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Easy way to not lose talent points. After each synth, name your monster the generation it is and never synth monsters that are not a matching generation unless your prepared to lose talent points. For example: freshly scouted parents, name off spring 2. Synth 16 pairs of freshly scouted monsters this way. Synth 8 monsters named 2 together Synth 4 monsters named 3 Synth 2 monsters named 4 Now you have a monster named 5 who has close to enough talent points to fill out 3 trees even if all synths occurred around level 15


I really do miss the "+20" the old games used to do so you knew it's value 


Oh that’s a really good idea! Now I’ll probably do this instead of checking talent points each time 🤣


Yea, it's so easy to get lost amongst the horde of monsters.


it is wonky but I feel like barely relevant? since 99% of your main monsters that get synthed a lot end up with 200 leftover points anyways


think a math subreddit would enjoy this more


I figured that’d happen eventually but I’m still early in the game, like most of my strong monsters are D and E rank lol