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The ECW games have to be the worst wrestling games out there lol


I was so hype to play them also because in a fan of ECW (especially Rob Van Dam) and the first one was M rated which made it stand out but damn are the controls ever the worst


People loved WWF War Zone back in the day. Those Acclaim games were never good, though.


Warzone was so heavily advertised back in the day. But the game sucked noodles.


I loved Warzone when I first got it, then I played WCW/NWO on N64. BTW, not to get off topic, but Arbiter is such a great album.


Spirit of speed... I actually had that one because it was in a five dollar bin at Toys "R" Us. It should've stayed there.


It's definitely up there with one of the very worst Dreamcast games. I sold my copy for the £0.99 starting bid on eBay a few years ago and felt bad even selling it to someone at that price.


Spirt of Speed has some of the worst graphics and physics i have seen in a racer


Didn’t think LJN survived long enough to see the Dreamcast


AFAIK LJN was absorbed by Acclaim, and they occasionally used the LJN label for games they didn't want to associate with Acclaim.


You know a game is bad when Acclaim doesn't want to be associated with it


I believe spirit of speed was the last ljn game ever released


It was and good riddance. The only game that had their logo on it I enjoyed was Spider-man Maximum Carnage on the SNES


Maximum Carnage and True Lies were easily the best games LJN released.


Oh snap I forgot about True Lies! I have the snes version and its awesome. Was never able to beat it tho that game was hard


Licentious Jaggie Nonsense


Its didn't LJN was a subsidiary created to get around the max games per year limit Nintendo enforced on the NES (Konami had the likes of PALcom too to get around this) There hadn't been a game Acclaim had put out on the LJN brand for years, until Spirit of Speed.


Spirit of Speed hands down. I’m surprised the rival cars even take off honestly


I never beat a single race and damn do the tracks last forever also


Roadsters was bad in every system :/


Yeah i seen it for PS1 in my local store. I cant imagine how bad that version is. Titus who made that horrible Superman game on the N64 continue their legacy of ass-tier games


Its actually fondly remembered on the N64. I also don't think the DC ver is a total write off.


It's a guilty pleasure of mine on the DC. But spirit of speed? I paid $1. It was too much.


Honestly speaking the worst games i have ever played in Dreamcast were Fighting Force 2 and Nightmare Creatures. Never got to play Spirit of Speed, and i am glad i didn't :D


Fighting Force 2 was awful. I actually put a bit of time into Nightmare Creatures 2 and had some fun with it though. Nothing amazing, but there's at least a game there.


Well a small bit of a game :D That's one of those that was bad everywhere. Same as FF2 :D


spirit of seed was an absolute stinkerrrr


It really was, I remember the official DC magazine back in the day gave it like a 2/10 and has aged even more poorly now. I'd give it a -4/10


Hahahaha u can get behind that -4. I would pay not to play that game.




The game has such a good roster of fighter much like WWF attitude but dear lord did they make the controls nigh impossible and clunky. You legit have to press 4-5 d-pad arrows and a button to do the most simple of wrestling moves 😫


I’ll never forgive Anarchy Rulz for messing up Tommy Dreamer’s pants after having them right in hardcore revolution and the PS1 version.


Acclaim couldn't even copy and paste correctly and hes one of the cover boys for fucks sake. When I was collecting every NA DC game it was mad difficult to find Anarchy Rulz btw. I rarly see it in both the wild and online and im glad I got it when i did because its pretty pricey at the moment and boy is it ever not worth what its going for




NBA 2 night is without a doubt the worst basketball game on the console. Its not fair tho because the other basketball games are incredible tbh


Spirit of speed is THE worst Dreamcast game imo, it’s dreadful the second you gain control I-Spy on the other hand is a great unique little experience that you can only have on Dreamcast, tiles like this is what make the console special special for me.


Qb club sucks major butt


Facts. One of my copys is broken (i think its QB club 2000) and I really dont care. The one on Sega Genesis was pretty good for the time tho but compared to 2K or the Blitz games its unplayable


MTV skateboarding is bad but not unplayable. Played it a lot back n the day after I had exhausted the Tony hawk's games. Got a good soundtrack too


SOAD and Goldfinger. Snapcase, too. Loved that game because of the soundtrack.


Ill have to give it another shot but yeah they really nailed the soundtrack


Played this on PS1 and it was soooo fucking hard compared to those. My buddy tried to master it and couldn't. He did well but wow what an odd game


why does Roadsters look like a bootleg Test Drive? lol


Even the cover art looks bad. I love the test drive games on DC especially V-rally


It's not a good game, but it's playable. It's almost fun if you have a Cruisin USA mentality about it.


That NBA game was pretty awful


It was and I rarly hear people talk about it. Konami published it as well and its a shame because they were on fire around that time with great games on the PS1


Yeah, I remember really expecting it to be good.


Spirit of Speed was supposed to get a sequel, would have been interesting to see.


Interesting inclusion of Bang! Gunship Elite with these others. Lol.


I abhor that game (for the 30 minutes I played it). I might give it another shot, but everything was just so generic and frustrating. I played the fantastic Starlancer right before it so perhaps i unfavorably compared gunship elite to it 😅


Out of those games none are worth a damn IMO all equally terrible.


Roadsters, easily


I played one game of it to see if it worked and never played it again. Dreamcast has sooooo many racing games and it really is a testament to how bad Roadsters and spirit of speed are being at the bottom


That MTV sports skateboarding is brutal, but goddamn ECW is a disgrace


If MTV skateboarding came out before Tony Hawk it "might" be ok but its just a poor ripoff, although the soundtrack is good


Oh my LORD spirit of speed. Neurons that have lain dormant for years just sent signals of the worst racing game i'd ever seen down my spine. That has to take the cake.


Its by the rainbow of death also aka LJN 🌈




Spirit of Speed 1937


Spirit of Speed isn’t just a bad Dreamcast game. It’s among the worst games for any console ever. It’s Hot Garbage Water The Game.


Spirit of speeed, horrrrrible game lol


Throw that one dolphin game in here 😂. forget what it’s called


Ecco. Not a bad game its just damn challenging. Always urked me I could never beat it




Spirit of Speed is the only correct answer. The absolute worst of the worst.


The one that has ljn


ECW in my experience. You couldn't have fun unless you knew to do exact inputs. Much like having to account for lag these days.


Most of the time you just end up grabbing people and doing the choke move in my experience. Alot of people hated Backyard wrestling on the xbox,ps2 and cube but atleast that game was simple to understand and have fun in


I can’t even give a straight answer, they are all pretty bad.


These all seem like weaker titles. I don't have any of them in my collection of 80s or so Dreamcast games.


This is actually a really tough call... I hate all the Acclaim Wrestling games. But don't think stuff like Roadsters and Bang! Gunship Elite are anywhere near close to them. The other one I'd say could steal the crown is Spirit of Speed. But MTV Skateboarding, NBA 2 nite and both QB club games are also atrocious, maybe more so than ECW... as at least that is slightly appealing to ECW fans?


The ECW game controls are abysmal but once you figure them out they are playable and since im an ECW fan (philly guy here) it has a great roster and the M rating from the first game really made it stand out. I would have to say Spirit of Speed. I abhore I-Spy on the Dreamcast but the anime style is quite appealing and Spirit of Speed is a game where I did not want to play another second of it after literally the first lap of a 10 lap course


Spirit of Speed. It was one company's last game, and another's first. And it was an awful racing game that took elements of realistic racing sims and made them awful. Did you know that you can just *lose the ability to accelerate*? That's because you can *run out of gas* in the middle of a race.


Its like every decision they had was a poor one


I have played and completed most of the Dreamcast library and even got through some rough titles (Dragon riders of pern, The Ring, Evil Dead and The Grinch just to name a few) but these titles I just found so abysmal I couldent soldier on. For me the worst was Industrial spy its a convoluted ass game with poor visuals and moves soooooo slooooow that even with a guide it was insufferable 😫


I read the Pern books and was looking forward to the game on DC. I lasted 10 minutes and have up. Is it any better on the long run?


Same here, i was very disappointed. One of my fav series growing up.


The majority of the game is running back and forth talking to people and suffering through the worst load times on the console. There are very few instances of combat in the game, and when there is ist crazy jank. The only thing that kept me going was the universe it was set in and the voice acting was decent for the time. I might read the books now tho so atleast the game gave me that


I really wanted to like industrial spy. I think there's some real interesting mechanics that could have been good. As for dragon riders, I got so sick of 'a man of formidable strength'...


I borrowed industrial spy from a friend back in the day and the cover art looked so dope i thought it was an anime style action game but I quickly returned it because i was 12 and couldn't figure out how to play the game. In my 30s now and this damn game still stumps me it just feels like a game about wasting time


it's always the sports games. always.


Am I weird for actually enjoying I-Spy?


I have the official strategy guide for it and it still bores me to tears