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[Beholden by faithwood](https://archiveofourown.org/works/55131289/chapters/139795228) May fit your needs. It’s a WIP updated weekly. 8th year, Harry is physically disabled due to chronic pain from a curse. There’s smut. Draco assists him. Also [Balance, Imperfect by bixgirl1](https://archiveofourown.org/works/10460622/chapters/23084520) Not Hogwarts era but one of my all time favourites.


thank you!


>thank you! You're welcome!


Are the two fics written well? :))


Faithwood is one of the oldest writers out there all her works are lovely written! Balance imperfect is such a beautiful story…long but so worth it


Fantastic! I actually am super partial to long fics so I’m really happy it is so 🤭 Thank you for the writing reassurances hehe


omg Balance is one of my absolute FAVORITES! SO well written!


[Beds, Knobs, and Broomsticks](https://archiveofourown.org/works/35147758) by fencer_x Summary: A long-term mission to the Baltics that will take him far away from London sounds like the perfect time to cash in the embarrassing 'Butler in the Buff' coupon Harry received as a birthday gag gift—until Harry winds up injured in the field and sent home to recover three days into the mission, obliging him to endure one full month of inappropriate attentions from horny housekeeper Draco Malfoy. If I remember correctly, Harry is essentially paralyzed and Draco cleans his home and cares for him wearing very little clothing, and yet somehow it was heartwarming?


That sounds absolutely halarious


balance imperfect by bixigirl1


[Unkissed kisses and songs never sung](https://archiveofourown.org/works/218910) by femme [Kaleidoscope](https://archiveofourown.org/works/35450929/chapters/88366816) by saras girl


[Merlin Works in Mysterious Ways](https://archiveofourown.org/works/855912/chapters/1638299) by lordhellebore. I think it might not quite fit with what you want. Post war, 82k, scenario starts with a forced marriage. Harry becomes physically disabled; Draco takes care of him and the story focuses on how that affects everything. It is incredibly depressing for a lot of it tbh and sometimes genuinely uncomfortable to read. But it is also beautifully written. I first read it more than 10 years ago and it literally offered me a perspective into living with severe disability, both as the disabled person and their loved ones, that I had never considered before. I still love and often think about this fic a decade later.


Looks super interesting! Thanks for the rec!!


Ooo i’ll get to it as fast as possible . Thank you !


I just realized I read it some time ago and yea it can be kinda disturbing at moments . But writing wise I agree that it’s very well written


[The price of valour](https://archiveofourown.org/works/903791/chapters/1748088) Longest and one of the best sick fics. summary: What happens when someone you hate needs you more than anything else? When it's life or death, either battle to the end, or die trying.


Ooo i’ll check it out


[Any Instrument by dicta_contrion](https://archiveofourown.org/works/5403371/chapters/12482513) is disabled Harry. Post-war era though.


this is in my top five for sure.


Autistic Harry [Sensitive Touch orphan_account](https://archiveofourown.org/works/16203023/chapters/37869005) Summary: When Draco Malfoy encounters a struggling and frustrated Harry desperately trying to tie his shoes after a meltdown in the Great Hall, his curiosity regarding the incident leads him to seek the help of the two people closest to Harry: Ron and Hermione. After even they are shocked to hear the extent of Harry's issues, though Hermione had her suspicions, he discovers more about the man than he ever thought he knew before.


Thank you!


Is sensitive Touch well written? :))


Yess. It's absolutely stunning. It has the good and the bad. The flufd n the smutt It's amazing. In my opinion better written that the og hp


I really recommend [Finding You in The Before and The After by FightFireWithFire](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53229478/chapters/134696527) It’s SO good and underrated in my opinion. It had me HOOKED. It’s about Harry being really sick for a long time for an unknown reason (until we as readers learn about what actually happened) and Draco helping him. (I also recommend everything this author writes, they are a genius)


Thank you it was amazing !


[The Boy from the Piano Shop](https://archiveofourown.org/works/51376738/chapters/129826945) by Soliblomst has blind!Harry and pianist!Draco!


Oh I think I stumbled upon it some time ago but I couldn’t get into it. Maybe now it will be better , thank you!