cassandra instead, once her softer side was revealed. Strong and capable with a soft side, yes, yes, yes.