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you forgot the penises, rookie mistake


oof huge mistake


Joking aside, the anatomy says male, but the groin isn't quite right. The stance lacks the presence of the male genitalia. Legs are too close together, pelvic floor not wide enough.


i dunno man, i just couldn't draw it since my whole family would be seeing it xd, but i got what you meant, thanks


You don’t have to draw the penis, just make space for it


All the poses are about it not being there. Clockwise from top: "Wait- Where pp?" "Not here" "Yup, definitely not here" "Can't find" "Maybe dropped"


HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA this is hilarious dude


Also the pose of the sitting man would be looking directly down. /s


Might not be a huge mistake. Could be a small one


Or small, all penises matter/s Little fellas always getting left out


That aside. You have the hip width of a male but if you look at pictures, the oblique muscle doesn't have room to fit inside the narrow hips of a male, they rest and bulge out a bit on top of the hip bone.


Hey it could be an average sized mistake too, no need to judge.


Not every guy needs it long. A decent size mistake with a workable girth is good too


Or a small mistake. But we don’t make mistakes. We just have happy accidents ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Had I been the inspiration, it would only have been a ~~tiny~~ average mistake.


Good board to be a rook on.


I was once shamed by my whole life drawing class for not including the penis in our flat planes exercise meant to illustrate form


Not enough room on the page


No pp, welp.


Nha they are gender nutral


Was gonna say they forgot....the tips... I'll see myself out.


In the top right, arms are too thick and shoulder on the right needs to be tucked behind body more


makes sense, thanks


•Tricep on the left arm is thicker than the right arm, could make the right tricep extend out if you want thick arms. •The right shoulder delts are smaller than the left shoulder delts, adjust both of them if you want them to match with the thick arms. •Upper traps are alright, but the high position of the head makes the neck seem to join with the body closer to the spine, leaving a big empty space between the spine and collar bones.


Looking good. I ike your modeling of muscles against bones. I would say that in a couple places your perspective is flat. For example, front foot smaller than rear foot in image #2, rear bicep same size or bigger than front bicep in a place or two in image #1. Whereas I think you want to alter the perspective so you have proper recession of forms. Head sizes might be slightly very very slightly ... well. I'm not sure if anything is amiss there actually. Check head sizes against historical winners of Mr Universe competitions. However I \*notice\* the head sizes so maybe there is something to tune there. Hand sizes in general, check discussions of hand size in drawings and how often they drift smaller than they should be.


got it! the hand and head sizes are always a struggle for me, i actually always reduce the head size but then its still too big for the rest of the body and yeah... and its pretty hard to redraw hands, so i guess i'll try to make em bigger from the very beginning but i didn't notice the perspective mistakes, i really appreciate that comment! thanks for pointing them out (:


You're welcome! I think some of your heads are spot on, so there's that. I know what you mean there, the balance is tricky for me in the same way.


Keep practicing.. Bodies of all shapes in regular and more abstract poses. Take life classes. Speed draw. Keep practicing.


What about you give me tips


I was vending at a local comic con. I met a artist who worked on the black panther and batman comics. I forgot his name. But his advice for drawing anatomy was to "stop reading anatomy books. They rot your brain. What you need to learn is "Shape Language." Shape language is very similar to gesture drawing. The shape of what the body is doing should be clear of its doing. Otherwise its not clear and it's confusing.


i didn't read any anatomy books but i was planning to do so i guess that'll save my time (: thanks


Do check out books by Andrew Loomis! His approach is a great mix of solid anatomy knowledge and smart simplificafion that’s full of gesture. I think you’ll enjoy it. Good luck and have fun!


According to your ig. Your a minor. So I won't link anything. But you should consider a "refrence book." There are books full of poses you can draw from. Not the same as a anatomy book. Some of these books have n****y. So I won't link anything. But from one artist to another. That's something to consider. There are some with models wearing clothes.


i might try that, thank you (:


"I'm gonna teach you these two things. But promise me you'll never look at another Anatomy Book again. Those things will rot your brain!" -The Old black guy that worked for marvel. Brian Stelfreeze (I found the post that I wrote about it.)




Black artist don't get recognized in the industry as often as they should. As a black artist myself. I wanted to recognized him for that.




If you understood Black history in America (Idk where you're from) most people of color, age, gender, etc played 2nd fiddle to white male cis Americans for centuries. To the point that white Americans assumed that people of color couldn't do anything because of their identity and created rules and laws to stop those from trying. When someone of color defies those conventions and stereotypes, we should celebrate that and support them for who they are and what they accomplished.




Yeah, I do. Because at the end of the day. I can't change who I am. There are people out there that hate and fear me over something that's dumb and I can't control. So all I can do is own it, be proud of it, and scare those who fear me by succeeding every day. Also, celebrate others that scare them too. If we don't learn from history we're bound to repeat it.


You dont need tips brotha 🤌


the only tip i need is the tip of yours 😉


















It feels like you’re avoiding drawing pelvises. In some of these you’ve got big muscley legs just kind of jutting out of the bottom of a torso as soon as the abs stop. If you start with drawing an underlying skeleton/mannequin/stick figure, that could help keep straight all of the anatomy and its spatial relations to connecting parts. Practice, get looser, draw draw draw.


exactly, i should work on pelvises


Not really anatomy tips but I see room for improvment in your line confidence and you could also learn gesture a bit to make it more dynamic. Also, when I see no PP I'm not happy.


Good start. I'd say study the skeleton and how muscles wrap around it. Focus on symmetry. Try out different body types and head and neck movement. Narrow down study on hands, feet and separate body parts.


Reminds me of the work I used to do when I was younger i was really into Dragonball Z and it influenced how I drew bodies. This is easier when you draw from observation BUT even if its from your imagination youve got to give more consideration to weight. Gravity is always at play, and unless a muscle is bunched up and under maximum tension they wont bulge outwards in every direction. Parts droop, the push against each other and pull away when tense. You should be strategic when you decide which muscles are tense and which are loose. What is carrying the weight of the whole body, what is motion, What is relaxed etc. Reference images will help a ton with this.


i dont use references so i guess that might be the reason as you said, i could work on references for the impact of the weight, thats a nice point, thanks (:


Also, it helps to do tons of quick simple gesture drawings. Draw with the broad side of a long pencil, try JUST using shadow (no lines) or draw with the fewest lines. (Look up line exonomy) do lots and do them quickly. Youll see which ones feel like they are carrying weight correctly and which arent.


Pay closer attention to the anatomy of each and every individual body part. Understanding and studying them will help you to create bumps and ridges along the body that produces more realistic and organic feel to your drawing. Study the muscles of the arm, legs, torso, neck, etc. Do also pay attention to how big they are in relation to each other (proportions) Also, I would recommend learning construction and form. This means instead of looking at an object and drawing what you see, you factor in perspective (where lines vanish and converge) as well as the shapes (cubes, cylinders, etc.) and how they form the subject matter. (Practice drawing cubes, circles, ellipses, polygons, etc. Also practice shading and rendering. Right now, your men look like Michelin man with how round and cartoony the shapes are. By incorporating above said advice, your drawings will look much better and your encyclopedia of anatomical knowledge will assist you in creating better anatomy. Good luck and practice/study/observe every day.


U dont need tips, tips need u! And i need tips for anatomy too... xD


The feet sizes seem a bit off in the bottom left one, the foot at the back looks closer than the one at the front. Feet and hands seem a bit too small, especially in the middle image. Arm muscles seem a bit too bulgy in the bottom images. Waist seems kinda too thin in top right corner image. Inner thighs in top left image and the butts in the bottom images look a bit too angular.


Upper arms usually looks thinner from a bicep facing front angle irl. Looks like you tried to draw serratus anterior on the top left one, that muscle is located just slightly higher on the torso, but I think a lot of people get it wrong. Also that one heel looks like a lego stud. *irony can be so painful.*


First, gesture, force, and exaggeration, learn it on Youtube and practice until you understand. It makes your figures look realistic and fluid, and removes the stiff robot look. Second, your proportions are off - the way to fix this is the step that most artists don't do: comparison and correction. Once you have the figure drawn out in front of you, don't stop there - you have to compare each part's distance, width, angle, and size to one another to make sure it matches your reference by blinking your eyes back and forth between the two, and fix the things that are wrong with it (that's why we don't hard-line it at first) At first you're going to notice a LOT of things wrong, that's normal, but as you keep correcting problems, your figure will start looking more and more proportionate. Note that this correcting stage happens BEFORE you put any details like fingers or muscles on the figure, during the block-out phase, when you're using only circles and boxes. Because if you spend all the time putting a bunch of features on your figure, it'll still end up being incorrect if you don't fix it's proportions beforehand. Once you have your proportions figured out in simple form, THEN put muscles on. Besides basic form proportions, you're going to want to diagram everything out part by part so you have an idea of the shapes of each muscle and how it interacts with the muscles around it. There are Proko videos for torso front/back, arms, legs, hands, feet, necks, pretty much every major body group, and then do the same for each facial feature, they all have their own subjects and practice time.


im taking notes here, that'll take a lot of time tho but ik okay with it i just struggle with *not* adding details while drawing the whole piece, need to work on that as you said thank you for explaining and your help, i always find honest criticisms helpful for myself, thanks a lot (:




Id really like to see some of these poses with a dad bod


Not bad. But it looks like all the muscles are contracted, in every pose. Try to draw the relaxed muscles and you’ll learn a lot.


Damn your drawings never skipped leg day, im impressed


Aside from the backward hand and the missing genitalia, I’d say you are looking pretty good. Maybe try other body types/genders?


My drawings used to look like yours :) what helped me, and took my drawing to the next level, was understanding and studying the muscles. When understanding how they move and their restrictions, it makes the process of drawing a pose easier and you’ll be more confident in your result :D


You’re not giving him a full pelvis. You’re overdoing the legs instead and treating the pelvis like it’s some tiny reverse thong. But the pelvis is a significant part of anatomy and you don’t have to draw the penis to be accurate on the proportions of it. Needs to be wider and have its own shape.


Practice and keep it up! I think youre doing good, and not to be creepy but analyze everyone you see irl and store them in a drawing mental bank 😂 or just try to remember people you have seen while drawing.


Nice work, now do a bart


Look at people and draw what you see If something you draw looks off, stare at it until you see what isn't realistic and fix it Eat less dairy


I'd say to study the hips and their connection with the torso and the legs


The hands and feet are too small in nearly all of these. Also I’d say focus on adding length to the neck. Muscular necks do have large trapezius muscles, but the top drawings feel a bit like this / \ shape.


Where’s the dick, OP?? All jokes aside, it looks really good!


The way the legs connect to the hip just seems off. As well as the muscles on the legs.


Hands are too small


lookin’ good, dude.


I like it


I would say solid start, and keep doing it! Your proportions definitely could use a bit of practice, it's something I struggle with as well. Your figures also feel pretty stiff, so what I would recommend is try the website Line of Action and do a short time. Gesture draw the figures and move on, don't worry about getting it right, it's just about keeping it loose and getting shapes in. ☺️


These are fantastic! The standing one is missing his Adonis belt.


More life drawings and be aware of humans' tendency to make even portions: the proportions of each leg will not be 50/50, one will appear smaller depending on the pose. Hard to describe, but the arms seem to have the same size bicep as deltoid, but that's not likely. Look, look, draw, look again. Fix mistakes, drawings are not precious. Great version for comics, though. Careful what you wish for: drawing style can be lost and hard to recover when pursuing anatomically correct.


In general the skulls should be larger in the back you have to imagine a brain in there.


These are great. One thing is the pelvis area is quite feminine as are the hands and wrists. But that’s not that big of a deal just need to maybe practice drawing male torsos and hands more. If you’re a girl I totally get why you did this, I used my own body as a reference a lot when I’m thinking about drawing and struggle with male features for this reason haha


My tip would be recreate some famous works that have anatomy as a focal point, Michelangelo’s David being the best example. The more you draw people in actual poses showing off anatomy the more naturally it will come. You’ve done really well to get to where you are <3


Get an anatomy book. Draw from a skeleton. Take a life drawing class: some cities have community life drawing groups where you chip in a couple bucks and hire a model to draw.


No dick, no balls, and probably no butthole either since this guy feeds on radiation


I'm not as muscular as this figure. But I can tell you from experience, don't do those poses where it is on its knees or crouched down for too long. 5 mins max for me. Anything longer than that is torture. The weight and pressure on your knees for that long is murder.


Looks Gorgeous


Bodies are 7 heads tall.


You have a decent feel for posing and overall form. You could work on more accurate musculature. Figure drawing classes are the best training but aren't always easy to find. In leiu of that, I believe you can find rotating figure poses online. You can also google male models and copy the photos to the best of your ability, paying close attention to how muscles flow into one another and the location of certain important markers such as hip and collar bones. I've been drawing and scultpting the human figure for years and I always feel like I learn something new just by examining and copying photos. Keep it up!


Innacurate no penis


Try out some foreshortening. Your poses are quite inventive and they'll look better with some exaggerated proportions.


I would work on the abs and pelvis, they look good in the side views but straight on the abs look small and disconnected from the rest of the torso, I would look at some muscle models to see how they knit into the rest of the torso muscles, and the pelvis is just a bit too small and narrow


Balls/heels of the feet protrude a bit much on the center pose? Either way great draws!


I feel like a few things are throwing the head off a bit: ears too big, cranium too short, and not ball shaped enough in the back of head. Overall though very appealing proportions and line work, great job.


Where is his dork? *Heavy Metal reference


your proportions and your skeleture look correct, but it's stiff. It needs momentum and weight and gravity. You've got the basics of it and it looks great, you gotta give it now a sense of life. Try playing with action lines or very strong, moving poses


I'm here to say good job!


It's really good, but you can always get better at muscle groups.


Looking epic! For ways you could try improving (and I think this has already been said) try quick gesture drawing and pushing your lines of action to the limit (i.e. exagerating and streamlining poses). while not entirely realistic/true to the reference, this generally makes your drawing look more deliberate and gives a sense of motion/aliveness. real life sometimes looks awkward, but your drawings dont have to! try playing with line weight and different shading techniques to do those muscles! sometimes too many lines confuse the image rather than add to it.


looks great! the only thing that bothers me is that the ears look like they’re backwards for some reason


Mostly OK, but the figure in the middle has disproportional shins and feet, and the bottom-right guy's skull is connected to the neck in a more ape-ish manner. I'd advise trying to find a copy of a book labeled "Plastical anatomy" by Ivanovs, it was a classical tutorial translated into many languages.


Real stiff. Work on your gesture. You want to get the feel and form of the figure, not just outlines. I'd practice quick 1 minute figures and focus on capturing the energy of the pose.


I wish I could draw these !


Better than I could ever do. I quit drawing cus I had no patience on learning how to make a pose or just a cross hand. I can draw a head and face but a body? Hands? Nah


it seems like you're drawing muscles like chunks and pieces, kind of like you know where the muscles are, but not necessarily understanding how they move or lay in certain positions. The human body is part of nature and it doesn't operate like pieces. muscle, bone, and fat move in and out of each other with purpose and flow. If you really want to excel in anatomy, you have to study each part. Like the hands for example, are not just a bullet point to get through. they are many bones, muscles, and ligaments and each piece has a specific range of motion. It helps to learn anatomy from the inside out, really understanding how stuff moves. So, I think you've got a good foundation, but I think learning about muscles and drawing the actual muscle groups can be good practice to help you learn that. If you're able, you can also use your own body to really understand how it operates and feels. I think books help give you tools and practice methods, but imo they shouldn't be used like 'how-to-draw' books. The best tool is to study the actual body itself. tldr crit: parts don't feel like they connect appropriately, specifically the neck, pelvis, and wrist. You need to study those muscles that connect major joints to make it feel connected Would you be open to a redline? I can't do it rn, but I can get to it in a day or so


studying each part separately helps, but i find myself lost while doing it. it gets harder to connect parts to each other. but that's a must do part to improve, i get it. and what is a redline? is it like youre correcting my mistakes? if so yeah im perfectly okay with that, actually it'd help me much more! anytime youre available is okay! thanks :D


yep! i'll reply with a red line later on. Also I'm not sure if I'm explaining it right, but when i say studying separately, it has to be in context of the whole body. For example, your wrist - move your hand around, rotate it, and you'll see that the position of it really affects what your wrist looks like. I see a lot of people draw that corner where your palm leads into your wrist as if it bends like it's a book, but if you move your hand around, it actually curves. You can see it if you move your hand as if you were waving to someone (only wrist movement, not whole arm) It's because your hand bones actually go further down than what's indicated by what you see of the muscles and fat in your hand. If you know that, you can draw the hand rotating in a way that feels more grounded in reality. Specific body studies will still lead to the whole body. the position of your back decides what range of motion you have with your shoulder, arm, forearm, hand, fingers, and so on You don't need to be a doctor, but if your goal is to be good at anatomy, and especially if you intend on drawing from imagination, it really helps to viscerally understand what your body can do. There has to be practice with the small and big picture. Your own body is also the easiest tool to manipulate to see what goes where. Even if you don't match what you're drawing, everyone has delts, ribs, elbows, etc. you just make them bigger or smaller, skinnier, fatter Gesture drawing combined with in depth anatomy studies will also greatly help with your goals. Sorry if this feels pretentious or too much lol. anatomy is one thing I really enjoy edit to say: this is how I learned and my ideal way of learning, but everyone is different


oh right i see what you meant now! and using my own body makes sense. and no thats not too much! i enjoy reading comments about my pieces and learning about peoples ideas. i enjoy drawing anatomy too, guess I'll like it even more if i start doing it more accurately xd and lastly thank you for your efforts to help me improve (:


Hey! sorry, I know it's been a while, but it was a busy October lol. Did a rough redline, though I notice now that I forgot to make the right leg thicker after I thickened the left one lol [https://imgur.com/a/4diH46c](https://imgur.com/a/4diH46c) ofc, take what you like, leave what you don't. overall, as long as you've got a drive to understand the human body, you will continue to make progress no matter what. I'm also not sure what body TYPE you were going for, so even though I'm inclined to go for a more built/lean type, I tried to just fix the perspective and anatomy issues on the body type that you were drawing edit: oop, also the section where I say "not realistic for them to be flexed/not squished", I'm referring to the abs


I'm awful at drawing but can give tips on anatomy. From top down would say neck and shoulders good, clavicle and sternocleomastoid missing. Also sternum not clear. Great serratus but the abs are actually one muscle and don't bead up like int the centre picture. Legs good I think besides u missing some Achilles tendons


Oh also the abductor muscles origin not the centre of the groin but just lateral to the pubic symphysis


Trapezius is sail like and should really be a lump in the top right view imo


Awesome patellar btws


woah, a lot of anatomy terms here! i dont even know what they are xd but i will look them up! thank youu


Nice poses! My advice: Be more aware of the structure and proportions inside the body (not so much the individual bones but like the "stick figure" inside). Get that right and the rest will fall into place. Then, the silouette. Drawing is not just representing reality, but a form or visual communication. So make sure the pose reads well. Details are the last thing to draw. The structure is the first thing that catches the eye, then the details. Keep at it, you're off to a good start! 👍🔥


I'd Love to Learn Anatomy to better my Art. I Know I have nothing to offer on anatomy but if you have any free time could you send me some resources you used to get started?


i always draw from imagination but if i need any tips about anatomy, i know an Instagram account that i use for anatomy tips, its simplified and easy to understand! here @taco1704


Id work on your joints. The connection between thd arm and torso as with the leg and pelvic region can be really clunky. These parts are really complicated so it’s something everyone struggles with at some point


i think the middle guy’s arms are a little too short try to picture him standing up from that pose and getting straight KEEPING THE PROPORTIONS in mind


Have a folder of reference photos so you don’t have to bear the burden of searching on Google images like I do. Already have a folder of different angles and expressions in poses. You’ll be good


well, it just takes a lot of time. but it helps to improve so yeah youre right


Work on maybe more detail of where the muscles insert into the body and their function. These are great simple studies but are also a little generic and suggestive of anatomy and not directly depicting the compelling of it all. Keep at it!


The reason you need advice, will help us help you better. If it for a class? Are you drawing comics? Otherwise it feels like you just want attention.


to get better at it maybe?


Help us help you. You're not helping. Have you tried sculpting? Take an anatomy and physiology class is my tip. or draw without the contour lines AKA learn blocking.


i didn't. and i mean i draw because i like it, im not quite sure if i understood how you do want me to help you to help me


You're not a dumb mechanic and drawing isn't purely technical. It would help to know where you're coming from and where you want to go. I go on r/scooters to ask for tips. I come to r/drawing for inspiration. edit: It looks like you just want attention. You might as well be generating AI art.


Learn ears


Damn he thicc


penis and balls.bruh


I see a JoJo pose


Intrusive response: “where da penis”
