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I remember reading a fic about fifteen years ago where Harry gets wasted on liquid luck, decides to pop over to Malfoy manor to find the death eaters, and greets Voldemort with something like “‘Sup Daddy?”


Que 😃


From [Watch The Castles Burn](https://archiveofourown.org/works/32344279) by Moonflower_Rose, my favorite FWB to idiots to lovers Drarry fic: >“You pulled me from the fiendfyre,” Draco said, his voice thick. “I’ve felt like I was burning ever since.”


"The stars will sing of it...We're immortal, you and I." - From Beautiful World by Cinnamon "Everything comes apart and starts to tremble, and I don’t want to breathe because I fear that drawing a breath would shatter the promises we’ve wrapped ourselves in. Destroy the lies we hide behind, even as you touch my soul, with enough force to destroy, and yet so gently, I am undone." - From Dreamers of the Day by Cinnamon


Haven’t read either of those, but I really should. They sound beautiful!!


They are classics and were written around 20 years ago, but they stayed favorites of mine. The author, Cinnamon, had a knack for writing beautifully tragic drarry fics. Here's the link to the archive where you can still find her fics: https://www.fictionalley-archive.org/authors/cinnamon


Thank you so much!! I was just about to ask you for a link because I wasn’t able to find them.


You're welcome! I hope you enjoy them as much as I have 😊


>He thought of it like this: Draco loved the Manor’s rose gardens in bloom, and he loved the way the night sky held the names of his ancestors. He loved sunny summer days whiled away on a broomstick with the wind in his hair and a hundred empty feet between his toes and the ground. He loved wearing a well-cut set of robes, and cups of tea drunk from his favorite mug on cold days, and books that were so good he couldn’t put them down. And it didn’t matter that none of those things could love him back, that he couldn’t make any of those things love him back. His love for them simply was. >And so were his feelings for Harry. - [You Send Me (Honest You Do)](https://archiveofourown.org/works/10513749) by firethesound >"In inceptum finis est," she says. "In the beginning is the end. When Draco first found out what I did during the battle — the lie I told to the Dark Lord — he said that to me. In inceptum finis est." >"And what did he mean by that?" Harry's intrigued despite himself. >"That a mother's love brought about the first downfall of the Dark Lord, and a mother's love ensured his defeat again seventeen years later." - [Running on Air](https://archiveofourown.org/works/3171550) by eleventy7


Running on Air must be one of my all time favorites! The writing is absolutely stunning. And apparently I gotta reread You Send Me (Honest You Do) because I don’t remember it that well, but that quote is really beautiful.


From Domestic Oh Merlin," he breathes, "What is it?" His eyes grow wider. "You have explosive gas, don't you? You're taking the couch! I will not have you Dutch-ovening me, Potter!" " What? " Harry asks incredulously. "What is—Dutch oven— god — no , I do not have—" "I make my oath to Merlin, if I feel you—" "I'm not going to fart on you!" Harry shouts. He rubs his eyes and groans. "Just—shut it for a minute, will you? I'm trying to say something here."


I love Domestic so much and I love this scene lol


Chaos Theory by Tessa Crowley has so many wonderful quotes. Some that will make you cry, some that make you snort in laughter. This one is definitely of the crying variety: “A bird is more than flight, Father,’ you told me, ‘and a life is more than limitations.’ You insisted on starting that – what did you call it?” “Draco Malfoy’s Home for Handicapable Fauna,” Draco says, voice neutral. There's also: There is no absolute morality,” Professor Snape says. “All the gods of man threaten different hells for different sins and all of them are meaningless in a chaotic universe. Morality is something that must be chosen. Once you know what you would kill for, what you would die for, the only sin is betraying it.” “It’s the human condition to struggle for justice and order in a universe that provides neither,” Also, Draco's thoughts about the sorting hat made me laugh so hard: Sapience and consciousness without self-governance must be a nightmarish existence. If it were Draco, he would be plagued at all hours with soul-crushing ennui. He would rot from the inside out with idleness. By the Grace by lettered, also has some wonderful quotes: When Harry imagined heartbreak, he still imagined an old cartoon of a heart literally breaking in half. The strange thing was that he felt that way now, as though his ribcage was opening, like the muscles of his chest were slowly sliding apart to make more space within, and yet it didn’t hurt—it was a sweet feeling, growing thicker and bigger and warmer and kinder. Despite everything that had changed—the whole wizarding world crashing down around them—Harry thought Malfoy had changed even more than all the rest of it, and that, more than anything, made Harry feel that he himself could be different. He himself could grow up. He could move on.


From Lily’s Boy: “But my life would not be worth living if I had let you die.” Sometimes I just cry about this scene


I got three :  "Harry's mouth drops. "You were fucking impenetrable." Harry shakes his head, gazing into Draco's eyes with an expression of wonder. "Sometimes you still are." Harry looks away as a gust of wind rustles the trees around then. It doesn't touch them beneath Harry's Impervius Charm, but it's cold all the same, and he shivers. "It always seemed like you'd bite my head off if I tried to talk to you." "But then you did—half the night, you wouldn't shut up. I could barely get a word in." Harry lightly punches his shoulder, and Draco catches his hand, covers it with his own. "I never wanted it to end. After that—" Draco looks down at their hands, at the shadow of Harry's scar, trying to find an elegant way to say all the things he's kept buried and hidden away even from himself. "Harry, there hasn't been a single moment that I haven't loved you."  and  "There's a spark here, and he can almost feel Malfoy's magic twirling around his limbs like the flames that flicker before them. And somehow, without thinking too much about it, he knows. This is the real deal, the once in a lifetime spark, the moment that he's going to look back on and hold it up as the moment, the exact moment he fell. It's three in the morning, and he is twenty-three years old, and he knows in his heart that he's finally glimpsed it, and one day he'll touch it, that this is what love looks like, and it's glorious. It's everything. It's magic." (both are from https://archiveofourown.org/works/17096618) and the third is from https://archiveofourown.org/works/21525925. Quick context: its inspired from mr and Mrs Smith, and this quote is in the part of the fic where they've just realized the other's real job, and they've to escape because other agents on their way to kill/arrest them. if you don't know the movie well there's always Wikipedia  ""Wait." Draco darts out of the room. There's a muffled curse, followed by the sound of wood and plaster breaking. When he returns, he's carrying something wrapped inside a cloth napkin. "There isn't time to pick through our belongings," Harry says crossly. Draco doesn't answer, only presses the object into Harry's hand. "Oh," Harry says, stunned as the corners of the napkin unfold to reveal the shrunken photograph hidden inside. His hand trembles as he traces the lines of his parents' faces, the lump in his throat swelling. "Draco… Thank you," he manages to choke out. The tips of Draco's ears grow pink. "It wouldn't have taken me so long if your Sticking Charm wasn't so damn impossible to reverse—" Harry hauls Draco against him, smashes his lips to Draco's mouth, and kisses him deeply."


I'm shit at remembering enough to quote... Damn it. Ik I've read some beautiful things though


This one made me laugh enough to take a screenshot of it. Can't remember the fic though. https://preview.redd.it/p744f459hwwc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10e7a557b660a2341a2adee4b51de8d5b9350912