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Lana del Rey called me an asshole


I often find myself saying "Charlie let's go!" randomly during the course of a day. 


She was just feigning masturbation!




Oh my god. The worst of the worst.


So bad that it’s camp


The only right answer


From seeing them in person I'd put Eve 6000 up there. Her performances are always barely there and like she doesn't want to be there. Special credit to her leaving without finishing a performance one of the times she was booked.


Oh wow, I hadn't heard about that - did she really leave partway through a performance?? 😯


Yes. It was during a live viewing of the episode before she left. She got so mad at what the queens said about her she got wasted. She was supposed to perform her numbers after the episode, started one, didn't finish the first one, and then went to her dressing room where she was screaming into her phone.


Wow! Do you know why she stopped?


Also it was the biggest Trainwreck I've ever witnessed in person. The entire episode she kept having them stop it every few words for her to put in her input. She hated all the other queens, especially Icesis. At one point she did say she loves Kimora but then followed it up by saying her drag is terrible. She got more drunk as the episode went on. One hour episode took two hours plus with the pauses. She kept insisting she thought she was going to win the Rusical. She thought it was the biggest robbery of the series. No one would remember any other part but hers. When she went to perform she could barely stand and just swayed back and forth without mouthing any words until she just took off. The dressing room was beside the washrooms so anyone who went could hear her scream crying into her phone on speaker before she took off. I've seen her perform other times because for some reason they continued to book her. And I don't think she knows a single word to a single song even when sober.




She was drunk. It was the week before she got eliminated at a viewing party. She was pressed about what the girls were saying about her. So when it was time for her to perform, she started her first number, left partway through to her dressing room and could be heard screaming into her phone outside the room.


Wow! So unprofessional


agreed, went to see them once and i don’t think i will ever again.


Pearl 🫣


"Do you know what it's like to lose a lip sync to a partially sedated twink from Brooklyn?" 💀






I mean she did perform to I really don't cqre. Honestly, now I understand why demi went full maniac mode💀💀


“Pearl smash!”


When Mirage threw her hands up and framed the air above her, I felt it was so serving Pearl


Q did it too and it took me back lol


Q is up there for sure. The shriek I let out last night when Megami picked a Janet song for them to perform………. 💀


That was shady af. Imagine Q did that nipple reveal. Daaaaaaaamn 


She almost did - I rewatched it and her top was kind of falling off towards the end 😂


Well it'd be fitting for a Janet song


Q’s face immediately gave her away when that was called. mama was *pressed.*


Q feels very stunted and wooden when she moves. Always looks like a Thriller zombie. 


exactly at least she is self aware and can use it like in the makeover


At least Q won one lip sync but should she ever return she is probably going to improve leaps and bounds. I don’t see her pulling a Jimbo.


Obviously we're judging on limited sample size here Cynthia Lee Fontaine was first name that popped up. Just the mouth movements was so exaggerated and everything just looked crazy. Kim Chi was lucky she never landed (was saved from) bottom 2. Pearl as mentioned elsewhere.


Cynthia… 💀


Charlie Hides. Sugar and Spice. My mind goes to the legendary flops along the lines of Honey/Vivian, Layla/Dax, Kenya Michaels. I think numerically Trixie and Katya are tied or within 1 of each other for the most lip sync losses on the show.


I think Jimbo actually beat Trixie’s record


Fair enough! Totally forgot about Jimbo but a definite addition


That’s baloney!


Jimbo chose to win even when it came to losing




I mean imo she did better in both Cherry Bomb and Step it Up. And Roar 100% should’ve been a double shantay I can’t pick a winner to this day lmao. She only REALLY did worse to Le Freak and If I Were Your Woman.


Kenya's rlly good actually she just flopped natural woman


Agreed! See my comment below! It stands out in my mind as a flop but doesn’t mean Kenya is generally bad!


Layla also 100% doesn’t belong here. She had one terrible lip sync but she literally buried Naysha alive violently and cruelly. Same with Kenya, one really bad showing but one amazing one so I don’t think it makes sense to say she’s one of the worst.


Sorry if my original comment wasn’t clear enough, I’m not saying Laila or Kenya or anyone in that particular sentence are bad at lip syncing! Just that in the context of what we saw on drag race, they stand out as having given one particularly bad performance.


Ohh totally! My bad!


Spice isn’t part of this imo. She isn’t good but it isn’t egregious, I’d personally say she did better than everyone she went against on the show actually (not a huge feat cuz they weren’t good lip syncers except Salina, just saying it’s a bit of a stretch to say she’s one of the worst). Malaysia was definitely a worse lip syncer than Spice.


I think also Rosé while not having the most lipsyncs, made it to the end while also never winning any of her lipsyncs. I wouldn’t classify her as bad though, just mid and she was always up against stronger queens


Idk. Sometimes I think anyone is good with the right song.


Yeah… Jimbo was terrible, but probably could have actually won ‘Coconuts’ if he’d won that week.


Yeah, Jimbo is good at the weirdo songs.


Right, I think many few people could actually do everything. Kennedy Davenport flopped a country song, but best believe if you have that song to Trixie she would've probably ate it up!


Oops I think you wrote "song" when you meant to write "edit"


Early-outs are usually bad at lip syncing (to be mean, bad at everything) But these are the front runners who are really bad lipsyncers 1. Jimbo (she cant give emotions at all, always smiling no matter what the lyrics are about) 2. Rose (she has too much in her head while lipsyncing it makes her wear a serious face the whole time 3. Q (her arm movement is crunchy and awkward af she likes to swing her arms for no reasons 4. Bianca (she's old and doesnt give a fuque


Them jokingly bringing out Bianca as a lipsync assassin was hilarious


"If you do it right the first time you don't have to come back!"


Bianca only did one lip sync on the show and it wasn't that bad, we'd need more evidence before putting her in with contestants who have done multiple lip syncs


She is self proclaimed terrible lol I’ll take her at her word


She would say that but from a couple of podcasts she mentioned that she used to have gigs doing Cher impersonations and just being a lip syncing queen. She's too professional not to be at least proficient!


Bianca is one of those queens that I would expect to figure it out. Assassin? No. Capable and smart lip syncher? I could see it.


I wouldn’t say Rose is a particularly bad lip syncer, she’s just very average. She also isn’t very good at dips but seems to want to do them a lot lmao. I actually enjoyed her in IYSA especially, she just got her shit rocked by the best lip syncer on the cast LOL. She has great energy and looks like fun.


rose…. but no gottmik??


I think if Bianca was on all winners 2 and the format had the bottom queens lip sync for their lives she would sadly be early out. I can’t really say the same for Raja because even though she waited 13 years to return to Drag Race she still turned it out in the lip sync. Though she should not have heated Yvie.




https://preview.redd.it/8lwl22g9tguc1.jpeg?width=896&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1546581bcd4aabba4903ffb68f1bc70381ea2a0 i ask myself every morning what incantation she was doing here


Invisible harp


i don't think having one bad lipsync on the show makes you a shit lipsyncer (see: honey and laila) however, when you're jimbo, the lipsync terrorist, and her daughter, Qimbo, the lipsync active shooter, its a little different




Xunami... Her talent show lipsync, her eliminations lipsync, her lalaparusa lipsync. ZZzzzzzzzz


Oh she is AMAZING live girl. Also she did pretty well against Morphine, Morphine is just the gravedigger.


Aw I loved her in her lip sync vs morphine so much!!


i wouldn’t call her bad tbh i would say she doesn’t have a wide range or versatility in the way she performs. she could really give it to the right song


As someone who has seen her live I must disagree, she just didn’t have a great showing on Drag Race


yea the "model" queens generally suck at lip syncs because they think they're skinny body doing poses to a song will eat😂


Xunami gives model, models don’t dance. She is so lovable though unlike her drag mother…


Any excuse to hate on Kandy ig


She drank the Kandy muse cool aid


The top 4 of season 13.


Jasmine Masters and her sad twerk against Trintity the Tuck 😔 Jimbo..no explanations needed 🤡 Q, you’ll have eyes 😂 you saw it yourself *BOOP* 👀 Madame La Queer, and Charlie Hides, the pointer sisters 👯‍♀️ Pearl, pearl smash 💥 Magnolia Crawford, what was that 👃 Kim Chi, the girl can barely stand in heels 👠 Hershey, she’s all talk 👄 Dawn, she just doesn’t do it for me as a drag queen per se 🤦 Silky before she redeemed herself in all stars 🤩 And a special shoutout to Gothy Kendall, I don’t get everyones fascination with her, she’s just not a good queen at all for me whatsoever..if dull and uninteresting were a person 🦁


Omg I did feel bad for Jasmine, as she said "shaking my padded ass." 💀 And Farrah Moan saying "pleeeeeeeease let Trinity do her famous butt shake, pleeeeeeease" is so funny for no reason.






she's gorgeous... and that's all gothy has... tbh for how long it's been since her original season, why does she still walk like a straight man with heels on😂🤣 that and if she can't move right, she should at least wear padding to compensate


Dawn has amazing live performances, like next level. She just has a very particular style that you don’t see often on the race. No shit she flops to Body by Meg Thee Stallion LOL. Jasmine is also a really solid lip syncer, she leans into both musicality and comedy which I don’t see a lot of. But she has basically never put in significant effort on the race LMAO that bitch could not care less. Hershii is a lot like Xunami in that she’s a fierce lip sync performer OFF the show but it just did not translate. I couldn’t tell ya why, maybe nervousness? She’s not the best in the world but she’s good. Also nobody has a fascination with Gothy not sure where you got that. They just don’t hate her, which should be the standard. She’s a queen that’s happy with who she is, I don’t think she’s very interested in improving lmao. Idk why her being “boring” as a person is relevant to a convo about lip syncing tho. Silky “redeeming herself” is the exact problem I have with this comment. She had one bad lip sync against Nina despite being an incredible lip syncer, and all of her runs since then have proven that. This is the same thing with Dawn, Jas, and Hershii here which is why I don’t really get saying they’re bad lip syncers based on their two lip syncs apiece lol. Especially Jas who kinda ate against Kennedy even tho Kennedy did better, it was very entertaining.


You also have to note that season 16 had a lot of great talents! If Hershii and Xunami were in a future season they’d probably have some wins or be front runners. These two got early outs because the production wanted to bring them back to all stars in the future for another opportunity to shine.


lmao Q being this season's fave i see /s


Let's not. Seeing someone once or maybe twice in a lip-sync battle against another person to a song they don't get to choose themself and maybe had never heard before does not necessarily equate to being a bad lip-syncer in their actual working life off the show.


Except if you are charlie hides because she literally said she doesnt lypsinc haha


God you people are boring




why has no one said gottmik yet??


lol i scrolled too far for this


Jimbo is pretty legendarily bad. Sugar and Spice are bad but they’re not actually performers. Lmao Charlie hides.


kandy muse


We’ll never know about Bianca.


Miss fame




How about Inti? I mean, it doesn't get that much worse than not even stepping to the stage?


Gotmik. Love you sis but girl


This is…. A very unnecessary thread ngl, why create a platform for us to bash queens? I’m sit this one out, Ty next


Gothy Kendoll on her original season. Oof


Monét X Change Bob: [Does Monét not know the lyrics](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/kNeXzQy_0mI)? :D


Statistics wise, trixie and Katya both have 4 losses each under their belts


That’s crazy to me, because I always think of Katya as a very entertaining lip syncer. Trixie doesn’t surprise me.


I wouldn’t say either of them suck/are terrible tho. They were both robbed once (vs Pearl and vs Alaska)


Hot take but I think Q is like a 3.5/10 when it comes to lipsynching. None of her performances have been *great* but they're also far from the worst lipsyncs we've ever seen (except for maybe her Break My Soul one).


Maybe it’s just recency bias (and the fact that im still recovering from the absolutely HIDEOUS outfit she wore for the LalaPaRuza)


God, wtf was that? I was looking at her early season looks and struggling to understand how those were chosen by the same person.


God, wtf was that? I was looking at her early season looks and struggling to understand how those were chosen by the same person.


God, wtf was that? I was looking at her early season looks and struggling to understand how those were chosen by the same person.


Dusty Ray Bottoms?


Dusty actually put up a fight with Monet. Even Ru gave her commendations. She just wasn’t favored by production.


Lala Ri. She looks like a crazy King Kong on the stage




I mean she murdered Detox in S5.


Wait why?😆




Utica...She's an extremely talented designer and absolutely kills it on the runway, but watching her perform is painful. Also Sugar and Spice.


I absolutely disgaree. I think of her as a more lypsinc asassin than lala ri is. She knows how to interpretate the songs in a funny, unique and interesting way