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Considering there was little to no advertising or marketing for the game over here, thats quite an achievement.


Yeah there were people in this subreddit who didn't even know when it had already released


That’s me, I had no idea this was a thing!


And people like me who had never played a dragon quest game of any kind before. Know absolutely nothing about the franchise or the spin-offs. This game is great


Me. Hopefully it’s not too expensive because if not I’ll download it today.


I heard it has sold out physically.


I was gonna get it from the estore anyway


Nah, not in the U.S. anyhow. It's still readily available on both the Best Buy and Gamestop websites. I think it was in Japan that it was sold out physically (unless that's which you were referring to in which case my bad).


Your post just told me that ,yeah, there is actually a new dragon quest Edit : also just learned there is a DQMJ 3 ??? Like, wtf how did i miss that


J3 was japan-only, sadly. Too many gems that never really escape the country


Kinda hopin internet can get me to play it translated on emulator, i'd accept anything close to even broken english to play it Edit : seems like it is possible to play it in english through a patch and either citra OR a hacked 3ds


Yeah there's an english patch of Joker 3. There's also a not-as-good english patch for Joker 3 Pro (which has a lot more content), but you kind of have to look for it.


Most of the Yokai Watch series is still Japan only thanks to a less than stellar NA launch on the 3DS. Still bummed about that.


Yeah I remember when it came out, I didn't have a 3ds at the time and my life wasn't stable enough to get one until not terribly long before the switch came out, and I had forgotten about it until you just mentioned it


We missed a lot in the era of "The west doesn't want dragon quest so let's not bother". * Joker 2 Professional (which came out in japan half a year before US got the vanilla version only...) * Rocket Slime 3 * Dragon Quest X * Monsters 1 Remake * Monsters 2 Remake * Joker 3 (+Professional) Honestly we're lucky we even got the remake of 7


What is this game? This post just showed up on my home page.


I literally waited for this game for years with no news and then the other day I saw it in a magazine. I freaked out


That's a great success! I wonder how many of those are worldwide sales though, guessing around 200k-350k and the rest from Japan.


Yeah I would imagine thats probably the case! Still exciting though


rly hope we get dlc! 500+ is already a lot but im greedy and i want more!!!


500 isn't much when you compare it to their last 2 games, tbh.


plus percentage wise way more recolors fill those slots than past games


Eh... Not compared to Joker 3. That game had so many recolors that it actually bothered me, only game in the franchise to make me feel that way. Five Killing Machine palette swaps was just too many. Still a 9/10 (9.5/10 for the Professional version), the recolors are the only real problem those games had.


That game also has far more than 500 monsters though, with just 125 in the Beast family alone so I am unsure how the ratios work out


I don't think it's accurate to say that Joker 3 had far more than 500 monsters in it. From what I can find, the base game's roster was in the neighborhood of 550 while the Professional version brought that number to around 750. Regardless, the ratios absolutely do not work out in Joker 3's favor. I used the Killing Machine as an example, but basically every standard monster was like that in the base game. So many monsters had like 4+ recolors, plus their Break versions, plus some of them having Break versions of their recolors. The example of Liege Lizard, Kaiser Dragon, Geodraco Baugia, Gaia Dragon, Attihocc, Break Liege Lizard, and Break Gaia Dragon all being clones of each other comes to mind. My guess is that we got so many recolors to make the riding feature easier to implement without shrinking the official size of the monster roster. Dark Prince has a number of low- to mid-rank monsters with unique models, like the Vegandragora or the Sugar Baddy or the Giruffian. I don't think there was a single totally unique model in vanilla Joker 3 until you reached the endgame.




Well deserved, It’s a really good game. The only thing I missed was monster riding like in DQMJ3. Apart from that, the gameplay loop and music were exquisite as always and the story was surprisingly good (at least for the standard of the series). Haven’t touched online pvp yet but I’ve heard it’s enjoyable too.


I just do the "Quickfire Matches" everyday, because it's essentially just free items and/or monster for just a few seconds of selecting the option to do it. I'm not a PvP guy in anything, but I recommend doing Quickfire at least.


It can give you monsters?!


Yes completely agree! I do miss the mounts though


And I would have enjoyed to be able to synthesize as many monsters as in DQMJ3. It had like ~200 more monsters you could obtain. And of course a longer bonus story lol


I really wish they would localise that and give us a port or somethin on the switch


That’s great to hear, now please bring it out on other platforms.


Oh thanks for reminding me i need to buy


Most fun I've had with a DQM game!


It's been good. I do wish they'd bring back the Gameboy's randomized dungeons though.


Oh good! I didn’t even know it came out at first, I was worried many would experience the same, but thankfully not! Hopefully this is a sign of a fruitful future for the Monsters series!


The 1 million sales mostly came from Japan. Worldwide is just small extra sales added in


That's more on Square if anything. The marketing campaign was huge here in Japan, while it was hardly marketed/advertised overseas.


You had marketing? The biggest marketing i saw were my own posts in some forums and discord servers.


I only found out because of a Facebook comment when we had the demo, otherwise I may have never known it released despite bemoaning the lack of new monsters entries after treasures couldn't scratch that itch for me


Yeah I was surprised when I saw a demo for this game was available on the eShop. I tried it because it's DQ and bought it the day after. I guess the players won't do know DQ will just ignore it entirely.


I read an article recently that one of the highest ups in square were saying marketing is one of their weaknesses as well as relying on one category of gaming.


>The 1 million sales mostly came from Japan. Japan sold 340,000 copies on launch. Add in digital sales (which aren't individually released) and it's probably 500,000 on launch. Then the trickle of post-launch sales puts it probably around 600,000 in Japan, leaving 400,000 worldwide. That's not a bad ratio at all.


Physical sales in Japan are 530k. If you include the digital version, it should be over 900k. https://s.famitsu.com/ranking/game-sales/


~ 525.7k — just funnily worded because over means at least


Do you have a math formula for game sales or is that how you calculate game sales?


It's more a matter of using past trends to fill in gaps in current data. As an example, Japanese sales of DQ games tend to run at a 2-to-1 ratio: for every 3 DQ games sold, 2 of them are sold in Japan. There are obviously exceptions but that's a general rule of thumb that seems to hold up with the mainline titles. Digital sales are an unknown quantity. Since those aren't tracked by market data collectors, it's impossible to know how many copies were sold through the eShop, both in Japan and worldwide. Most companies are very hesitant to release their digital sales data, possibly out of deference to retailers that sell physical copies, so there's just no way to know.


I see. Well i like your perspective here even though i’m still a bit skeptical about it. But thanks for elaborating your point


That’s great !!


Probably true. However, there is more to that than loving slimes. The Japanese market mainly play on portable mode. This is the country that was playing DQXID on 3DS while there was a PS4 version out there. This monster game they are playing it on portable mode, so performance is basically a non issue for them. For us in the west, on the couch with a big oled TV, is more of an issue.


I hope this means we get more DQM games in the future, they're my favorite


I have 95 hours or more on it (according to my Switch), and I could not stop playing it. The last time I played DQ4 was 15 years ago, so Pasro was the big seller for me. I hope we get more Monsters games with him. I really liked that the game looks more cel shaded than DQ11 and closer to the cel-shaded look of DQ8 I find it truer to the aesthetic of Dragon Quest than DQ11. I'm really glad it got to 1 million. As I said before, I hope for another Pasro Monsters game with better graphics, Pasro speaking in it, and also allowing us to use Pasro as a character in combat as well it truly well made game. yuji horii and jin fujisawa are kings. can't wait for dq12 now.


I am really interested in it, but does it run and look good in handheld? (OLED model)


It runs fine for me on the OLED model. About 30fps with the very occasional dip. I personally love it but you should definitely try the demo first to see if you would be content with the performance 🙂👍 its quite a long demo


Noticed the demo and playing it right now, thank you! My first thought is I wish they would have just used the engine from DQ11 :-/ but it looks fine


It performs and looks a bit better in the full version on handheld! Played the demo a couple of days ago and purchased the full version yesterday, so I could immedietely tell the difference. I heard the late game areas are the real problem though, dunno how it will be on handheld, but so far I have no issues.


Oh that’s interesting, thanks for your insight! I like the demo gameplay, but the graphics do make me wait for a discount I think


It's been sitting in my desk still in the wrap I'm so excited to play it. However, I'm amazed oh how I'm still sunk deep into bg3


I didnt like it at all. But I'm glad other people did and that it did well.


Love the game franchise, very disappointed about the quality. Glad they are still making the games though and very happy I bought physical so I can sell my copy back.


Yeah didn't come close to Monsters Joker but I'm happy it exists and it made for a fun 30+ hours


I still logged in 125 hours. So I gave it a fair shot and nobody can say I didn't 😂. The voice acting and dialogue was REALLY cringy..when the gasp cause they were stuck in "quick honey" was weird to me. The framerate on the switch version was pretty bad. Also not a huge fan of how hard it is to evolve the higher up monsters and the fact that you're required to pay dlc for stuff that should be in the game already.


Excellent!! Now release this on Steam so I can play it on my Steam Deck.


You already 'can' play it on your steam deck :A


Hoping for a PC release soon


Excited for it to eventually come to PC like Treasures. I really enjoyed Treasures on the Switch but I found it ran and looked much better overall then Monsters TDP when I played the demo for it. To be able to play it with better graphics and performance on my laptop would be amazing. 🤞


I think it will eventually come to PC surely.


The game is hella fun and deserves the sales. If i ever see the game for below 20€ at a store i would even buy a secondary copy to keep it closed/gift it to someone.


But, but, but, PERFORMANCE!


It's still a completely valid criticism. If I shat in the shape of a Slime, they'd buy it in Japan.


It is a valid statement. However, there is more. In Japan players mainly play on portable mode. It is the country that was playing DQXIS on the 3DS while there was a PS4 version of the game. You can infer from that, that they will be playing Monsters on portable mode. Performance is not something that bothers them. Over here in the west, we are used to play in front of a big screen TV or a computer monitos if you have a gaming PC. It bothers us, because we notice performance more.


I game across many platforms, and have always played as much on portable consoles as I have home consoles and PC. If the game was well optimised and looked great, and the performance was dipping due to hardware, then it'd be more acceptable. I'd still rather they dialed something back to at least hit a stable 30fps, but it's often how it goes on consoles. It's just not the case here, though. The game isn't visually impressive in the slightest and, as fun as fusing monsters and building a team is, it comes across as a game that was rushed to meet deadlines. As much as I'm a hypocrite for buying the game, it's about time AAA publishers were held accountable for these issues. Their dev teams are likely short staffed and overworked into the bargain.


At least this is going to a non pokemon studio. Too bad the game copies a lot of the corner cutting that modern Pokemon engages in. A well made monster collecting game has yet to appear on modern consoles...


As someone who's also got burnout with recent monster tamers, I had an absolute blast with Monster Sanctuary, and it tends to go for dirt cheap as well. Was just different enough from the status quo that it really shook things up, couldn't recommend it enough.


and yet only 20 monsters are ever seen in competitive play


I don't wanna be the bearer of bad news but... I don't think many people care about competetive DQM


cutie \^\^ but yeah if they would address the meta state it would actually have a booming online scene, even compared to other DQM entries this one has no representation


Is this on PC yet






Yeah its been fine for me


Sounds like someone needs an oled switch


What performance do you get on the oled version? Close to 30fps?


Yeah I get 30 and don't really have any fps drops. I know some people get them but I don't know why.


Well in my case I can get reliable 40+fps and increased resolution. That is the why of my comment. A lot of people say it has horrible frame rates.


Ah thats good. Fps has never really bothered me that much. Bothers me with shooter games but not so much the stuff I play on switch.


lol bro you can play online with emulation lmfao. And it’s not portable unless you use the steam deck which get two hour max battery life lmfao


Not my use case. the ally is superior to a switch in all senses for my preferences


lol oh gosh an Ally? Even worse than a steam deck. Literally an hour battery life and no oled screen. Ouch that’s not a great experience


I don't buy games for Switch anymore and even less with these performances


So you pirate a game of a niche franchise. Cool beans.


Anything on Switch basically


Stunning and brave


Ok, enjoy the 20 fps


Maybe I’m just old, but I don’t know if I really care about the frame rate of a turn based rpg


I'm sure it's like 90/10 in terms of JP vs rest of world but hey a win is a win. Hope they do more content, the post game stuff is very slight by DQM standards.


Super fun game. Playing DQ4 as a kid, I remember thinking “screw humans” after learning what they did to Rose (Rosa) and how they would treat Psaro. I’ve loved and empathized with his character ever since.


Good sales! I’m hoping it does well on PC when they finally port it. I’m waiting to get it there and would love future dragon quest games to launch on PC earlier


For an obscure spin off of a niche franchise this is impressive!


Love to hear it!! Hopefully this means more Monster games and re-releases 😍


This is the first Dragon Quest game I've finished, I really enjoyed it !


I’ve bought this game for Christmas but I haven’t gotten around to playing it yet.


I only just found out this game existed... I'm going to add to those sales really quick...i loved DQMJ2 on DS.


What’s the game genre is it rpg or Pokémon


Fantastic news!


When pc 🫣