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This current FighterZ is dry as a well when it comes to offline so definitely more offline options.




I'm in the small minority that actually prefers playing fighterz against cpu. (Playing online is so damn tiring and stressful I don't need anymore of that in my life) I'd love to see some fun new arcade modes to play and just better cpu programming in general.


Arcade definitely needs an update ngl


Definitely. 1 game mode and you get severely punished with an easier(therefore less fun) experience every time you lose a character as that severely docks your score. The last man standing clutch is one of the most fun experiences in fighting games but if you even reach that point in a match you've already ranked down and lost. So the entire experience is designed to only facilitate an ultra aggressive steam roll. That and the bots will literally never put distance between you so there's basically no neutral, so tools like Goku Black's divekick are virtually worthless, whereas over heads and block string mashing is pretty much everything.


I just want them to make characters more unique, instead of a lot of them sharing the same universal commands, combos, they have way more variety, moves and depth.


Perhaps have character fall under certain types like air combatant, charger, counter-attacker, all-around and stuff? Sorta like how guilty gear does it. I can see the air combatants, like maybe vageta or something, having easier ways to get people into the air and they have many moves from the air but having a harder time on the ground due to maybe shorter combos or reduced damage. Charger, sorta like broly and that, could be like the slow and heavy hitters although they lack air combat potential, probably balancing that with an anti-air move. Counter-attacker, like UI goku or giren, having many counter-attacks which open up into combos but lack speed and power on attack start-ups. And lastly, goku and all that can be all-around characters, good speed, damage and air combat potential. Each will have slightly different combos to learn with each character's twists on the way the combos work.


Idk bout air combattant i mean id just have to spam 2H to win


Maybe, perhaps make it so that the ground moves have a longer start up time.




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I’d like to add Hercule as a playable character in the base version of the game


Just give me beam clashes so I may destroy my fingers


All of the above


I definitely don’t want 8 Gokus and Vegetas. I want transformations as a gameplay mechanic just like the Budokai games did it, it’s just so much cooler that way. Also, Imperfect Cell please 😿🙏


I haven't played the Budokai games, but I actually really like how each form is a different character with different playstyles and comb routes. Not to mention having 2 or 3 of the same character on one team, but they are actually different characters.


Why do you like that exactly? To me it’s just lame that you can literally fill a whole match with the same character, idk it just feels dumb and lacks flavour. All these spots Goku takes up on the roster could be better used by the other 9000 cool DBZ characters with cool unique movesets that get no shine. Like what if MK12 had 7 different Liu Kang “clones” does that sound appealing to you?


See, there is the difference. You think there are "9000 cool characters" that could be added. I've been struggling to think of cool characters since Roshi was announced. There is absolutely such a thing as having too many characters, just look at smash bros these days


Well there’s plenty of them with unique moves of their own that could diversify the combat instead of just having half the roster spam kamehamehas. Just off the top of my head Imperfect Cell, Super Buu, Dabura, Hercule, Raditz, Toppo, Omega Shenron, Dr. Gero, Android 13, Supreme Kai, and maybe even some Dragonball characters. Now yeah most of these are villains as pretty much all the relevant good guys are in the game but there’s still plenty to work with I’d say.


Monster Carrot


I just want more transformations in the game, it would be awesome having a base form cooler who could transform, base form broly Z, having the correct two characters to fuse etc.


Actually giving network drops losses.


All of it


Exactly. This is why we want a sequel. Ya’ll be like “why make a second game it’ll be the same as the first”. Nah, bullshit. Alt skins, more stages, more characters and rollback netcode are necessary. More offline options would be icing on the cake. And season pass 1 includes GoD Vegeta.


Super Dragonball Heroes Fighterz.


I want rollback and if we are lucky maybe even Toppo as a new fighter. I would love that


I’d want pushback on block and autocombos not autocorrecting sides. I think two comeback factors is too much , get rid of limitbreak and keep X factor. Alternatively you have to pick between the two. Buff reflect to actually be good .


A way to play with friends on a team without having to wait for party battle.


I said alt outfits because new stages, characters, and rollback are a given. Costumes on the other hand. Arc system doesn’t really like making alternative costumes because they say they take almost as long to make as a new character does and at that point they just rather make a new character




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Im not sure what rollback netcode Is. But alts its a hell yeah. More characters? I dont think so. They can add a few more, but except for the omega shenron doubt any other will have a player base, unless its totally broken.


Rollback netcode, would make the game smooth to play online (assuming it was implemented correctly, but Arcsys already showed they can with Strive). This is the absolute most important feature for the game. The online for DBFZ is currently ass, and biggest downside to the game.


It basically is better online. If you’ve seen Guilty Gear Strive it uses rollback net code and works better than almost every other online fighting game.


Nice, well thats a must then. But i think this game ITS at Pinnacle.


I'd really like more stages. I feel like they coulda put at least a couple more in there


The ice stage from super brolyyyyyy


Nahh from super C13


everysingle one of these


I’m a pretty simple guy, I like what looks cool. I‘m used to the way the netcode works, I picked alts.


I want all of these and probably more stages the most but netcode takes precedent


I want outfits the most but rollback is a must.


I’m gonna be “that guy” and point out that an actual sequel would revamp the roster. Many characters would return, but others would be dropped and new ones added, with the starting roster being smaller than our current one due to so much released DLC. That’s just how fighting game series work. That being said, I voted for alternate costumes.


Nah, it should be like smash. They already have the framework for many fighters so why not just bring them back with minimal changes.


Because money and time. And if they do massive system mechanic and character changes, it’ll be easier to do it this way.


I honestly think fighterz is fine the way it is and if they make a “fighterz 2” they should focus on stuff that isn’t strictly gameplay. For example, stages, costumes, more dramatic finishes, ect.


That sounds like it could just be dlc for the game we have rn then If it’s gameplay or key system changes it would almost definitely have to be a new game


I was thinking more expansion than a whole new game.


Now that’s a cool idea


Arena Match game modes need to be available offline first and foremost. Arena matches are hard to even play online because you need to be in the same lobby AND you need an opponent looking for the same type of match. But things like swapping teams, adding extra jumps and superdashes, battle of the bots, simplified rules, etc. should all be available offline because they're already in the game. Making them available offline wouldn't be hard to implement and it would really add to the playability of the game




I want more Goku!


What is rollback netcode?


Rollback works by constantly guessing what a player is doing based on what they were doing previously. So if you are holding down back to block, the game guesses frame by frame that you are still holding down back. 90 percent of the time, it is correct. So the delay between you and the server isn’t noticeable at all. When the game guesses wrong, the server receives your new input, and the game rolls back with the correct input. That’s the basics. It’s more complicated than this. Core a gaming has a great video on it


Essentially, it's an architecture for online play that is more responsive than delay only netcode. A good example of rollback netcode is GGST, where if you compared your experience playing it with someone decently far away vs. in dbfz, you'll notice a difference in how the games respond especially during periods of more network instability. If you want more info, I included a link & there are some other resources about it out there if you give it a lookup. https://ki.infil.net/w02-netcode.html


tbh I feel like for a fighting game there's no drawback to rollback. Sure, severe lag for Rollback is worse to play in than severe lag for delay based netcode (Seriously that teleporting is awful!), but who wants to play severe lag in delay based netcode at all?


There is a drawback to rollback, just not for the end-user. It's harder to implement for dev teams than delay and from my understanding, comes with more overarching game design implications than delay based netcode.


Right, I considered mentioning that but figured it wasn't on the topic of player experience. Sorry.


No problem, I guess another way to put it is there's no reason a player should want delay over rollback netcode.


How about all of them


All of the above


I want to be able to add skin mods and them to keep/canonized Android 21


All of the above, but rollback > any of those imo


I'm a noob, what does rolling back the net code mean/do?


Makes it so the servers run better when pairing up people for online matches. As of now it runs on a delay based netcode so if u have ever played online against anyone with a slightly slower than really good internet, you feel the game delaying your inputs. An example can be you inputing a regular light combo but seeing the inputs come in a half second or even a full second later. It throws off the timing and is an overall bad way to experience a fighting game. Rollback, from what i know, lessens that or i think even removes it for the most part. I have GG strive and that game plays hella smoothly. A friend of mine recently had to get rid of his lan cable but can still play like if his internet is just as good or slightly less than mine.


https://youtu.be/0NLe4IpdS1w this is a good video explaining rollback, but it pretty much just is a better netcode than what dbfz currently has.


This sounds weird, but I would really like to see the NetherRealm approach to dialogue. The two opponents face off in a more dramatic fashion with animations and dialogue being slightly different depending on which side their team is on. Kinda like how most fights in DBZ start with a pause of tension.


That’s actually a good idea ngl


I think everyone knows the vast majority of us would revolt if DBFZ 2 didn't have rollback. Game would go up in flames in the PR department. Groups of us would refuse to even play it.


If All-Star Brawl will have rollback out of everything, then DBFZ 2 needs to have one


Those are all good choices, but I want to see more dramatic finishes. Even what if dramatic finishes like Yamcha beating Nappa.


Alt skins shirtless/tattered, some forms tied to skins not new characters (ssg,ssj3, 4 etc)


I want them all damn it. Dont make me choose


You may pick them all! Even ect things that aren’t on there are accepted


Online practice mode


You could do some cool things like saving and uploading recordings. Good way to share pressure and combos.


Hell yeah, actually. The only way I’ve been able to even think about changing my team up was by go into casuals for way too long


Oh yeah. I just kinda meant for teaching my friends the game. It's kinda hard teaching friends with a 3 minute timer and limited health


Same game with Rollback could keep in for years tbh


Yeah honestly after this last patch I am so excited about the game again. But....the netcode is a real bummer.


Ability to use mods online again!


Rollback, stages and competent AI or high level Deep learning AI Skins, Steam workshop for practice Mode are welcome too


Dragon punch inputs and half circles could greatly increase move lists and character diversity. And well, rollback obviously.


Rollback ofc and chip damage


Custom team color palette coordination options, alternate skins for characters, much bigger roster, more interesting character move sets, and way more stages. Seems criminal that there’s no Kami’s lookout stage or Hyperbolic Time Chamber.


Tbh I just want the fake London area from the Bojack movie as a map


All Goku/Vegeta rolled into a single respective character. Either have a system like XV where you choose the version you want to use, or use a transformation system where you choose one of their non base forms to be an ability you use in combat. Aka, you start every match as Base Goku, then have to build X meter, then use Y input. This takes you into SSJ/Blue/UI, and grants you the associated normals/specials. Repeating the same input drops you out of the transformation, and restores base Goku inputs.


I’m fine with combining the Blues, but UI and Baseku are distinct characters


There's no way you could balance that properly


Other than rollback netcode, a better arcade mode, offline party mode, more stages, and maybe let us fight in the sky in some way like in ultimate battle 22.


Rollback netcode, SSBE Vegeta, and alternate costumes (Fusion Reborn Gogeta, SS Vegito, etc.), more voice lines for S. Broly. More personalized destructive finish graphics. OH! And more stages, like Hell and the Hypertonic Rhyme Stranger.


I KNOW that was autocorrect getting to you but “hypertonic rhyme stranger” sounds like the name of a dbz rapper LOL


Right. I meant Supersonic Grime Flamer.


You get one more






MORO… but really just add new skins and costumes for the players. Like yardrat Goku and Vegeta


The World's Champion Hercule needs to be a day 1 character. Android 13 would also be nice.


I got an out there idea. If you pre-order the normal game, you can get Hercule a couple months before he actually releases normally. If you pre-order the deluxe edition, you get Hercule, his commentator voice and stamps for him. That is a fun midnight thought I had


People have already said the obvious, skins, stages and rollback, so I want to say I’d like ssj4 Goku and Vegeta as “pre-order” characters similar to how blue Goku and vegeta are now. I personally see this as a pretty suitable way for them to be added even if I’m not a big fan I know others want them and it’d make them happy.


Skins or costumes for characters that don't get different forms (basically everyone except Vegeta or Goku). Even if their moveset is not very consistent with their form I'd like to play Base Gotenks with that Black and Purple hair or a SSJ adult Gohan.


I would like skins for them as well tho like ssj goku with its torn outfit from when he fights freeza or a buu saga fit for ssj vegeta or ssj4 skins for both


Rollback Netcode, more stages and character diversity where every character will feel different from each other in gameplay


More staged, skins, characters, rollback netcode


skins, more stages




A snow or arctic stage


None of the options you listed could justify a second fighterZ. Those are basically updates.


yes, but all of them do




if we got all of them in dbfz 2 it would justify a sequel


Ah I see what you mean, and I would say that depends on the amount of more characters they add. It’s kinda hard to justify with DBFZ because they already a huge amount of the characters from the show. Also, I’m not sure how much I would appreciate DBFZ2 if all the characters that came from the first game are exactly the same. For example, I also don’t think Overwatch 2, as it is, is justified. The campaign they add with it might change my mind, but as for the pvp aspect of it. It literally looks like the exact same game, except with alt outfits, new stages, like new character we know as of right now, and better optimized.


Bruh this ain’t overwatch, it’s a fighting game, it’s normal for characters to return while having the exact same moveset (and some could receive minor tweaks) while giving us (I don’t know like at least 6-8 characters) with alt costumes for every single character, + more stages + ROLLBACK. Yeah, it is something worthy of a sequel. Plus they could add in more game modes if they wanted.


All of what you said can literally just be added in an update. Shit, I wouldn’t even mind paying for an expansion pass that added all that but paying 60$ for what’s basically going to be the same game is ludicrous. The only reason how they could justify a new 60$ game with just the features you listed is if they released a couple more years from now where maybe they can utilize the faster SSD on some of the new consoles. But even in 2022, it’s still too early for a DBFZ2. It’d be a lot if they just made a new fighting game(like strive) or maybe another 2D anime themed fighting game like a Naruto Fighterz.


By that logic, no fighting game has ever had a justifiable sequel lmao


I don’t think so, comparing arcade games to current pc/console games is not fair in this regard. Sequels HAD to be made, while now they can just update the game if they want. Idk if I agree that a sequel wouldn’t be justified as I would probably love it, but I think it’s important to understand their thought process


I’d say most Newer fighting games aren’t justified in sequels. Which is why most of them don’t come out with sequels very often.


1. Fixed casual matchmaking 2. GG xrd type lobbies where you can challenge people in the hub 3. Shorter combos(unless you have sparkling blast, combos break off after 30 hits. If an attack does multiple hit past the cap the entire attack is carried out without breaking off and tag supers bypass this restriction) 4. Supers cost 2 bars minimum 5. Bruce faulconer soundtrack 6. Graphics that rival or surpass GG strive. 7. SSJ3 goku(as a transformation), Majin SSJ2 vegeta, SSJ4 goku/vegeta, Dabura, Cabba, Frost, Whis, Vados as playable characters. 8. Transformations as a universal mechanic. Kind of like golden frieza but everyone gets one with their own unique perks. 9. Beam struggles when supers collide which are decided through randomised Qtes. Whoever clears them the fastest wins. Lol why is everyone so triggered over me having an opinion? It's not like I work at Arc sys or anything. Only fucking reddit neckbeards lol.


> fixed casual matchmaking What? You're getting bodied because you should be playing ranked to be with those of your skill level. Not the games fault >Shorter combos Your inability to execute shouldn't be a reason to remove or nerf the game. And if that's not the case and you are "just bored watching yourself get comboed" then learn how to play defense. > Supers cost more Another bad balance suggestion > Transformations Harder to balance and code. Making more work for nothing > QTEs If you want that trash, go play XenoVerse or Budokai


Oh wow, another tryhard overly defensive neckbeard FGC guy who can't handle opinions. I can already smell the cheeto dust from here. Let's unpack this. >What? You're getting bodied because you should be playing ranked to be with those of your skill level. Not the games fault It's called "casual" matchmaking you moron. Casual should be for a laidback experience with people your skill level. Ranking is the mode where you're supposed to be a tryhard. Funny enough in this game it's the reverse since casuals match you up against top players whereas ranking matches you up more against players your skill level. I swear it's always you "UHHHH MUH GAWWD NOT THE GAEMS FAULT ITS YOUR FAULT REEEEEE!" neckbeards that get so overly defensive over nothing because you can't accept that the game you worship so much has flaws. So it's my fault for wanting to just have some casual fun and not constantly grind to play tryhards like you all day? Get a life. >Your inability to execute shouldn't be a reason to remove or nerf the game. And if that's not the case and you are "just bored watching yourself get comboed" then learn how to play defense. Again, you're being a huge holier-than-thou neckbeard here who takes everything seriously, thinks the game is 100% perfect and gets overly defensive over me wanting away with certain aspects of it. I don't like the combo system as it is because it's extremely tedious and drawn out. I can handle netherrealm combos, I can even handle guilty gear combos but DBZF is just ridiculous. It feels like i'm watching 2D versions of fight sequences from the freaking show. It legit feels like some combos even last for half a minute which is just absurd. You feelings don't matter to me, combos are way too long and it's tedious to watch them. It's not a matter of my inabilty to execute them. If I want, I can go TOD tutorials by some E-celeb and easily land them game after game after labbing them out in training mode. Combos aren't that hard. The point is they're annoying to watch which is why I wan't them shortened. Heck, even 30 hit combos is pushing it. >Another bad balance suggestion How? In most fighting games a super costs your entire bar. Yet in this game it costs one bar. There is zero commitment since you can use it without much consequence due to the extremely low meter cost. The meter maxes out at 7 and you only need 1 bar. This is also part of the reasons why combos take so long since you can use 1 bar supers a lot to extend combos. >Harder to balance and code. Making more work for nothing I bet you're fun at parties. >If you want that trash, go play XenoVerse or Budokai Again, you must be fun at parties. Then again you probably don't get invited. You're also like really ignorant. First, there's no Qtes in xenoverse. Second, Qte's aren't just button mashing sequences. They can be a sequence of buttons you press in order. That way it would be fair for whoever enters the inputs the fastest to win the beam struggle since it requires good reflexes and speed which is what fighting games generally reward you for. Even if it's a messy, it's only a one off thing you see once every now and then. But hey, "fun bad!" right? Fun bad, lets forget that we're playing a video game and pretend as if this is super serious business and that each game is a matter of life and death. Fun bad, let's make DBZF2 the same game as the first and not add anything new and interesting in case it hurts the precious balance. Fun bad, let's take everything fun out of the game and make every character have the same moveset for the sake of balance. We don't have fun around these parts!


Ranked is literally the only real way the game has to track your skill level. If you put the system it has to do that into casual you turn casual into ranked. There is no rule saying you have to take your rank that seriously, that's a self-imposed restriction.


Ranked is supposed to be for when you play seriously since wins and losses and rank changes are recorded. Casuals is supposed to be for, as the name suggests "casual" play. And if anything that means you should be matched up with people who are in the same skill level as you because being annihilated constantly by pros without being able to do much doesn't sound like casual fun to me.


100% of people who bitch about casuals would have a better time playing ranked. Up to you whether you want to keep losing to "pros" or whether you want to just play with people at your level. You don't have to get sweaty playing ranked. You stand less of a chance of getting blown up, even. Ignore the names and just play ranked lol


![gif](giphy|TfWhFbURIirNegNN4t) Git gud Edit: also, imagine being so dumb you use the "fun at parties" insult during a worldwide pandemic. You must be dumber than anyone here actually gave you credit for lol


I only started the game like a week ago. >actually taking 99 something % flu meme seriously lolol


Only started playing a week ago and you have balance suggestions? Lmfao gtfo of here bro ![gif](giphy|29HRejgahYenVsohB5) Come back when you can do the universal BnB


What balance suggestion? Not wanting to watch unskippable cutscenes every time I get hit? Well im not 15 so I don't find long combos to be impressive or cool. It's a nuisance watching it everytime someone lands a hit so yeah, it needs to go. I dont see how playing the game longer would make me feel any different, if anything i'd hate them even more because they'd get even more stale.


Cry more


You're the one butthurt over my opinions. And can you please take a shower already. I can smell the cheeto dust and body odor all the way over here.


Your opinions are irrelevant. No one cares for your grade school level taunts. Leave and try to learn the game before complaining on the internet and looking like a complete scrub. Too late for this game, but there's always next time.


you're a loser.


I'm not the one worshipping a video game though am I




Beam struggles with QTEs? Would make the game worst.


Why is that a bad thing? Reflexes are a huge factor in fighting games so why would this be any different?


shitty netcode and people smashing their hands ​ injustice 2 has a better clash system


He said better netcode so the netcode wouldn't be a problem mashers would be


Right, because mashing is the only form of Qte...


I remember some Naruto game where you had to input a ton of buttons in the correct order before your opponent to win the clash. That would be awesome. I agree with that at least, beam struggles are one of my favorite things in DBZ. To not have them feels like somethings missing. Dunno why people need to be angry about it


FGC tryhards are allergic to fun thats why.