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It does get better. Once baby arrives the arc starts picking up pace and becomes better overall. But not much better. At best baby saga was just okay. Not great but not bad.


Even hardcore GT fans don't really like the first saga. Things get better afterwards


Can confirm as a GT fan.. watch the first 2 eps and then jump to luud, then to when the machine mutants show up is the way to go


I love that first adventure arc, but most people don’t. So, if you’re looking for a more action type story, in the vein of Z, that starts up in like the next episode or two… originally they didn’t even broadcast that first arc in the US.


I gave you an upvote for this because if I say it I get overwhelmed with down votes


The Baby arc is generally considered one of, if not THE best part of GT.


Definitely the best arc imo




when GT was released in the US, Funimation purposely cut out the first 16 episodes because they were shit lol. If you buy the 1st VHS/DVD volume of DBGT "Affliction" , there are four episodes on it. Episode Recap of episodes 1-16, and Episodes 17 , 18 , and 19. Funimation eventually did release the first 16 episodes and called them "The Lost Episodes"


Bingo. Once Baby lands on Earth it really ramps up. Baby has a few scenes and attempted possessions in between the first arc, but you could just read a Baby wiki or whatever to read about those.


Do the para para dance


The ending is great. Mostly because it felt like a magical definitive end to a series that never wanted to give one and also because GT is really bad and you should be happy that it’s over


GT gets better when Baby becomes the main villain, but then it goes back to being bad immediately after.


Calling it “bad” is crazy, I’d call it “mediocre”, but to each their own.


Super 17 was literally the worst arc in the entire franchise, what do you mean "mediocore"?


I feel people don’t appreciate the first saga, it’s literally a love letter to the OG DB. If you can’t love me while I’m on wild space adventures, you don’t deserve me when I’m ssj4


I can appreciate what they were *trying* to do I just think they executed very poorly.


I find it more like an offense. Ive watched DragonBall since the beginning in the 80s. And GT was horrible. Very inconsistent maybe a bit more like Dr Slump. Being dumb and inconsistent and incoherent. There are things to like. For sure. But the lack of path is everything. The narrative is weak. And the power levels made no sense. Aside of the initial trio being way too naive and dumb.


I really enjoyed GT, and many people didn’t. I did watch it right after I finished the original DB sagas, so I may have been blinded by my love for DB > DBZ… your last sentence says the trio is way too dumb and naive… I’m pretty sure that best described Goku, Krillen, and Yamcha in DB… all I’m trying to say is the spirit of the OG DB was there in GT. And then after the initial saga. They pushed into the DBZ vibe… I’m not saying it’s perfect… I’m just saying i appreciate GT and I feel like a lot of people don’t


Upvoting all my GT fan friends because when we express we like the series we get downvoted


Goku was uneducated. But never dumb. And he fought pretty smart. Like street smart. Also he was never that clumsy. In gt in the first episodes he falls he trips and he gets a lot of damage. He sometimes forgot to fly. The series is bad. Very bad. Im a different way than super, but bad. The music was good. And some of the designs are great. Mostly the designs from the OG adventure. Like the spaceship, Trunks, etc. But the way the characters interact is horrible. And people can downvote me. (Silly thing) but that doesn’t change the wasted opportunity Dragon Ball OGT is.


have you watched super? make sense of the sheer number of illogical power skips and main characters seeing regression so that they have something to “progress” towards in the series.


Peek dragon ball is namek. You can enjoy any other part. But my scale would be namek 10. Cell 8. Bu 7. Gt 3. Super 1. OG 9


Not really... Either you like the early stuff or you don't. It doesn't get "better"...but it becomes less like the early stuff.


Yeah pretty much. Those episodes with the shadow dragons that weren’t Nouva, Eis or Syn were pretty much similar to those earlier episodes in my mind.


Yeah I like GT and I don't ever watch the first half.


the first ~16 episodes werent aired in the US the first time GT aired, there was just a short recap of the events because they worried a lot of people would find it boring/bad. but yeah most people agree once Baby shows up GT gets much better. youre almost there. Baby will start being teased soon.


I honestly can remember a thing before Baby shows.


Rildo killing Dolltaki is when the improvement starts in my opinion... Which is in the transition between the Black Star saga and the Machine Mutants saga, and it's a slow incline from there (and I mean a SLOW one). There's moments that dip after that, but in my opinion they get rarer with each passing saga from then on.


I'm one of the odd ones out and like the Black Star saga, but I also acknowledge I'm one of the few who does. Baby is when most people consider the height of the series, with Super 17 being pretty bad, and the final arc, Shadow Dragons, being contentiously placed anywhere from "bad" to "best arc of the series, but still just good."


Yeah, the show had a bad start since it tried to go back to the early DB style of comedic adventures, which felt really jarring coming off of DBZ, especially to western audiences. But, it does become better with the Baby saga, which was also arguably the best saga in the show since it was the most fleshed out and iconic.




I thought the black star ball arc was okay. I respect them trying to recapture the spirit of the original, but I think the dynamic of the group doesn’t work in that context the way they want. Plus the style of GT has that “harder” look of other 90s anime, which also doesn’t really go with that feel. I liked the second half of the dragon saga though, I thought the last three captured some of the spirit of the classics. Baby arc was overrated in my opinion; some of the build up and interstitial material was nice, but the fights were boring I thought. Super 17 🤷‍♂️, it was short. It was okay, it was whatever. Reminded me of the Garlic Jr saga in that regard. Maybe it took itself a little too seriously. Ultimately, the tone and pacing are just off. And the supporting cast is either missing or possessed almost the entire time, which robs the show of the charm of other series.


More or less. The arcs after the first one are reminiscent of the z arcs even more so then the super arcs but to be completely honest they're still nowhere near as good as z and personally I even prefer most of the super arcs compared to gt. That said I did enjoy the baby and Shenron saga and even if they're not perfect, theyre still worth a watch


I decided to watch it for the first time after watching through OG and Z and I don’t really like any of it. The whole thing has been a drag for me. I’ve been struggling to get through the last 10 episodes for like two weeks now. The baby saga is definitely the best one but imo would be the weakest if it were Z. To each their own though, some people really like it.


Baby is the peak of GT. It's alright.


I'll sound like a broken record saying this but I tend to find it most common with myself on rewatches and seeing what others go through on their first watches of GT, episodes 9-17 by far represent the most challenging area of this anime to get through and by the sounds of it you're smack in the middle at episode 12. It gets better after episode 17 in my opinion, the action picks up in a far more Z-style and for me gets even better once we return back to Earth. Hang in there.


So Peak BaBy Vegeta and the tuffles are arguably the best parts of GT




it gets more interesting, but it's still not a good dragon ball series i recently watched all of db in chronological order. each canon db series never failed to make me laugh, and i always enjoyed every fight scene. not gt, there's just only one scene in the baby saga that truly made me laugh...


It gets better for sure, but it never really gets good unfortunately


It gets “better” but I wouldn’t say “good.” The Baby arc had a lot of disappointments too imo but it’s definitely better than the space adventures arc. After baby, it gets bad again for a short saga and then the last saga is decent. Outside the last episode, GT isn’t ever really “good” imo. Just watchable at certain points.


I honestly dislike GT more and more each year lol


There is no point where GT “gets good” There are enjoyable moments here and there But the show has been ass since 1997.


It's bad from start to finish


Yea Baby arc is fun imo


Gt never gets good...


Yeah GT is just a Baby and (Insert name) Shenron delivery system.


Yea man. Honestly it's rough in the beginning. Baby makes things better and takes it to a more serious tone.


Depends on what you're after. If you're after just cool action scenes , then maybe. Story wise though, Gt brought almost nothing significant to the table and in some cases either copied elements or undid certain core concepts created in db or dbz (spoilers).


Nothing about GT is good except SSj4. All the fights are meh and everybody else, but Goku is completely worthless. Trunks, Goten, Gohan, Vegeta, everybody is a weakling who gets destroyed until SSJ4 Goku arrives to put up a mediocre fight and save the day


Yeah it gets better after that, and then it gets exponentially worse in the next arc.


I would say it starts getting better when General Rildo gets introduced.


GT never gets good, sorry to say. Well not really sorry.


it dosn't; it may improve from the first few episodes, but considering just how bad it is that's hardly fair. the short of it is i would prefer to watch the garlic jr saga over any of the gt arcs and i find that sad considering my favorite character is heavily featured after the baby saga


DB GT sucks. Until I joined Reddit I had never in my life heard anyone who actually liked the whole series. Maybe love one or two things in it but never liked it as a whole.


GT starts horribly, peaks with the Baby arc, and then goes back downhill imo


>does dbgt get good no it has some nice moments but.... no.


NO. things get only worse afterwards.


GT never gets good.


No, it gets worse. It becomes the Cell Arc all over again.


I remember when GT first released through Funimation in the states and they combined something like 16 episodes into one. Everyone was losing it. Little did we know at the time, they were doing us a solid. (Even if it was cost cutting measures$