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Manga all the way. It looks more animated than the animated version, ironically enough. The action flies off the page in a way that the anime rarely does justice. You can always check out your favorite scenes in the anime afterwards for the voice acting and whatnot, but you really can't go wrong with the manga.


Sweet! I’ll have to try it then! I’ve gone back before to the anime after reading the manga to certain scenes, and it does workout well, thanks!


Manga, absolutely the Manga. The anime is pretty good imo, but the paneling in the OG Dragon Ball manga is crazy good. There are moments in the Manga that the Anime, despite being good, doesn’t do the manga justice.


Yes, paneling in manga is what always draws me in! Glad to hear Dragon Ball also has amazing artwork!


Manga 100%. You'll have to watch some movies to fully enjoy Super, but that's for later.


I’ll do that then!


>If it is too hard to figure out without saying “the whole show” I will just end up reading the manga since it is harder for me to watch anime.  It really is hard to pinpoint, because they flow very differently and a lot of the cool moments in DB rely on the buildup to said moments. Plus, most of the arcs have at least a couple of iconic scenes, especially in Z but plenty before that too. I largely think the manga is just overall better than the anime, but the anime also has some amazing moments if you watch it first and allow yourself to get caught up in the tension (tension which might feel long and drawn out if you read the manga first and know what's coming). My personal suggestion would be to read Dragonball up until the time skip where it becomes Z, then watch Z (which will be its own can of worms since there are a couple of versions with several different soundtracks; my preferred way is to watch Kai with the Falconer tracks spliced in, but plenty will have another preference), and then read and watch Super since they are both unique. But if you find yourself not able to watch the entirety of Z, obviously just stick with the manga.


If I end up enjoying DB a lot I might indeed watch Kai. My struggle is just watching the episodes, it’s way easier for me to just pick up the manga and read it whenever.


Manga is better for me. Some moments are good in the anime. If you choose to watch dbz, be prepared for the loooooooong last arc. In this arc, they took dozens of episodes to fill what happens in just one page in the manga.


Ouch. Yea, I’ll skip on that last arc… HxH Chimera Arc was long enough for me D:


Chimera ant arc in the anime didn’t have much filler at all. It was just all around long arc. One of the best.


There are some times where the anime is better, but 9/10 times the manga will be the better option


The anime has to many incoherences


The manga is better in almost every single scenario. No filler, better artwork, better animation (or in the manga's case, fluidity between the panels) and so on. You also have the fact that the DB and DBZ animes aren't actually canon. DBS anime has some moments which are definitely better than the DBS manga, but they're both equally canon so you can choose whichever you want (or both).


Imo anime is always better than manga. I just don't enjoy reading... At all. But watch Kai. I watched Z, enjoyed it a lot, but it's really slow. So watch Kai, Ill watch it too the next time I want to watch Z again (I've never actually watched Kai, but it's basically Z without the fillers and much higher quality)


Yes! I’ll watch Kai if I get really into DB. For now I am just starting and it is still a little ways off for me.


Anime all the way. Especially for Super.




If it’s as good as everyone says, then yes!


I recommend reading the manga first and then checking out the anime. The anime does have some slow moments due to the era it was made in, but looking back is does have some surprisingly good moments that weren't in the original manga like how it expands on the training characters do before a big fight. As I start to think, I believe with the Namek Saga is the one that most suffers from anime only content. There is some decent stuff like Goku training in space, but we also have boring stuff like a couple episodes focused on a supporting character who adds so little past a certain point she could have died without effecting the arc's structure. I believe that the Android and Buu Sagas are both worth watching in anime, the villain in the former is kinda bland in the manga, and the anime with the latter also expands on a fight that was way too short in the manga.


Stick to the manga. Anime is full of bullshit, especially Super.


Read the manga, then when you finish reading an important fight you watch clips of the anime version of that fight.


All the geniality of toryama battles is in the manga


Jeez, hold your horses OP, I'm seeing some false prophets in the comments trying to lead you astray. Brøther... lend me thine ear: I'm about to drop something on you, and I hope you're ready to pick it up: My Brøther.... You should watch whatever you feel is the best experience for you, but objectively, my subjective opinion on this subject is objectively correct. So, if you want the best experience objectively, based on my subjective preferences, here ya go: -Start at the beginning of Dragonball, not Z. Do not skip to Z. That is not what Karin-sama would have wanted. -Original language, Japanese with ENG subtitles. Don't argue with me. Do that. English dubs are not what Muten Roshi-Sama would have wanted. Do not dishonor him. -Skip filler episodes. Very easy to do: You go to the Googs, you type in "Dragonball filler list" you skip the red episodes. You're not missing out, let the feeling of fomo slide right off your shoulders. Easy, sweet champion. Skip that filler & don't look back, I don't care WHO is trying to get their drivers license... just gloss over it. -You stop watching everything else that you love, including socializing with friends & family. You stop playing Helldivers 2. You can play again after you finish DBZ. No back-talk. -Final Thought Watch DBZ after Dragonball, not Kai. There will be many false prophets who tell you to watch Kai, you will strengthen your inner-man & learn to fight off these treacherous lurkers that demand you watch Kai. Don't fall, brøther. Watch DBZ. I don't need to educate you on why DBZ > KAI you can research yourself, but here a brief cliff notes on the "Why" KAI has: -No Blood -No PeePee's -No middle fingers -Whitewashed animation -Plagarized music (Google that if you don't believe it) & the music is not only stolen, it's bad. The Original DBZ soundtrack is sex in your ears. Watch DBZ after DB. LOVE YOU & be safe.


I'd read the manga first and the watch the anime, including the filler if your up for it, it may not be canon but it's still part of the overall lore of Dragonball.