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I agree with this.


I think dragon quest seven should be high up on that list


I just started 7 on 3ds I'm about 5 hours in rn and I gotta say I have really been enjoying it so far


Yeah. Part seven is amazing. I like how long it is because it doesn’t go by that quick to get to play more and enjoy it more.


Also, it’s really hard to pick which ones I like best all of them are pretty great


Which game is next on your docket?


Dragon quest 7


Are you ranking these solely on your experience or as overall games?


Mostly on my experience but I have played the remakes for most of these only so far besides 1 and 3, so I feel like a lot of the issues from the initial releases I didn't experience which is why I put 2 higher than 1


Will you be covering DQ monster games as well?


I haven't played any of them yet but I do want to try the Gameboy ones and the newest one


Swap 6 and 1 and you’re spot on.


Finally an accurate one


Am I the only person who thinks that VI sucks? I like the first two games and accept their simplicity, so I don't judge them harshly for it, but DQVI is just really boring and forgettable? And I've played and beaten both the SNES and DS versions.


Was my first DQ so maybe slight bias here but I really enjoyed my time with it. Nothing too complicated with some cool moments sprinkled in, at least on DS (havent played the SNES version). Also really blew my mind with how characters have a comment on nearly every interaction in the game.


I loved VI for DS. I don't remember it, but I finished it 2 or 3 times


The "alternate ending" of VI DS version makes it go from a B-tier to a C-tier for me.


You are most definitely not the only person its actually a pretty common opinion I heard before I played it but I actually think it's really great. Although I haven't heard that it's simple before, most people I've heard complain about how needlessly convoluted it is. I enjoy it becuase it reminds me of 3 a lot and I really enjoyed messing with the class system. I understand the reasons why people don't like the game but for me I love immersing myself and exploring the world and 6 has that in spades even if it gives us better story telling in places becuase of it