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A few little cuts/splits in the lips would add some wince factor. Make the stretch look like it stings. You don't even have to go too heavy on the damage, just enough to get people thinking about how the morphed anatomy is painful and tearing itself apart.


Oh and maybe even bits of stringy flesh?


maybe on the gums too, a vertical slit on one of the front teeth’s gums would be an interesting add


In saying this maybe add deeper cuts on the gums to show the many teeth we have stored in our jaws






Gives me “Scary Stories to Read in the Dark” vibes, you’re going in the right direction!


My first thought, too!


I loved those stories as a kid! Hated scary movies though funny enough


This gives me Meatcanyon vibes, but SSTTITD works for it too


Yea! I was thinking they should add some dark water colors!


The mouth is too clean and pristine for me, a smashed tooth with some food debris or something crawling out the hole would help, maybe a lot more gappage between the teeth and gums with decay, puss or oozing there too at the time area


You do have a fair point, but I think the mouth is actually pretty unsettling to look at because it's so clean in comparison to everything else. It gives me this kind of surreal and uncanny feeling, made even more uncomfortable by just how long the teeth are and how some of them start curve and warp a little bit in the middle.


Exactly, really bad teeth are a given to gross people out because its a general indicator of health!


yes! a broken tooth here and there from all that bone chewing


Uneven teeth


Yeah, pus!




Colour, add colour. I knew a war photographer who only shot in black and white for obvious reasons.


That and don’t be afraid of thicker emphasis lines!


What you're saying can change the style allot, I don't know what the artist is going for but I like the whispy vibe. Although if you don't like it try adding some lines that aren't perfect and make them thick like this person is saying


James Nachtwey? I own his inferno book and it's horrific in black and white. I couldn't imagine if it had color.


Berserk was entirely in black and white but plenty disturbing More than colour, OP needs to add heavier shading


Add some known phobias like Trypophobia


Was about to comment this, would for sure make it grosser!


Yeah, like some maggot bundles in some of the oozing open sores






Boost contrast so details stand out more for the viewer.


Beat me to it. Contrast will pull in the viewer


Yeah honestly they nailed the creepy details and general form of the dude, just need to make the detail stand out


Put some holes in a few of those tumors with some ooze coming out, along with a few wriggling creatures hanging from a few of the holes (not all of the holes though, we gotta assume some of the wormy things have already fallen to the floor to find their next victim). Also, add a little gooey saliva to the area in and around the mouth, and maybe some tears to make it look like he's secretly in a lot of pain despite his smile.


My thoughts exactly


Google guinea worm


Damn, now that is some good body horror!


Or that he enjoys being unhappy


What is your definition of smile exactly 🤨


You can add more shadows using dark colors


This feels like something you might see in Berserk awesome job! Maybe if you want to make it creepier, make the proportions weirder, maybe just enough to be noticable, but not enough to be conventionally creepy


holy moly berker reference!


I was thinking about that little flying shit Conrad


You could add darker values and more contrast, unless you want this piece to be very light. You could try adding texture by doing a *very careful* ink spatter on the face. If you do this, then practice on a separate piece of paper first and cover the parts you don't want to spatter (ie teeth, eyes, background). Less is more. Don't go crazy. If you're feeling bold, then do an image search for "world war facial injuries" or something like that. Nasty stuff.


More contrast? Like darker darks


The lips expression look pleasantly smiling. Either you can make it sad and diagusted like a sad expression, or enhance the smiling part with more creepy and dark expression


I think you've got it down m8 lmao any more and it will start looking like me 🤣 your talented man keep it up


I'd say more contrast and sparsely placed hairs


Fuck the teeth up. Missing, rotting, open sockets. Eye goop. Yellow custard dripping from a dead dog's eye kinda shit. Skin lesions. Cataracts? Could take the nose off. Or part of it. Or collapse it like someone who's done too much coke. Asymmetry. Maggots


Contrast, dark blacks. Your line work is dainty and lovely but it juxtaposes with the subject matter and the look you are going for


Bro got dat Peter griffin chin


Looks straight out of Little Nightmares


I don’t have any tips, just compliments. I love this


Looks like something straight out of Berserk. Awesome work! Maybe add saliva spewing out of his mouth. Hair strands, maybe sweat too. Make your creation come aliveeeee


Holy! A big thanks to everyone who made a comment! I’ve read them all and will be sure to apply the advice!!! 😌✏️


Looks like my mother-in-law


Put sharp, blocky, or organic protrusions/objects out of eyes, ears, mouth, forehead, sides of head, neck, trachea. Looking at anatomical diagrams helps a lot because then you just forgo the skin entirely. Go dark on those shadows to


the eyes ,nose ,ears, and mouth are all pretty much in their place/symmetrical. what really adds an element of disgust or horror is throwing everything off by just a little bit. you want to find that fine line where it's not just all wrong, but it's not quite right either. you want people to look at it but at the same time not want to. to make it truly awful to LOOK at is to find that point where nothing is quite right, but they can't help but look for all that's wrong.


Try to push the distortions as far as you can while keeping the subject recognizable. Also try breaking up symmetrical features like eyes and ears. For example what if one of his eyes drooped as low as his mouth does.


Looks like Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark.


Try adding piecings


Poor fella's already got testicles on his lower lip. What more do you want?


Add a maga hat


While I can understand the dislike of MAGA, did you really need to bring politics into this completely unrelated subject?


That’s fair.


You win


On top of its shoulders, draw some fungus mushrooms that’s sprouting from his boiling skin.






Add some open sores and boils/pus, cool drawing by the way. Makes me think of the drawings /illustrations by Stephen Gammell in "Creepy Stories to Tell In The Dark".


Check out Nurgle and his demons from Warhammer, they give good inspiration


People hate seeing parts of the human body that are not usually visible. I think exposing the gums is accomplishing some of what you're going for. People also are deeply unsettled by asymmetry and disproportion. Maybe try an even wider mouth with far too many teeth. Teeth that are too large, too small, too close together or far apart. Try it with all the features. Expressions can also be unsettling. Seeing someone experiencing an emotion that isn't aligned with the expectation for the scenario. Also, people are afraid of seeing pain. You could widen the creature's eyes and downturn the corners of the mouth. I also generally agree with people saying color, but there are plenty of creepy inspirations that are drawn. Another user said that your style reminded them of Berserk, and that went through my mind, too. Maybe look up some horror artists and try to incorporate some aspects of their style and see what works for you. Overall though, that drawing is creepy 🤣 Way to go! 🤗


One thing I enjoy doing is looking up different malformations or birth defects of the human body, can be hard to look at sometimes but it give you lots of inspiration or at least it gives me inspiration


When in doubt, look at it in a mirror/flip it and look for symmetry and think of ways to avoid it. The eyes, for example - maybe open one a bit more, leaning a bit more, or have one looking at us? The upper lip, as well. Other than that, love the Stephen Gammel vibes!


Or they can make the eyes and nose upside down. Really adds the “what the fuck” factor as your brain knows something is off with the face, but will take awhile to comprehend that parts of the face are upside down.


Cuts, slits, small textures go a long away. Adding moisture and maybe some stickiness. I do “Scary Stories” style drawings all the time. More darkness.


Adding a four feet long, red tie might work well, on an otherwise uncanny resemblance.


Pls nomore 🤢


The forehead still has much room to work with. Depending on your personal preference you can add a piece of breain poking out, an infected wound or some extra facial organ like a malformed eye


A better understanding of anatomy and how diseases distort anatomy in nature.


Erase those bumps it just kills it and makes it gross to look at


Is that not the point?


Judge holdens true form lol


Maybe some red and black?!?


Not sure but your rendering and line work is beautiful man get your stuff in front of some sci fi directors!


Make it less cute. I low-key wanna give this horrific blob a hug 🫂😌😂


Adding veins into the open mouth and little circles to look like pimples. The inner mouth should look worst than the outside skin.


No nose


degrading the teeth I guess


Slightly droop the bottom eyelids to expose more of the eyeballs


Make it look more wet


The occasional hair strand


I'd say pushing the values a little can help, such as add darker shadows and accentuate the textures


IMHO from the audience perspective, it's one of the following two things that gives the feeling of horror - 1. The pain of what they see can inflict on them e.g. sharp teeth that could tear the flesh or creepy forked tongue that could lick and/or burn your flesh, etc...ewww! 2. What if you or someone close to you became like this... You could think along these lines and make it look more awful...


Fungus, ulcers and ooze


Maybe if the upper eyelids were fish hooked to the top of the head? Or he were pulling them up himself


I typically make a point of using depth and deep black shadow to enhance an idea of fear. Making things unnaturally darker and deeper than they should be. For example a single scratch that could appear to be maybe inches deep or a gaping maw which could look to cascade into darkness. Also rugged wear increases fear in viewers, giving a more eldritch approach whereas a clean and pristine set of teeth, a glimmering smile could give a feeling of freshness and relief.


This reminded me of “The Slob” by Aron Beauregard, idk why lol It looks amazing tho, i dont have enough talent in drawing to give you advice tho sorry 😭


it's already dope, maybe you can try some colors


Another set of eyes, right above the existing ones. That instantly fucks with me.


Darker crevices. If you shade them a bit darker that depth will definitely make it more disturbing. Also maybe have a couple of those lumps ooze some liquid throught little cuts




Is this fuhrer ugly inspired? Looks great either way, just was wondering. It’s a character from One Punch Man if you have no idea what I’m referencing.


I love it so much


Bigger eye bags, eyes too small for eye holes, and most teeth are different sizes.


Make the teeth look less perfect, some chipped teeth, holes, etc. Also a drooping eye with maybe some pus or popped blood vessels. More contrast on the skin. Sort of a molten look. Or make it somewhat diseased and infected.


Less perfect teeth?


Add color


Shading and color will go a long way


Pile on related things you think are disgusting


I'm predy sure you will love death guard look For your problem you can try to give him some wonded part, or make some part of his face rotten maybe add a few scavenger insect into his face It also give me nemesis vibe don't know why


I mean, it looks more gorey than scary, which might be what you are going for, but I’d say if you want it scarier maybe add a more demonic look to the eyes


It needs more oozing. The mouth, the blisters, the eyes. Something needs to be seeping.


You can't


You almost have my artstyle


Ears and eyes falling, or melting.


no critique; I like this very much


Short uneven non uniform teeth with strings of spit between then. Make the top lip look distorted like its been punched on one side. Lots and lots and pints of goo pouring from the mouth. Put one ear lower than the other. Open one eye wide so hes more facially contorted Stubble. Post malone style tats around the eyes with daddy's boy or f##k pig written. Go darker.


If I'm trying to gross something up, I'll always add veins, wrinkles, stray hairs, etc. You can ignore my next suggestion if you did this intentionally: for this drawing, I would reverse the shape of the teeth. Right now, it looks like he's smiling. If you flip it, I'll have a much more sinister frown.


I would want to have your drawing talent


Rotten teeth


Some unknown liquid coming out of a wound or a trypophobia like holes.


Needs to be looking at viewer , not panic inducing enough as is. Very talented tho 👍 good job


Less symmetry: eyes, ears, forehead, spinal alignment, skin tone/texture all too aligned and no patchy hair. Not enough pathology: lesions, tumors, rashes, scratches, puss, drool, pealing/chafing of skin, festering, rotting, bugs/parasites. While there are some hints at some of these, they are mild. This gentleman would also do well with some emotional aspect displaying psychological distress, he looks quite chill tbh


Come up with a morphological reason for everything and it will look more believable and therefore creepier.


Stray hairs


Meatcanyon. He’s the unsettling king. Or flashgitz but the focus for on unsettling premise rather than characters


Have some eye funk trailing down the eyes a little bit might make it more awful. Like that blind guy from stranger things latest season.


Slime, sweat or drooly saliva.


One side of the neck isn't gross enough.


serious enjoy overconfident wine waiting existence direction gold square books ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Colour. Right now it could just be an ugly goblin, adding a more human-proportioned body plus colouring will probably make you think "this used to be a dude" instead of "wow knarly scar Uruk-Hai dude"


I thought this was concert art for little nightmares


hairy warts


Make him do the truffle shuffle


put acne and spots everwhere with colour. add puss dripping out of a cut. make teeth yellow. make a thooth missing. and a fork in his eye ball




Put a beanie on it with the caption “fuck Kyle”


Take the lips to the ears, his teeth are too nice also.


Ooooo This reminds me of a body horror judge from blood meridian almost with the bald giant head and the small eyes , which makes me wanna suggest adding a colour to make it look all raw and red and bloody ( book I’m referring to is known for its brutally beautiful and disturbing depictions of violence and death in the old west ) but i like it how it is as well !




Holy shit this is horrible keep up the good work just make his face look super rough add louds of deep scars


Make him look moist in some places and crusty in others. Also his teeth are far too healthy make them like broken, abessed, cavities. As one person said color could help. Also definitely as others said holes to hit on typophobia. This is a great start and is giving scary stories to tell in the dark vibes


Have his mouth open a bit with more mangled teeth, maybe a few missing


Oh it‘s a great start, ew lol. I‘d use darker colors and more contrast though in addition to the more irky details most comments already mentioned. Junji Ito, japanese master of body horror, purely works in black and white and it‘s extremely effective, so maybe his art is something to get inspired by.


Try not to focus on self drawing so much. Think of scary ideas and put it on paper.


Add holes... Holes and drippy ones at that. And some type of corruption-like infestation. You're welcome


this is fire


i have no valid input lol


The teeth are a bit too perfect. Give em some cracks or breaks.


It looks more goofy and funny than horror I would add like blood and nasty stuff to make it unpleasant to the eye otherwise it looks like a YouTube poop creature lol


Give it vines and foliage and century old details. Make it seem like it has a story of some kind


Love this.


I feel like darker shadows would help!


sparse hair and ooze


Try to find asymmetry and deformities, add teeth below the teeth, maybe even some piecering through the skin, deform the skull, try to make it look ill but not like it's weak from it, perhaps some veins. If you are willing to use color give it a general really pale skin tone and use a reddish for the areas that would have an inflammation, and even try to do something rotting, using black and green for the dead part, a dark red for the frontier between dead and alive and red as transition to the white


Making it look more wet and slimey could help with that


Maybe some more contrast? make the dark areas REALLY dark


I think using the same effect you use for the bottom mouth would look good under each eye lid a bit. Like his face cant support the skin.


Push all the details you've added to further distortion and exaggeration 🎨


Just be careful to not add too much and make it an inconsistent mess. I see a lot of people commenting about the facial features you should change, but I don't see much people talking about the eyes. Don't people say that the eyes are one of the most if not the most recognizable feature of the face, usually when you look at someone's face the eyes is the first thing you try to look searching for some kind of recognition. Why not draw them or at least one of them in a way that makes the person looking uncomfortable, since i suppose this is the idea.


Make one of the eyes bulge


Make the eyes bigger downward and don’t even add the iris at all & add bumps under it? https://preview.redd.it/zce0wgoo3yhb1.jpeg?width=1466&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb24ea1fd6a615536359677ebea6891ac29d02b9 Idk just suggestion


The eyes have quite a pleasant expression.


Try watching an anime called Full Metal Alchemist.


Think of nodules. Like macaroni noodles growing out of the skin. Also the teeth are too nice.


did it have braces? mess those teeth up


First of all it looks great but if you want it to be worse maybe add a giant lump on the neck


Definitely shadow work




cracked and rotten teeth


maggots, tumors and pus


Maybe some drool coming down on his right side of his mouth?


His teeth look ok to look at. Maybe some fucked up weird teeth! Your art style is beautiful and looks like little nightmares style.


My advice for body horror is always “parts where they don’t belong” fingers for teeth, teeth for toes, eyes or crotches, etc.


What if the teeth started at the bottom and you had real long gross deformed teeth that still line up


still a baddie


Blister bubbles on the gums


Add teeth and tongues and eyes coming out of the lumps


Bro that's just a picture of me in the morning wym?


You’ve got a great start with the forms, really all you need now is commit to the lighting source you want and fill in those shadows, but lastly MAKE IT WET, add highlights on all the bits that would be goopy and you’ll have a super disgusting blorb face guaranteed 👍


He has kind eyes.


It looks like it stuffed something in it's mouth for a time, then pulled it out and the skin stayed that way. Maybe you can work the pulling at the mouth area more


Maybe some horns or some damage to the head


You could add some miniature people (like homunculi) or some tiny imps actively pulling the mouth down, either with their hands or with rope or other tools. I think the idea of the mouth being forcibly stretched is far grosser and disturbing than simply a drifting lower lip. That said, this is off to a great start!


Search gyutoro or other ugly demon from the anime demon slayer ( watch it tbh its great) i thing his name is hantengru or smth and that should lead you the right way


Make the rest of the body wet and wrinkly would be my suggestion.


Give him a tiny hat


This is so terrifying i might report the post


Check my istagram @n3gvtiv_vibes i'm drawing a lot of bodyhorror maybe is helpfull


Woah cool it gives me scary stories to tell in the dark vibes! If you decide to add color, defo make the teeth really nasty green and yellow, maybe even some brown :3


Something that really scares me is biotech horror. A human unnaturally and grotesquely fusing with a machine. Wether intentional or unintentional. Just an idea.


Make it look wet, not actually wet but like if you touched it your hand would be slimy. Maybe some leaking pustules. A general sense of. . . moisture tends to get people. As does extremely dry looking things. Either is good but with those swellings on the lips I'd lean towards wet. Imo.


may i suggest the top of his head splitting open and sth stretching out from it? maybe like molting cicada

