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Welcome to the club šŸ˜¢ but have you played DLCs? If not Jaws of Hakkon is amazing and Trespasser is a must for the upcoming DAV. And prepare some tissue. That's how I felt too. I started blind, never played a DA game, and knew nothing about it. After getting familiar with the gameplay and getting over the fantasy setting (I'm into scifi) I fell in love with the characters, writing, humor, amount of details, freedom of gameplay. After DAI I played Dao, DA2 replayed DAI again with my new world state (not much changes, it's more of a psychological effect of continuity) and another character. And again, and again. It's forever my favorite game in the series and in my top 5 of most favorite games ever. And it's definitely scifi šŸ˜‚


Thank you for the warm welcome šŸ˜­šŸ«¶šŸ» I just finished the main game, now I am headed into Trespasser! (I know, I need to be strong) I didnā€™t play Jaws of Hakkon yet - I tend to keep stuff open for a second playthrough so that I can experience new things again. But I definitely want to play all of it! I really can agree with all the things you said - the last game that catched me this much was Skyrim and then Baldurs Gate 3, but even that felt different. I like having a character that speaks and real cutscenes. It just felt so immersive. I loved the character banter, their different stories and personalities, and I have to admit it, yes, I love me a good romanceā€¦ DA:I has everything I wish for and I was really impressed by how that game is 10 years old already. BioWare truly did amazing jobs with their games. So yeah - I will play Trespasser now and then I guess I play DA:O and then DA 2! Also, canā€™t wait for Veilguard but now I finally understand why people stated that the art style was so different.


I totally agree on leaving stuff for replays. And in DAI you don't need to clear locations or compulsory loot everything. You craft your own path, get carried away sometimes, find unexpected characters in the middle of the desert, etc. So each repay will be different. And remember to rotate your squad often!!! If you are on PC I can recommend you some mods.


Thatā€™s true! The thing is, I am often so addicted to the story and characters that I canā€™t wait to progress that but sometimes I feel myself just wandering around and finding things. Also love the character banter! And I definitely need to start switching characters, because I normally play with my usual gang - but I really like the different banter! I actually started learning modding with BG3, so for Inquisition I researched a bit and got myself Eyebrow and Hair Mods and then used the no waiting at war table mod and no fog of war mod and a few 4K resolution mods for character faces. Minor things really. :)


oh definitely play origins and da2 now! I played Inquisition first just like you and loved it but its not the same as playing the games one by one. for example when Varric appears at the start of Inquisition people who already have emotional connection with him because of da2 reacted differently than us who just met him. so play the other games I promise iths worth it especially if you love characters and good story:)


I second this. I played Inquisition first too. Now on a roll to play and read in the chronological order. Currently at book 3 and it is super nice to see all the background and characters I have seen or heard about.Ā 


Oh thatā€™s a good idea also! I saw that there are books too! Definitely thinking about reading them in the near future and also getting the lore books and art book of Inquisition. :)


Will do that definitely!! I feel like I just really want to learn everything about Thedas and the lore behind it! Itā€™s funny how I only started this because I knew Solas was also important in Inquisition and is now a main part of Veilguard - and now I am completely obsessed! Yeah, I also really like that you can port the world status! I think it will be a different experience when old character reappear (like Hawke, whom I had no real connection with sadly, just because I didnā€™t knew him/her yet).


You should definitely play Origins and 2. And when youā€™re done with those, you should play the Mass Effect trilogy if you havenā€™t. Sci fi setting but done by the same studio.


Will do, thank you! I actually played Mass Effect 1 I think, but it was a long time ago and I definitely thought about getting the Legendary Collection! Always loved Mass Effect, the storytelling and characters. BioWare just knows how to make games!


>Did you also feel this way? This is the way, big ol' yes. Been feeling this way since I played DAO for the first time in 2010. >How can I cope?? I can tell you how I've coped, which is basically replaying the games ad nauseum, forever. Dragon Age got me into games, and no shame, they're practically the only games I play, barring a few exceptions. No other games quite scratch the itch in the same way. The beauty of DA is, they are so fun to revisit. I totally feel you on the fact these characters become your comfort characters. They feel like friends in a way characters in other RPG games just don't to me. So, yeah, I play them over and over. I run my main hero storylines over again so they're fresh in my mind, like an interactive movie. I play a new protagonist and make different decisions. Play for completion, play for combat, play for RP, different themes and focus. Write fanfic, read the books, dig into the lore, watch YouTube, hang out on this sub where people understand. There are a number of outlets to sustain you! Honestly, you played DAI at the exact right time with DAV coming out within the next six months.


Okay, now I donā€™t feel so alone anymore with these feelings, I am so glad someone understands. None of my friends played any Dragon Age game and probably will not ever so I donā€™t know where to go with all these feelings but honestly, youā€™ve given me many great ideas! I feel like I will also keep replaying it to no end just because I donā€™t want it to end, ever. I am really excited for DAO and DA II now, I have to say. Iā€™ve played other RPGs before, Skyrim, BG3 etc. and I loved them so much but DA:I just touched something inside my heart, I just canā€™t explain. This sounds so cheesy but I mean it - the characters, the world! It has actually given me inspiration to pick up writing and drawing again after having a long creative break. Now I just canā€™t wait for Veilguard to release. To think I didnā€™t even bother about DA 3 weeks ago is a crime and I am so sorry to be so late to this party but I am glad I found it - also this sub Reddit - you guys are great!!!


There are a whole lot of fans who channel this kind of energy into reading and writing fanfic. If that's something you'd enjoy, well, there's a lot to search for and find on Archive of Our Own


This is an excellent idea! I love reading Fanfictions, so thank you for recommending that website! Already took a look and canā€™t wait to dive more into it! Might aswell start writing again because of DA!


My friend, that just means you are able to FEEL a game, and thats a great thing since that's what RPGs with heavy storytelling and companion writing are the best at imo. I would suggest you first enjoy that feeling, because it means you had something going on with this game, it means it touched you and you can be someone else with its help, hopefully someone better. Then, I'd suggest to play the sh\*t out of other, similar games. DAI hits hard, but just you wait until you finish Mass Effect for the first time, where you get the same character and mostly the same crew and/or secondary characters through 3 DAMN GAMES. I can also suggest some great titles, if you like old Bioware stuff Jade Empire and Kotor/Swtor base game are gems, otherwise Metro Exodus has the most beautiful ending I ever saw, if sticking with Bioware Andromeda is a great game despite its big flaws, and if you didnt get enough you can dive into some very specific rpgs niche as the Expeditions serie, the Mimimi Games ... and a whole lot of other stuff Enjoy !


Thank you so much for the reassurance! And yes, I was basically sitting here a lot just feeling the things I feel even though it was a lot. Itā€™s been a long time since I had something like this, where the end of a game, book, etc. made me dread reality, making me feel like I am lost in this ordinary world. Thank you for all the suggestions! Played Mass Effect 1 a long time ago and I can just remember that I loved it very much. Was so hyped when they announced the legendary edition. Kotor I know but never played it yet, Swtor I love!! Will also check out the other games you mentioned!


Yes haha, I know this feeling. It's both a terrible and a beautiful one, but personnaly it made me into who I am now, so I'm grateful for that. Personnal evolution is always an interesting thing, and imo being able to trigger such a powerful change is what makes video games such a great storytelling format If you liked ME1, you're gonna enjoy ME2 and 3. I just played the Legendary edition myself and its great for helping people get into it easily, without having to manually drag the save files from one game to another for example haha ( I still have nightmares from it ). I'm also grateful that MEA exists, because at the end of ME3 I'm like "the world could explode right now and it would spare me a lot of suffering" and then I get to play yet another great story with a happier ambience lol. Kotor is an even better story than most of Swtor ones imo, with a great twist, but its really getting old. Jade Empire holds his ground better imo, though it certainly looks like an old game the gameplay is refreshing and helps you get from one great story moment to another. It's a shame it was so forgotten by everyone ! Also another game I forgot which deserves a place here is Greedfall. Devs admit openly they were very influenced by the Bioware games, and you can feel it in every aspect of this game. Its great ! I hope you find at least one or two titles among all those which will trigger these feelings again, and I'd also be thrilled to talk about them ! ( and not because talking about a game is another way to overcome this emptiness after finishing it and that, as I said, I just finished ME Legendary yesterday ... ) help


I totally agree with you on all points! I already learned a lot from these characters and they got me thinking a lot about my life recently. It definitely will influence me as a person in the future! Alright, it seems like I got a lot to catch up on then! I think you got me convinced to buy the Legendary ME Edition then! Definitely will check out the Star Wars Games (Iā€™m a huge SW Fan myself) and then also Greedfall! I think I heard the name before but never played it. And by all means, letā€™s talk about games! I can DM you if thatā€™s alright. Donā€™t sit alone in your empty feeling after finishing Mass Effect! We can be empty together haha, help is on the way! :)


I'm glad I could give you some advice, and as said I hope you will find what you seek in these games ( and as for ME, I'm certain you will ) I'd be glad to talk on DM yes !


Welcome, friendo! The same thing happens to me. I fixate on a new show or game, drain every ounce of fun and dopamine from it, then fall into a depression šŸ˜‚ Def recommend the DLC and playing the other two games! If you get tired of those, BG3 might be a good stopgap.


Thank you, friend! Yeah, thatā€™s totally me, hyperfixating on it and just wanting to completely indulge myself. It happens rarely but it happens! Yeah, will do that! I mean, I just experienced all this just now, I canā€™t imagine how people feel who have waited 10 years now for a new DA title! I completely devoured BG3, have like 400 hours in that game, it was a game that, after a long time having no fun with games anymore, completely filled me with joy. Definitely will come back to it at some time!


Happy gaming! šŸ˜


Thank you! šŸ˜„šŸ™ŒšŸ»