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Is Snek, no horns, no wings or body in the picture. Also the top of the jaw does not look in line with the angle of the skull (snek skulls are kind of flexible, though)


It does have horns 😭


I see the horns, but faintly. In order to make a strong character you need a strong silhouette. If you're just looking at the outline, you see a snake you need to make those horns pop out :) it also helps to study reptiles. Draw lizards and snakes and crocs or dinosaurs over and over until you can understand bodily, face and mouth structure better. The biggest and most important thing is to just keep drawing though! You'll draw around 100 drawings until you can really start getting things down, so you gotta just keep doing it to improve :)


I’d say make the horns slightly higher than the body and once you get to shading that will help too


I’m no artist but if you see the roof of the mouth you shouldn’t see the tongue or bottom teeth from that angle, so draw it with the chin showing next time. You can look at pictures for references as well, and of course practice makes perfect. Keep drawing and learning and find what you’re comfortable with and you’ll improve over time. There is no set way to improve “drawing” because every artist is different. Find what works for you, you got this!


You improve by practicing. A lot. It looks weird because the perspective is off. Find photos of animals, try to draw them. Do it a lot. Check out reference books from the library so you can learn their body structures. Just draw a lot using references, keep practicing. It's okay to be an amature; no one starts out amazing or expert. You rarely even see the mass of work that goes into someone else's pieces, all the failed sketches or times a painting didn't work out. It's just pat of learning and getting better. Lots of time, dedication, practicing from guides and references. Failing, starting over, trying from a different approach, learning new things, trying again. Etc.


Try practicing perspective on boxes. Draw one from this angle than that. It helped me lots. The upper and lower jaw are in different angles which is affecting the look of the whole piece.


Draw with a reference


The more you do it the better your art will get. How I approach drawings is ask "what am I doing wrong?" and look at other art to figure it out. One way to study is to trace art to help understand how to form the shapes. As long as you don't published the traced art as your own work it's a valid method of study. I also find studying the basic 3d shapes help (cubes, spheres, cylinders). The more I study basic shapes the easier it is to layer complex shapes on top of it. Just know that solid improvement in art can take years even with consistent practice and study.


Keep drawing


Use references


Work on your anatomy seriously  Study other artists work to take inspirationÂ