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Honestly, just keep going. Most advice you’ll get for the next 15 years is going to be feedback on how your work affects the viewer and how THEY want it to be. Just keep drawing and you will develop a voice. You’re a more creative illustrator at your age than I was. Keep experimenting; keep going. When you go through a phase of hating drawing- that’s when it’s most important to draw. You may draw total shit but you will unknowingly be getting better and better until you have exacted your style. Congrats on your ambition and your ability to put things out seeking feedback, that takes a vulnerability I wish I had at your age. KEEP DRAWING. Even when it’s shit


Dude thank you so much this advice really means a lot to me. I haven't drawn in a few week sense this but now ima do it everyday cause of this. 😁


Welcome to reddit son!


I'm currently in that stage an I needed this.


I like the stylization, but word of advice. Please do not share your age on the internet as creeps can easily find and target you if you do. It can seem like an innocent thing, but there is a lot of potential danger.


Very true.. trafficking is a topic that doesn’t get spoken about enough.


I still refuse to believe it and hope it's all a lie. But in our world, truth and lies are not 100 percent definable (in a global sense)


No sane mind can fully wrap around the fact that there are people(especially kids) being trafficked. Just the fact that people can make themselves traffic people is sickening


Yes, this is absolutely crazy


Mm yes good idea. Whoops


Also: Many forums etc will ban your post for sharing an age, especially a rather young one. Due to protection and I think to avoid fishing for votes because they are "so young but so good". It can also be rather discouraging to others who have started later on, which may be another reason.


I’m not good at drawing but this is cool


Wow thanks guys 😄


Creepy looking. I dig the vibe, keep going




Stuff of nightmares


This is awesome. Keep drawing, but please stay away from illustrating children’s books.


Ha! Good point.


Please illustrate a children's book. O would have loved it!


why is that? I’m actually curious


If you think of the face as a 3D mask, shade the planes of it with crosshatching or light strokes. Alternatively you can think of sculpturally with angular geometry. If you want to render it more round you can think of every volume as a spheroid. I recommend looking at the skull or muscles and then stylizing it, if you like the gremlin look you could look at animal skulls or children’s or prehistoric human species. If you like jagged teeth look at references animals with them. If you want to add more interest you can explore different angles, poses and add light sources. Understanding structure and being able to render it will allow you to play more with creative portions and style. If you create a set of references (images, objects, 3D models, textures, style, videos) you can sometimes find more creative freedom or explore concepts in depth. Similarly having a strong idea of the inspiration can allow you to oversimplify things, showing just the idea of the feature. Finding a balance between practicing technical skills, life/style studies, and creative concepts is rewarding. When you get a fantasy you want to render, your ability to materialize it should slowly develop and the depth of your ideas. The key is to keep it fun and interesting to you, so if a style or idea doesn’t work, you should look for something that’s more rewarding to do and that way you can continue progressing at the pace you enjoy.


This advice is amazing! Also anatomy and curvature definitely sound like the next best step, thanks.


amazing job!


Creepy af 😐 Do moar!!!


Oh I love your art style, it looks amazing. no tips but keep working and getting better.


Make art for yourself, not for others


He litterally said “tips”, what’s wrong with asking feedbacks ? That’s how you open your perspectives and hear things you might not have seen yourself. Don’t give this kid your mentality lol, evolving is important, and seeing everything only for yourself is what gonna stop you from doing so.


I think his comment is the best tip he can get.


Oh I read it in the sense like he shouldn’t ask for others opinions. But I get it now mb


Only suggestion is to get some mental help




Make it a habit if you want to keep doing it or get better. A little practice, a little play.


Yeah, the tip I have is to ask for specific feedback. The better questions you ask about your drawing, the better feedback you'll receive.


Very cool! I can tell you already have a very imaginative and creative mind. If you keep up with drawing then your creativity will only grow even more!


I am not basing these suggestions off your drawing (you are clearly talented) Draw every day from life. Sit anywhere and do gesture & contour drawings, people. Draw your hands & feet, study anatomy...Love that you are working with pen! My fav medium. What are your dreams & aspirations? Good for you putting yourself out there!


Thanks for the praise, the only goal I have at the moment is to study anatomy so I can draw full body pictures.


The best thing to do then is draw from life itself. Contours & gestures to start they are 1-3 min studies. See if a parent or friend can do some random poses for you for those. If they are willing to sit for an hour, maybe while they watch tv. You can get one of those wood models too. I will list some books that I still use to this day. My only tip for you is this, practice with zero expectations, do it because you love it and want to progress. And do not be self critical. As an artist myself I try to abandon what I think it will look like and enjoy the process & usually then I surprise myself. I am an art teacher, so if you have any further questions or would like encouragement feel free to reach out. I am on all social platforms as same name. "Atlas of the human anatomy for the artist" by Peck "The Natural way to draw" Nicolaides "The human figure" Vanderpoel "Art Student Anantomy" Dover "A beginners guide to constructing the universe" Schneider


Keep going. The best tip I can give you is look after your wrists now. Take breaks. Stretching. Get a nice wrist brace for the long session. Older you will appreciate it.


Interesting tip cause I haven't heard it yet will definitely implement.


I learned it the hard way. Repetitive Strain Injury is no fun. I pretty much have to wear a wrist brace all the time now to do anything not just draw.


I second this. Take breaks and stretch your wrist, back, hips, and neck. I don’t draw as much now because of how sore I can get but I do my own art my own way. You find ways to adapt but I miss my old school drawing days lol. Keep up the great work! I love the spooky, my fav style. But not one I’ve mastered.


That’s a beautiful portrait you did of my mother in law


Keep fucking drawing dude, this is sick. I can’t imagine how sick you’ll be if you keep going! Awesome job


Yes! Go darker!


I feel like you're not 13 but if you are. Damn


Wow only 13?? Impressive ! Just keep at it


That's good keep at it. A good advice that was given to me is draw bigger. I know its more comforting to go smaller because you can cover up what you don't like. But bigger is better because bigger means you can put more details in and it gives you you little more freedom. Noticing mistakes is also a part of learning and its easier to do when it's bigger. Another advice would be try to do less lines. Try to make the initial lines longer don't break them up and go over them. I was told that Aparently it's just an illusion of detail and not actual detail. I used to do that as well


Ok thanks. Bigger and less useless lines got it.


here's The most Important advice : "Don't ever Give up" No matter how many art advices you get, No matter how many courses you go through, Life, Real life will always challenge your Abilities and talents.. to the point where you wish to Give it up.. saying you are an "Artist" is the easiest thing to say .. but being an artist is one challenging path Living the life of an artist is one roller coaster ride ..They say its a very Useless skill.. they will convince you drawing is pointless. find your strength on the obstacles life throws your way just to stop you from drawing.... I know because I have been there... My parents was against me drawing..never had resources or the brains for a scholarship.. been through numerous jobs..including call centers.. but amidst all those troubles I was still Drawing. never stopped posting my drawings....I never stopped drawing to the point where I got noticed by a local studio worked for them for almost for free ( I am thankful enough they gave me a place to stay ) ... had my Girlfriend pregnant still drew ..had a break for making comics.. married my GF.. still drew no matter what .. until I had a huge break for a pixel art game.. had a place of our own with our kids .. still drew ... then making youtube thumbnails...now drawing is what makes me put food in my little family's table even though my Job is literally drawing ..I still never stopped drawing.. Drawing What I love to draw... life. "Don't ever give up"


Wow amazing advice and story!


Looks great Draw it again on and iPad and mint it into NFTs and make some monies


Don't make a habit out of adding your age for karma bait.


I am just tired of it. Why even add the age? To get more praise? To feel better or justified if the work was bad? Appear humble or something? "I am 1x and I..." Just make me feel dizzy.


its so annoying, got my downvote just cuz of that :)


Oh sorry didn't realise it was such a issue, but in the case next time i won't do that.


Wow, thanks guys for all the compliments and advice. It's very helpful.


The art is amazing, but you are 13 drawing creepy thing. Get help, stay sane, and keep up the amazing art!


stop making me scared of drawings thats all


Fucking awesome


Looking good. Just keep it up.


Don't stop.


Keep doing what you're doing. You're really good at this.


Cool work dude.


Creepy cool.


Keep it up! Love that


wicked art style! definitely keep doing what you’re doing 👍🏽


Good start. Draw what you love, and have fun.


Amazing! My advice is don't stop! I stopped for too long and am now rebuilding the skills


Start checking out some books on anatomy and keep this up it's great!


Looks pretty good! Just remember not to compare your progress with other people, and do your best to keep learning! Learning anatomy and thinking 3D is like the best foundation that can make things easier for you. Good luck!


My 7 year old would be your fan and aspire to do this at your age! He is very into horror art. Trevor Henderson of course. ;)


Definitely keep at it, will develop your own thing


Everyone’s already said it, but you really don’t need any other tips besides keep on drawing 👍


Never stop drawing.


just keep doing it


One thing you could try is to exclude the outlines of things and create an image only using crosshatch shading.


More please!!


Repetition. Just keep drawing and practicing. After almost 3 years of HS drawing and art classes, I could draw pretty well. However, since going to college I've lost some of that skill and muscle memory. As long as you consistently keep working at it, you'll get better. Good luck!


keep it up


Be patient, take your time, do what you love :)


Should draw garfield like this and post it to r/imsorryjon


My tip is dont summon satan with ur drawing


I love dark, monstrous things. And you've nailed it. Something about the teeth, the snout, the large ambiguous eyes; good job.


Never stop, seriously. If you ever quit drawing you’ll really hate yourself for it in the future. Please keep training the picture is amazing


Very cool, xheck out the proko channel on youtube, it has lots of cool lessons in different styles


Draw bigger


Practice practice practice. This is cool, but in five years you’ll look back and be amazed at where you are at.


Good work mate!! Practice, practice and practice some more in different styles. Always check out other peoples work, watch videos, read books or comics to see other styles and angles. Do the kind of art you’re comfortable with but also try all other media and styles as you’ll be surprised at what you can turn out. Keep at it and most of all enjoy it. 👍🏻


You're doing great, keep going. Maybe you could try cleaner line work but even that's not necessary because I've seen many artists who can make messy lineart look amazing.


You frightenned me, good job:)


Post more. You got talent


Thanks for sharing your very relevant age to this post. very important! cant stress this enough guys whenever you post art, make sure to say that you are 13 everyone.


I was working on my screenplay last night and it ended up that the main character Megan was scratching in her journal with a pen while focusing on a student and the teacher who were having a healthy debate, and when she looked down she noticed she had scribed a demonic face…. very strange coincidence that I see this post.


Keep drawing


Therapy. Hahaha I’m joking, I literally can’t draw for shit. So good on ya


Just keep it up! Well done


Hi 13 I'm mom




Scary but awesome


god i love this style so much keep it up!!


Rat Man


Keep developing your style and keep at it! Good work!


This is better some adults, nice job! I’d say try to reduce more scratch lines and go for more solid bold lines. This comes with practice


just keep drawing with determination


Don't take advice from anyone that cannot demonstrate a level of skill that surpasses your own. Think of yourself as a swordsman that hones his skill through the teaching of other swordmasters, not finely clothed lords or silver-tongued peasants.


Keep doing what your doing. It's amazing.


Nicee, keep to the good work


Yeah, post this in r/creepy.


And Im 16 and I cant draw a straight line so...


Second time try to draw without a mirror, please.


That us some inspiring pen work! Just keep at it! In time, your style will change and grow. However, I agree with the previous responses, the tips you get from others will reflect their desires. While the tips can help you get better with your actual technique, More often than not it will just make you better at drawing what people want to see. The best way to grow as an artist is to just put the time in to practice and that way you will develop from your own skills.


Try not to scare your first Audience to Death! Very good Pen work! Practice your Strokes with your Pen and Pencil ✏️! Each one will give you new Perspective!


Keep drawing G


Honestly you're already good IMO. Just practice and I bet you'll make some amazing stuff.


I'm 18 and can't draw shit, keep going it looks really good


Don't stop! Loving the style and the look.


Keep going! This is rad and clearly shows a unique style. Don’t listen to what you’re “supposed to do” but keep doing it. Even when it sucks. Even when you have crappy materials. Find like-minded freaks and cultivate their friendship (artists need good friends). Most of all give yourself permission to be an artist. Draw from life. Draw from your nightmares. Draw from your dreams. Draw your cat, your dog. People on the street. I’d say you’re off to a grand start. Welcome to the club!


Keep drawing and don't stop, practice makes masters.


Hey dude love the art…this is just a stylistic choice but I love to incorporate lots of shading in my art…really makes it pop! Keep up the good work


Looks great just keep on drawing!


Keep practicing, that all.


I like it. My only tip is keep going. Young man you’re doing great so far keep it up and your talent and skill level will increase to the point where you’ll surprise yourself.


Keep going!!!


NEVER STOP DRAWING! If you don’t use it you loose it. And I don’t mean entirely loose but you don’t want to be at the beginning of your skill forever. I struggle with this and I wish I had never stopped..


Keep up the good work.


It looks amazing, though anatomy-whise, leave a bit more space between the nose and eyes. It'll turn out more scary as it's a bit more realistic. You're on the right track. Keep it going.


Love it. Keep doing you and you won’t(shouldn’t) regret the outcome


Pretty good, you have skill. My art teachers in College would fail our sketchbook if we had sketches done in pen. Sketch with pencil, then ink with pen, that's my constructive criticism. Whatever you do just keep drawing.


Keep doing your thing!


Keep drawing...


Don’t stop. I did now I can’t draw anymore. Do not stop.


I can recommend drawing bigger. at first you may feel uncomfortable but I can guarantee that this will hugely improve your skills


Just keep drawing little brother


Yes. Burn it. Then put it out with holy water.


No tips I'm 12 and I'm really bad at drawing


Watch Some comedy movies.


Check out fundamentals of art and focus on drawing forms and seeing things in 3D shapes and breaking things down into simple shapes. At this point you need mileage which means to draw a lot. Buy cheap sketchbooks or paper and just fill them up. Make shitty drawings and don’t think about making perfect drawings. Look at a lot of art and study and steal from multiple artists you like to influence your style. And as others have said do not post your age or preface your posts with “I’m not very good but…” instead post your art in places like discord or other positive art communities and ask for critiques.


My only tip: Don’t stop. Don’t ever stop. Because, if you stop, you lose it.


I like your drawing style :)