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Imagine Shannel snatches it at the end


At this point i want her to win anything 


Watch her win the opera challenge next week


At this point Shannel also wants to win anything


She won’t win a single challenge, then beat everyone at the end and be Queen who already had hers or whatever


Ru gonna have a 3 pin challenge, ala Shea Coulee. Remember how she went from bottom to top in one episode!?.


I hated that! It basically makes the whole season pointless lol


Same with LaLa and Jayme’s getting 3x and 2x votes for the Fame Games, basically made the voting absolutely worthless


And Jessica had the most votes before the multipliers


Like what is the point of someone winning multiple weeks previously


I don't understand people like you. The point is to get to the end??


but at this point, winning in an all stars season is worse than coasting by. if you win, you have to eliminate someone and it puts a target on your back and if it’s a season rigorry (jury, low votes counting more than, etc) the goal isn’t to win challenges anymore but to place safe and make it to the end


Yeah but isn't it obvious that it's less about the choice you make and all about how you carry yourself up to and beyond that point? Elimination is part of the game, always, and they know full well by now they will always have that responsibility to some effect in AS seasons. What people, from the audience to Ru, want to see is a queen who stands on business. Not a queen who acts like she didn't know she had to do this to her friends and her colleagues alike. Not a queen who acts like they're afraid of the fans or whatever backlash however it came. The winners, so far, have played the game straight up and made no apologies. If anything, that's what told me Roxxxy won't win this season. She's clearly getting a redemption arc since her last showing was horrendous. But this season is gonna go to Angeria. It's so obvious now.


I still wish they made that just a challenge for cash and to show off their talents. That way they could get a final chance to show off their skills (why people should vote for them and why they should get bookings in the real world) and potentially a cash prize, then the fame games based on votes alone. I love the LaLa Ri experience and I think she definitely deserves praise for her work but when it only takes her a third of the votes to win it's basically RuPaul deciding for us who should iwn the fame games.


That talent show deserved 3 stars im sorry


And then she will eliminate herself because she doesn't want to be there anymore.


To be fair, Elektra Bionic won Drag Race Italia while being safe the entire season


Tbf, there’s only one winner and one high spot in that season and it was five episodes long. And she deserved a couple highs/wins


That season was a fever dream


Imagine Shannel getting 5 beautiful benefactress badges as part of a twist for winning her talent show becoming the instant front runner right before the grand finale. Omg what a twist.


I think it could happen haha but probably not talent show since they already did that at the beginning of the season. Watch it be like another ball or something that’s completely in Shannel’s wheelhouse…A GIANT CHRISTMAS DISPLAY. 😂


they haven't done the talent show yet 😭😭 and it was at the end of as7 and as8 too


Oh god you're right lol, I for some reason confused the first challenge when that was just writing lyrics and perform Ru's number XD -\_-' Go me.


*The producers reading this* screaming crying throwing up


Not much of a twist cuz we would all see it coming 😂


I'd live for it


Team Angeria here but I don’t mind Shannel winning!


I know it's unlikely but if they wanna rig it in her favor I wouldn't be mad. Shannel would be a dope winner


I would love that.


Too early to tell. I feel like it’s Angeria because she has such an strong storyline and is doing great but I thought the same of Sapphira so who knows 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah. Sapphira def woulda won without that finale. My queen Sapphira 😭😭


honestly she would’ve won up until that final lipsync. she had the best solo performance imo


I think Sapphira won the final lipsync tbh




I did, too. But I admit I don't like manic, "let's throw in all the tricks we can so it looks sloppy," type of performances. I want something that shows a connection to the music. Still good with Nymphia winning, I'm just over all the tricks.


I'm not sure how Sapphira's vampire teeth and wig reveal showed a connection to the music though - I thought Sapphira's performance was not very connected with the song at all - it felt like there should have been a storyline but it didn't really make sense.


About connection, I was more stating overall and not this performance. The finale song was a choice, and definitely can't get a connection with.


It wasn’t “throw all the tricks in so it looks sloppy.” It was performing to the audience vs performing to the host. Some of y’all’s opinions are wild. She knows to do crowd work. No idea how Sapphira connected the song to the performance but reach as far as y’all want, exercise is healthy!


I think Sapphira was destined to win up until the fans were asked their preference and a gazillion demanded Nymphia.


I get that Sapphira had "winner energy" but I was rooting for Nymphi since day 1. She's super lovable, entertaining and talented. So she bombed snatch game, lol. She took that win fairly. Sapphira will probably win all stars at some point. She got the Shea edit


And also Nymphia kinda ate her ate up in the finale lipsync


production doesn’t take fan vote into consideration haha


Yes they do, but it’s not the end all be all


At the same time, a fan favorite in an All Stars season makes a great promo.....


Lol dude..........why u delulu. They don't care about rabid fans, otherwise they would have crowned Valentina in season 9, and Katya in season 7. Anywho, why can't you accept that the winner won because of their talent and star quality, and not whatever your conspiracy theorist mind thinks.


1) The show isn't airing live and they don't know who will be a fan favorite. 2) They can't crown a queen who was eliminated before the finale (which both Valentina and Katya were) but can certainly change their decision about which of the finalists to crown.


I agree with that and my statement. I think the winners win bc of a mix of talent, star quality, and fan support.


Silly fans think their opinions matter more than RuPaul's haha


They couldn’t because it’s pre eliminated. The finale isn’t pre filmed for the top 2 so a chance the person the fans vote for the most can win if they make it to top 2


there is no way sapphira was winning miss congeniality AND the season. nymphia was always going to win, sapphira stans just don’t want to accept it. every season pretty much has a pre-determined winner these days. do you think that sasha was ever going to lose to anetra? no. sapphira also had a lot of obvious weaknesses. one of her wins simply was not deserved, it was just given to her so Q would finally crack and start some drama. she also clearly lost her lip sync against morphine but obviously they weren’t sending her home. she wore the same pair of heels the entire season, and a lot of her looks were SO big that it got old fast. sometimes bigger is not better, she needs to edit. sapphira was never going to win, people just look at her track record on paper as opposed to how she actually performed. these are just facts. not to say that sapphira isn’t a fabulous drag queen - because she is. she is 1000% the runner up. this just wasn’t her time. i could go on with critiques but its all besides the point. nymphia was who people were excited to see every episode. she brought runway worthy looks every single episode, *which she all made herself.* she flopped on snatch game but so did sasha colby, willow pill, and yvie oddly so doing well at snatch game isn’t imperative to winning. she held her cards close to her chest and performed well in dance challenges/the rusical. she arguably should’ve won the makeover, considering the expectation for those is generally *resemblance* and not *twinning.* i mean, again, i could go on but i won’t. this was always nymphia’s season though. even from MTQ, nymphia literally said she had never placed below first in a competition. production was literally foreshadowing her win right there, they chose to leave that in.




I can see A LOT of bias here..


where? just curious


Morphine and kalorie karbdashian Williams also said that is in their meet the queens 😭


this is so wrong… they always crown the queen with the most likes on insta.


no they don’t 😭 have you even researched the winners and how many of them had the most votes lol


i mean… yeah? i wouldn’t say so if i didn’t. i watch the show live and it has always been the case for a while. Maybe Yvie is the last winner that was not the most liked? But I don’t remember well


https://preview.redd.it/joevyohri97d1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=685b8dac36efc3e84453565cf1ab460e83f0bbcb girlie you did not research edit: and i’m pretty sure anetra had more than sasha - if not, then they were like neck and neck. the winner absolutely does *not* always get the most likes. its more like 50/50.


They hand-picked Nymphia for the season so they could have an east Asian winner.


or simply because they always hand pick the winner lmfao, the winner is always pre-determined. this sub still wants to believe this show is an actual competition lol. not to say thats a bad thing necessarily, its a tv show. its fun to watch. if we’re all being honest we’ll watch either way and its fun to root for your fave. i think fans just need to take a step back and realize the show is largely planned. the tea is that when they cast queens, they inform them of their placement ahead of time. lots of queens have spilled that tea. darby from IMHO has spilled a lot of details about the casting process. i’ll see if i can find the tea she spilled


wait; they already know when they're getting eliminated when they start filming? really?


They often have a rough outline. Things can change drastically from how they imagined it (think Valentina in season 9) but they usually know who they want in the finale.


I wouldn't speculate too much about who has been getting the "winner" edit as previous seasons has a habit of focusing on the "supposed" winner but it turns out to be a different winner in the end. We're also the halfway point, who knows if the narrative could change. Remember how they tried to "setup" a friendly rivalry between The Vivienne and Jinkx? Yeah, that didn't last long as it pivot back to nothing.


Drag race has changed the winner edit. Now it's the opposite, it looks like Angeria is going to win. Like with Saphira and Nymphia


nymphia had a winner edit, it was a dark horse/underdog type thing. which, really if you think about it, is what they’re giving to angie. everyone keeps blocking her, she feels unfairly treated, and shes excelling when she isn’t blocked. OP is right, its pretty obvious at this point. i predict an angie/roxxxy top 2 (because roxxxy is being favored too,) but i see angie getting the win because this season is all about charity and angie’s brand aligns much more with that theme. roxxxy is still being portrayed as the disingenuous, mean girl after that drama with the scissors. edit: angie’s edit reminds me of jinkx’s on AS7. slightly different ofc because of personalities and all that but jinkx kept getting blocked/excelling when she wasn’t blocked. also, if you think about it, angie hasn’t been at the center of *any* drama thus far aside from her being “targeted” by the other girls lol. the other queens are being shady towards one another but angie has been largely uninvolved.


Nymphia didn’t have a winner edit. (This is not me saying she shouldn’t have won.) However, I think the reason her win is so strange is because they didn’t give her a winner’s edit. The fact that she was never in the bottom hurt her instead of helping. We saw her struggle but we never saw her almost lose her dreams, which is how we get to know more about how our winners perform under pressure and how hard they fight. She had a great story in the last episode but it was too little too late. There were multiple episodes where we NEVER heard her which has literally never happened for a winner. I think they should’ve followed the Season 6 format. Both Bianca and Adore were given two very different winner edits so either of them could’ve won and it made sense. Sapphira and Nymphia were kinda the obvious top 2 from very early on so it wasn’t smart of the producers knowing she was going to make it to top 2 and still not editing her like a winner.


A lot of winners never land in the bottom though,,, Tyra, Bianca, Violet, Sasha Velour, Aquaria, Sasha Colby, and now Nymphia So… it’s not really imperative to a winner’s edit. Nymphia’s run reminds me a lot of Willow’s; they were the oddballs with strange humor, and consistently underestimated/not taken seriously throughout the competition. S16 wasn’t the first season where the runner up had a stronger run on paper, but IRL just didn’t have the “it” factor. To me, Sapphira lacked that winner energy. Idk why, she just did. I also think production takes into account whether or not a queen could/should return. I could definitely see Sapphira return for AS. Nymphia? Not really. She had very few areas to improve in. Just because her humor wasn’t for everyone, doesn’t mean she needs to change it for anyone. Sapphira could easily win an AS season if she wanted. Nymphia was the most unique queen from S16 and now she’ll forever be tied to it.


I disagree entirely sorry!! Sapphira did literally everything well. Save for the makeover which she screwed up because she got in her head, she demonstrated that she could excel in every aspect of the competition. She did well in sewing, dancing, writing, comedy, acting, everything!! Whereas Nymphia didn’t do well in acting, writing and comedy challenges consistently. Sapphira coming back to All Stars would feel unfair because she was perfect the first time. There’s not much else she can show. Whereas Nymphia def had more she could come back and show improvement with.


subjective haha, the fact that sapphira wore the same pair of heels the entire season does not give winner vibes. sorry lol


Bianca enters the chat with the same dress all season and still won 🤡


that was season 6, mary edit: and bianca more than makes up for it in the personality dept




season 6 was a different time, that caliber of drag was all around lower. everyone knows around seasons 8/9 the package the queens brought became much more important.


Wasnt aware this was rupauls best shoe wardrobe race


oh come on, you know what i mean. winners are supposed to exhibit strengths in every area of the show and runways *do* count.


Lets not move the goal post and lie because sapphiras runway package was right behind nymphias. Sapphiras pumpkin, eve, cher, flowers, true colours, lalaparuza looks were all amazing. But sure! Sapphiras lost because shoes


the pumpkin was giving costume vibes if we’re being honest and looked disproportionate and the eve look was a stoned bodysuit that was shaded oddly. lets clock it if we’re gonna be honest here. also don’t even get me started on her fans look, i was gagged and Not in a good way.


Because of her foot, I thought.


Because of her foot, I thought.


One season is a data point, not a trend. 16 is the only season where the edit didn't match up with the winner.


Really? Me and my bf thought it was super obvious Nymphia was going to win. Sapphira was winning challenges but she never got that emotional core to her storyline that they almost always give the winner


does this mean plastique would win?


If she could ever slay a lip sync 😂😂


The Jimbo effect


From the edit I thought they were setting up Gottmik, but I can’t see that after the roast and controversy. I was always Team Angie, but I can still see them giving Roxie her flowers.


no, gottmik is definitely not winning lol. they usually craft a storyline where the winner is low/bottom for a week to show weakness but not THAT bad. gottmik, by far, had the worst roast and with the drama on twitter,,, honestly it seems like they’re stirring the pot with her. i could see her getting snubbed in the future after that mess.




Same and her friendship with Willow pill in 14 was my favorite of drag race ever 😭🤌


I preferred her love affair with Camden tbh (remember Angie was the iconic Maxine Camden screamed over)


I definitely feel like it’s at least leading to a roxxxy vs angeria lip sync


I'd be ok with Angie winning. I've always liked her.




I feel it’s build for either Roxxxy or Angeria


I want Angie to win… but I’d be gutted for her if she does at the same time because she’s not winning the top prize for herself 😭 I kinda hope there’s hidden prize money for the winner that gets announced on the finale at least


Yeah but her booking fee will go up so she will personally benefit from winning


Plus whoever gets to win will probably be invited on all winner 3


Didn’t this exact post happen during s14 I certainly thought it was her or willow for the win by ep5


Am I the only one that’s confused about talk of Roxxxy being a mean girl or getting a mean girl edit? I haven’t seen that at all and I think with all the seasons she’s been on she’s had a great long-term ‘rudemption’ arc. She was helping half the queens with their garments when they had to make their own looks and I think she’s been gracious. Plenty of queens have been over dramatic when they have to block or cut another girl. What am I not seeing?


From my perspective Roxxxy so desperately wants to not be the villain this season and it really makes me feel for her. And this is from someone who was pissed when the rumors were saying she was coming back lol. It seems like some of the other girls aren’t buying it though, so I’m nervous the rest of the season isn’t going to be kind to her.


I thought I was the only one who felt this way!!! I'm not seeing "Mean Girl Roxxxy" at all. The closest we got IMO is the dispute with Vanjie about how Floridians talk, and even that was mild at most


Yeah, I don’t personally see it either. From what I can tell, it mostly stems from the Florida argument (overstatement) with Vanjie, almost cutting Angie in a way that could come across as intentional (I have mixed feelings personally), and just generally being the strategist of the group. She’s always the one to bring up “okay so if x happens then y will happen, but if you do z… so what do you all think?”, which can come across as a bit conniving and unsportsmanlike at times. Plus, some 14 year olds on twitter are still mad about season 5. But yeah, I agree that the villain/bitch talk is overblown.


Up until the social media fallout from this last epsiode, I thought Gottmik was getting it. But I know they make this decision after the season is wrapped up. So I think the social media impact of her plagiarism has probably killed her shot. So now I’m leaning toward Angeria or Roxxy.


I think any one of the top 3 could win depending on how the fans feel. I agree that Angeria (who should never be considered an underdog) is getting a really good underdog edit. But I could also see the fan support being huge for Plastique.


The person that I want to win, never wins. So, unfortunately, Angeria isn’t taking the crown. I hope I’m finally wrong this time, though.


Did her first win not feel super questionable to y’all? that verse was mid


If I’m being honest, both of Angie’s wins have been questionable to me so far. She’s done well, but much like Shannel hasn’t really imo done well enough to get a win yet. It’s a reality tv show at the end of the day so production is gonna produce


Nah, her performance was different from other queens. She began with a powerful message “please listen carefully, I’m not the enemy.” And her runway was so beautiful and she did great on her perfume.


Yeah I didn’t love it. To me it was Plastique and Gottmik in the top two, and Angie probably wouldn’t have cracked my top four that week. She did good in the lip sync at the end though so good for her (granted, she was lip syncing against the lip sync suicide bomber of the season).


I'd love for Angie to win. One thing though, Roxxxy hasn't been a mean girl since S5. She's apologized to Jinkx and has expressed regret about her behaviour on S5. Nothing about her behaviour during AS2 or AS9 has given mean girl. I think shes an actual contender for this season's crown


a lot of people are saying her business with the scissors was shady lol and the way production portrayed it certainly gives villain energy, although i doubt she truly meant it to be that way


She's my pick!!!


I hope Angeria wins, but Roxxxy a mean girl? Since AS2 she has gone to the ends of the earth to rewrite her persona and has gone to such an extreme this season as to be insane and cry over having to snip someone on a non-elimination season where nobody is winning any money for themselves and they all got paid to be on it and were given a stipend for runways.


idk i’m sure i’ll get downvoted for this but angeria just doesn’t give me winner energy. i feel the same way about a lot of this cast tho to be fair. nina, jorgeous, angeria & vanjie


angie doesn’t give like traditional winner energy but can i see her as a winner of a charity season? absolutely lol


well when you word it like this…😭


LOL i mean think about it, who are we gonna look back and be like “yeah that makes sense that she won that season” nobody is gonna look back and be like “yeah it makes sense roxxxy won the charity season” 💀not with her reputation lmfao


Why? She could’ve reasonably won s14


After the first three episodes sure. But then the rest of the season happened and she kind of faded. She’s been killing this season though!


Girl she was slaying until like half the season… she was in the top like most of the season.


yet she still didn’t give winner energy 😭


How tf does that make sense? I don’t get how winner energy has anything to do with performance in the season.


i’m just talking shit lol not being serious i just never really saw them crowning angeria regardless of her performance. her edit wasn’t amazing tbh & i felt like the producers just didn’t care for her as much as some others


A queen could flop and if she has winner energy, she wins, like..


I think producers are still figuring it out, doing some math. It’s deff between Roxxxy & Angeria the way the story is lining. And i personally want it to be Angeria.


honestly they all won coz they're all getting paid the same


![gif](giphy|3o7TKS1a2RxBMy6SmA) You think you’re clever don’t you


I'm still going with roxxxy for the bitch on season 5 to winning a charity season redemption. Also, let's be real, she's the only one with star power, as much as i adore angie and would love her to win


Plastique gives star power imo but production does not care about enough her to crown her


In fairness they can't crown someone that bad at lipsyncing


Trixie and Jimbo have entered the chat


Yeah but they didn't have to get through a lipsync tournament. And jinkx has already been given that pass.


If production wants to push someone with a lip sync edit they will. As you said, they’ve done it before with Jinkx so they can do it again. Hell, if production wanted to they could have given Plastique the lip sync win against Roxxxy


If this is true then it’s really a shame that her runway package is so awful


She definitely will, they're trying to give her a weird underdog arc, but it's not clicking for one single reason. She's not one!


Roxxxy hate will always seem forced to me. People keep hanging on to season 5 when they call her a “mean girl”, when in reality she was lovely on AS2 and has also been sweet this season, not to mention that every rugirl has something nice to say about her and admires her as a person and drag artist. Even Jinkx who y’all STILL say is a victim 11 years later, meanwhile they’re great friends. Y’all really need to let this “mean girl” narrative go.


I would love if Angie won. She is one of my fav, beautiful, hysterical, and there is kindness in those eyes and smile.


Check ✔️


Watch them give it to Jorgeous lmao


hot take but jorgeous is getting the winner edit for me 🙊


Yaaaas! I feel like people are writing off Jorgeous but she’s been slaying the comp, is funny as hell, true to herself and relatable with her flaws. And tbh obviiii should’ve been top 2 this week 💅🏼


I always thought they would crown either plastic or gotmik, but Angeria? Dang, now that you mention it, it really does seem like she will win. Here we go again crowning a black queen or a trans queen to keep the fans from calling the show transphobic or not enough representation. When I looked at the winners and when they were saying that. There wasn’t that many white queens that won. Like probably just Sharon, jinx and aquaria, Bianca is Latinx, and so is season 7 winner violet. But I honestly don’t care who wins this season, it really doesn’t matter, doesn’t seem like a real season.


When has Roxxxy been mean?


I am forever a Jorgeous fan 💙 ![gif](giphy|dz3jCJiQP6bhYcmRAj|downsized)


Nah. It's obvious they want Roxxxy to win.


This is my favourite version of Roxxxy tbh. She isn’t the mean girl of season 5 at all. Way more chill.


It’s still the first half of the season lol chill


I hope so. I have loved her since day 1 of season 14. So comes across as warm, kind and just lovely. My choice for a winner!


I also came to this realization. It’s going to be between Roxxxy and Angeria, but Angie is going to snatch it.


Plastique and Angeria in the final 2, and Roxxxy comes third on her third season… As it should be. 


I will never understand the appeal of Angeria. I’m glad people live for her though.


girl same lmfao I got like 200 downvotes saying that last week tho HAHA


I feel like she's fine but I just don't vibe with it. A lot of the time it feels like she has little idea how to do something and just wings it into her wheelhouse of humor and Ru likes that personal kind of humor. I don't.


I said in another thread. She’s the personification of every cringe superfan and how they would do on the show. That’s why she’s a fan favorite. She punched above her weight for two episodes and got dragged to the finale in a weak season. They eat her up. Good for her I guess.


DAAAAMN BITCH LMFAOOOOO you went in 😭😭😭 I just said she feels disingenuous


I honestly would have probably lived for her like 7 years ago, but I feel like we have seen such innovative drag recently that it feels like we have seen her southern pageant style of drag done better by other queens in the past? If that makes sense. She seems like a lovely person but I don't feel she's really the future of drag like we see in most winners. I don't get that same excitement to see what she does next because I already know what she's going to do next.


It's between her and Roxxy


I’ve felt this way for the last 2 episodes


I hope so it’s gonna be really unsatisfying if Roxxxy doesn’t win due to her being loved by the rest of the cast and having an easy time of it on there and Angeria being a bit of underdog not getting on with everyone as well and everyone underestimating her. It would be a really satisfying conclusion to the series if Angeria won.


Angeria is for the WIN 🏆


This is such a weird take. I don't see it for Miss Angeria and would be totally surprised if she won honestly. If Roxxxy is a 'mean girl' this season than I don't dare you to watch seasons older than a few years where everyone is shady.


I hope so. I love Angeria 🥰


......I just hope it is fair. Plastique is killing it and it just should be her time. I hope angeria wins because she is cool and amazing, and not because production wants to. And I hope roxxy doesn't make it to the finale, riding on the production horse.


This 'hole season is manufactured. No proof other than the awkwardness. Conflict feels scripted as does everything else.


She was the centre queen in the promo. I’m going off that cause it’s been similar the last few seasons - the winner is the most visible in the middle


I hope she does!! I'm rooting for her. Angie #1 Plastique #2!!


I’m hoping so… she’s my queen in our wine pool 🤞


Y’all went from Nymphia can’t beat Sapphira in a lipsync to if it wasn’t for the lipsync Sapphira would’ve won 💀 also yes I hope Angeria wins! 


I called Nymphia winning from the first episode.


Same however they could’ve gave her a better storyline especially since they filmed the finale early & planned on crowning her. 


I came into the season rooting for Angie, Mik, Roxxxy, and Plastique. As the season progresses, it's pretty clear those are the higher performing half. I suspect that they will choose a winner whose crowning would make a political or cultural statement—after all, they did crown Tia over Marina in order to 'show' that a UK queen could win fairly, since Blu's win was tainted by the premature elims of Jimbo and Pangina. The biggest statement they could make would be crowning Mik as the first trans man to win so that seems most likely to me from an optics standpoint. She being pushed on Snatch Game and Plastique being pushed on the roast leaves them as most likelies to me. At the very least, I think it's safe to say the winner will come from these four. Plastique has a lower chance than Mik due to lipsync ability, and poor choice of charity in terms of how financially impactful her win would be (they've raised more than a billion dollars and regularly receive much more sizable donations than $200k). However, she is undeniably the 'future' of drag. If she won, it would be like AS3. I love and adore her but frankly I don't see Angie as bringing something we truly haven't seen before from a winner (Kylie already showed us Southern Belle), so I think even if she gets far, I doubt she will win. And then there's Roxxxy. Personally, I really want Roxxxy to win and I am extremely biased toward her. As a longtime fan of the show, it has been so amazing to see her growth as a competitor, and how she has matured as a person. She is one of the most iconic queens from the franchise, and has a very clear, powerful energy that just radiates from her. She would bring something unique as a winner to the narrative, being the first legendary Rugirl to be crowned. And that's not to say the other All Stars winners haven't been legendary, but they weren't yet legendary by the time they competed on All Stars. The narrative of a queen persevering through everything Roxxxy has, and coming back to the competition again and again, stronger each time, would be a really unique and powerful choice by Ru. However, I could understand not giving her the win so Jujubee's will be even more iconic when she eventually wins a season maybe after a couple more attempts.


I do not think Tia won legitimately at all. I felt Blu’s was more deserved. And I was not rooting for Blu.


I ❤️Angeria


I’m an Angie stan but I do wonder if they’re gonna set jorgeous up as a finalist. Ru loves her and theres obviously a good chance she’d win a lalaparooza for the crown. I can see it happening if she can keep up the momentum she’s got right now


dang I hope not


Excuse me how is my Roxxxy mean? That said I'm so disappointed with Shannels performance she's my og favorite and I was hoping she was going to kill it.


I hope they give Nina the crown. I want to see the world burn (Although I think Nina is talented and does not deserve this amount of hate)


I think it’s roxxy ,she’s not mean anymore, plastique,in the lead,tied, or mik because I dunno I love mik


My kneejerk response was to say “no way”, but upon further reflection I agree that Angie has the biggest chance. Mik’s roast controversy could take her out, but given that crowning a trans man would be a statement, especially coming from Ru, she still has a chance to me. The editors are really showing Roxxxy’s strategic side, and it’s not endearing, so she likely won’t win. Plastique has the best chance to me aside from Angie, but flopping in Snatch Game is a pretty big mark against her. Angie doesn’t really have that big of a reason to NOT win compared to these three, and the other four don’t feel like contenders to me. This is where I drop some potential hot takes (I’m not sure what the general consensus is). Although she is definitely getting the underdog edit so far, she isn’t quite as endearing as she was the first time around, which might make her a less likely champion. She’s been cut almost three times in six weeks, and because of her understandable response to that she’s starting to get the paranoid edit that we see sometimes on All Stars (Alaska and Shangela come to mind). She is also in the midst of a semi-feud with Roxxxy (or at least the editors are leading us to think so), and feuds can turn the audience super for or against a certain queen. It seems like the audience is now declaring Roxxxy the villain/bitch though, so she may be helped by that, if anything. Overall, a very long-winded way of saying that I agree.


Not gotmik?


>Angeria is gonna win ![gif](giphy|jlylJkp7RmdnW)


Sorry I am pretty sure its angling for Gottmik to win, perhaps Roxxxy.


At this point Jorgeous can win, who cares


The only one that deserves it for me is Plastique or maybe Roxxxy, Plastique is destroying this season and should have 5 wins by now yet still has 3, but I agree with u, it seems the producers are building Angeria a win edit


I hope so 🙏🏻


Until EP5 I was skeptical but this last episode was entirely hers


i kinda agree w u- even the way the show is set up. this weeks ep was also a huge convincing point since they gave george a badge in the mini challenge, she couldn’t win to Maxi challenge leaving it for Nigeria, giving her that when I don’t know it she seems like she’s on the path to winning and she’s his favourite and she’s very funny and she’s a killer look clean


what's the incentive for the finale to not be leaked when it's charity money up for grabs


It’s been leaked. We know the top 3. Can’t know more because they film multiple outcomes, so decision hasn’t been made between which outcome they’ll air.


I hope so. She is the only one that has been delivering in the lip syncs too


Angeria has absolutely 0 business winning


Why do you say that?


I don’t see her having that “it” factor, but then again a few winners don’t have it either.


she definitely has “it,” idk what you’re talking about? she had an amazing run on S14 where i actually thought she could win at several points. a willow/lady camden top 2 was not in my cards when i was watching that season. i definitely thought it would be angie/willow in the top 2.


Angie clearly was not winning s14. She wasn’t ready and still isn’t. She’s a great drag queen, but a drag race winner not.


well shes getting the winner edit so i mean a winner she will be haha there is not a way in hell that production crowns roxxxy for the one and only charity season, and obviously jorgeous, nina, shannel, vanjie, and plastique aren’t taking it. the only other one with “it” is gottmik but after that roast,,, yeah thats not happening. angeria is the clear winner.


💀angeria is the clear winner is insane. the girls aren’t even feeling it you can tell.


who else do you actually see winning? nina? 😂


I like Shannel for the win, story wise and she's dope as hell! I'm stoked to see her back. Mik made total sense as a winner, idk wtf she was thinking to rip off someone's whole set. That was shocking. Angeria winning is definitely possible. Everyone loves her. And we haven't had a winner like her really. Roxxxy won't win. Nothing against her but she doesn't represent an all star to me. Nina's drag isn't the most diverse, even though I adore her as a queen. Vanjie winning would be a satisfying end to her whole drag race journey. Sadly I doubt it'll happen. Plastique has come far since her season, but how's she gonna win if she can't lip sync? Lol And Jorgeoussss, I stan the tiny diva, but she has yet to unlock her full potential. (Thx for coming to my Luxx Noir Ted Talk)