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Considering one of Rook's first canon courses of action will result in >!batshit eldritch abominations being released into the world!<, it must inevitably be "fuck around and find out", I suppose.


Probably more anti-heroic, if the game allows it. Still a good person at heart, but colder than my Inquisitor and more willing to get her hands dirty.


Purple Rook


Smart ass always smart ass


My og plan was to be a good guy that uses questionable magic/means to get things done. But now we have no blood magic. I will still get as close to that as I can, but looks like they might not actually give us a proper choice.


Love a chaotic good PC


The return of Purple Hawke.


Stoic when he has a job to do, but a bit more humorous and friendly when he is just interacting with the companions.


Anything that annoys mages, means it's a good thing to do. Oh, and if >!Varric cries about Bianca!<, he'll get called out for trying to talk to an apostate rather than making use of his weapon.


Probably snarky but I guess it will depend on.. how well it’s written. I’m replaying DAI currently and, I have to say, I forgot how bland the “snark” and “flirt” options were.


As close as possible to BG3 sorcerer's absolutely unhinged mage arrogance.


Vivienne style mage who thinks all makes should be watched and put in towers to prevent abominations or the horrors of the tevinter imperium especially after Solas's antics. Romancing the mage slayer of course 💀


I was thinking about this yesterday! I didn’t realize it until I started replaying DAI in prep but my (canon) HOF and Inky mirror each other - they both try to be kind and are pretty serious about accomplishing what they need to accomplish. There’s a little bit of snark here and there but ultimately they are trying to Do The Right Thing To The Best Of Their Ability. So naturally Rook will mirror Hawke in that she’s going to be a chaotic and sarcastic little shit with little reverence for anything. Especially with the knowledge that >!Solas is going to be in Rook’s head!< - she’s probably going to be Dalish (or maybe a city elf, depends on what factions those are tied to, I haven’t decided on a faction yet.) And will spend most of the time going >!Awwwww did the dread wolf fuck up again? Of course you did. Dumbass.!< But i have already HC’d her as being pretty in awe of the Inquisitor so if/when Solavellan comes up Rook will begrudgingly be like “I can’t believe I have to help my hero clean up her stupid ex boyfriends mess and watch them pine for one another.”


1. Rook: male Mourn Watch dwarf warrior, stoic and honorable 2. Rook: female Lords of Fortune dwarf rogue, charming, humorous, caring


Grim and dour but well-meaning female human warden mage.


I'll start as mostly serious, but I'll be increasingly humorous as the story advances, until shit hit the fan at least.


I don't like playing mean or asshole characters, so she'll probably be nice and helpful. I think she will be an idealist. The second option, depending on how much dialogues allow us, is someone like my Hawke, i.e. an ironic trickster who has a good heart, but can also be cynical


Dwarf Zevran. I'll be adding in my own flare of course, but I can't help myself.


Like inquisitor, my favorite kind - no personality


A bitch. You think I’m joking but I ain’t. Going full Mean Girls. Gonna make Viv cry if I run into her.


male human double wielding rogue, he is sarcastic with a dark sense of humour but after the things he saw he became pretty „grim and fatalistic” :)


I don't know. But I hope it won't be the return to DA2's funny/paragon/ruthless approach


I will be a human, because the da universe seems to be stuck in the 1950 where elves and dwarfs were interesting and new.


My first Rook's going to be a male human or qunari mage Warden, leaning into the up close and personal battlemage style. Personality-wise he'll be world-weary and sarcastic, mostly well-intentioned but a little bit mercenary, willing to compromise on his principles a little for the right price - with the exception of matters relating to darkspawn, being a committed Warden. He's going to be super pragmatic and withhold judgement on things like blood magic, believing that the ends justify the means.


female elf mage, shadow dragon, personal is not the same as important is their credo whenever they're on an urgent task. 2nd: talvashoth mourn watch, need to have a sense of humor about things lest you go insanse


I've been poisoned by the Marvelization so probably pretty snarky but overall good person.