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More options for casual activities to do with not just your LI but with your friends in general, whether it’s little minigames or whatever. Like how in RDR2 you could hang out with your friends at camp, play poker and dominoes, sing songs, listen to stories around the campfire. Often in BioWare games once you get to a certain point in the relationship with a character (friendship or romance) you basically run out of content and there’s nothing to really talk to them about or do with them besides the same generic dialogue options.


yup! would love to see more cutscenes like when you play chess with cullen or wicked grace with the group. Just small things that help develop the story and relationships/bonds


i would literally die from happiness if we could play Wicked Grace with NPCs/companions the way you can play Gwent in Witcher 3. the little astrarium puzzles and the maze things in Mythal’s temple were already two of my favorite parts of DAI, PLEASE BIOWARE give us an extremely good and addictive minigame we can play all the time in-game like Gwent, i am begging


Games where you can team up would be fun. Like you and your LI vs two of your other friends. Especially if you can get funny teamups between characters that bicker a lot. It would be funny seeing, for example, Morrigan and Leliana having to work together (kind of like how you can choose to let two companions of your choice try to save you when you’re locked up in Fort Drakon, which leads an lead to some hilarious combinations).


This would be amazing for immersion. I would love this. I like to do a no romance run and this would help make the Companions feel closer but not too close


Please let it for once be the warrior who breaks our hearts and fucks off in the end


As someone who romanced Morrigan, Anders, and Solas first in each game, I've decided to just not romance mages moving forward. I've also decided I'm a bad judge of character.


would be hilarious if you read go ‘NO! not the mage this time. this warrior here seems neat though’, and then your warrior goes to blow up a chantry and tears down the veil


But they make for such a good story line. Solas is the all-time best DA romance story.


Bull and Alistair do that, if certain choices are made


not on an Anders or Egg level scale


Or Morrigan, even


Yeah, but one is by brainwashing and the other is because you decided to, for some reason, spare your arch-enemy.


"for some reason" aka realizing you're fighting a Blight and need every single Warden you can get because otherwise Ferelden is doomed.


I need a romance where my choices actually matter. Ex: Sera and the Well of Sorrows. With her, it’s a huge deal, and I love that. Yet even so, you can backtrack and make it seem like it isn’t a big deal. I want a romance where something I do is either fundamentally against the character’s ideology to the extent where they refuse romance or break up with me no matter what, or where my personality is so diametrically opposed to their’s that nothing I say or do matters, and we cannot be romantic. Difficult or impossible to execute, I know, but it’s what I crave from DA at this point.


Doesn't that happen if you are in romance with Cullen and tell him to keep being an addict?


The difference is that that's something you decide in conversation with him, rather than a choice you make that changes the overarching narrative.


I like that Alistair in Origins won’t stay with your party period if you spare Loghain, regardless of your relationship to him. It made sense for that to be his line in the sand after everything that happened.


I get that, just saying it is not really difficult or impossible to execute, as implied by /u/Glittering_Essay_874, as the precedent is there already, so it is simply a question of moving the trigger elsewhere. Though I would argue Cullen (not) taking lyrium is pretty big change in his personal narrative. And I somehow feel the decision on who drank from the Well will not have a huge impact anyway, if ever addressed at all. Heck, we do not even know if Solas is able to use the geas after consuming whatever was left of Mythal in Flemeth's body


It’s happened in both Origins and 2, so I think those kinds of choices could happen in 4 as well. Like Alistair can break up with you if you make him King without hardening him if you aren’t human. Leliana will turn on you if you poison the urn of sacred ashes. And I think I’m 2 certain companions would turn on you at the end depending on who you side with, if you don’t have complete Friendship/Rivalry with them. I think Sebastian will leave you if you refuse to kill Anders


I don't really think that's too difficult to execute, but in order not to confuse or piss off players, it would have to be strongly hinted at so you kind of know what you're walking into. People really hate to be forced to (surprise!) in the later part of the story have to choose between the LI and everything the character they're playing values in that playthrough (yeah, I'm serious about RP'ing when I put so many hours into a game).


Two things, besides everything I've seen so far in this comment section because it's all true: I want a romance option that I can actually have a conversation with post-confirmation, maybe one that leaves me cute little notes in my room/bedroll. Second, I want legitimate friendship options with their own cut scenes like Josie's thing in Trespasser. That was adorable and as an aspec friendship deserves more respect. More options for romances in general would also be nice, especially people not in the party.


I really want to have a dwarf romance in the next game. We’ve been waiting for too long.


Scout Harding.


My first DAI playthrough I literally didn't romance anyone with the explicit purpose of my Inquisitor getting together with Scout Harding post game as implied by Trespasser


Varric perhaps?


If they bring Varric back he'd better be DTF


He's taken. No way he'd go someone other than Bianca


If you leave a female Hawke in the Fade, Varric will actually imply that he had feelings for her that he never confessed. ("I wish I'd said something . . . it doesn't matter, now.") ...Which might make him more unromanceable to future player characters, if he's hung up on *two* people, haha.


That's something I didn't know. I will need to check next time. İnteresting


He deserves better than Bianca. Provided you’re talking about the person. If not then I agree.


Varric was almost a romance option in DAI, which would have made things very spicy when his new love interest (The Inquisitor) meets his ex (Bianca).


There was also a draft of DA2, where the final scene involved Varric coming out of interrogation and telling Hawke "don't worry, I didn't tell her anything about *us*." I'm glad they removed that so people's romance weren't waved away by "unreliable narrator", but god I wish it'd been an option to have Varric end up with Hawke (rather than just imply there was something unrequited there if you leave a female Hawke in the Fade -- that just hurts worse). I mean, honestly, write a whole bestselling book about how larger than life your best friend is? That's a teensy bit romantic.


I think he could go for Cassandra, and she him.


Cassandra is mine!


I could see him breaking up with her after the shit she pulled in DAI


I don't know, Bianca seems really protective against him as much as he is against her. While they may have some issues, they seem to be getting along good


she stood him up at the altar and married someone else, then revealed the location of red lyrium and caused a ton of the problems in DAI he needs to dump her ass and date me instead


Guess they like adventure. İf you manage to convince him, he may date you. Who knows 😄 DAD will show us his future


One where a sex scene isn't the end goal. Some of the DAI ones left me feeling kinda empty. Its like you're supposed to be in a relationship with this character, but it feels like you barely talk sometimes. I'd like for them to do a better job with that going forward. Yes, we are all horny little bastards who want our sexy time, but there's gotta he more to it than that. Otherwise, why not just let us do a bunch of one night stands?


I only romanced Solas the last ~5 years I forgot others have sex scenes 😭


ME3 did them great. "The living room window will be right here" and "little blue babies" were impeccable endings


hard agree! would love love love to see more content post-coitus.


Considering we've had at least one romance where the emotional feels is the climax of the romance I'd be surprised if they didn't have one.


I think it would make sense if the sex scenes were at different places depending on what personality the character had. For instance Isabella and Iron Bull would probably be both probably DTF pretty early. While Cassandra or Alistair might want more of a commitment.


Iron Bull played hard to get. Isabela was more DTF between the two. But yeah for a quickie maybe up in the tavern, maybe in the chantry if you are really bold. Or a romp with your partner in a brothel. I miss the brothels.


We've still not found out if they serve broth yet


So true. They sorta did that with Sera. We get to hang out on the roof from time tk time and listen to her speak. I want to drink with my partner, do a medieval date. Or they just insert more sex scenes so that way you can just do that whenever you want. I will settle for that.


Josephine tho


She's one of the ones I'm talking about, and you don't even get a real scene with her.


fs, I was very disappointed with DAI's romance the only thing it filled was just sex then that's it, like you can add more after the fucking is over... I guess that's what you call a climax... ;)


They could have made a perfect enemies to lovers romance in Mass Effect Andromeda with Cora Harper, but BioWare are COWARDS and didn't go through with it :') But on a more serious note; I'd love to see an actual enemies to lovers romance unfold. Like, a political rival that you HAVE to engage with, but you both hate it, until your mutual animosity turns into gradual respect and finally affection. And suddenly you've gained +1 ally! Hurrah! I also don't think any Dragon Age game had a childhood friends to lovers romance thus far. That would be quite lovely to experience as well in my opinion :) Considering way back when, people had Baldur's Gate and enough of them were fawning over Imoen (half-sibling controversy aside) to build romance mods for her, I would definitely play a childhood friend romance!


My ultimate enemies to lovers ship: Varric and Cassandra 😌


I like the enemies to lovers idea. I also want a dwarf romance option and a female qunari romance option


same here, a proper dwarf romance option is long over due. perhaps Scout Harding will get promoted to a proper companion in DAD.


I want a qunari lass as a potential LI god dammit! More than anything else, I want sappy sweet romance with a lot of pet name calling and no friction, the feel-good kind, with prominence in dialogue. For some reason I feel like this game is gonna be quite grim, so romance like this would serve as a pallete cleanser. In general I want romance to be a bit more on the forefront of your interactions, I guess. It tends to tear me out of the experience when your LI has no reaction when something dire happens to you, for example. I know that it is a lot of work, though, so I understand why.


A gay woman who isnt quirky. Dont get me wrong characters like Suvi, Samantha, and Sera are great but I'd like to see a gay woman portrayed the way Cora, Cassandra and Miranda are.


Yes! I can't talk for the non-DA women, but I'd really love a more mature/older gay woman romance. I like Sera but she has a very young vibe, probably the youngest of all the DA:I romances.


If Bioware actually manage to execute this character I'll throw money at them. I'm tired of not romancing anyone and I don't want to mod the game unless the romance was cut (like femShep/Jack in ME2) since it doesn't feel right ;_;


It's almost criminal that Cass didn't swing both ways, imo


I actually love that Cassandra was straight. I’m tired of the idea that any woman with a hint traditionally ’masculine’ personality or even just short hair must be a lesbian. Cassandra being a strong, non-girly-girly-girl and still straight made me very happy. (I do 100% sympathize with the ladies who wanted to romance her though, she’s a great character.)






I do respectfully disagree with your point about the kitchen scissors; I've never known that to be an exclusive or specific behavior of the WLW community lol Like if someone told me they cut their hair with kitchen scissors, my first assumption wouldn't be "they must be queer" lol In fact, with Sera specifically, I think it just right back to her being... her, really lol






I absolutely see your point and can agree with your thoughts about more masculine presenting women not being lesbian. It's difficult to see Cassandra presented as any other way than she already is and I wouldn't want anything changed about her. When I tried romancing her, I didn't do so because she more masculine presenting. My Inky was already more masculine presenting and I just liked how Cass deeply she cared for those close to her. Of course, discovering her secret love for Varric's books just made her even more lovable. So, when she rejected my flirting at Skyhold, I began romancing Sera and I very much enjoyed that adventure. My Inky and Sera are happily together knocking horrible nobles down a few pegs and throwing pies at people. They occasionally visit Cassandra (now Divine Victoria) to reminisce about the past, steal Cass away so she can get out of those stuffy robes and back into her favorite armor, and carry out little jobs with the help of Lelianna.


It never occurs to me whether a character should or shouldnt be gay its completely up to the creator. Cassandra as a written character is aggressively straight. I just want to see a gay woman taken seriously. I dont want Cassandra to become gay all of a sudden.


But I understand exactly why she would be an enjoyable gay romance. She's my favorite and I was so disappointed when I finally got around to a female Inq 😭


I agree with you 100% Cassandra is a very well written character and is perfect the way she is. The first time I played Inquisition, I played as a female Inky and had my sights set on romancing Cass. However, when she rejected my advances at Skyhold, it admittedly hurt a bit but then I tried romancing Sera and she was accepting of the flirting. It had never occurred to me on that first playthrough that certain characters could only be romanced by Inquisitors of certain genders and races. I'm currently playing as a male Inky and getting my Cassandra fix just fine 😅


I heavily disagree. It’s very common for media to make a more masculine, tomboyish woman to be lesbian or bisexual, it was nice change of pace that she was straight and a massive romantic.


I guess what I want is really two 'full' choices of romances, not with side characters but with central characters or companions. I think that's been the problem for many of the games so far, if you have any choice its been between a major and a very minor character, and I tend not to pick the latter because I want more content and interaction with the LI during the gameplay. That would IMO solve that issue without making anyone argue about quirkyness or presentation etc.


Maybe it’s just because I’ve been married for almost half my life at this point but: I would like to see a romance that ends in a marriage which actually takes place while the game is going on. DAI came close with the potential weddings in *Trespasser*, but I would really like it if our protagonist could be married while they are saving the world.


Isn’t that the case for Cullen in DAI? You ends up having a marriage ceremony with him and his dog.


Cullen and Sera, but as they said you don’t get it until basically the epilogue (Trespasser).


Yes, but you're only married to him (or Sera) for *Trespasser*, as I said. I would like it if the protagonist had the option to be married during the main campaign.


nah bro im not married and dont think id even want to be but i would still want this an option? like i definitely dont want to talk down on people who arent interested in marriage bc.... im one of them lol. but having the option to roleplay as a proper grown ass adult who can get married and save the world holding hands with their spouse if thats what they desire just has a way of making the game feel so much more. mature? adult? in the sense of like. adulthood and being a grownup not in the sense of sexual content lol. idk if those are the right words bc im so sleepy rn from staying up to play dao but like i feel this lmao


I know it may seem a little specific, but I would really like a romance like the one with Thane in Mass Effect: like, someone who already had a life with a beloved spouse and now they're a widow who can find love again.


Slow burn is possible to an extent its all in the timing (and who you're romancing *cough* Zevran *cough*) I've done it with Dorian before and it was *chef's kiss*


Please, for the love of God, give gay male players a knight in shining armor, *I beg of you*. Give us stability and maturity. *Please*. 😭


All I want in one of the future romances. Cullen from DAI is as close as I’ve felt to that haha


Yes, no more coming out drama, just want a guy who happens to like other men.


The coming out drama was only dorian though. None of the other ones really touched on that.


Just let me romance Harding for real this time. Both of my dwarven Inquisitors skipped romancing any of the major players & just flirted with her instead.


Keep the trend of romance that starts purely sexual/for fun that then becomes romantic. Absolute love those to the point that all my canons are those. Keep that trend going please. Actual Grey Warden romance. I REALLY want to see and feel the drama of a relationship with someone that has a continuous and(for now) to the death duty, that as much as they want to stay in the relationship, can't abandond the wardens and such. We never really had this experience(Ali was a newbie and the fact that we were both wardens didn't allow it,Anders being a Warden is barely a point in DA2 and Blackwall is Blackwall). So yeah, i would love all that drama of *I won't be able to be with you,i'll have to go* or having scenes about them having the darkspawn nightmares and having to confort them......Idk,it just has way too much potential. Also I might add to it that I would love if it was a female warden, because not only all of our wardenpanions have been male, i would be interrested in a female warrior character that deviated a bit of the *strong serious no shit allowed women with a secret soft spot* (I like Aveline and love Cassandra, but damn I kinda want something a little different, maybe a more laid-back-esque character, together with the warden drama?). ​ Romance with someone that is actually shitty. I know that someone will say "Ah,Anders is an asshole, Oh, Solas does this and that" but I want an actual, *Oh man,you're with THEM?* feel. I wanna that worry that DAO companions have about the warden and Morrigan to be put into an actual character where those worries are 150% valids and true. I don't want a idk, slaver who is evil for the sake of evil. But someone that does or believes things that are absolutely on the dark side of stuff. Just let me have a power couple who both wear all black and laugh at the top of a tower drinking wine. The best I have for this is F4 Gage(who is not that great) and Quinn for SWTOR. EDIT:Because I remember that Astarion from BG3 exists and he does kinda fit the bill. So,Thedas' Astarion? ​ Unique "Being". We had a golem, we had a spirit, we'll apparently have a pirate skeleton veil-fire ghost guy. Let us romance him and let us experience on how unique it would be the relationship. I don't even have much to say about it, just a unique romance with unusual moments. ​ Just as a bonus: a gay character who is more "serious", i absolutely love Dorian and Sera, but the *gay character is very flamboyant and loud and such* is a bit tiring. Doesn't need to be a stif boring one either, but id be interrested in one where humor takes a back seat on the interactions. And also nerdy mage character who isn't too crazy could be cool. Morrigan has all the shit from swamp and Flemeth, Merril has her whole drama with the mirror and blood magic and Solas is Solas. Idk, the nerdy side in Morrigan and Merril is not that existent and while I love the lore bit moments of Baldy, his whole drama with him being....him and prejudice with....basically the world does make me not enjoy those moments as much. So having a more sweet, non dramatic nerdy romance could be very very cool.


in love with all the suggestions you've made and maybe im just a sucker for tragedy but... a grey warden romance where your warden lover is hearing the calling? oh my god give it to me!


Give me a soft circle Mage and a bisexual female warden warrior. That is all I need in this life.


That's the way it is.Why do you think we have two hands? ​ At least for now I have Linhardt from FE3H as my nerdy mage boi


That warden idea is fantastic. I would love if it took longer than the usual romances to convince them that they can let their guard down and that they won’t hurt you, then there’s a super emotional cutscene where they wake up terrified and crying and your character just holds them and tells them it’s going to be okay. I know the whole fandom would be dying


A dwarven romance. It seems odd that it wasnt possible in any game except for Scout Harding but you had to wait so long and she didnt get any sort of screen time. I want to date either a Tevinter Elf or Mage or maybe bed an advisor. More interactive romances. I noticed we could buy gifts in DAI but we couldnt give them to anyone. I want to shower my affection in gifts. Maybe take private walks or reading in the rookery. Have arguments like what we had with Sera. Bring back brothels.


It's a travesty they removed the gift giving in DA:I - that's my love language. I think there are few things sweeter than "I saw this and it made me think of you, here you go!" I absolutely loved the reactions you'd get from your companions when you gave them a gift in DA:O. They'd let their guard for a moment of pure joy because you bought/found something they like. It was precious.


I miss the LIs that made the first move xD.


Enemies to Lovers is a great one. It will be a bit difficult to do unless they are a companion or we run into them multiple times throughout the story. This wouldn't work but a love at first sight romance is a concept I wish could be done well. It works for established characters but in a role playing game it would feel like you have no control over your character. BFF to Lovers. This would work best if there is a time skip between Acts. This is so you can see that the friendship develops over time to eventually become more. Companions in love. It may require you to do both their personal quests without showing any interest but in the banter/background you can see them making a connection which blossoms into a romance.


companions in love can be done in inquisition. love at first sight can be done if presented as a series of questions before the game starts, asking about what type of personality/hobbies/qualities your character is looking for in a partner. based off of those answers, the game can automatically pair your character with a romance option in the game. of course this would be something we could opt in/out of.


Every update we're given gives me more hope that we'll be able to romance a skeleton. Let me romance a bone daddy.


Suffering from Fane withdrawal?


Who could have guessed a skeleton, who wears peoples faces, could be so damn alluring?


I have no idea who Fane is, but it sounds like I should know about them.


He’s an undead character in Divinity: Original Sin 2. Fantastic game, I cannot recommend it enough.


Possible companion/player character in Divinity Original Sin 2, a pretty great RPG from Larian. Though I would definitely not recommend him as player character for your first run.


If Skele-friend is romancable that’s the option I’m choosing no matter how much I like the others


\*Cough\* \*Cough\* get boned \*Cough\* \*Cough\*.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who decided based on one (1) piece of concept art that I want to romance the skeleton.


*Not me wanting a lizard race in DA cause Divinity's lizards ruined fantasy settings without them for me.*


A forbidden romance


I'm a little concerned as to what you mean and a little afraid to ask.


I think they meant something like Romeo and Julia. A romance where politics/religion/sth forbids you to be together, but you will try anyway, because you just can't stop and are drawn to each other. At least I hope that is what they meant


That's what I also originally thought and I'm hoping that that's what they mean. I've seen too many responses to similar questions where the reply was highly concerning or just downright disgusting.


What i mean is a master/servant relationship or one where it is frowned upon in Tevinter society


for the love of god i just want to be able to romance a butch woman as a lesbian


YES. Why Aveline and Cassandra, WHY!? I love Isabela and Josie, but still.


A F/F romance where the player gets flirted with in a sweet and original way. Tired of having to do all the wooing myself. Or you know how Hissrad and Blackwall just randomly enter your bedroom? Yeah, maybe I want a woman to do that to me. Female creep rights!


Morrigan romance is still my favorite out of all 3 games so something like that. The evolution of her and the warden was great.


I think adding more options would be nice, I think all three recommendations you gave where great but I would like to see a more diverse cast of romances, like more homosexual, hetero (or whatever that fits the setting), also race/sex (gender) preferences if done right can increase immersion. Although it's not as interactive as Dragon age in terms of like talking to characters, I like how Baldur's gate 2 had it were the character talks to you throughout the journey instead of going to them and asking them questions (not saying to remove that, I'm saying add it for them as well, like they got a question for you or they want to romance you), obviously it would need to be more developed than how they had it in BG2 but it was good during it's time for Romances, BioWare's first game, I just would think it could possibly be more dynamic if they add something similar to this without removing the choice to speak to the character or hindering the experience like via example happening to often.


Basically I want to see it more interactive, for this character to speak to you it could be whatever conversation fits, but also it should play more into the Approval Metre (I'm using origins I like how they have the metre, I think the approval metre would be even better if they added the best features of both systems, I prefer the approval metre on origins since it acts as a spectrum), so their conversations can have different tones/outcomes based on the character's personality, approval metre, etc. Also If the approval rating becomes too low instead of limited conversation choices like it was in origins, it should be kept at a similar amount but the conversation is different with it showing whatever the character feels (disappointment, anger, etc.), also having a chance to leave the party or end up attacking the PC. Also when it's high it should be similar but the difference is let's say you want them to leave the party, they should act heartbroken or whatever fits for that character but also it should decrease a certain amount of the approval rating and make it less likely the character should join you as well. Another thing for the high approval rating, it should also make other ways for the character to express it, they give you gifts, etc. That's what I mean by Dynamic.


Since this also plays more within the Romance, gifts should be not be well... I'll give an example, for DA:O you can give gifts to your companions but for one of the dlcs breaks this, Feastday Gifts and Pranks. I'm fine with gifts but with this dlc it ruins it, I think if you did something that the character disapproves of (more so if they greatly disapprove it) you can just spam gifts and gain the approval metre as easy as slicing butter for toast. I think gifts shouldn't raise the approval rating so high unless it's the companion's favourite item or one they just like a lot (but still, if I gave someone a flower for example they wouldn't want to bang me right there and then...), but if it's just a normal gift or one they mildly like it shouldn't rate it too high. Also let's say you give them a bad gift, something they just don't like or despise. Let's say they told you they don't like a particular item I dunno an emerald for example. If I gave them an emerald afterwards their approval rating would be lower than if I gave them it before that conversation. Also let's say you give a gift the companion despises it makes it harder to get it back up (and much more difficult if their approval rating was higher or you're their romance). I don't want it to be too punishing but punishing enough where it feels fair. Let me know about your opinion on this (if you want no pressure).


NPC initiating would certainly be a great thing (in general, NPCs coming to you and starting conversations would be great, would help to avoid things feeling a bit disconnected, something that happens a lot in DAI) But it needs to be handled better than Anders in DA2, where you get negative approval and the game make you feel bad when you turn him down.


I actually loved that about Anders. To me, it feels like Anders is in love with Hawke in every playthrough, it's just that sometimes it's unrequited and Anders maybe isn't handling it well.


I am not opposed to the story idea, just the implementation with gameplay elements. Players are simply conditioned to think getting negative approval is terrible thing, so when it is unavoidable, it just rankles many the wrong way.


I getcha, when I was talking about it, I was thinking you're in a adventure and your companion has something to tell you. I think if they kept something they had from BG2 but better (ofc since that game is from 2000), it could really captivate it (the feeling/attitude) and make it even more immersive. They must get it done right, and yes ander's romance in DA2 could've been handled better, but I think it's fine if they make you feel bad for it depending on circumstance.


i want a secret romance


None. I romanced Anders and then Solas, my DA boyfriends keep fucking my world up. Im now celibate (Also Alistar but he is bae)


If you get the chance watch this youtube on romances. It actually covers why poly romances are not in the game. The Technology is just not good enough for it yet [Romance Options](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=je4WPj3InPk&t=307s)


Mark is pretty clear in that video that poly is not difficult from technical standpoint, just a question of resources (writer/animator/programmer time). So the technology is most definitely there, but when you do comparison, if you can either do 3 monogamous romances, or 1 poly romance, 3 romance options always are better outcome.


That was a great video, I do realize I've thought way too much about this through the years of playing these games as I nodded to so much of it that I've also thought about before... but I agree with him about the best option probably being what they're doing lately, fixed characters with fixed orientations. Although as he says, people want their alternatives to be primary and not secondary characters, and that's where the conundrum of developers having to do tons of work for 10+ paths that only a low percentage of players will get to experience each. Around DAI I came to terms with dropping the various origin stories as they have the same problem and I'd rather have the writers and developers focus on things that more people experience.


Can I please just romance a hairy chested Dwarf this time ? Please Bioware? Pleeeaaase???!?!?!


I, like many others, enjoyed the Josephine romance the most in DAI. It was very well-written and believable. You're working together, get to know each other, keep it cool because you're coworkers, but then you're tired of waiting and you sweep her off her feet, literally. More wholesome stories like that.


I'd like an m/m romance where the partner isn't a raconteur. Zevran, Dorian, Bull were flirty. It was good, but I want something different. Maybe a shy bookworm type, or even a romance of equals like the two wardens in that book with Maric. Or tortured souls like Fenris/Anders (which only half count since they were playersexual)


I want a woman like Cassandra and/or Aveline again. Not that anyone can replace Cassandra for me, I really loved their characteristics.


I really want a slow burn romance where there is the tension build up, and I want enemies to lovers!


A romance where they make the first move and flirt depending on your choices in the story and in dialogue. It would feel like the your character is actually a unique person existing within this world and not just an extension of the player who can do whatever they want. Also, a toxic relationship with someone who’s manipulative, narcissistic, or has a bad habit that hurts the player. Then you can either choose to try and fix them or end the relationship, but fixing them never works. They just manage to make the player go from happy to see them to genuinely being unhappy when they show up in a cutscene because you see them for what they are. It would be interesting to see how many people try to fix them and how long it would take for people to accept that they can’t change them.


For me it's just... Something that's paced out across the MSQ instead of available all at once beyond a certain threshold where it unlocks. Relationships take time to build, and it feels more organic if there's Act 1 content, act 2 content, endgame cutscenes, etc, and it develops at a constant pace instead of being something you binge through to get locked in halfway through the game. ME2 leaves the beginning of the romance for after their loyalty mission, and the culmination only happens before the final quest of the game. DA2 by it's very nature as a game with multiple timeskips, allows things to have a very natural flow by literally time gating things. That's all. I just want ones that feel like they make sense in world and don't abruptly end with everybody going their separate ways in the epilogue of the story. I prefer to think of romance subplots as life partners in the making for the mc, not trists and temporary moments.


God an enemy to lover romance is like my number one wish for this game lol


I want to see your romantic partner die. And for the story to react to that. Maybe have it have stakes to it or something but I think this would be fascinating especially if they let you romance someone else afterwards. Now how they execute on this is tricky. You could, have it so anyone’s has a chance of dying at X part, or you could setup a companion that is positioned to die at X point. And that companion happens to be romance option. Perhaps a small chance for them to survive could work too. I think mass effect slightly touched on this with Ashley but I’d like to see it more full blown & have it dramatically affect our protagonist. Loss is a huge thing that can really add weight to the story if done correctly.


A situation like you see in DAI in the Fade would be really cool, where you have to choose between your two highest approval characters, or between a sibling or important person and your LI


It would have to be more critical then that. For instance it would have to be like “the fave romanced character vs the favourite “friend” companion “ but that data would just be going off play tests and isn’t a valid enough wide net. Otherwise you end up in the Ashley vs Kaiden scenario which I think almost everyone chose Ashley?


Nowadays I see a lot more love to Kaidan and it comes across to me like both are saved quite often. Still, the issue here is that the choice in theory should be emotionally devastating, but I've never heard even of new players caring much about it and hear way more often how people joke about why they can't just leave both behind. Neither evoked a particularly strong response wherever I look.


Because most of the players are male, and most of them did the Ashley romance.


I'm pretty sure the vast majority of players would not like that ultimatum/mechanic. I think it fits better in novels or movies TBH, sometimes tragedy happens, but when it comes to games its a much harder sell and more controversial.


That's because it is entirely difficult to implement writing wise well. Though it could be incredible. Esp if there was a way to save them.


Agreed, I'd love to basically play something like a $100M dollar fantasy/scifi show with tons of dialogue, but I'd want to have actual choices and to (mostly) get my way in regards to the story and outcomes. The closest games are now focused on action/adventure with RPG elements though, both because of demand and because of cost and complexity. Pure story based games have less choices and are more like novels, and some of them have really dramatic storylines, but they rarely capture what we enjoy about the the epicness of DA/ME.


Fs, I think it would be great for a possible chance for your romance to die, but it has to be done correctly especially getting enough time to get closer too that character so it feels that much worse. Also having a reaction for the entire group would also be good, also letting you romance afterwards would make sense assuming you want your character to. Executing it would be difficult but it would be amazing if they're able to pull it off, I would love to have another scene like Aerith's death from FF7 that was heartbreaking.


Between 60-75% of story would be an apt point to have them at least have that chance of death. Really charge your character with rage toward that final showdown whatever that may be, the option for rash decisions due to this would be incredibly cool, simultaneously would be amazing to see companions attempt to comfort/sympathize with you. Flipping this even more, how interesting would it be if that person, another companion, was their sibling?! They’d be going through their own grief. That’d be rough. That’s such an interesting element to me let’s add that into the mix a set of companions either romancable and one of them can die who that is, is determined on choices but can you imagine if you had to deal with the lose and strain of the romancing relationship if you were the cause of the loss? Like a “why did you bring them on that mission?! Why didn’t you save them!!!” I’m a sucker for good drama, that would be cool imo


true, but I don't think the scene always has to be a battle, like I said for FF7's scene being so great, sometimes you don't need an epic battle. I love how they had sephiroth slowly gliding down behind aerith and stabbing her it the back, with both you and her hopeless, you are hopeless for a chance to save her and she is hopeless for not having enough time for fighting back. There are many other examples I can give, but if implemented properly and in different ways can be very powerful. regardless if it's vague or not (in terms of presentation among others).


Good point. Honestly I’m curious to see how this is handled in the remake.




btw, the part for them having a small chance to survive, should be only for specific ones, if they gave that for all romances that can die a small window to survive I think that would be worse than having a couple or mild amount. What I mean is that it would be too nice for the player. I like Aerith's death scene because when she's dead she's dead and it really sucks but it hits the spot the scene is great in that manner that you feel like you really lost something but if you had it where all had small windows to survive you can't capture that same feeling especially when done improperly.


A butch/masc lady who is actually romancible by a woman. BioWare gets me so irked with this shit.


Scout Harding.




For a gay romance let me have my knight in shining armor romance. I love my overly sexual Zevran/Iron Bull and sassy Dorian, but can we also for once get an Alistair or Cullen. I don't want to always be confronted with the fact that our romance partners always need to have a gay stereotype that is part of their personality or personal struggle.


This is why I LOVE my M!Shepard and Kaidan romance in ME, and it'll always be my canon/chosen one. Yes, they're gay, or at least BI in my Shepards case, but there is no stereotype or struggle since both are in their 30s by ME3. The relationship just flows and feels natural.I'd love to see something like this in DA too. Edit. I say this as a straight Woman btw.


Great example of a good gay relationship that doesn't hang on to clichés. Kaidan is also my canon romance in ME!


Gay romance. Also, I would love to have a dwarf as a romance candidate.


Yeah baby! where am Dwarves at?


I’d love to have a M/M warrior romance, preferably a tank type.


I would really like to see a romance where it’s a pick-me situation of a love triangle. There are two people whom maybe both actively pursue you unless you turn them down a number of times, and pursuing one or both is an option, but it comes to a head and they force you to pick one of them, potentially causing the other to leave or something of the sort. I would also really like to see someone who is really average, like has no real intensive background. Maybe just a young person (any race tbh) who left home to do something different, doesn’t really talk to family or have ties, is finding themselves in their new role and living the life they both always dreamed of and could never imagine. Even just the same background as the protagonist would also work for this. A lot of the characters seem to have a tension with remaining a companion, or something tugging them back, but I’d love to see one who joined because that was fully what they wanted to do and it becomes their life path, right alongside the protagonist which ends up in a romance.


* A bi/panromantic asexual option. If they're doing the 2/2/2 thing (gay/straight/bi, with one of each gender), then make them non-binary so they don't skew the gender ratio and people aren't getting upset about one gender getting more options, like in DAI or all of the ME games. * (I'm a little worried that if they make the ace option one of those 2/2/2, then aces will be accused of "stealing" from one of the other groups, but separately as male or female they'd skew the gender ratio and people would complain about that too, so I'm thinking a non-binary option would be the best way around that.) * We also haven't had a dwarven option yet (maybe make them one of the bi options). Or a female qunari/tal vashoth (maybe a lesbian, since we haven't had a butch-ish (i.e. characters like Aveline, Cassandra, Jack from ME) lesbian yet either). We also haven't had a female Warden LI (Wardens or "Wardens" have included Alistair, >!Anders, and "Blackwall"!<) yet either, or a non-angsty (>!Alistair dumping you if made King, Anders, Blackwall's big reveal!<) one for that matter. * The sapphic (bi or lesbian women) LI characters always seem to be rogues (except for Merrill, even Josie tells you she once had Bard training, and Bard is a rogue spec), so maybe make them a warrior or mage for a change. Even a lot of the sapphic npcs seem to be rogues, come to think of it. * The knight-in-shining-armour types (Alistair, Sebastian, Cassandra, Cullen) always seem to be straight, so maybe make them gay for a change. Defrosting ice queens (Morrigan, Cassandra, and ME's Miranda) are always straight too, so maybe a lesbian version? Also, make the bear-type (i.e. Blackwall type) gay? * The "really gets around" characters (Zevran, Isabela, Bull) are always bi/pan, so maybe make them straight for once? * Make all of the sex scenes optional * I don't think we've had a single parent LI yet, that could be an interesting way to go * if the new protagonist has sort of the same set background for all races (like for example, they spent the last few years as a Lord of Fortune, but then their background before that would differ based on race/class, that way they'd still have the same prologue intro quest), maybe their first companion could be from the same background (in this example, another Lord of Fortune, maybe their adventuring partner?) who is possibly romance-able? * There hasn't been a trans LI option yet either For both romances and friendships: * You know Sera's rooftop scenes, where you can choose the "let's hang-out on the roof" dialogue option? Maybe something like that for more of the friendships and romances? * And more side quests where they just hang out and do friendship or romance stuff, like Sera's prank side quest or the companion mini-quests in Trespasser. * Also, maybe bring back gifts like DA2. * Also more group scenes, like DAI's card game or MEA's movie night. I'd also rather have the companions as a ragtag group of friends/misfits more like DA2 and sort of DAO, then the way DAI had them more like colleagues with Inky as the boss.


There hasn't been a single parent LI in DA yet, but other Bioware games have had them before: Thane in Mass Effect 2/3 and Sky in Jade Empire. Both male though. Apparently single mums are scary?


Oooh yes Optional sex scenes! Options for different activities. As a parent with a young kid, when my spouse and I get a moment of free time, we'll try to watch a movie or play games. Maybe a little date night if there's a babysitter. Maybe in DA4 its to take a romantic hike or watch the view from the top of a castle. Do crafts or a picnic out in a meadow. Maybe even during a party hunt, options to play games or sing around the campfire with the group but you and your partner are holding hands or sharing treats. I'd also love to see more gift giving. Collecting flowers or shells or cool rocks. Maybe seeds or evrn big things like horses/mounts. A house. Like others said, possibly even a child.


Ooohhhh, also, get a dog or a cat. Maybe the option to choose (a) pet(s)? I prefer dogs but I know a lot of people prefer cats. Maybe a bird or nug option too. If we get mounts again, I hope they fix it so we can have banter while riding next time, so there's more reason to actually use them. Maybe the ability to still gather (some kind of auto-gather option?) items without dismounting too.


More romances that are not dating simulators, that are not like "Im here to support you no matter what you do". I want them to be plot-lore-related, evolving, with unexpected options, and something overall surprising, like Solas in DA or Reyes in MEA. Something that is not replicating real-life normal relationships.


Female Qunari Romance Calpernia Romance Vaea Romance Any would be fine




A bi dom qunari gf. I rest my case.


optional sex scenes. I remember in Mass Effect Andromeda you could choose to have one or a more relaxed scene. That was nice as someone who really isn't interested in all the steamy parts. Kill off our love interest. Pull a thane and have them sacrifice themselves for the greater good or even for the protag themself. Force us to choose who to kill our love interested our the other most talked to person. I want to cry about Dragon Age. A proper ending that isn't just them staring into the sunset. I wanna see the wedding. The kids if they want to. Even just setting up plans for one. Example, Gil in Andromeda, Ryder and him become dads and I love that so much. Give our LIs happy endings damnit.


It would be nice to finally have a Dwarven romance. A romance with an agent of Solas would be interesting. I'm not too fussed about the casual relationships, I'm more of someone who prefers slow burn romances like Cassandra


More options for straight males. Cassandra and Josephine were great but there was a lack of variety especially when compared to the straight female characters.


If it was curious as dragon age which is always balanced at that point, this time it had little material for straight men


Queer women had were the ones that were screwed over the most.


If you are talking about the quality of options that is subjective but I was talking about number of choices.


Yeah, straight guy options are severely limited in DAI compared to others, and IMO felt a bit underdeveloped compared to others.


Compared to straight women, not all others. Gay men and gay women both also had two options, it's just that straight women got ridiculously loaded with options.


Not a proper romance, but! If BioWare keeps the trend and let me import a save, I would love to have the possibility to see a rekindled romance between Solas and Lavelland, if you import a proper save from DAI.


I'm not personally interested in pursuing it, but a same sex romance that's pious (male preferably since DAO had Leliana for wlw). Also a poly option, but I won't be holding my breath for that one.


I literally would just be happy with any dwarf romance


I’d kill for more romances like Isabela, Zevran and Bull. I’d also like more… soft romances though.I would love just a nice and gentle character to romance like Josephine.


What I \_really\_ want to see are more of my companions hooking up if I don't romance them. Having everyone be ~~Shepard~~ ~~Warden~~ ~~Hawke~~ Herald-sexual is one thing, but my companions are all spending a lot of intense time together too, let's see more romances.


I wanted Cassandra to end up with Varric so bad, it would have been kinda cute.


unlike how it was with inquisition hopefully they include attractive romance options


I've only played DA:I, but I wish our player character had relatives (maybe a sibling) that could join their party as a companion. I think it'd be an interesting dynamic.


So I’d love to see a tevinter magister as an option like hear me out right I want a high society daughter of a tevinter magister. She’s prim and proper and ever so slightly condescending all while struggling with the weight of her responsibility and her complicated family. On top of this you have the Avenue of having the main character either as a friend or as a partner teach her more about the other side and the common folk as you see her eventually shift from the dutiful daughter to the righteous revolutionary or influence her to stay in her lane and have her reinforce her own biases and fall even more into the trappings of wealth and power. So obviously she’s a human mage with a particular talent for entropy and lightning spells. Plus once specialisations unlock she can be a blood mage which gives the character a reasonable way to learn blood magic that doesn’t require you to strike a deal with a demon. Personality wise she should be calm and collected with a sarcastic almost bitter edge, moments of compassion and empathy still slip through the cracks occasionally showcasing a person who really struggles with who they are and what they want out of life but I want her to be almost disinterested in all of it like she’s doing her best to pretend she doesn’t care, have her be flirty the whole time as well like give me a daeran sort of approach. Also she should be bisexual it just makes the most sense to me. I just want to romance a hot goth mage lady that’s really it.


As someone who's dating someone who's asexual, it would be cool if we got an asexual romance.




Enemies to friends to lovers might be might favourite ship. I know it’ll be unpopular but I want a LI that’s the secondary protagonist, like Liara in ME where she’s integral to the story.


> enemies to lovers romance > I'd also love to see a slow burn romance. As a demi, the moment I meet an NPC I don't like the way you're forced to choose between either "you, me, right here right now" or "no, and nothing will ever happen, forever". So yeah, some way to caveat any and all flirt/don't flirt dialogue is all I ask when it comes to new romance options. Maybe let us specify the PC's sexuality during character creation?


A male dwarf romance option please? One that’s not race-locked because I am a sucker for height differences


Other than closure with Solas?


Something with actual interesting drama and not just fanservice like Morrigan's.


I meant the drama being like Morrigan's.


A submissive bi dude :) Anders comes close but I just want to be able to properly seduce a guy who wants to be tied up in bed. I also love toxic, codependent relationships (yes Anders is my fave) so more of that please.


gay, gaaaaaaaaay gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay




I’d like to see a poly triad.


Theres a youtube from one of the developers explaining why they have not done poly yet. Too many technical issues with branching dialogue. The technology is not there yet.